(crowd in 18th century London, watching Quack Doctors perform on stage with their magic merlin potions)
Fun Fact and inconvenient smallpox mortality truth: death rates went up after the smallpox quackcines were forced onto the population, sound familiar?
If you want to explode most people’s heads and induce mental anguish just raise sceptical claims about any of 4 major strands or tenets within the Religion of ‘The Science’ or $cientism, namely Darwinism, Climate, the moon ‘landings’, and Stabbinations including, but not limited to the Rona mRNA injections. If you really want people to explode in anger, mention the quackery of the original smallpox stab-fraud.
The smallpox stab-fraud is important because it elevated medical ‘science’ to the holy chair of ex-cathedra divinity, unassailable with all future stab-concoctions referring to the revelation of the Holy Smallpox elixir as proof of their relationship with the divine and unreproachable. The myth is that the stabs, indeed all stabbinations, have saved millions and reduced mortality. No evidence supports the myth. If one views just the smallpox debacle there are countless observations from normal people and 19th doctors with a conscience which contradict the myth, in which it is obvious that the medical interventions made smallpox mortality worse. It is all a lie.
The Religion of the Vaxxed and Quacked is deeply held by most ‘adults’, who profess to venerate ‘science’ and want to ‘protect the children’, though such attitudes are largely absent when Queer-Tranny-and mental illness perversions and mutilations are offered to the innocents. The professing of child safety also goes missing when children die, contract autism, encephaly, nervous disorders or unhealthy and poorly functioning immune systems, post the endless jabs by the criminal pharma-government-military industrial complex. Suddenly most of these ‘concerned’ parents who fall to their knees and whimper in veneration at the word ‘science’, are nowhere to be found. In fact the geniuses will defend the quackery by saying that their autistic child would have been so much worse off without the injections….
The quackcines are simply one of the greatest marketing lies in history. A criminal industry has convinced you that without stabbing your 2-year-old 20-70 times over his/her/its lifetime, they will die from smallpox, cholera, influenza, or whatever bullshitpox they can make up.
For 300 years starting with ‘incoluations’ in the early 1700s, the sheeple have been told that smallpox is a contagious, virulent, and deadly virus, killing millions world-wide in indiscriminate slaughter. Only in 1796, did Saint Jenner a ‘scientist’ concoct the lifesaving admixture, and become the divinely appointed Apostle of the Stabs. In this myth the country quack saved us from certain death with his magic Merlin potion of cowpus and cowpox. Jenner was not a scientist or immunologist. He was a quack looking to make money. We just experienced the same phenomena with the Rona quackcines. Like the Corona mRNA darts, Jenner’s poisons and propaganda was funded by the British government.
The actual death from smallpox in the 17th - 19th centuries was less than 1 per 1000 and usually far below that. Smallpox eradication had nothing to do with the jags, after which the death rates from either the disease or the jabbinations went up, in some decades even doubling. Regardless, a 0.4% average death rate is not a pandemic. Yes, smallpox was a serious issue, but it was not a world in which most children would die from smallpox or cowpox. That is simply a lie. As worker ghettoes were built and expanded to support the sweatshops of fast-industrialising Britain, so too did infectious disease spread through the filth and inhumane living conditions of the working poor.
The locus for smallpox was in the urban slums. The construction of London’s sewers, which began in 1766, was completed by the mid-1860s, and sanitation and health throughout the country continued to improve with the introduction of the Public Health Act in 1875, which laid out detailed plans for more effective drainage, clearance of waste and rubbish, and regular maintenance of sewers. Sanitation not quackery ‘saved the children’. More here