Saturday, August 19, 2023

The Science Delusion. Big Bang Theory as an example of $cientism

Einstein was wrong. Newton was wrong. Modern 'science' cannot explain the universe or the world of the 5 senses.

by StFerdIII



Bottom line: 

In truth, we have no real understanding of the origins of the universe or life; of matter, light, magnetism, gravity, quantum behaviour, subatomic particles, stars, galaxies or even what is under our own feet if we look at materials, hydrogen energy, gold, silver and water abundance. 

Much of what Newton, Einstein and others positioned as ‘science’ is wrong. However, given the massive industries which have been erected around their principles, no dissenting opinion or research is allowed. $cientism.


Stuff Happens and ‘The Science’

The Religion of Evolution concludes that random processes, over endless billions of years resulted in a universe of perfect design, form, function and sentience.  From nothing to the shrew, and then to you, all arising from natural and material processes.  This religion espouses a dialectic of chance and the magical creation of matter, code and natural laws, not to mention the coincidental creation of complex cycles and the inter-dependencies of systems and creatures.  Only endless time, stability and chance are needed, along with electrical energy and random compounds.  In reality there is no proof whatsoever supporting the religion of Evolution. Just metaphysics, hand-waving and money.


The Big Bang Theory, originally developed by the Catholic Priest and quasi-scientist Lemaitre in the 1920s and 30s, theorised that the entire universe erupted from a singularity of power and material. This was for Lemaitre a conception of God’s creative power.  It was immediately appropriated by Atheists and ‘the science’ to postulate the origin of life and the universe which was a gaping hole in Darwin’s religion.  Lemaitre was an astrophysicist of some renown, but much of his work reads like a tract of philosophy. In his 1931 Nature paper, Lemaitre discusses the nature of time and space:

If the world has begun with a single quantum, the notions of space and time would altogether fail to have any meaning at the beginning; they would only begin to have a sensible meaning when the original quantum had been divided into a sufficient number of quanta.

The above is meaningless.


Lemaitre is largely forgotten, mostly because he was a Catholic priest and ‘the science’ of cosmology had moved on to ‘Redshifts’ and ‘Relativity’ and other disproven ‘science’.  Lemaitre had however gifted the religion of materialism a divine offering, a faith-based theology given that the Big Bang theory is not based on science, or observational evidence.


Big Bang theory summarised

According to Big Bang religious, the universe began 13.7 billion years ago as an inconceivably small volume of space (or a single point of vast energy, Lemaitre’s quantum dot) which exploded and has been expanding ever since.  Out of the chaos of this irruption the perfect order of the cosmos including its ‘natural laws’ formed. 


The Big Bang religiosity is based on two enormous assumptions.  First, gravity and gravity alone determines the structure and movement of stars and galaxies.  Second, the ‘Redshift’ of objects in space are a true reflection of their distance and that these objects are receding.  To achieve mathematical completion the BB religious have had to add Dark Matter and Dark Energy to their theory (more nonsense summarised below).


Does any of this make sense?

In the early 20th century polymath Tesla made an appropriate observation about ‘the science’:

Today’s scientists have substituted mathematics for experiments, and they wander off through equation after equation and eventually build a structure which has no relation to reality.”


Indeed.  Arcane maths, equations and conclusions littered with assumptions and hopes.  What created the quantum energy ‘egg’ in the first place?  Why would an explosion of a small energy source lead to structure and life?  How could all the elements in the universe be contained in a quantum egg and who put these illimitable number of elements there (1080 or 1 followed by 80 zeroes)?  No answers are forthcoming.


Ex Nihilo?

The religion of the Big Bang and Evolution hates Christians or anyone who believes in the ‘supernatural’, miracles or the unexplainable.  Yet here they are with their own theology and long list of miraculous births, revelations, resurrections and supernatural acts


The First Law of Thermodynamics states that matter cannot be created nor destroyed, it can only be changed from one form to another.  Matter cannot simply create itself and in the ‘real world’ matter cannot spontaneously arise from nothing, whether or not the instigating event is an explosion.  There is no observational evidence to disprove the First Law of Thermodynamics.  Further, the only ‘evidence’ for the Big Bang religious is the ‘Redshifting’ of light from expanding galaxies.  But again, what ‘force’ could propel a body outward and how would that force be manufactured?  It cannot arise out of nothing. 



Redshift (or the Doppler effect) is purportedly the phenomenon of the displacement of the spectrum of an astronomical object toward longer (red) wavelengths. It is a change in wavelength that occurs when a given source of waves (e.g., light, sound, or radio waves) and an observer are in rapid motion in opposite directions to each other. But the ‘Redshift’ theory is also wrong as there is no confirmed way in which a galaxy may increase its alleged acceleration through the cosmos.  This contradicts all of mainstream science’s beliefs (astronomer Halton Arp is a good resource on this fact).


Hubble and humility

One of the main objections Edwin Hubble had to the Big Bang theory derived from his study of the brightness of stars (or Redshifts and Blueshifts).  He maintained that if stars were receding at the rate indicated by their Redshift, their brightness would appear to be diminished.  Instead, he observed that there was no such diminishing of brightness.  NASA sees the same today. Yet online or in schools you will hear nothing about Hubble’s reservations about the Big Bang or the fallacy of Redshifting. He is simply acclaimed for discovering the ever-expanding universe.


If the galaxies were accelerating away from us and that this rate is also accelerating, in the long term, the sky will be totally dark at night as the stars will all have moved away, and the only visible galaxy will be Andromeda.  For this discovery, a US-born Australian citizen Brian Schmidt and his colleagues were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2011.  Yet the sky is not dark and there are billions of visible galaxies. 


Accelerate how? Mass attractions?

For the Big Bang theology to work, and for acceleration to occur, invisible Dark Matter of an unknown nature must be the dominant ingredient of the entire universe.  The Big Bang requires sprinkling galaxies, clusters, superclusters, and the universe with ever-increasing amounts of this invisible, as-yet-undetected, theoretical ‘Dark Matter’ to maintain the theory’s viability.  Overall, over 90% of the universe must be made of something never yet detected in any way.  There is no proof that Dark Matter exists.


We do know that objects with mass attract each other.  They produce a gravitational field that pulls them together, so they do not push away from each other. Expansion at an accelerating rate is impossible based on what we know about mass and attraction, negating ‘Redshift’ and the Big Bang.  More here