Sunday, January 16, 2022

50 years of Climate Fascist nonsense. Defund the Trillion dollar p.a. Green industry.

Green Fascism opposes humanity and civilisation. End it.

by StFerdIII



Green fascism.  At some point the failed Corona coup against civilisation will be melded with Climate Fascism.  The Corona narrative has largely collapsed, the poisons don’t work, the death rate is the same as the flu, the lockdowns, diapers and societal evisceration failed to prevent anything, except sow death and misery.  The Green Fascist coup will also fail.  Truth and common sense, not to mention real science and reality will eventually prevail. 


The social, economic and human-hating absurdity of running a modern economy on bird choppers and solar panels whose combined output is less than 2% of total energy demand and 40% of electricity needs, cannot be hidden.  In Europe thanks to failed green policies, energy prices are now at record highs.  The scientific truth that Co2 is a rounding error 0.04% gas by weight chemical necessary for life and not a toxin, which falls out of climate will eventually be accepted.  There is no need to decommission coal, oil, or nuclear stations.  None. 


There are now 135 scientific and peer reviewed papers on the minimal association between Co2 and climate ‘sensitivity’.  Considering that Co2 falls out of climactic processes and there are negative and positive feedback loops, this makes sense. 


An example is SchildKnecht

We find an equilibrium climate sensitivity (temperature increase ∆T due to doubling of atmospheric CO2 concentration) of ∆T  0.5°C.’


Even if we as humans were responsible for doubling Co2 from 0.04% to 0.08%, or from 400 parts per million to 800, nothing happens.


The same data fraud, the same fear mongering, the same psychological manipulation, the same failed forecasts have been on-going since the 1970s.  What we need to do is to de-fund climate ‘science’ which is really a fiction, end the Trillion dollar per year market for this non-science, and get on with reality.  We have heard the same failed apocalyptic forecasts for 50 years.


“What if the alarms of Paul Ehrlich or John Holdren had inspired a policy of oil rationing and a phase out of the internal combustion engine in the 1970s? What if power plant construction in the US had been ordered to “cease immediately … except in special circumstances” as recommended by Paul Ehrlich and Richard Harriman in 1971?[11] What if the dream of Holdren and Ehrlich in 1973—“a massive campaign must be launched to . . . de-develop the United States” [12]—had been enacted to control energy usage? A major decarbonisation plan—all in the name of avoiding catastrophic climate change—poses the same risk for the UK and EU today.”


There is no science to warming or ‘climate change’.  None.