Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Michael Denton: ‘The Miracle of the Cell’

Darwinism is Religulous.

by StFerdIII


Darwinian theology is religulous.  It is not a science.  Biology and basic chemistry mock Darwinism.  Micro-biological detail and real science make it clear that Darwinism is a fraud.  What came first the heart or a circulatory system?  Blood or glucose?  A cell membrane or cytoplasm?  How would all the elements which comprise the infinite complexity of the cell, ‘evolve’ over ‘time’?  The cell would not survive.  It is all or nothing.  Denton has exposed the religulous credulity of the Darwin cult in a few books.  There is not a single refutation of this thesis of complexity.  Complex structures including software code, decompose.  The opposite has never been observed, seen, or even attempted in a laboratory, forget the natural environment.


Trillions of atoms self-assembling by chance? Really?

…instantiated is also far beyond ordinary experience. A cell consists of trillions of atoms, representing the complexity of a jumbo jet and more, packed into a space less than a millionth of the volume of a typical grain of sand. But unlike any jumbo jet, unlike any nano-tech, or indeed unlike even the most advanced human technology of any kind, this wondrous entity can replicate itself. Here is an “infinity machine” with seemingly magical powers.


Metabolism, oxygen diffusion, what came first and what ‘evolved’?

For the large body cells (more than ten microns across) of mammals, for instance, the diffusion rates of molecules, including oxygen in water, must be very close to what they are. If they were much less, a circulatory system in large multicellular organisms would be impossible, and cells with high metabolic rates like our own would be restricted to tiny bacterial-sized bags of molecules too small to contain an inventory of complex, higher-order molecular systems. Such systems feature microtubules, molecular motors, and other components of the cytoskeleton. These components are vital for abilities that are essential to the embryonic development of advanced multicellular organisms, abilities that include crawling, following chemical gradients, changing shape, and selectively adhering to other cells.


How did different cells magically ‘evolve’?  Who designed them?

One element of this fitness is manifest in their incomparable diversity of form. Contrast a neuron with a red blood cell, a skin cell with a liver cell, an amoeboid leucocyte with a muscle cell. Each of these different forms is found in the human body, and many more. Or consider the diversity of ciliate protozoans. From the trumpet-like Stentor to the dashing Paramecium, the universe of ciliate form is absurdly diverse. Or take the radiolarians (see Figure 1.1). Even within this small related group of organisms, the diversity of cell forms is stunning. And yet every member of this fantastic zoo of radiolarian forms is built on exactly the same canonical design.


Semi-permeable cell membrane ‘evolved’ along with the cell or what came first?

Perhaps the most important function of the membrane is providing the cell with a semipermeable bounding membrane to separate it from the external environment. No cell could survive without some sort of membrane that was relatively impermeable to the cell’s constituents, especially small metabolites such as sugars and amino acids but also larger molecules such as proteins and RNAs.


How did different cellular respiration methods ‘evolve’?  If they ‘evolved’ wouldn’t early cells just die?

cellular respiration refers to the aerobic type, which occurs in the mitochondria of all advanced aerobic organisms; but this is not the only type of cellular respiration. Many unicellular organisms use other electron acceptors as the terminal oxidant besides oxygen. Methanogens use CO2, which is reduced to methane (CH4). Other microbes reduce sulfate SO4 to sulfide. Some even “breathe metals,” reducing ferric ions Fe3+ to ferrous ions Fe2+, while others reduce Mn4+ to Mn2+. But all these alternative “oxidants” generate far less energy than the reduction of oxygen to water. All anaerobes using alternative oxidants instead of free oxygen are simple, unicellular lifeforms. Glycolysis and aerobic cellular respiration are carried out in different compartments of the cell. The reactions of glycolysis occur in the cytoplasm of our body cells while the reactions involved in cellular respiration occur in the mitochondria. Only cellular respiration, involving the complete oxidation of the body’s biofuels to CO2 and H2O, provides sufficient ATP to supply the energy demands of advanced metabolically active organisms such as ourselves.


Did ATP ‘evolve’?  If so how did ‘early’ cells survive? No ATP, no cellular survival.

ATP and energy-rich phosphates are uniquely suited for the roles they fill. Without them, no carbon-based cell, even the most primitive that we can conceive of, could ever have emerged, either on Earth or on some exoplanet in “a galaxy far, far away.”


How did chlorophyll ‘evolve’ using magnesium and if it did how was oxygen produced to support both flora and fauna life?

Chlorophyll: For oxygen-utilizing aerobic life forms, magnesium plays a vital role in the main light-collecting molecule, chlorophyll. Peter Atkins waxes lyrical about its role in the capture of sunlight: Without chlorophyll, the world would be a damp warm rock instead of the softly green haven of life that we know, for chlorophyll holds its magnesium eye to the sun and captures the energy of sunlight, in the first step of photosynthesis.…


How did the complex cellular development of the embryo ‘evolve’?  Without the completed process the embryo simply does not exist and does not develop into a living organism.

It is hard to envisage any material phenomenon more complex than the development of the embryo, involving as it does the integration of such a myriad of precisely coordinated events. The totality is beyond grasp. It involves a seeming infinity of subtle and exquisitely choreographed changes in the architecture and shape of cells in different parts of the embryo; precise spatial and temporal ordering of myriads of changes in cell surface properties in different parts of the embryo; numerous precisely ordered cell divisions, particularly in the earlier stages of embryogenesis; a vast diversity of emergent cell movements and cellular morphologies; the setting up of all manner of diffusion gradients; and the programming of numerous cell types to read their exact position in these gradients at precisely predetermined times.


Darwin’s cult cannot explain any of the above.  Nothing.  Complexity defeats Darwinism every single time.  This philosophy is just another world-view, divorced from science, but skilled in the usage of tautological statements, jargon and gibberish and of course fraud.