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Wednesday, September 18, 2024

'Spacetime' and curvature cartoons. Fantasy and dogma replacing reality.

Light waves will bend in space. Space does not bend to allow planets to orbit stars or larger masses. $cientism.

by StFerdIII



There is no evidence that space is ‘curved’.  The James Webb Telescope and plenty of other data indicates our universe is a flat disc.  ‘The Science’ has never been able to explain the ‘god awful’ truth that planetary motions are not only predictable but seemingly magical.  It is indeed a mystery.  Given that gravity is a weak force, why doesn’t the Earth simply ‘spin off’ from the Sun and go on a canter through universal space?  How is it possible that the relationship between the Sun and Earth includes the perfect distance, the perfect speed, the perfect orbit?  Besides zero, what is the ‘chance’ that all of this occurred from ‘random chance’?


‘The Science’ does not have an answer for any of these basic questions.  In order to improve Newtonian physics and explain the how ‘mass attraction’ keeps planets in their orbital paths, Einstein and Relativists resorted to inventing a curvature of space where planets follow ‘geodesic lines’ around their star.  Apparently, ‘geodesics’ formed just because they had to form.  They are there according to the mathematical models, so therefore it happened. 


Curvaturists and their space cartoons







No observational evidence supports the claim of the curvaturists.  Their theory is that the curvature of space occurs around masses, and this is the reason the Moon remains in orbit about the Earth.  Such a claim requires a very large ‘depression’ within the fabric of space that should be visible to us.  The curvaturists maintain that the curvature would be the same in all directions for observers on Earth.  Due to this we cannot see star displacement in the sky. 


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