Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Relativity's tautological maths, and issues with Mercury's perihelion and Einstein's gravity.

Relativity does not explain nor prove anything. There are many different explanations for the precession of Mercury and Relativity adds an unknown push-source dimension to gravitational force.

by StFerdIII


Relativity was ushered into being to explain the thousands of experiments that can find no motion of our planet. In the last post we looked at the error in the tensor calculus maths in Relativity. By itself this disproves the theory and all its many hydra-headed claims.  


We also discussed the illogical nature of Relativity, both Special and General, given that neither theory can explain heliocentricity, or the thousands of experiments which failed to find the movement of the Earth. This short post has a look at Mercury’s perhelion and gravity and why Relativity is unnecessary in both cases as an explanatory model.  More here