Thursday, February 22, 2007
The coming Ice Age. The science is closed.
You better hope that the earth is heating up.
by StFerdIII
The latest UN eco-cult political document on Globaloney warming, left out the Mann hockey stick curve which purportedly showed that the late 20th century was the hottest on record. The media and their liberal friends did not wail, ‘the UN lied, and millions were not fried.’ Instead with child-like fascination they accepted the venerable UN eco-activist report with nary a question, comment or searching query as why the hockey stick curve was dropped and what that might mean about UN ‘science’. Cooking up models to support Marxist suppositions should at least be open to scorching criticism.
This remarkable omission and admission that the UN had ‘cooked’ up the Globaloney scare mongering in 2001 was met with collective yawns by populists and media types. The inconvenient truth that passes over the well-coiffed heads of the populist politicians and the toothy media set, is that we are probably witnessing the onset of a cyclical ice age even as our political elites and the corrupt UN crowd conger up ways to destroy billions of dollars in private and national wealth and transferring our largesse to anti-Western regimes in Russia, Africa and Asia to combat Globaloney-warming fantasies.
If there is any science that should be closed, it would be on Global Cooling and the need to heat up the planet before we have to sprint to Ecuador ahead of ice sheets and hairy mammoths.
Consider some random facts:
-Ice ages last approximately 100.000 years. These periods are interrupted by warmer inter-glacial eras lasting approximately 10.000 years. The last major ice-age ended 10.500 years ago. This means we are overdue for a cooling correction as our own inter-glacial period winds down.
-The Swiss group ‘World Glacier Monitoring’ has observed that since 1980 there has been an advance of more than 55% of the 625 mountain glaciers that they monitor across the world. They state that from 1926 to 1960 some 70-95% of these glaciers were in retreat.
-German scientists measured German Oak trees whose isotope ratios apparently have a strong calibration with temperature and found that there was a 1°C temperature decline from 1350 to 1800 (the ‘Little Ice Age’) and a 1°C increase in temperature from 1800 to 1930. Since 1930 the average mean temperature is in decline.
-Weather stations in the Alps and in northern Europe indicate that since 1930 there has been a decline in European temperature of about 1 C.
-Many satellite measurements have shown a substantial growth in the size of the Greenland ice sheet.
-2003 and 2005 saw some of the worst and most violent winters ever. This year record snow falls and storms have struck New York state, British Columbia, Texas, Kansas, and in the past few years record cold spells have ripped into North Africa, Israel, Eastern Europe and parts of Mexico.
According to the eco-cult of Al Gore the emission of C02 will doom the planet. Sorry Al, but I have more faith in the recurring patterns of natural ice ages and in recent observations that things are getting colder, then in your politically motivated nonsense. It is true that the hairless human monkey has spewed C02 into the air in the past 100 years. But C02 levels are still only 0.038% of the atmosphere. During the last ice age CO2 levels fell to 0.020% then rose to 0.028 % by 1850. The differences are so minor as to be irrelevant.
Sorry but I can’t get too worked up about a 0.010% increase in a natural gas. In fact I would hope that we emit tons more of C02 to try and ward off the colder temps and the coming ice age. Al Gore and the eco-fascists have it precisely backwards. We need more Global Warming not less.
Consider what real scientists say about Global Cooling:
-"It's a boom-bust system, [temperature swings from solar activity] and I expect a crash soon," says Nigel Weiss, a solar physicist at the University of Cambridge. [Sept. 2006]
-Sam Solanki, of the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research in Germany, says declining solar activity could drop global temperatures by 0.2 degrees Celsius. [2006]
-The National Post reported that Khabibullo Abdusamatov chief of the Russian Academy of Sciences' astronomical observatory believes that global cooling could develop in 50 years. The happy Russian estimates that a mini ice age will start between 2012-2015 and reach its peak in 2055-2066.
-Theodor Landscheidt, who was a renowned German solar expert and forecaster stated that, "Analysis of the sun's varying activity in the last two millennia indicates that contrary to the IPCC's speculation about man-made global warming as high as 5.8 degrees Centigrade within the next 100 years, a long period of cool climate with its coldest phase around 2030 is to be expected."
-Professor Ian Clark of the Department of Earth Sciences, University of Ottawa stated that, "Past and recent climate warming can be explained by changes in solar activity.”
In other words, the earth’s relationship to the sun, which has a natural and elliptical pattern, determines when the earth heats up and when it freezes. Given that ice ages happen with a regular rhythm it seems plausible that cooling temperatures shall reoccur. Since we are about 10.500 years out from the last major ice age and if ice ages do recur every 10.000 or so years, our time seems rather short indeed.
If you peruse scientific [not Al Gore or UN] literature it is apparent that in the last 2 million years, the earth has gone through about 17 Ice Ages. It is scientifically impossible to assume that these periods of major climate and temperature change have now suddenly stopped. The science would seem to be closed on that. An ice age, not an Al Gorean warming trend, is in our future.