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Thursday, October 10, 2024

Relativity, String theory, ‘unified models’ and anti-science theologies

Is Einstein the new Aristotle? Are we in a 1000-year paradigmatic reign? Is it the age of Einstotle?

by StFerdIII




Einstein was a philosopher not a physicist. If Einstein is the new Aristotle, we might in the early years of a new ‘Thomas Kuhnian’ paradigm. Aristotle’s philosophy dominated science for some 1000 years. Will Einsteinian philosophy persist for a similar duration?

“Philosophy is the true mother of science.”  (attributed to Cicero)

“Truth is the object of philosophy, but not always of philosophers.”  (attributed to John Churton Collins) 



Copernicus, Galileo, Newton and others convinced the public that heliocentricity was validated science and there was a motion of the Earth around the Sun.  As late as 1900 no mechanical, experimental evidence could be produced to support this concept.  The theory of Relativity was created to resolve the matter.  It was not invented by Einstein but by half a dozen other men in the late 19th century after the enormous failure of the 1887 Michelson Morley experiment to detect motion. 



There is still no mechanical evidence that we move.  


Relativity is now sold as a ‘scientific fact’.  As with ‘Evolution’ another non-science, the truth is the opposite.  Relativity is philosophy and abstract maths.  It is a theoretical and physical chimera and rubbish.  Many posts outline scientific reasons and experiments why this is true.  DC Miller, another unknown physicist, disproved ‘Relativity’ in the 1920s and 30s with over 200.000 experiments.  Einstein performed none.  DC Miller is never studied.  His experiments have never been invalidated. 


The essence of ‘Special Relativity’ is the symmetry of spacetime. That is, symmetries relate space and time as a single spacetime.  Being homogeneous and isotropic are the key properties of those symmetries and are declared obvious from the perspective of an ‘observer’ who will see homogeneity and isotropy in the universe.

Universal isotropy and homogeneity are however, both wrong.  This fact by itself negates Relativity.   More here