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Tuesday, August 27, 2024

The Mon(k)ey Pox Scam and the continuation of Project Fear.

$cientism and the onward march of Medical Nazism.

by StFerdIII



To any who are upright and sentient, the Corona plan/scam-demic was a test pilot. In Information Technology we initiate such pilots to test the applicability of technology to resolve a business issue. The Corona Medical Nazism piloted the public’s (aka the sheeple’s), reaction to lockdowns, mandatory face diapers, and forced stabbinations. All to ward off a fake flying virus which purportedly emanated from a bat in Wuhan.


The CIA-DoD-Pharma coup and the various actors and masters involved, must have been very pleased with the unexpected and enthusiastic level of compliance, hysteria and outright fascistic beliefs held by the sheeple. Given such success why wouldn’t they try it again? It appears that the globalist-WEF panjandrums are pushing both ‘bird flu’ and ‘monkeypox’, neither of which exists in a ‘viral’ form, as the continuation of Project Fear. The useless WHO, owned by Gates and Pharma, is of course advertising mpox as a global contagion.


Keep in mind that according to the UK Health Security Agency (CDC equivalent in the UK), the ‘monkeypox virus’ is so similar to the ‘smallpox virus’ that a single quackcine can remediate both. Supposedly the mpox is indistinguishable from ‘smallpox’. How can two ‘viruses’ make ‘diseases’ whose symptoms are remarkably similar? When I asked under FOI to provide proof of the pox virus they of course declined to provide any. How can you make a quackcine if you don’t have an isolated pathogen?


Here is a quick look at the non-science around ‘monkeypox’.  More here