(Just a cockup, a fake news headline from 1989 - Governments must yield national sovereignty to international governance)
Climate Scientism and the cult of Climate-geddon fail basic science.
This post follows on from the previous deposition on the Federated New World Order and relates to many posts on the Climate totalitarianism enveloping society (links at the end of the post). Totalitarian Fascism was defined and refined in the previous post and is a framework of reference for global governance models premised on ‘Health’, ‘Climate’ and energy control. Because ‘Climate’ is marketed as global (it isn’t) and supposedly occurs with velocity and malice, a global governance model as recommended by the UN, WEF and others is the only ‘scientific’ solution to resolve this non-existent ‘crisis’. All of this is based on junk science of course.
Transnational Climate Scientism is a core foundation of the New World Order. It runs in partnership with the Health-Medical Nazism we experienced during the Corona plandemic. Climate and ‘Health’ will be linked of course, through an outbreak of ‘disease X’ caused by anthropomorphic activity which has deranged Gaia, giving her no choice but to ‘fight back’ with a zoonotic scariant virus. To ‘survive’ we will be told that global governance or a Federated structure of global power is necessary. (It should be noted that many of the modern ‘plagues’ we are supposed to cower in terror from, were assembled and manufactured by US biolabs including Ebola, HIV, Dengue, Marburg, Sars II to name a few)
What we want to do here is list some reasons why the Scientism of Climate is a deranged, neo-Malthusian, anti-human, anti-science, cult. Scientism is largely the union of State and corporate actors merging interests for profit and complete control over society, or parts of it. We see this with the complete capture of State agencies, academic and research institutions, and most media platforms across the world, by the ‘Climate’ narrative and its money, including the endless issuance of false and fake studies linking human created ‘Climate change’ with every possible weather event or every possible issue, real or imagined. The propaganda from the Climate cult is relentless derived from endless billions of available spend.
With Climate Scientism, the objective to dominate energy means that the real power structures in our world can manipulate the ‘commanding heights’ of just about everything that makes a modern society affluent and dynamic. As with Corona and ‘Health’, the religion of Climate has nothing to do with ‘science’. It is about power, mandates, money and a Federated NWO.
According to the FT more than U$100 billion per annum is to be spent on international ‘Climate projects’. Most of this money is simply a transfer of funds from the G20 to ‘developing’ nations like India or China. But this underestimates the total amount of money on offer for ‘Climate initiatives’. According to the Brookings Institute the world spends some $20 Trillion per annum on ‘Sustainable Development Goals’. Most of these funds are not directly related to ‘Climate’ per se but at least U$ 1 Trillion would be directly attributable to ‘Climate action’, or ‘green projects’ related to ‘Climate’. It is a stupendous amount.
Given that the G20’s total economic size is ‘only’ U$ 26 Trillion per annum these numbers on SDG (sustainable development goals) and ‘Climate’ spending, are simply staggering. What can you buy with a $ 1 Trillion? Probably sanitation systems and clean water for most of Africa. Does anyone with an IQ over 70 really believe that spending more money, on ‘Climate action’, or increasing taxes on ‘carbon’ will lower the non-existing ‘global temperature threat’ by 1 C? Or is it more likely that the endless streams of these monies are ‘laundered’, taken, grafted, and abused by those within the ‘Climate action’ processes? Don’t all governments view ‘Climate’ as an endless source of potential taxation? Don’t the elite and their State allies engorge themselves on the same endless rivers of billions of dollars?
Outside of formal funding flows exist vast swathes of loan financing for ‘Climate projects’ for the great and good, such as the COP28 announcement that the UAE will provide some U$270 billion over a decade for ‘Climate action’. We can add in billions in ‘carbon trading’ that goes on in the G20, enriching millionaires and billionaires as the elite and fund managers ‘trade’ to reduce ‘carbon footprints’ (akin to the medieval payment of the indulgence tithe, where you could buy your way out of sin). Sundry other local, national and transnational financing exists for those who want to enter the ‘green’ game.
Simply put the ‘climate industry’ is big business, roughly constituting somewhere between a U$200 billion and U$ 1 Trillion per annum global market. It is now a larger market domain than the criminal mafia and Scientism called Pharmaceuticals which is a U$ 100 billion per annum revenue industry. Yet look at the power that Pharma wields over governments and ‘Health’ policy, soon to be further ennobled by the WHO’s 2024 pandemic treaty which effectively ends national sovereignty. Pharma literally owns governments, academics, agencies and most of the media. Why not
Climate Scientism?
Given the massive extent of monies for ‘Climate action’, we would expect that such largesse would buy ‘democratic institutions’, agencies, regulators, universities and produce endless studies to ‘prove’ that the end of the world is just around the corner, or that mankind’s pernicious output of Co2 causes everything. The two-headed Satan of Pharma and Climate is a formidable and demonic monster to fight.
Climate can be defined as weather over a long period of time, namely 30-50 years. ‘Climate’ will vary by region and geography. There is no valid concept of a ‘global climate’ given the complexity of convection systems and the innumerable variables which cannot be modelled, that constitute local, regional and continental weather systems. For example, since 2019 some 350 peer reviewed studies have declared that no noticeable warming has gone on in the modern era, and human impact on natural cycles of Climate is negligible. Most don’t know this.
