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Thursday, September 12, 2024

Why Light, Time and Redshifting do not support establishment doctrine

Relativity and Big Banging are not supported by these underlying precepts.

by StFerdIII



Many posts have discussed why the speed of light constant at 300.000 km per second is incorrect.  If this criticism is valid, it means that the age of the universe is wrong and ‘The Big Bang’ and Relativity must be declared implausible.  As a corollary it also indicates that the theories about light-shifting due to a difference in frequency (blue or red-shifting) are also without merit.


Redshifting theory is wrong




Other posts have discussed red shifting, often used a ‘proof’ for the Big Bang.  Halton Arp and others have proven that these claims from ‘The Science’ are illusory.  The idea is simple enough and was proposed by Edwin Hubble a hundred years ago.  The theory is that when light is received with a lower frequency, it is called ‘red-shifted’.  It is assumed that given the lower frequency the light is of greater age than a beam emitting a higher frequency or a ‘blue shift’.  This theory is just that – a theory. 




Using the above as a context, a red-shift emission is received when a star is emitting light as it moves away from the Earth.  There are many assumptions in this model.  The establishment explanation is that a red shift indicates a light emission which has lost energy during its journey (propagating at a lower frequency over time).  Images accompany the explanation showing that the light waves are getting longer as the light moves away from the star and as the star accelerates away from the Earth (another assumption).  We know that a light’s frequency is proportional to its energy, and this supposedly explains the lower frequency.  More here