Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Dr Charles Creighton, 'Jenner and Vaccination: A Strange Chapter of Medical History' (1889)

$cientism. Saint Jenner’s fraud and the creation of the quackcine industry in England is the foundation of the criminal government-Pharma drug cartel, which is running and ruining, much of our world

by StFerdIII


How Today's Anti-Vaccination Movement Traces Back to Victorian England ...


A great book

This work was penned by a true medical professional in 1889, who devoted years to investigate and demolish the ‘vaccine’ myth around Saint Jenner and his corrupt coterie of quacks and charlatans.  If you want a verified analysis of the quackery of the industry called ‘vaccines’, Dr Creighton’s book is a must read.  It can be located on www.forgottenbooks.com and provides a masterclass in analysis.  It is technical enough to be informative, but not arcane or obscure.  The case against the quack Jenner can hardly be better expressed.  Keep in mind that there were no medical associations, credentials, exams, or standards in 1790.  As Jenner did, you could buy your medical ‘certificate’ for £15, hang a sign outside your house saying, ‘Doctor’s office’ and you are in business.  There is no evidence that Jenner practiced any variety of real medicine, or ‘science’ nor is there any evidence that he knew anything about epidemiology, immune systems or disease. 

A real Doctor

Unlike Sir Edward Jenner the Saint who ‘discovered’ ‘vaccinations’ and saved the world from the 0.4% death rate smallpox ‘virus’ (which does not exist), Dr. Creighton was a real doctor, credentialed, certified, confirmed, and not a 19th century quack.  Amongst his many accomplishments was writing the entries on Jenner, vaccination, and smallpox for Encyclopaedia Brittanica for its 8th and 9th editions where he deconstructs and demolishes the entire quackcination industry and Saint Jenner.  His monographs were replaced in the 10th edition, no doubt at the violent and well-monied requests of the quackcine industry. 

Unlike Jenner, Creighton actually practiced medicine, understood the body, performed valid scientific experiments, kept detailed notes and observations and was a professional medical man in every way.  In the late 19th century, he was rather famous in England known as a doctor of intelligence, moral standing and professionalism.  None of these attributes would attach themselves to the devious if not criminal Jenner.

The Quackcine industry

Dr Creighton’s analysis into the early 19th century’s creation of the ‘vaccine’ industry left him in no doubt about its immorality, mendacity, and proclivity to injure, kill and use force to implement its revenue streams of yearly injections, paid by the UK government.  The lack of ‘science’ around the quackcine ‘discovery’ and attendant usage is simply astounding.  

Saint Jenner and Secular connections

Jenner came from an upper middle-class family with connections (similar story one sees with that notable quack Darwin).  Through family connections, Jenner was best friends with those in the Royal Society, including its President ‘Dr’ Banks and stayed for 2 years with one of its leading members, another rather infamous quack, ‘Dr’ John Hunter, boarding with another Royal Society member E. Home.  Thus, through the Royal Society of his chums, would his future credentials as a ‘scientist’ be obtained.

Royal Society of Friends and Saint Jenner the Naturalist

In the endless plagiarised and soporific accounts of Saint Jenner, he is depicted not only as one of history’s greatest ‘scientists’ but also as nature-boy.  Saint Francis and Saint Cuthbert had nothing on Saint Jenner and his ‘interests’ in and ‘studies’ of ‘nature’, or so the devotional gospel maintains.  For example, for over 20 years, from the mid-1770s to the mid-1790s, the quack Jenner studied the hedgehog, but admittedly with no insights and no results.  Yet we are to be amazed and cry forth with admiration at such a preoccupation.  He was pushed in these studies by his Royal Society friend, ‘Dr’ Hunter.  Of particular interest to these quacks was the hibernation habits of the hedgehog.  Jenner knew nothing about hedgehogs and why a country quack was wasting time on them is never explained by the endless apologia.

But Saint Jenner also communed with small birds.  Jenner’s membership in the Royal Society was secured in 1788 when he wrote a paper about the habits of the noble cuckoo, a grey bird which is similar to a finch.  Thanks to his friend ‘Dr’ Hunter, his work on this bird which was apparently of such vital ‘scientific interest’, was issued in 1788 in the ‘science journal’ of the day, Philosophical Transactions.  This insipid paper granted Jenner access to the Royal Society as one of its membersgiving Jenner the false moniker of ‘scientist’.  If you read the work today it is a ridiculous nonsense, full of junk science, and easily disproven (as Creighton relates) by any person remotely knowledgeable about the grand cuckoo.  Jenner makes allegations about the grey bird which are false (example pushing other birds out of their nests to murder them), amongst other claims.  Jenner knew nothing about birds.  Only someone with connections would be elevated to the Royal Society with such an absurd unscientific ‘paper’.  Today one imagines Jenner’s puerile pile would fail as a secondary school assignment.   More here