Richard Miltion: Shattering the Myths of Darwinism: A rational criticism of evolution theory
This is a very good book to read, especially for the religious devotees of Darwinism. The author Richard Milton, is a British writer, journalist and broadcaster. He currently freelances for The Daily Telegraph and other newspapers. He is not a Creationist (another ridiculous pejorative used by $cientism as a smear based on ignorance and fear of being challenged with facts), nor from what I gather a practicing Christian. Like many in the world at large, Milton was a happy acolyte of the religion of Darwin, faithful, able to sing the requisite hymns and recite the standard gospel. That changed when following a well-worn trail forged by countless others, he tried to find evidence and science, to support this religious litany. The trail led to the inevitable destination of disappointment.
Unable to find any real empirical or even common-sensical facts, Milton questions the religion of Darwin, following Antony Flew, Thomas Nagel and many other atheists. Milton’s detailed research is simply an inquiry into the religious artifacts, relics and idols of Darwinism – its endlessly long ages (millions, billions, soon undoubtedly trillions), the regurgitated and unsupported claims of uniformitarianism and ‘slow build up’ of this and that, the endless ‘mutations’ and ‘evolving’ life forms which cannot be seen anywhere, the impossibility of code changing by itself, the design, structure and all-or-nothing-formation of all life and individuals, and the inability of random chance to produce much of anything except disorder and chaos (see the 2nd law of thermodynamics) among a very long list of objections.
The Darwinian Religion is of course a massive industry, fully funded, primed, ready to attack any who may oppose it. Its philosophy is anti-Christian, anti-deist and its objective is to demand obeisance to the Church of materialism, where everything is simply energy, material structure and chance. It is a part of $cientism’s Holy Trinity along with Climate Worship and Corona or Health Fascism through Drugs or ‘vaccines’ (from a virus, health and safety, ‘no one is safe until everyone is safe’), with its apogee in the new WHO pandemic treaty, which is simply a treatise for World Government to be enforced slowly over time (fascists always slice the salami for you to eat, they never make you eat it whole).
One chapter in this very good book, extremely well researched, including interviews, first hand accounts and a massive amount of primary research, was the inquiry into ‘long ages’. Milton states baldly that no-one has a clue how old the Earth might be. This is vital, if one views the religious pillars of Darwin’s cult.
The Religion of Darwin is based on 3 main suppositions, none of which have any empirical and scientific support:
1-Endless time will allow metamorphoses of species, with one species able to acquire the functionality to transform into another. The ‘ancestor’ of all life on Earth for instance, is alleged to have ‘mutated’ into the 1 million or more forms of fauna we have today, and the millions which have gone extinct.
2-Geology and layers are uniform, laid down over endless time. The key to the past is the present intoned the fathers of uniformitarianism, Charles Lyell et al. Fossils are found in these layers and can be dated based on the layer. The layers are subject to extremely long and subtle processes, there is no ‘catastrophic’ causation for the world’s geological features. Endless time provides the only mechanism to explain geology, the fossilisation of fauna in the deep past, and our own current landscape.
3-Mutations, or changes to the genomic structure of cells, will lead to new functional forms. These beneficial mutations will provide ‘advantage’ or competitive prowess, leading to that creature being ‘selected’ by mates for reproduction, carrying these ‘winning traits’ to the next generation, where more mutations further elaborate the same process. More here