Thursday, April 26, 2007
Cuddly Polar Bears, falling ice sheets and flooded cities!
Lying propaganda by the Eco-Fascists
by StFerdIII
Like all totalitarians there is no debate and endless propaganda. As with other pagan cults the Eco-fascist gang is well versed in media and educational manipulation. No debate, just listen, be appalled, and go forward in subservience to save the Earth goddess. Today disappearing polar bears. Tomorrow the extinction of mankind – unless caring, motherly, and ever larger Marxist government can rescue us.
Cute, suffering, dying and soon to be extinct ursus maritimus are now the poster bears for the eco-fascist movement’s unscientific and economically mad theory of Globaloney warming. Rapidly due to mankind’s obsession with Co2, all the cuddly white teddy’s will no longer paw the ice floes or sink their pretty teeth into an unsuspecting layer of seal fat. Ice is melting! Seas are warming! Fish are dying! How can we the selfish human, continue to build up a modern world society, when right in front of our eyes, the Earth goddess in her fever and moment of discontent will swat away those big-eyed lovable teddy bears? Shame on mankind.
And this is just the beginning. Soon we will have Al Gore and the Eco-fascist elite presenting power point slides on the inevitability of widespread disease; annihilation of all species leading to famine and of course ineluctably, parents eating their lovely babies since they are the only available food source. Act now! Act now!
The only problem for the intolerant eco-elite is that the ursus maritimus so cuteus, is not going extinctus. In fact its population is increasing and is extremely heathyus. In fact the numbers of the white teddy bears have doubled in the past 50 years and now comprise over 25,000 animals according to counts done by the Polar Bear Specialist Group of the World Conservation Union. This group hardly sounds like a rip-rocking right wing conglomeration of intolerant pro-business Nazis. In fact they are largely left wing environmentalists with lofty pro-eco objectives.
The polar bear population is of course never static and it changes due to many factors. The cry from the Eco-intolerant totalitarians that global warming is real because at one time the cuddly white bears were eating seal in Minnesota is to be polite – idiotic. There was an ice age 10.500 years ago and since that period the ice has retreated, the overall temperature has of course increased, and the habitat of the polar bear has become more constrained.
Climate change never stops. Cycles repeat themselves. Cooling and heating cycles independent of mankind’s actions are millennium long processes. Changes in temperature have no correlation with Co2. In fact as any real scientist will state, Co2 is a derivative of climate change. The eco-fascists have it backwards.
In this regard, the eco-fascist obsession over polar bears, like their entire theory, does not match reality. Ursus cuddlysus adapts. It always has. As the climate cycles have swung back and forth, so the bear population ebbs and flows, and changes to survive. Habitats change, food intake will change, habits will alter, and the bear will either adapt to new conditions or perish. Such is the cycle of natural life and the struggle for survival.
What is tiresome about the eco-fascist movement, outside of their scientific and cultural intolerance, is the manipulation of imagery to suit their story-lines. Doe eyed animals are coveted, as are computer generated scenes of various eco catastrophes – falling sheets of ice, flooding, storms, famine and so on. In place of meaningful science and calibrated experiments, the eco-fascists substitute emotional toys and nostrums. It is annoyingly immature.
Propaganda is of course an important tool used by the cult to brainwash the mass. What is puzzling is the media acquiescence in something that is unscientific yet showcased as a fact. Polar bears are disappearing? No they have increased. Co2 causes climate change? No of course not and humans only account for 4% of Co2 emissions. Mankind is hardly the problem. Rising 20 foot water levels? Even the lurid projections by the UN’s IPCC postulate a 1.2 foot rise – less than the increase in water levels in the past century.
And so on.
But none of this gets reported and worse, the eco-fascist doctrine is being sent to schools. Al Gore’s powerpoint presentation movie is de rigueur viewing, and gaudy forecasts of eco-catastrophe populate textbooks in every grade. Soon we will have 2 generations of brainwashed eco-matons shuffling along in obeisance to an insane earth cult. The impact on everything from economics to the military will be enormous. Eco-pagan cultism might yet be triumphant over reality. Now that is something to really get alarmed over.