Charles Darwin is a name that has been revered for years as the ‘father’ of the materialist non-science and philosophy called ‘evolution’, celebrated as one of the most prominent ‘scientists’ in history. In actual fact, his theories can be found in pagan Greece long before Aristotle, with Lucretius and other Romans positing the same magical appearance of species, forms and metamorphoses, as they mused over the ‘nature of things’. Darwin’s warmed-over theory of ‘natural selection’ (the magical selector-friend being indifferent-nature), was outlined in his philosophical book "On the Origin of Species," and has been taught to generations and widely accepted as scientific fact. It is rather insane that 19th century Victoria ideas on breeding, are now considered ‘science’ when it comes to the creation of life, the earth and the universe. But in an age of Corona, ‘moon landings’, and endless wars for ‘democracy’, nothing much surprises. Darwin believed that a bear could turn into a whale.
'I can see no difficulty in a race of bears being rendered, by natural selection, more and more aquatic in their habits, with larger and larger mouths, till a creature was produced as monstrous as a whale.' Here we have Darwin's central idea of evolution in a nutshell: bears can become whales, or whale-like, given enough time and enough natural selection. One species can turn into a completely different species by natural selection alone.’
Anyone with an IQ over a certain level reads the above and laughs out loud. How ridiculous is the above fantasy posing as science? But wait, wail the Darwinians, he retracted that, and we the Darwinian acolytes, now believe that the pakicetus wolf became the whale. So much science. Thank Darwin (not God), for the cult’s magic fairies and friends. Darwin himself doubted his own theory (see a video about Darwin’s own doubt and public avowal that species in fact never did change).
Charles Darwin was not a scientist. Like so many other ‘intellectuals’ of poor quality, he never worked. He never held a job. He bred pigeons. He was never engaged as a real ‘scientist’. He was part of a bubble, the Victorian-aristocratic world of materialist-philosophy and ‘realism’, part of a small cadre of wealthy hand-wavers, who were intent to elevate themselves, their ideas, their clubs, their beliefs and accrete power and influence. When his daughter died, Darwin raged against God and Christianity. Grief is understandable but I would ask, why does God have anything to do with the death of his child? Is God ever credited with the good, and only to be blamed for the bad? God is in life, present in death, but not the cause natural life cycles, or the afflictions of disease and all the rest that mar our fallen world.
Darwin’s theory was thus a reaction of bitterness laced with hatred. He philosophised about life without performing any experiments at any time, to confirm the myriad statements, assumptions and guesses. Darwin’s entire program was to erect materialism and naturalism, with rather crude Victorian ideas on breeding, and apply the same to nature, and displace Christianity, creation, design and the complexity of life with meaningless chance, and physical matter. In Darwin’s world only the physical mattered, not the immaterial, the spiritual, the intuitive or the moral. Viewed in the totality of life, and in the glare of lift, even at an abstract, first-year philosophy degree level, Darwin’s theorem on evolution is an absurdity based largely on his experience breeding pigeons. Why would breeding pigeons be relevant when discussing life, how it began, or the perfect design of creatures and creation, or the 1 million meta-species and fauna now existent? Breeding pigeons has little to do with anything.
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