Saturday, November 20, 2021

No Science to Corona. Just Evil and a Pandemic of Stupid and Fascism.

1930s, where Jews spread the UnContaminated are marked for eradication.

by StFerdIII


There is no science, whatsoever, to the Corona pandemic narrative.  Every country has the same data, the same correlative factors, within the G20, the same fascistic, totalitarian response, the same Fake News repeating the same lies and propaganda, and the same ‘Parliaments’ bought by Pharmaceutical firms, force-feeding a collection of poisons into people’s arms to fight a ‘viral infection’.  That by itself is anti-science notwithstanding the fascistic governance and propaganda processes and structures put in place to both fear monger and coerce compliance.

Follow the ‘Science’.  A case example:  Austria.

Population:  10 million

Dead from Corona (if you believe the dead counts which you should not): 11.000

Cases from false tests:  950.000, increasing by 50.000 or so per day (supposedly).

Vaccination rate:  67% (with 50% double vaxxed)

Conclusion from 'government':  Lockdown the population, make the poison ingestion mandatory or face fines and prison.  


In analysing the above some obvious conclusions can be made.  First the death rate is incredibly low at .001% of the total population.  Far more die in Austria from heart disease than from Corona.  Why does .001% constitute a ‘pandemic’?  This is not a pandemic but a minor issue, which would have many solutions and which does not require forced vaccinations, themselves a concoction largely of metals and poisons.


Second, the increasing rates of vaccination are leading to higher ‘cases’.  This means that the jabs themselves are causing positive test results.  People who buy into the Corona cult are more likely to jag and test than the 30% or so who are not interested in Religio-fascism of Corona.  The unvaccinated don’t test, the vaccinated do. 


Third, the dead counts rise as the vaccine penetration increases.  This is true in Austria and is true in every country.  Whenever the local Pharma-fascists make a ‘vaccine push’, the following weeks and months see a spike in illness and deaths, usually attributed not to the poisons, but to some other underlying health issue.  However, the correlation between injury and the vaccine rollouts, logically indicates that the vaccines either do not work, or, are causing the deaths and injuries. 


Lastly, the death rate of .001% is roughly 10% of the ‘positive test cases’.  Rationally, a normal person would question why the death rate is so low (about the same as car accident deaths), versus high test results.  A normal person would expect that the test results should be in line with IFR or infection rate of death.  If the death rate is about 5.000 per annum, the positive test results should be in line or far less than 1 million.  Obviously, the tests need to be assessed for relevancy and accuracy.  In fact it is widely known that the PCR test has failed many court challenges (six in fact), and the tests are inaccurate and identify influenza A and B.  Logically, this explains the ‘exploding’ test cases during a flu season.  The tests pick up the flu, not Corona.   


Given the above facts, common sense indicates that in Austria and most G20 countries, this is not about health and safety but something evil, perverted, sinister.  Pfizer’s Corona-vaccine test study data is sealed for 55 years.  Since when is hiding evidence of death and injury from mRNA experimental poison concoctions ‘scientific’?  Corona is a pandemic of fraud, fascism, lies, propaganda and at the local level, apathy and stupidity.  There is no health pandemic.  There is however, a plague of Religio-Fascism which may end our civilisation.