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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Trump, Brexit, Corona and ‘The Science’

The CIA-Deep State coup of 2020. Could it happen again? Will 'The Science' be used to manufacture uniparty or even globalist governance?

by StFerdIII


Effect:  There was a coup in 2019 and 2020 to impose some form of Medical Nazism, Fascism or Totalitarianism across the G20 including Europe, North America and Oceania.  Why was such an evil unveiled then?  What were the ‘drivers’ or causes of the Corona coup? 

Cause:  The 2016 Brexit vote and the election of the hated Trump (or Drumpf) fomented a reaction from the US CIA Deep State and its globalist partners.  The 2020 re-election of Trump was anathema to the CIA-Deep State and had to be prevented.

The cover:  ‘Science’ and the imposition of a health fascism including lockdowns, based on unscientific claims and data fraud.


Culture and metaphysics




In the long view of history, it seems an inevitability that the poorly named ‘Enlightenment’ would lead to a Scientocracy, or a Church of Science, with many chapels and altars.  There are a few ways to usher in a Scientocratic Dictatorship and make ‘Science’ the reigning and unifying religion.  One is through ‘health fascism’.  ‘Health and Safety’ is an easy philosophical mantra to turn into a totalitarianism. 


The Corona plan-scam-demic was an episodic and hinge moment in history.  It was a deliberate pilot project and general intelligence test in which the people (sheeple) failed miserably.  Invoking ‘The Science’™ to enforce compliance, the Corona totalitarianism was a test run at the New World Order of Scientocratic management. 


In the Corona story-telling, the mechanistic ‘evolution’ of the ‘viral threat’ was from a bat and a pangolin to a human in Wuhan; from human to human in Wuhan and then to the rest of China; and somehow through the magic of water droplets and ‘fomites’ from China to the world.  As the ‘virus’ evolved its ‘defences’ it ‘mutated’ into terrifying scariants, contravening basic science to become worse than the original. 


Only in a culture saturated and dumbed down by endless materialist propaganda and anti-science education and media, could such a tale be taken seriously as ‘The Science’. 


Corona and the CIA




The Corona coup from 2020-2023 was planned, coordinated and implemented across the G20.  This ‘revolution’, based on ‘The Science’™ spawned various sub-revolutions from 2020-23 including BLM (burn, loot, murder), virulent anti-White racism, anti-Fa, Extinction Rebellion, Transgenderism, and the imposition of the Queer religion as a state-financed theology.  Out of nowhere these cults suddenly blossomed into violent and subversive activity, all of it funded by the state, NGOs and various billionaires. 


The Corona coup and its attendant sub-revolutions were unleashed in 2020 to achieve several objectives:

1:  Establish and groom the sheeple that ‘The Science’ is the key governing paradigm, which must be obeyed

2:  Engineer massive profits for government and their pharmaceutical allies, where the largesse, as it was done with ‘AIDS’, can be used to buy compliance for the next plandemic

3:  Accelerate Global and Trans-national governance to demise National governments and parliaments or congresses (New World, One World, Order)

4:  Within Western states, fund sub-cults to eradicate the nation state and its Euro-Christian-Romano-Greek heritage (BLM, anti-fa, ‘Climate’, open borders, gender fascism) to develop NWO globalist aims

5:  Further impose the cult of climate and net-zero, as evinced by the WEF, UN and Agenda 2030

6:  Punish the UK for Brexit and the US for the hated Drumpf’s 2016 election win by locking them down

7:  Make it easier for the CIA and DoD (department of defence) to steal the 2020 US election with a 40 million vote fraud

The last two points were the ‘triggers’ which initiated the planning and implementation of the Corona coup starting in 2016.  Only the CIA and its Deep State resources could have accomplished this.  All done in the name of ‘Science’. 


The USA of the CIA




In ‘The Devil’s Chessboard’, author David Talbot provides a detailed history of the CIA coup enacted during the late 1950s and 1960s, which resulted in a ‘parallel’ government within the US.  The CIA has been responsible for dozens of coups worldwide from the late 1950s to now.  The murders of JFK, RFK, MLK, and the attempted assassination of George Wallace in 1972, which echoes the failed attempt to kill Donald Trump on July 13th, 2024; were CIA operations. 

It is unlikely that the attempted assassination of Trump was by a ‘lone wolf’.  At least in the case of Matthew Crooks, the alleged shooter who missed Trump, the bullets flew straight, unlike those of Lee Harvey Oswald and Sirhan Sirhan whose bullets could defy gravity, twist, turn, circle and perform gymnastics.  In the case of Sirhan who was facing RFK, apparently the bullet was so agile and intelligent it flew around RFK and entered his head from behind. 


The CIA are experts of course in not being ‘caught’ or implicated.  The US wars in the Middle East which lasted some 30 years, can trace their lineage back to CIA coups in the region and forcing various Presidents ‘to act’ based on fraudulent data.  The CIA as built by Allen Dulles, and explained by Talbot, is a shadow government or ‘Deep State’. 


Over time the CIA and Department of Defence or DoD became aligned on most issues related to endless warring and invasions.  The same is true of the CIA and pharma.  The CIA is famous for its hallucinogenic programs (eg LSD) and its ‘brainwashing’ experiments.  Oswald for example, the marine and CIA agent, was enrolled in these programs.  Pharma has always been a longstanding business partner of the CIA and is treated as an ally and close relation of the state. 


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