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Saturday, May 25, 2024

Summarising the failures of the Big Bang. $cientism's very religious views.

Next article will summarise the failures of Netwon and Einstein since they are related to, and inform the Big Bang bust.

by StFerdIII




Big Bang in big trouble

There are many proofs against the Big Bang. Few are known or discussed. How would a ‘bang’ create information, structure, order and life? This is a philosophical program not a ‘science’. The ‘10 Easy steps’ from nothing to the ‘Big Bang’ and then to you, is analysed here.


The underlying Philosophy of the Big Bang is deeply religious (link to post)

There is no proof which supports the religious tenets, namely mechancial naturalism, of the Big Bang theology.  The Banging religion is anti-humanist, in that it demands a purely naturalistic (pagan) explanation for the creation of the universe, life, intelligence and information. Within this theology, our planet is a poor, reduced spheroid in the fringes of the universe. Humans are unimportant, our species simply a chance causation, designed by a random fluctuation of material and matter, akin to developed bacteria, related to and maybe inferior to the great ape. It is an atavistic theology and philosophy.

Supposedly, pace the Catholic priest and physicist Lemaitre and the industry he helped to create, the following naturalistic process occurred: a cosmic egg containing all universal matter exploded (how formed?), fusion reaction and massive heat ensued, an expansion, slowdown, then acceleration, cooling, isotropy, and homogeneity (disproven), gravity appears, galaxy and planet formation somehow occurred and improbably stardust and inanimate matter became information systems and life.  This philosophical nonsense, built as a religio-scientific framework without foundational proof, is sold as ‘fact’. It is anything but factual or proven.


Some reasons why the Big Bang is simply rubbish are given below.


First Law of Thermodynamics

The First Law of Thermodynamics states that matter cannot be created nor destroyed, it can only be changed from one form to another.  Matter cannot simply create itself and in the ‘real world’ matter cannot spontaneously arise from nothing, whether or not the instigating event is an explosion.  There is no observational evidence to disprove the First Law of Thermodynamics


Radiation spectrum disproves the Big Bang (links to post with details)

In general, we can say that two things would falsify the Big Bang religion:  1-if the blackbody radiation spectrum is not found and 2-if the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation or CMB possesses a spectrum that is substantially different from a blackbody.  Astronomical observations confirm these two objections. The Big Bang is therefore invalid.


James Webb Telescope (JWT) observations which refute both the Special Theory of Relativity (STR) and the Big Bang

Contrary to STR and Banging theology, stellar galaxies should be far less than 1 billion years old, but this is not what ‘The Science’ has found.  Exploding Supernovae are young.  Galaxies larger than ours are newly created.  Super galaxies have formed in short periods of time.  According to STR and Banging, the Universe should collapse on itself and either reform or cease to exist.  Magical dark matter and dark energy are invoked to prevent a collapse, neither has been found or can even be described. JWT observations suggest that the universe may be a flat disc and not curved.


Curved or not? Time Dilation?

‘The Science’ has no ‘consensus’ on the size, shape or form of the Universe. It might be expanding. It might be expanding and contracting. It might be in a steady state. It might not be in a steady state. The universe might well be a flat disc pace the JWT data. Or maybe not. Most likely it is a flat disc, but we might never know.

To be fair to the one of the few ‘insights’ from Einstein, Planck probes may suggest a slight curve of the universe which means that time dilation would be valid (clocks on the Earth would run much faster than in space).  This is Einstein’s time-dilation and his ‘Twin paradox’ where a twin in space ages less quickly if he is travelling in a rocket near the speed of light (and that is the important variable), than his twin on Earth. Clocks due to gravity, run ‘faster’ on Earth than in space.

If true, this would mean that the billions of years of cosmic space formation would be rendered in the thousands or millions on Earth, depending on the clock dilation impact from a slight curvature and Einstein’s view that large objects due to gravity, slow down time. This by itself would upend modern cosmology and it would be the end of long ages on Earth. You can hear heads exploding at the very idea!

If no time dilation it is still a lose for ‘The Science’

However, if the slight curvature of space is not true and time-dilation is invalid and the JWT flat disc observation is accurate, it is still a lose for cosmology, given that the Big Bang and Relativity promote a fairly large curvature. Yet, ironically but deliberately, in promoting their space-curve dimension, ‘The Science’ does not bother to calculate the impact on time, because it would destroy long ages on this planet. Rocks and hard places.

It must be said that the concept of space and time being merged into a curved 4th dimension is frankly ridiculous, unproven and just another mental experiment.  In this theory there is no absolute time, and the past, the present and the future do not exist independently of each other. In real life, time is outside of space and is a human only creation.  Inanimate matter does not consider ‘time’. 


Cosmic Background Radiation disproves the Big Bang

Cosmic Microwave Background radiation or CMB, disproves the Big Bang theology, and this is confirmed by the James Webb Telescope.  The universe as viewed from the Earth is largely isotropic or homogenous but with 4 defined anisotropies or heterogenous patterns. This heterogeneity indicates that the Earth is near the barycentre of the universe.  The CMB axis when viewed from the Earth appears to show geo-centricity, once again calling into disrepute the Copernican religion of Sun Worship.


Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) observations disproves the Big Bang

All of the above has been confirmed by WMAP data which cannot be easily dismissed or explained away. WMAP observations thrust a dagger right into the heart of the Banging model leading to laments about the axis of evil, or the centricity of the Earth within the universe (anathema!).

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