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Sunday, August 4, 2024

Evolution and the Natural Selection nonsense.

$cientism in all its glorious word-salad gibberish. Nature is not your mother, and is not a selecting agent or filter.

by StFerdIII


“To suppose that the eye….could have been formed by natural selection seems, I freely confess, absurd in the highest degree.” Charles Darwin in Origins (who then goes on to try to explain the absurdity and fails).

Natural Selection and rhetoric



In Tom Bethell’s book, 

‘Darwin’s House of Cards’, he summarises the current definition of what natural selection means in Darwinian terms:

What do we really know about natural selection? To summarize the current view: As a source of innovation, mutations in the DNA molecule generate random variations, and natural selection then acts as a filtering device. “Unfit” variants rarely survive even the early stages of development. As a matter of observation, then, what we find when organisms reproduce is that descendants incorporate small changes. Offspring differ a little from their parents, and their offspring differ even more from their grandparents. And so on. So the reproduction that we see is imperfect. All die in the end, but some variant forms contrive to leave more offspring than others.’

So what do the ‘small changes’ in offspring mean scientifically? Do they lead to metamorphosis, new structures, new software programming (genes, DNA, RNA)? The answer is they do not.

What is it?



Since the time of Darwin and his invocation of ‘natural selection’, ‘the science’ believes that unseen forces and selective agents will add changes to the genomic structure of animals and species. This will give animals a ‘competitive advantage’ over their peers and ‘rivals’. Over long periods of time, these changes will form new animals and species, ‘adapted’ to their environment.  You are fit therefore you survive.


This theory is of course utter nonsense.

One could rightly ask for example, where are these new species?  It is obvious that there are means or averages. Humans are bound by their software, genomic structure and by reproduction.  You don’t mate with a tulip or a tiger. Cats mate with cats.  Dogs mate with dogs or other canines including foxes.  Bears with those of the same kind.  A cat cannot mate with a pigeon and will not add pigeon software to its own software. 


More here