What is climate
National Geographic, one of the cheerleaders of the doom mongering climate cult defines climate:
“Climate isn't the same thing as weather. Weather is the condition of the atmosphere over a short period of time; climate is the average course of weather conditions for a particular location over a period of many years.
One of the factors that influences climate is the angle of the sun's rays.
Climate is also controlled by wind, oceans, and mountains.”
There is no such thing as ‘global climate’ if you read the above carefully. It is local. In many regions there are ‘micro-climates’.
Cyclical variations in the Earth’s climate occur at multiple time scales, from years to decades, centuries, and millennia. Cycles at each scale are caused by a variety of physical mechanisms. Climate over any given period is an expression of all of these nested mechanisms and cycles operating together. https://www.fs.usda.gov/ccrc/education/climate-primer/natural-climate-cycles
Climate is entirely a natural phenomenon, based on natural cycles, immune to the output of a trace chemical and industrialisation.
Every textbook had the above graph in 1990. Now the cult is trying to cool the medieval warm period, which was not industrialised, and which did not produce CO2; and add ‘adjustments’ to recent temperature data to get a ‘hockey stick’. We exited an ice age in 1850. It would be expected that temperatures today are somewhat warmer than in 1750. This is a natural variation in temperature.
Climate Change as a religious cult
A common definition of a cult:
1 a religion regarded as unorthodox or spurious (see SPURIOUS sense 2)
also: its body of adherents the voodoo cult, a satanic cult: a system of religious beliefs and ritual, also: its body of adherents, the cult of Apollo
If we use the above definition there is something very wrong, very pagan, even Satanic about Climatism. The Climate cult is in the main, anti-science, anti-human, and anti-progress. It is a primitive neo-pagan cult. It references ‘science’ as its foundation, but it perverts every idea of the scientific method and corrupts factual truth.
Historically, we find climate and nature cults in pre-Roman and pre-Christian societies. The Druids in Gaul and Britain. The animist nature worship of Germania and the Baltics. The storm gods and Baal cults of the very ancient near East. Gaia worship is nothing new nor unique. The end of society due to nature’s forces has long been preached. For man’s sins God wrought the flood and cleansed the earth leaving only Noah and his family. I wonder what this Old Testament God would make out of the modern world rampant with Sodom and Gomorrah, war and suffering, and nature worship. Since when does the Catholic Church reject its own liturgy and veneration of the one true God and kneel down and flagellate to Gaia, climate and the odourless, tasteless rounding error chemical that is carbon dioxide?
Former UN IPCC lead author Richard Tol and among the most cited climate researchers, had this to say about the climate cult at a 2014 US Congressional hearing: ‘The climate has become a new religion, and that people who disagree would be treated as heretics’ (May 29, 2014). Tol has often commented that there are 25 government ‘agents’ for every researcher in the IPCC meetings to formulate ‘policy’. An Englishman James Lovelock, who was an ardent true believer in climate penning the usual catastrophic vision of Gaia destruction in his ‘The Revenge of Gaia’, has now apostatised after studying the ‘models’, which are largely useless and produce fake results. He is now a vigorous critic and describes the green-movement and climate change as ‘a religion, and religions don’t worry too much about facts’ (register.co.uk May 24 2012).
There are thousands of researchers and scientists who have recanted the dogma of the cult of climate and have signed various covenants affirming their heresy. An example is the World Climate Declaration signed by well over 1100 eminent practitioners. There is no consensus of anything, except that a consensus that the climate cult is a cult with religious intensity with a ferocious disregard for truth and reality.
https://clintel.org/world-climate-declaration/, https://euroweeklynews.com/2022/08/18/scientists-professionals-world-no-climate-emergency/https://www.climatedepot.com/?s=Richard+Tol
Co2 as Satan
For a trace gas, 0.04% of total atmospheric gas by weight, and necessary for life, Co2 is a busy demonic presence. Gaia only emits 95% or more, of the 0.04% trace gas. Apparently, the real issue, the most pressing problem, the great emergency is over the 5% human emission of the 0.04% gas necessary to make oxygen and known as plant food. Is this something a sensible person would offer as a crisis?
In the context of scientism and the cult of climate it is clear that Co2 is a replacement for the demonic powers found in Christianity, namely Satan and his cohorts of devils. Co2 is now the new evil power that will destroy man and must itself be destroyed in a battle of good and evil, where Gaia is the virgin innocent, being raped and assaulted by the Satanic Co2. Ride on St. George. Do your chivalric duty and slay the Satanic dragon before he consumes and devours poor Gaia. To control Co2 the climate cult proposes de-industrialisation and a world governance model and the complete control by government, of all sources of energy, only allowing what they incorrectly call ‘green energy’, which is nothing of the kind.