We need to bear in mind that weather measurements have only been in existence, in an on-going and verifiable manner, since the 1880s. Most of the globe is uncovered by temperature reading instrumentation, including the oceans. Only recently were liquid thermometers replaced by more modern electronic and digital instrumentation which record temperatures at a more granular level. Many temperature reading sites are old, thermometer based, situated in urban heat sinks including airports, which fraudulently increasing surface temperature measurements. Therefore, it is silly and criminal to pass judgements on ‘climate’ and issue climate-geddon forecasts based on inaccurate, sparse, fraudulent and recent data sets.
Longer age temperature measurements using ice core sampling clearly indicate that Co2 has no correlation with temperatures and in fact lags temperature by hundreds of years (sources at the end). Outside of cautiously interpreted ice core sampling, the best evidence for past regional ‘Climate’ and weather is that of written records. These elaborate clear natural, cyclical patterns from the Roman to the early modern eras. Extant and detailed records over 2000 years indicate that Co2 has no role to play in natural climate variation and that all manner of phenomena has been experienced by humans when Co2 levels were lower than today.
Since the Climate cult cannot explain the Medieval Warming Period (900-1300 A.D.) or the Medieval ‘Little Ice Age’ (1350-1800 A.D.), they simply and criminally airbrush both from the record. Apparently, they never existed or if they did, it was ‘local’ and of no great importance. They then create a temperature history so that the medieval era (500-1500 A.D) and the 1945-1975 global cooling frenzy are now forgotten and flattened to provide a ‘hockey stick’ graph of spiking 20th and 21rst century temperatures.
Mann et al’s fraudulent tree-ring circus of 1998, based on 3 tree samples (2 pines and 1 cedar), which purportedly erased the medieval warming period (an objective of this corrupt cabal) is one example of criminal malpractice and the abuse of dendrology, itself a non-science riven with assumptions and problems (see Steyn’s great book, ‘A Disgrace to the Profession’). The peasant has also observed that Michael Mann is a tenured professor at the University of Pennsylvania earing U$1 million per annum and has a net worth in the many millions. Corruption and data fraud pay well it appears.
Climate-Gate revealed the depravity and criminality of a small group of US and UK based ‘researchers’ as they sought to rewrite climate-records and ‘hide the decline’ of temperatures from 1945-1975. The Hockey Stick fraud and ‘Climate Gate’ reveal this cult for what it really is.
(The Inconvenient warming ‘pause’ that will soon be rewritten)
95% of plant food is emitted by Gaia but for some reason it is only the 5% emitted by humans which deranges Gaia through word-salads like ‘radiation refraction’ and ‘the greenhouse effect’. The human emission of CO2 is 4-5% of the total, or 20 parts per million of all atmospheric gases. It is not even worth worrying about. To say otherwise is anti-science.
To state that Climate is dependent on CO2 output is also anti-science. CO2 falls naturally out of climate processes. It is a part of the carbon cycle, a natural fact taught to 12-year-olds in most countries. There cannot be a ‘greenhouse’ effect because the Earth is an open, not a closed system. This means that there is no ‘layering’ or blanketing of the Earth’s 12 layered and complicated atmosphere by carbon dioxide. The exaggerated, linear and amplified ‘greenhouse’ effect, sold to the masses, is also anti-science.
To wit, “Water vapour is a more important greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide, and as its atmospheric concentration can vary rapidly, it could have been a major trigger or amplifier in many sudden climate changes..” (Thompson et al. 1995). Water vapour constitutes some 95% of ‘greenhouse gases’, why not target water for reduction and net-zero?
(CO2- Endothermic and Exothermic convection systems)
CO2 has little to do with ‘heat accumulation and energy radiation’ if we look at the real science of spectral bands, Planck’s law and absorption.
1) Molecules in the atmosphere absorb light waves over what are called spectral bands. Spectral band absorption in the atmosphere can be quantified based on measurements over a certain distance through the atmosphere (eg 300 m above sea level).
2) The Earth emits a spectrum, or wavelength continuum, of radiation that is described by Planck’s Law, which has been validated by experimental data for over a hundred years.
3) There are two spectral bands in which the CO2 molecule absorbs infrared radiation. The first band is in what is called the Medium Wave InfraRed (MWIR) spectrum, and the second spectral band is in the Light Wave Infrared spectrum, or LWIR. The LWIR band is the most important in the absorption of infrared radiation (see the IR Handbook).
4) In the LWIR absorption band of CO2 (centre wavelength of 15 microns) the transmission measured is 0.0 due to CO2 absorption. This means a total of 100% absorption over 300 meters at sea level, within the spectral absorption band of CO2, that would capture the most energy, or “heat”, being radiated by the earth’s surface.
Based on the above science, CO2 absorption of 'heat' is both a myth and unimportant in climatic variation. You cannot go beyond 100% heat absorption, yet that is what the Climate Cult is trying to sell with its inflated absorption rates. Within LWIR there is a ‘limit’ on CO2 heat absorption, claiming otherwise is anti-science and ignores that most of the CO2 is recycled and reused anyway.
CO2 is also exothermic, meaning it has both ‘warming’ (endothermic) and ‘cooling’ (heat reduction) properties. Co2 is not a unidirectional ‘heat trapper’. It does not create a warm blanket. It can absorb energy up to 100% of its mole fraction weight, but it also demonstrates cooling attributes.
At higher altitudes NASA has publicly admitted that CO2 is a ‘cooling agent’. Given that ‘Not A Space Agency’ (for the moon fraud see here), is also a prime beneficiary and promoter of Climate nonsense, the fact that CO2 has cooling properties within the LWIR and at higher altitudes is a rather large inconvenient truth. In other words, the net effect of CO2 on anything is negligible at best. More here