Sunday, July 14, 2024

Dr Max Gerson, censored by 'The Science' for curing cancer.

An untold story where the real quacks and criminals slander someone who successfully cured thousands from terminal cancer. $cientism and protecting the AMA and the medical establishment's drug trade.

by StFerdIII



"I agree with you that Dr Gerson’s cancer therapy had great merits and know with which difficulties Dr Gerson had to struggle.  I would be grateful to you if you try to tell the people of America about Dr. Gerson’s merits and about the results he obtained with his therapy….I wish you the best with this difficult task.”  Dr. Albert Schweitzer

“In the hand of the physician, nutrition can be the highest and best remedy.” Dr Max Gerson





Dr Max Gerson cured Albert Schweitzer of his type II diabetes, his daughter’s chronic skin condition, and saved his wife’s life from tuberculosis which ‘modern medicine’ could not resolve.  Gerson and Schweitzer became life-long friends.  Such success for Max Gerson was not unusual.  Originally his therapy targeted tuberculosis and diabetes but he noticed it also arrested and often cured cancer. 



In the 1940s and beyond he began to focus on restoring health to those afflicted by various cancers.  According to his patients and notebooks Gerson’s success rate at stopping or remediating the spread of cancer in those deemed ‘terminal’ or beyond the help of ‘modern medicine’ was over 60%.  These successes were confirmed in US Senate hearings in the 1946. 


Few know of Gerson or his methods.  There is a reason for that.  It is called the American Medical Association, a creature of the Rockefeller Foundation which is the gatekeeper and curator of ‘medical science’.  If you don’t promote drugs, pills, opioids, vaccines or chemical therapies, you will be censored, de-registered, de-licensed and increasingly in the ‘modern world’ de-banked.  You might even end up murdered or ‘suicided’.  The censorship of any treatment that does include expensive chemical brews is rife and endemic in the ‘modern world’. 


Gerson’s approach is classified by the colossally ignorant Wikipedia as dangerous and ineffective.  Unlike say the Corona quackcinations, or chemotherapy.  This is typical of Scientism.

Who was Dr. Max Gerson?


Dr. Max Gerson was born in Wongrowitz, Germany, in 1881, attending the universities of Breslau, Wuerzburg, Berlin, and Freiburg, graduating in 1909 and becoming a licensed physician in Germany.  Gerson and his family fled the Nazi regime ending up in the US in 1936 and Gerson received a license to practice medicine in the state of New York in 1938.  He became a U.S. citizen in 1942.  In 1946, Dr. Gerson appeared before the Pepper-Neely Congressional Subcommittee, during hearings on a bill to fund cancer treatment research, providing evidence that naturopathy could cure cancer.  He astonished the entire hearing with his success stories. 



Case history of 10 cancer patients clinical observations theoretical considerations and summary


In 1958, after 30 years of clinical experimentation, Dr. Gerson published A Cancer Therapy: Results of 50 Cases to detail his theories, treatment, and results.  His research included soil issues, the electricity of cells, how cancer cells ferment glucose, oxidizing enzymes, sodium/potassium balance, connective tissue, and other technical issues related to cancer. His treatment and approach were holistic.  Cancer was (and is) a disease of the entire body.  More here