Wednesday, March 21, 2007
The unbearable stupidity of Al Gore
The eco-whore is such a bore, but a Nobel prize awaits.
by StFerdIII
There are many descriptions which aptly fit Al Gore the 35 year political veteran. Appellations such as dumb, deceitful, ignorant, demagogic, hypocrite, or mad would be appropriate. Gore has raised money illegally, lied incessantly on various topics, paid his own firm to trade ‘credit-emissions’ to offset his ‘carbon footprint’ and uttered phrases so mind-numbingly dumb that even G.W. Bush’s inconsistent grasp of English and logic looks Churchillian by comparison.
You know such harsh criticism is justified when a Nobel committee makes murmurs that robot Al might receive a peace prize for his efforts at saving the world, joining previous winners the terrorist Arafat and the erstwhile dunce Jimmy Carter. Arafat only killed a few hundred thousand Jews and Christians, Carter was only the worst US president in history with a litany of errors that has led us into 9-11 and beyond, and Gore only knows nothing about the environment. So surely they are justifiable winners of the peace prize! Proving yet again how ignoble the Nobel process really is.
Who is this babbling bobble-head?
Al Gore born in 1948, is a professional politician, born to a former US senator, a C student in high-school, a C student at Yale, and someone who has used public office [and money] to make a distinct and highly paid career in US political life. A one-time US senator and one-time congressman, Gore has never worked in the private sector other than holding some ceremonial posts with firms that need political support pressure in Washington. In short Al has no idea what life is like for the average working stiff who is not a silver spoon Yale educated elitist. This is probably why he is so deliriously energetic to destroy the modern world through the eco-cult.
Gore has been a part of the eco-cult club for 4 decades. When his dire warnings of impending doom in the 70s and 80s did not work out [the usual nonsense about acid rain, DDT, deforestation, no oil left in 10 years etc.] he redirected his efforts towards climate change. Previously discredited as a populist liar, robotic demagogue, and an insecure and rather vapid politician, saint Al has now recasted himself as the savior of mother earth and the leader of the Globaloney warming earth cult. But Gore is still Gore – a lying, not too bright politician even if he is now dancing around in earth tone toga’s and eco-friendly slippers.
Remember the 2000 election? Gore should have won the 2000 presidency by a landslide against the Bush team. Gore’s inept handling of that election is now of course legendary. One reason why he lost? He was a liar. Remember Clinton’s fund raising scandals? Back in 2000 it was widely reported that: ‘Gore "lost his memory" some 85 times - 85 times - when he was questioned by the FBI about his role in various fundraising scandals, including "Chinagate," an illegal scheme that raised millions of dollars in campaign-cash from communist Chinese for the Clinton-Gore reelection effort in 1996.’ [see]
Hollywood might approve of such ‘memory nuances’ but to the average voter a fraud, a criminal and a liar should not gain high office. Thus did Gore’s 2000 election hopes wither on the vine of pompous lies and deceit. Here we have a man who claimed to invent the internet; who appears in Dubai to raise money from Arab lobbying interests every 6 months; and who for 30 years has been using the eco-cult to create personal political relevance whilst erecting schemes of massive socialist redistribution.
Why would anyone trust what Al Gore the lying, fraudulent politician has to say about the environment? Here are some things that Al Gore the eco-bore did say in his political career, that should give the average joe pause for consideration when accepting saint Al’s doom and gloom story about Globaloney warming.
-Wolf Blitzer interview March 9 1999:
‘During my service in the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the Internet.’
[the history of the internet owes nothing to Al Gore]
-ABC news interview with George Stephanopolous Feb. 2007:
When Stephanopoulos told Gore with that the best estimates of rising sea levels are far less dire than he suggests in his Oscar award winning movie, Gore defended his claims by noting that scientists: ‘don't have any models that give them a high level of confidence.. they don't know….they just don't know.’
[But of course the science is settled.]
-Seattle Times June 29, 1997:
"Any government official who ... lies to the United States Congress will be fired immediately."
[unless that person is Bill Clinton of course]
-Milwaukee speech, January 1994:
‘We can build a collective civic space large enough for all our separate identities, that we can be e pluribus unum -- out of one, many.’
[E Pluribus Unum is Latin for ‘out of many, one’]
-Toronto Sun, November 19 1995:
A zebra does not change its spots.’ Al Gore, attacking President George H.W. Bush before the ‘93 elections.
[Someone should tell the biology challenged idiot that zebra's sport stripes not spots.]
-Interview with Tim Russert, Sept. 24 2000:
Russert: It's a federal statue on the books that if a woman is pregnant and she's on death row, she should not be executed.
Gore: Well, I don't know what the circumstances would be in that situation. I would--you know, it's an interesting fact situation. I'd want to think…..
[Gore needs to think about whether it is a good idea to kill a pregnant woman on death row. Good grief.]
-Washington Post, Sept. 24 2000:
Gore stated ‘I've been a part of the discussions on the strategic reserve since the days when it was first established.’
[President Ford established the Strategic Petroleum Reserve on December 22, 1975 - two years before Al Gore became a congressman.]
-San Fran Chronicle, August 30th 1996:
‘Sometimes, you never fully face up to things that you ought to face up to.’
[Gore who warred against tobacco firms for decades, received millions in donations from tobacco firms and from his family tobacco farm, for his political campaigns. Now that is consistency and constancy.]
And so on. It is hard to take anyone seriously given such pronouncements yet Gore persists.
Any other ‘conservative’ politician making a fraction of Al Gorean stupidities would be laughed out of politics, never invited to Hollywood and would be ridiculed in the liberal media. But not saint Al. But at least his fellow citizens in Tennessee had the intelligence not to vote for him in the 2000 election. By losing his home state Gore failed to win the presidency. I guess the good folks in his state know some inconvenient truths that the rest of the world ignores.
So now saint Al parades around the world making dumb speeches and documentaries about Globaloney warming. To repeat the obvious Global warming is not happening and given known climate cycles is extremely unlikely. The Earth is most probably nearing the end of an inter-glacial period and on the cusp of a new Ice Age. There is no known or provable science that supports his endless global warming-related claims. And that is the inconvenient truth about Gore’s apocalyptic documentary which so titillates the uninformed and the Hollywood jet set.
For Al Gore the modern world is terrible. His leadership of the eco-fascist cult is rather consistent given his past bashing of capitalism. Gore has never much liked the civilization of the modern world which allows him to own a 10.000 square foot energy consuming palace and jet around the world in his Co2 emitting private jet. But consistency is not Gore’s goal. The aim of Gore and the environmentalist’s is to gain control over the use of the world’s energy resources and have control over the lives of everyone on Earth. This would lead us to the brave new [or old] socialist vision that Al and his ruling friends so dearly believe in: big government, large redistribution, and the castration of freedom and capitalism. All under the auspices of saint Al and the eco-club.
By rejecting reality we can say that Al Gore is in essence a very stupid man. He is nothing more than a modern Marxist populist, parading as the new Oracle of Delphi/earth cult high priest and saint of Gaia holiness, to gain power and influence. Al Gore is more intent on dismantling civilization to assuage his own ego and counter-act his own mental irrelevance, then he is in trying to help civilization progress. It is sad and disheartening that anyone with a modicum of intelligence takes such a buffoon seriously.