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Saturday, July 29, 2023

Globaloney Boiling. The $cientism of ‘Klimat’

Getting more hysterical and desperate by the year. Agenda 2030

by StFerdIII



$cientism is premised on many factors, the corporate fascism and alliance of government and business and their control of media and ‘science’. The corporatist control of key institutions (education, all agencies, research), and the creation of an enemy, real or imagined (Corona, Klimat, Christians etc).  The control of governance is effected by a small cadre (a party, a few elite) using a thin and obviously corrupted ‘science’ to justify the objectives (Nazi-Darwinism and Racialism, Communist-dialectical-material-Marxism and Lysenkoism).  To control the fearful, gullible and believing masses, endless terror and propaganda are used.  Coercion is the mainspring of totalitarian control, and the propaganda reinforces this, as Hannah Arendt wrote back in 1951 (The Origins of Totalitarianism):

“Totalitarian propaganda raised ideological scientificality and its technique of making statements in the form of predictions to a height of efficiency of method and absurdity of content because, demagogically speaking, there is hardly a better way to avoid discussion than be releasing an argument from the control of the present and by saying that only the future can reveal its merits.”

This is an apt description of what must be termed the Eco-Gaia-Fascism of the Cult of Warm, now Boiling, due to the trace chemical plant food, and man’s 5% contribution.  No more absurd theory exists, surpassing that even of a Corona ‘pandemic’ or its ‘virus’ being spread through airborne contact (viruses don’t survive outside a host).


WEF, UN and Agenda 2030

The World Economic Forum was created by the CIA in 1969-70 at Harvard hiring the Rothschild married Klaus Schwab, whose father was a Nazi, as its public leader.  The WEF is part of the US’ New World Order or Global Dictatorship, and one of its mandates is to control, infiltrate and influence not only G20 governments, but also the UN.  This objective has been achieved, with G20 governments, the UN and the WEF all marching in lockstep, arms swinging, singing the same Horst Vessel gospel. 


Central to the WEF’s mission is the ‘Klimat Krisis’.  The execrable and ridiculous books put out by Schwab and his group (The 4th Industrial Revolution 2016, Covid-19 and the Great Reset 2020), always feature the Klimat-Emergency as the central galvanising issue for mankind.  All policies, all decisions must be taken in the light of the non-existing Klimat-crisis. (photo below from the ‘Great Reset’, basically this page is all you need to understand their intentions)



Agenda 2030

The UN’s Agenda 2030 is a copy of the WEF’s agenda which also (just by coincidence) targets 2030 as the end date to transform everything.  Using totemic totalitarian wordsmithing, they emphasise empowering women, ending poverty and ‘solving’ the non-existent Klimat-emergency.  The last is the most important item, leading to a complete ‘reset’ of life and the ending of hydro-carbon usage.  This is why these charlatans, criminals, frauds, a-scientific fascists are in such a hurry, and why the propaganda becomes more lurid and more insane every passing year.  2030 is 6.5 years away.  Time runs short.  The propaganda and terror will accelerate.


UN: Hottest July Evah

To fake news media ejaculation, the UN declared July 2023 the hottest month evah.  This is a lie.  

We have 140 years of measurements, and it is impossible to reach back into time and determine a month, day or even a yearly temperature mean globally.

The 1930s were much hotter.

There is no global temperature which is measured properly, and even so, the mean average is still around 15C.

Plant food has no impact on normal, cyclical, climatic events and systems.

Plant food falls out of climate convection systems.

Past epochs had 10-50x the Co2 concentration yet far colder temperatures (there is no link between plant food and future ‘climate’ whatever that word means)

Humans are a trace emitter of plant food, a chemical necessary for life which makes oxygen.  Why is that a problem?

Greenhouse gases and ‘trapping heat’ offends basic thermodynamics and is scientifically illiterate as a theory.

Climate-Gate and the release of documents and emails in 2011, 2019 proved the Klimat-emergency was a hoax.

The UN IPCC is not a scientific body.  It is a political group.

The Klimat Models are junk.  So too is the Hockey Stick which attempts to eliminate the medieval warm and little age periods.

Florida’s ‘record’ July 2023 offshore oceanic temperature measurement is another fraud.

Palermo’s July 2023 ‘record’ of 47C, was cited from a station at the airport, in the middle of the city in the afternoon.  As anyone with half a brain knows, the urban heat effect is 3-4C, meaning that it was not a record, and has no global significance  More here