Wednesday, August 17, 2022

The Three Pillars of Evolution Demolished, by Jerry Bergman

Why Darwin was wrong

by StFerdIII



There is not much science in the philosophical cult of Evolution.  In fact, none.  The ‘pillars’ of Evolution do not hold up to scrutiny or scientific evaluation.  This book is a comprehensive guide which uses known science to bring down and set fire to the pillars of Darwin’s cult.  It is an easy read, some 300 pages with about 50 pages of sources along with footnotes within the text.  It is very well researched and supported and written by a man with impeccable scientific and literary credentials.  What are the 3 pillars that J. Bergman eviscerates?

“…1) chemical evolution or abiogenesis, 2) mutations to provide the raw material of evolution, and 3) natural selection to ‘select’ advantageous traits provided by random mutations….these three pillars of evolution are not based on empirical scientific evidence, rather they are disproved by scientific evidence.” 

As J. Bergman details, none of the pillars withstands even a cursory investigation. 

1-Chemical Evolution

-Spontaneous generation has been disproven many times dating from the early 17th century (Harvey, Redi, Spallanzani, Pasteur).  Animate life cannot be formed from the inanimate.  Darwin believed in abiogenesis and was ignorant of science which destroyed this theory, philosophising that spontaneous generation would be proven by some future ‘natural law’. 

-Chemical evolution is a chimera like abiogenesis.  No proof, no experiment, no observation has even come close to demonstrating the enormous complexity of life, not even a single cell, nor a single protein arrangement, let alone DNA or RNA, not to mention the dependency on ATP and enzymes, all from nothing but a chemical soup.  Bergman spends many pages on this and illustrates with real science why chemical evolution is impossible.

-The failed 1954 Miller-Urey experiment (lab, contrived, producing a few dead amino acids) simply confirms the obvious that life cannot be borne out of simple electrified compounds, in a warm pond.  Contaminants, oxygen (which degrades DNA, RNA) and a million other issues are apparent with such a simplistic approach to the incredible complexity of organisms. 

-Chemical evolutionists cannot produce, even in contrived labs, proteins ex nihilo or from a chemical cocktail, self-forming, comprised of 150 amino acids with left-handed chirality.  The human body possesses thousands of proteins and enzymes (exact number is unknown). 

-For a protein with a chain of 500 amino acids the number of possible linear arrangements is 20300 or 10650.  There are 1080 atoms in the universe.  1 chance in 1050 is considered impossible.  There is no possibility of producing even a single protein by ‘chance’.  None.


-Mutations don’t add functionality, most are neutral, the rest negative, decreasing functionality and leading eventually (after a certain mutational load is achieved) to extinction.

-Given that mutations degrade functionality, there is de-volution, not e-volution.

-There is no known or proven means of producing the significant genetic variations that molecule to human evolution necessitates.

-Mutations are the major cause of diseases including heart diseases and cancers.  More than 17000 diseases are listed, up from 1500 in 1966.

-Total number of mutations in the human genome is increasing in each generation (some 40-50 per generation).

-3 % of DNA or 6 inches of the 6 feet of DNA you have in each cell, is coding, 97% is control and administration.  There is no junk DNA. 

-Sexual reproduction is always a problem for Darwinists given its complexity, its design does however, slow down mutations by recombining DNA and slowing down the development of mutational loads.

-Modern medicine can extend those who are ill with high mutational loads and allow them to reproduce which enables the increase in overall genomic degradation.  Darwin opposed vaccination for this reason, stating that weak or ill children needed to die from smallpox in order to prevent them from reproducing (in actual fact the smallpox vaccination killed far more children than it ‘saved’).

-Aging is an example of mutation accumulation and the genome itself ages.

-In large scale experiments with bacteria and viruses, researchers found that even over 30 years of breeding these creatures did not ‘evolve’ but fluctuated at best around a species mean or degraded and lost functionality.

3-Natural Selection

-Acknowledged as the main contribution of Darwin to evolutionary theory but was in fact a very ancient idea, which Darwin popularised by using Herbert Spencer’s ‘survival of the fittest’ to describe a dialectical process of species development.

-Basically, all Darwin did was to apply human breeding techniques to nature and give ‘natural selection’ the role of nature’s breeder.

-Darwin never explained the arrival of the fittest, or the origins of any species.

-Darwin retreated to the discredited theories of Lamarck which postulated that biological characteristics acquired during a lifetime are passed on to the offspring (an entirely absurd idea, for example a weightlifter passing muscle size to his children).

-There are obviously clear limits for each species to size, weight, speed, height and other characteristics. Darwin believed in unlimited variation and combination.  Animals only procreate within their own species and within defined limits.  Horses cannot be bred to grow wings for example.

-Survival of the fittest does not mean ‘progress’, since it conserves what is known and is best described as the culling of the sick, ill and old (disease, still births, age, bad luck, competition, predators).

-Clearly good luck and happenstance are as important in survival as being ‘fit’ which cannot and is never defined (how is a sloth fit?).

-Fossils do not support macro-evolution, and there are no missing links.

All of Darwin’s ‘pillars’ are analysed in detail.  They are indeed demolished by J. Bergman.  Evolution and Darwinism is not a ‘science’ but a philosophy and an approach to historical biology.  None of the ideas from the 19th century or 20th century are particularly novel or unique.  One can read them in Aristotle, Epicurus, Lucretius, Paracelsus and even Descartes.  Evolution has a long history and pedigree of being ineffably wrong, unscientific and an obstacle to real scientific progress.