Thursday, May 2, 2024

Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) and the ‘axis of evil’

The secret and astounding fact is that cosmic microwave background radiation and harmonics, point to the ecliptic and equator of the Earth.

by StFerdIII




Philosophy is always the foundation of ‘Science’.  In large part you are your worldview.  ‘The Cosmological Science’ and its religious theology of ‘The Big Bang’ are proof of this.  Sundry underlying philosophical assumptions always determine the interpretation of data.  Other parameters which deform interpretation include data fraud, censorship, money, power, fame, the allure of being published, professorships, awards, and ego-stroking. Scientism and human corruption. 

One of the many intemperate and unsolvable scientific issues for ‘The Science’ of cosmology is that of anisotropy, or the heterogeneity of the observable universe.  Cosmic Background Radiation is not homogenous throughout the universe, as predicted by Bangers.  This cannot be easily dismissed or explained away, cutting as it does, right into the heart of their model, namely a magical explosion of the cosmic egg which contained all the matter in the universe, a nuclear fusion explosion, a massive acceleration thousands of times the speed of light, a cooling period and then uniformity and homogeneity in CMB (cosmic microwave background), with CMB being ‘a relic of the Big Bang’ and the universe’s temperature now a cool 2.725° Kelvin.

If nothing else ‘The Science’ loves uniformitarianism, endless time, slow and gradual, and eventually an equilibrium and stasis.  Yet no evidence exists for CMB isotropy or homogeneity.  It is all jumbled up.  The implications for the Scientism of modern cosmology are momentous and shattering. 

[COBE mapping, NASA which supports WMAP observations]

WMAP’s discontents

CMB heterogeneity was known back in the 1970s and 80s and this insidious problem prompted a response.  In the late 1990s ‘The Science’ with its $25 billion per annum budget created a new project called WMAP or Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe, named after the original discoverer of the CMB anisotropies in 1981, David T. Wilkinson.  It was launched by NASA in 2001.  The real objective was to disprove Wilkinson’s observations.  What WMAP actually uncovered astounded and further perplexed ‘The Science’.  If Wilkinson was correct, the anisotropy of CMB by itself would disprove the Big Bang.  So what did WMAP uncover?

The WMAP images have shown the exact same results as the earlier probe named the Cosmic Background Explorer (COBE), only with more clarity.  COBE was launched in 1989 and is always used as ‘proof’ of Banging.  But the actual data collected by COBE reveals quite the opposite picture, confirmed by WMAP.  Both COBE and WMAP show that there is anisotropy in the universe, and that the Sun-Earth ecliptic plane (the black line in the image below) was precisely in the centre, between the red poles (hotter regions) and the blue poles (colder regions). There is a difference of 50mK or 50 millionths of a degree Kelvin from the 2.725° Kelvin of the remaining CMB.  This is not what the Bangers predicted or wanted.

(WMAP data and geo-centredness)

Tegmark tantalised

One of the first scientists in WMAP to analyse this data was Max Tegmark of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.  He was astounded at the data.  The usually reliable mouthpiece of propaganda, the BBC, reported what he found: 

“We [WMAP] found something very bizarre; there is some extra, so far unexplained structure in the CMB. We had expected that the microwave background would be truly isotropic, with no preferred direction in space but that may not be the case.” (BBC, 2003)

What Tegmark and others found was a pattern and one that pointed to the Sun-Earth ecliptic plane (Tegmark, et al July 26, 2003).  In geek-speak the symmetry of the CMB containing octopole and quadrupole components revealed a curiosity.

The octopole and quadrupole components are arranged in a straight line across the sky, along a kind of cosmic equator. That's weird. We don't think this is due to foreground contamination,” Dr Tegmark said. “It could be telling us something about the shape of space on the largest scales. We did not expect this and we cannot yet explain it.” (BBC, March 3, 2003)


Octopole:  A multipole configuration with eight equal charges arranged in a circular pattern.

Quadrupole:  A distribution of either electric charge or magnetization equivalent to two dipoles that point in opposite direction.

In essence these ‘poles’ are based on a monopole; an analogy would be a musical instrument where there is a fundamental note (say the base A string) but variations or poles of different notes that can be played on that string, more below). 

These facts comport with the COBE data.  But consider this epiphany.  WMAP observations have shown that the 93 billion light year diameter universe was in direct alignment with the 93-million-mile distance between the Sun and the Earth – a ratio of 10-17 to 1.  Just another coincidence.  In fact, cosmological statistics show that an alignment of the CMB quadrupole and octupole with the Earth is a 0.1% probability equivalent to the death rate from the Corona ‘pandemic’.  In other words, not a coincidence. 

CMB pole alignment

In a 2004 publication, the ‘Copi team’ of Craig Copi, Dominik Schwarz, Glenn Starkman, and Dragan Huterer admitted that the CMB poles were not only aligned with the Sun-Earth ecliptic, but also hint that they are aligned with the Earth’s equinoxes:

The large-angle correlations of the cosmic microwave background exhibit several statistically significant anomalies compared to the standard inflationary cosmology…the quadrupole-octopole correlation is excluded from being a chance occurrence in a gaussian random statistically isotropic sky at >99.87%….The correlation of the normals [perpendicular vectors] with the ecliptic poles suggest an unknown source or sink of CMB radiation or an unrecognized systematic.

…If it is a physical source or sink in the inner solar system it would cause an annual modulation in the time-ordered data….Physical correlation of the CMB with the equinoxes is difficult to imagine, since the WMAP satellite has no knowledge of the inclination of the Earth’s spin axis (Copi et al, November 26, 2004).


[The CMB Dipole is aligned with the Earth’s equinoxes]


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