Friday, April 22, 2022

Russell Kirk and Ideology

From civilisation to Corona.

by StFerdIII



The great traditionalist and ‘conservative’ philosopher Russell Kirk predicted the rise of the ideological state and the decline of society into some form of vassalage and mindless compliance to unknown and unaccountable authorities and ‘scientism’.  Kirk rightfully makes the following claims about the political ideology which is fast destroying the USA (he was born in Michigan) and Western civilisation, namely:


1-Ideology is not philosophy which is the seeking of truth and wisdom without prejudice or preformed conclusions. 


2-Ideology is not scientific and is of course the opposite in that data is never analysed independently of the ideological framework but manipulated to support it. 


3-Ideology is a replacement for religion, an inverted, usually perverted implementation of doctrines and unchanging dogma designed to break with the past, especially Christian legacy and heritage and create the utopian present. 


4-Ideology is intolerant, demanding unceasing, unflinching loyalty and totalitarian ideals and attitudes from its members.  The ideology and its members venerate their guardians who are the elite, unreproachable, divine interpreters of worldly material salvation. 


5-Ideology is mechanistic and deterministic, in that there is only one path, one outcome, one truth that is premised on sensory experience, supported by armies of ‘truth’ and ‘facts’ none of which can be disputed, all of which is held in the Ark of the Covenant of the ideology, maintained and protected by the ideology’s high priests and interpreters. 


Marxism as an ideological construct is closely allied with the ideology of Darwinism, itself a parody of real science.  Both of these ideologies satisfy the above declarations and both have spawned offspring including ‘Climate Change’, Corona, Genderism, Historical revisionism and anti-White racist theology. 


As Gerhard Niemeyer, historian and philosopher who was a friend of Kirk’s wrote:


For ideologies have not merely saddled us with the total state, which would be bad enough: they have deprived us of adequate concepts of reality as such. First, they seduced us to imagine reality without God. Then, they induced us to imagine reality without man. If we, in the West, in the world’s democracies, had sense enough to repudiate liberalism and socialism as political recipes, we still were not perceptive enough to note the conceptual shortcomings of our own philosophy. Maybe we had not sufficient sense to perceive that we had a philosophy and that it was central to our political, cultural, social, economic existence.


For Kirk a world without God, Christianity, culture, heritage, our traditions and history would quickly become a total-state of control, manipulation, conformity and mindless obeisance.  It has come to pass.  Governments everywhere are the arbiters and controllers of just about everything.  Corona was a prime example.  The complete totalitarian programme of Corona would have been unthinkable 50 years ago.  A non-existent threat, data manipulation, fraudulent testing, fake death totals, jabbing of poisons, lockdowns, the idiocy of face diapers, can only lead one to the conclusion that Western civilisation is on the fast track to ruin and implosion. 


A complete rejection of our past, of God and of reality has led to Kirk’s ‘ideology’ of materialism and secularism, to dominance and control.  Without a recrudescence of our traditions and culture, we are doomed.


[Link to a good analysis of Kirk’s ideas about ideology]