Sunday, October 10, 2021

Dinosaur tissue and the Church of Darwin

Anti-Science, Anti-Facts.

by StFerdIII



From the fraud and non-Science of Evolution, based on materialism, deep time and mutations (most are neutral or negative, almost none are positive), it is not a far jump in this Age of the Orc, or the Age of Stupid, whatever you prefer, to other non-science fantasies such as a Corona ‘pandemic’, or ‘Changing Climate from man-made emissions of plant-food' (.04% of gas by weight, 95% emitted by Gaia).  Science in the modern word-salad really means fiction and made up data and stories. 


For Evolution the Father of the Trinity is Deep Time (his Son is mutations).  The Holy Father of Darwin’s Church allows all sorts of miracles to happen.  The ‘Big Bang’, nothing creating everything, explosions creating order from chaos, a single cell magically mutating over 2 million (?) years to become a 70 trillion cell human, itself just an animal offshoot of a great common ancestral ape, the progenitor of all simians, some having tails, many without.   


The Darwinian Religion must cling to its Bible and the Gospel of Father Deep Time.  Without the Father, there is no Son (mutations), nor Holy Ghost (magical selection).


What about Dinosaur tissue?  Every single human culture has oral, written and artistic detail about Dinosaurs.  6th century Beowulf depicts a pterodactyl and a T-Rex.  Pottery found all over the world contains detailed drawings of dinosaurs, many dating back thousands of years.  The book of Job in the Old Testament clearly describes Brontosaurus’ and Plesiosaurs.  Was there a world-wide conspiracy of ‘anti-Darwinists’, making up such tales and details for thousands of years?


For the past 30 years, the evidence of Dinosaur soft tissue has been overwhelming.  The original Church of Darwin reaction was to ignore the evidence.  Then they attacked anyone discovering or reporting it.  When more soft tissue was consistently discovered, they claimed it was not Dinosaur soft tissue but something else.  When cartilage was reported (which bacteria do not have), they invented implausible theories of how it could survive millions of years under special conditions of chemistry.  ‘Iron’ casings somehow ‘preserved’ the tissue, even though such tissue has been found in many regions of the world and there is no evidence to support this theory. 


Now the tactic is to say that cartilage is a ‘unique’ vertebrate tissue inclined to long-age preservation, even in fossilised cell nuclei which contain remnant organic molecules dating back to 125 million Darwinian years.  The problem for Darwinists is that cell DNA will degrade within hours of death.  So how would organic molecules and DNA last 125 million Darwinian years?  At most, these soft tissue fossils are a few thousand years or even less in age. 


The only answer that the cult of Darwin will have against Dinosaur soft tissue and cellular DNA is to state, ‘we know that such material cannot last 75 million, or 125 million years, but it did, and we need further research and funding to find out how’.  The apriori hypothesis is based on deep time.  The foregone conclusion is based on deep time.  All analysis and funding will be based on deep time.  This is not science, but a totalitarian philosophy where there is only ‘one’ right answer. 


This is the outcome of the cultural destruction emanating from the ‘Enlightenment’, in which there is only ‘one method’, ‘one answer’, ‘one approach’.  An enlightened person would call this ‘anti-science’ as would anyone who offers that soft Dinosaur tissue can last 125 million years.  Magic and miracles in the Church of Darwin indeed.