In this new eco-biblical war against the Satanic and demonic Co2 we must commit to our rituals, sacrifices and climate oblations. In the ancient world, the entrails of animals, astrological signs, the movement of stars, an eclipse, human sacrifices, animal sacrifices, the scape goat offering, ordeals with cold and hot water, the erection of monoliths and the ceremonies at solstice within; along with many other devices were used to either perceive what the nature Gods demanded or were enacted to propitiate the various nature Gods with blood and death. Historians often refer to such pagan cult civilisations including the Greek and Roman as ‘golden ages of classical learning’.
To ward off the demonic trace chemical, the climate cult has its own sacrifices (the industrialised world). Co2 is not just a gas but a magical force, always looking to destroy and maim. This power can cause anything and everything. From fewer hurricanes to more. From fewer polar bears to fat happy quintupling populations of bears. The Satanic powers of the gas extend to oceanic warming or cooling, El Nino, La Nina, the Atlantic gulf stream which may be stronger, weaker or in danger of dying depending on the year, the calving or expanding of Antarctic ice sheets, volcanoes erupting or doing nothing, the expansion or reduction of the Arctic, violent storms, earthquakes, weather events, hot summers, cold summers, cold winters, more snow, less snow, mild winters, a pending Ice Age, a pending climate hell of heat, windy days, days without wind, too much rain, a lack of rain, the population variations and migrations of butterflies, armadillos, bees, badgers, foxes, song birds, puffins and deer.
The demonic black magic of Co2 is breath taking. It rivals God in its immensity. And there is no scarcity of the climate Elijah’s, Isaiah’s, and Nehemiah’s, or modern Druids, to proclaim the end of the world unless repentance and penance are adopted by the mass who must sacrifice and fight against the greatest Satanic evil in history - Co2.
What is Co2
1. A colourless, odourless, incombustible gas, CO2, that is formed during respiration, combustion, and organic decomposition, is an essential component in photosynthesis, and is used in food refrigeration, carbonated beverages, inert atmospheres, fire extinguishers, and aerosols.
2. The normal oxide of carbon, CO2; a colorless, odorlessgas formed during respiration and combustion and consumed by plants during photosynthesis.
3. a heavy odourless colourless gas formed during respiration and by the decomposition of organic substances; absorbed from the air by plants in photosynthesis
Co2 is a trace chemical, 0.04% gas by weight within the atmosphere. It falls out of climate convection systems. Mother earth emits 95% of Co2. If we eliminated all of mankind (a goal of many Green Communists), nothing would happen to the temperature. Nothing.
Nature absorbs 98.5% of the CO2 that is emitted by nature and man. As CO2 increases in the atmosphere, nature causes plant growth to increase via photosynthesis which is an endothermic (cooling) reaction. Therefore there is not a uni-directional ‘heating’ process from CO2. For every pound of biomass formed some 10,000 Btu are removed from the atmosphere. CO2 is absorbed, and oxygen is produced. Further, a doubling of CO2 will increase the photosynthesis rate by 30 to 100%, depending on temperature and available moisture. Improving the output of oxygen is hardly a ‘crisis’ or a reason to de-industrialise.
The climate cult has also violated the second law of thermodynamics by saying a cooler atmosphere can warm a warmer earth. We heard this for 2 decades with the ‘coming Ice Age’. You still hear it today when there is a cold winter. The cult will say, ‘of course the changing or warming causes it to be colder’, by referencing the endothermic aspects of CO2 interacting with the atmosphere. This seems rather inconsistent with the ‘climate hell’ of massive heating which the cult also proclaims. In general there is no ‘greenhouse’ ceiling as given by the propaganda. Heated particles can rise and escape the upper atmosphere. There are complex systems of positive and negative feedback loops giving lie to the simplistic idea that a linear relationship exists between Co2 and temperature.
Pearch, R.W. and Bjorkman, O., "Physiological effects", in Lemon, E.R. (ed.), CO 2 and Plants: The Response of Plants to Rising Levels of Atmospheric CO2, (Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, 1983), pp 65-1055.
What emergency?
A recent Fairleigh Dickinson Univ Poll was conducted (Autumn 2022), of 400 individuals with a background and expertise in meteorology, climatology, and closely related fields. Interviews were carried out online in September and October of 2022. Over half of those surveyed said there was no emergency.
46 percent say such events have increased slightly. An additional 10 percent believe there has been no change, or there has been a slight decrease in the severity of weather events. Age plays a key factor in perceptions. Across 4 of the 5 key measures, those 50 and older are less likely than those 30 and under to believe the effects of climate change is or will be severe. https://www.heartland.org/_template-assets/documents/FDU-Poll-Climate-Scientists-Heartland-Institute-2022.pdf
The younger ‘scientists’ are quite susceptible to the propaganda. The older and more experienced are sceptical. Why should I trust a 30-year-old with anything to do with ‘science’, ‘models’, or ‘predictions’? What do they know? There are thousands of scientists and practical experts and practitioners who do not buy into the hysteria that plant food or ‘carbon’ is killing Gaia. Apparently, the warming was dead and buried in 2012. At that point the cult moved on to ‘climate change’ and have spent billions propagating this to the young and impressionable.