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Monday, September 30, 2024

$cientism and its Totalising agenda

A religious framework, with a 'Divine Right to Rule' imperative. No one is 'anti-science'. We should however, be 'anti-Scientism'.

by StFerdIII



Scientism refers to ‘science’, being elevated as a religious cult, in which ‘naturalistic science’ is the only explanation for anything in life, and the only truth.  All other religions, cults, dogmas and beliefs are to be dismissed and persecuted by the Church of Science.  Obeisance to the gospels of ‘science’, articulated and enunciated through its apostles and priests is the primary objective for any human.  Through ‘science’ we achieve knowledge and salvation.


This is what is being sold.  Does it make any sense?  First some terms used within ‘The Science’ which can help us understand ‘Scientism’. 

·       A priori:  A priori knowledge is independent from any experience. Examples include mathematics, tautologies and deduction from pure reason.  This is the basis of much ‘science’.

·       A posteriori:  Conclusions drawn from experimentation which can include various types of logic and inferences. 

·       Inductive logic:  Drawing a conclusion by looking at a specific event, then generalizing from that event.  Example, my cat is a good jumper.  All cats are good jumpers. 

·       Deductive logic:  Moving from a general observation and conclusion to a specific conclusion.  All cats are good jumpers (at least the ones I have seen).  My cat must also be a good jumper.

·       Ontological:  A metaphysical and philosophical view on the reality of being.  Existential questions on ‘being’, or what constitutes reality for a being. We see ontology now in mathematics.

·       Metaphysics:  Above natural physics and naturalist science, a philosophy and world view explaining the world around us. Much of science is premised on metaphysical views.


We list the above terms to emphasise that much of ‘science’ is a priori reasoning combined with metaphysics.  There is also never a single ‘scientific’ method.  You can use a mixture of inductive and deductive logic linked to aposteriori experimentation.  It is preferable of course when performing real science to use mechanical experimentation (aposteriori) and from that fabricate a conclusion premised on empirical fact. 


Most of ‘The Science’ now ignores aposteriori experimentation and empiricism.  It is mostly models, mathematics and lapidary (polishing) experimentation to prove a contrived conclusion. The Corona plandemic and its unending propaganda around ‘safe and effective vaccines’ is one obvious example.  Evolution, cosmology and psychology are examples of unsubstantiated expressions of apriori-inductive-ontological rationalising and are therefore not scientific.  More here