After the massive failure of the smallpox quackcines in the 1871-72 epidemic, most people viewed Jenner and the cowpus, cowpox derived potions built in his name as quackery. There are 2 statistical points which highlight the truism that the smallpox vaccine did nothing except accrue profits and power for the medical establishment, druggists and government:
1-The smallpox death rate for children was no more than 1 % before and after the quackery of Jenner. In fact, the death rate from smallpox was in many years much higher post stabbinations than in years without forced and paid for injections. See here
2-Jenner was not a scientist, did not perform replicable experiments and never kept detailed records of his potions, injections or after-effects. He denied any culpability in injuries or deaths post-injection. In fact his career was full of deceit and guile. He bought his medical certificates, he never studied immunology, or virology. See here
Walter Hadwen wrote a book about the Quack Edward Jenner, ‘The Case Against Vaccination’. It is worth reading. Below are excerpts he wrote to a newspaper in 1898, which reflected the hated ‘anti-vaxxers’ facts on vaccination affirmed by a majority of the population at the time who could see the quackery for the fraud it most assuredly was. Hadwen makes 9 vital points you won’t read online, in museums, books or puff-opinion pieces on Saint Jenner, the ‘great man’. He was not great. He was just another quack, a snake-oil salesman, so common and prevalent in the 19th century. A social plague. A man who wanted to make money, to resolve in his own words his own poor pecuniary position.
Jenner never studied medicine - he bought his degrees.
o He knew nothing about the immune system, immunology, or virology. Not a single source can be identified, written by Saint Jenner, which proves he knew anything about this domain.
o His methods were never proven, never peer reviewed, never replicated to be efficacious.
o He lied about outcomes, results and benefits.
o Government invested £30.000 in total in his vaccine process. This immediately forced the UK government to become partners, enforcers and propagandists for the quackcine.
o The government investment quickly grew to $100.000 p.a. an enormous sum in the early to mid 19th century which continued to grow every year (by contrast the total money spent from 1845-1852 on Irish famine relief was a paltry £8 million or 10 x that of the vaccine program for another government created tragedy and what could be called genocide). Government was now the main beneficiary of Jenner’s quackery.
o Jenner complained of being impecunious and needing money. The quackcines were the surest path for his own wealth creation. Surely this motivation needs some more investigation. He was no poor, monkish, saint working to save the children.
o He lied to the Royal College of Physicians on more than 1 occasion, about the nature of cowpox, different types of cowpox, how or why cowpox prevented smallpox and why horse-hoof grease which he called an elixir of life could be used in quackcination (he was forced to retract this claim).
o He never kept detailed records, information or recorded what happened to injected subjects. No long term studies. No control groups. He denied any connection between his ‘discovery’ and the deaths and injuries suffered by tens of thousands of young children.
North East Lanark Gazette, December 31 1898
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