Corona is nothing but two years of lies, terror, deceit, dead, wounded, society deranged, elections stolen, mandates, impositions, passes, endless propaganda, and evil. Why? There is no pandemic. Death rates never changed. The average age of death from Corona in the UK is still over 80, many obese, almost all with pre-conditions. The chance of a child under 18 dying is statistically 0.000%. The real number of dead from just Corona in the UK is about 10.000 (ONS admits this). The rest (some 130.000 they claim), died ‘with’ Corona, based on the falsified and useless PCR tests, itself found in 5 courts of law, not to identify Corona strains but rather simple and common strains of the cold and influenza. If you take away the PCR tests and the ‘with’ category of allegedly Corona dead, there is no pandemic, no need for mandates and certainly no need for lockdowns or ‘passes’.
Worse the ‘vaccinations’ which contain metals, poisons, spike producing mRNA or adenoviral matter (both end up doing the same thing in your body, namely producing 30 Trillion or more spike proteins which ‘attack’ the Corona virus); are killing and injuring people worldwide. VAERS in the US now lists 17.000 dead from the Stabs, the UK almost 2.000. Millions are injured. These reports are only 10% or less of the real totals. Add in the dead from lockdowns estimated to be 50.000 in the UK and the 20.000 allegedly murdered through government orders in old age homes, through the mandated usage of midazolam, an end-of-life drug, and we have at least 100.000 murdered by the government in the UK, juxtaposed against 10.000 or so who died over 2 years, from Corona.
The past 2 years have seen freedom and people slaughtered. It is mass murder and carnage, yet 80% of the population is happy with it, willingly complies with the inanity of wearing a face-anus-wrap or diaper, and with bulging eyes, believes every criminal utterance from Fake News, Politicians and Pharma, about scariants or dead totals. The Sheeple are plugged into their cult and matrix, oblivious of real life, or the destruction of their civilisation, terrified and cowering over a 99.85% survival rate flu. The Criminal Pharma stands to make $100 billion in profits just in 2022. Plenty of money to buy health agencies, news outlets, Politicians and Parliaments.
Now we have the fascistic hate toward the UnJabbed. These people are now demonised, abused, accused of murder and being anti-science. In some locales they are locked-down and locked out of society and have lost their jobs. All the evidence is that they were right, and everyone else was wrong. Yet the fruits of being prudent and above the roaring hysterical insanity now means that being Unstabbed is the new, hated Jew. A vermin, a pestilence, an ‘anti-vaxx’ war monger, parading and fighting with ignorance against the ‘science’. Some ‘thing’ to be eliminated.
How did all this happen?
Nietzsche despite his many faults and probable insanity, was prescient. He did not accept the ‘Jeffersonian’ view of Enlightened ‘rationalism’, viewing Jefferson and the Enlightenment, quite rightly, as irrational and self-serving. He equated Jeffersonian and Enlightenment ideals as repackaged, and repurposed Christianity, with the Orthodoxy of Christian belief stripped away, allowing for the creation and manifestation of the modern world’s intellectual and philosophical crisis, namely a diseased form of nihilism.
Jefferson hated the Catholic Church and viewed it as an institution of dogma and mysticism, with layers of writing and beliefs designed to hide real Christianity and the doctrines of Christ. He viewed himself as a rational and pure Christian and condemned ‘monkish ignorance’ as providing an obstacle to progress. He blames the Platonic influence and melding of Plato’s philosophy with Catholic doctrine which wrapped the Church, in his view, in mystical irrelevancy and supernaturalism, destroying the immanent and unifying vision and preaching of the Christ.
Nietzsche disagreed with Jefferson and his Enlightenment peers. For Nietzsche Christianity is a complete whole and cannot lose any attendant parts or it shatters. It is a religion based in time and perspective and is neither immanent nor universal. For Nietzsche both faith and ‘reason’ are based on perspectives, historicity, and world-views. There is no independent religion of reason.
“We see that science also rests on a faith, there simply is no science without presuppositions.”
There is no ‘value free’ interpretation. Everything is based on the ‘zeitgeist’ of the viewer. In Will To Power, he explains the end product of the Enlightenment, namely nihilism, ‘A nihilist is a man who judges of the world as it ought not to be, and of the world as it ought to be that does not exist.’ This means that the disappointment with this world will mean a welcome end to it, in the hope of attaining something post-life. Democracy can’t deliver what most want in this world, which leaves the Christian idea of the after-world, and God, still potent articles of faith and hope. Nietzsche argues that without God, civilisation will implode. Democracy won’t save it.
Nietzsche is right. Without Christianity there is no civilisation. It is untenable. Democracy means little when elections are stolen, mandates imposed, government power unlimited, and people are terrified by ‘experts’, ‘scientists’ and deny what their own lying eyes see. The Corona scamdemic and endemic fascism proves Nietzsche’s point. Without spiritual strength, a coherent integration of reason and faith, democracy leads to an imploding society and tyranny.