The Enlightenment, which made its parvenu appearance in the 17th century, apparently saved the world from darkness and hair shirted fanatics. The Enlightenment theology and religious dogma is now bearing its full fruit, ‘by their fruit shall you know them’. The fruit of the Enlightener-tree blooms from materialism and relativism, both philosophies which lead inevitably to ‘nominalism’ or the idea that there is no reality, or that the world of the 5 senses does not exist. Nominalism is the bedrock belief system of various Enlightenment cults including inter-alia but not limited to: romanticism, materialism, Darwinism and Eugenics, relativism, positivism, rationalism, post-modernism, communalism, socialism, and scientism or the merger of technocratic elitist rule with technology which includes gender-fascism, climate-fascism, Rona and medical-Nazism and other ‘causes’ to save this and that, or to erect a society premised on ‘health and safety’, when the goals are the exact opposite of either. Nominalism is the philosophy of the dictator.
1. The doctrine holding that abstract concepts, general terms, or universals have no independent existence but exist only as names.
2. The doctrine that nothing is general but names; more specifically, the doctrine that common nouns, as man, horse, represent in their generality nothing in the real things, but are mere conveniences for speaking of many things at once, or at most necessities of human thought; individualism.
Orwell’s expression of totalitarianism focuses on the violence of nominalists as they attempt to recreate reality. Huxley, another dystopian writer of power, emphasises drugs and attendant psychological techniques to induce and convince the population that slavery is really freedom and that communal obeisance to unaccountable authority, ennobling and the end goal of existence. Both writers are correct, and both methods are used by a Scientocracy to impose its power.
10 years ago, many were calling for a Scientocratic rule to end superstition, non-compliance and ignorance. Michael Brooks penned the usual ode to ‘Science’ in 2013, within the self-congratulatory pages of the ‘New Scientist’ titled, “Time for science to seize political power”. The idea of a Scientocracy implementing Scientism, or the religion of only-Reason, is now pushed almost daily. The concept is a very old idea finding echoes in Plato’s Republic (admittedly somewhat misunderstood) and more recently in socialist HG Wells’ insidious work ‘Time Machine’, which demands that a technocratic elite rule the world. A long litany of 20th and 21rst century ‘intellectuals’ (a pejorative) rejoice in the utopian benefices of an autocratic scientific elite managing affairs, not just on a national level, but global. This is the premise of ‘globalism’, the World Economic Forum, the United Nations and the WHO. Global governance based on their ‘science’ which should be spelt $cience with the qualifiers of power, control and anti-humanism permanently attached to the end as appendages of verity.
The material-nominalism, generated by the Enlightenment, with its crowning of ‘reason’ as the King of reality, leads to a ‘science’ that is utterly devoid of scepticism. In other words, the Enlightenment, which was an anti-Christian movement ends up being a religion, with its own dogma (science) and its own gods (reason, utility, the common good). There is a great deal of difference between ‘science’ and Scientism. Scientism and the Church of Reason uber-alles, is fuelled by compliance and gullibility illustrated for example by the nonsense of Freud' materialistic reductionism and also by Evolutionism, in which perfect design just happens by chance. As C.S Lewis lamented, "the modern mind accepts as a formula for the universe the principle 'almost nothing' may be expected to turn into 'almost everything' without noticing that the parts of the universe under our direct observation tell quite a different story."
Even Darwin in his own autobiography had his doubts about blind chance wondering how he could be a thinking, cognisant creature with a conscience and perchance morality. None of that is discussed by the fawning, cloying, clawing media and educational systems who portray Darwin’s religion as gospel and god-like perfection. Darwinism and its progeny have led to the blind acceptance of eugenics and other later-debunked 'scientific' views by many scientists. Even as scientism demonstrates such credulity and malice, evident in the Corona Fascism, or Gaia Fascism, there appears to be little wide-spread public scepticism, much in the way of excuse making to cover up the illiteracy of ‘the science’ and even in some populations, an increase in deferral and unquestioning acceptance of what is presented as 'science'.
Science as power, or Scientism as an ideology, contains a dangerous similarity to magic, which threatens the future of civilisation itself. A critical difference between science and magic is that science supposedly 'works' and is ‘rational’. But does it and is it? If Scientism ends in reductionism and subservience what is its real utility except to control and even kill? In discussing the tendency of science towards reductionism, C.S. Lewis noted that: "As soon as we take the final step of reducing our own species to the level of mere nature, the whole process is stultified.... By treating human beings as the products of blind non-rational forces, scientific reductionism eliminates man as a rational moral agent. Man's final conquest has proved to be the abolition of man."
Scientism and its reductionism opens the door to the manipulation of human beings. Corona, Climate ‘Change’, Transgenderism, with an open hatred for Christianity and Civilisation, all premised on ‘science’. There is no effective limit on state-initiated terror using ‘the science’, and no barriers to state power, or fear and manipulation. The cult of Scientism undermines the authority of our ethical principles needed to justify those limits. Scientism as described by many writers and thinkers in the recent past is in fact as great a danger as Communism or Fascism to our very existence and uses these secular theologies as part of its plan of control, implementation and imposition.