Gab@StFerdinandIII -
Plenty of cults exist - every cult has its 'religious dogma', its idols, its 'prophets', its 'science', its 'proof' and its intolerant liturgy of demands. Cults everywhere: Corona, 'The Science' or Scientism, Islam, the State, the cult of Gender Fascism, Marxism, Darwin and Evolution, Globaloneywarming, Changing Climate, Abortion...
Tempus Fugit Memento Mori - Time Flies Remember Death
Einstein must have known by 1920 that the aether, and the aether drift, had been proven by the Americans Michelson, Morley in 1887; Morley and Miller from 1900-1905; and Miller from 1905-1913 with hundreds of thousands of light interference readings. Einstein took the aether out of science in 1905 with his ‘Special Theory’ of Relativity but as any good magician is wont to do, the great philosopher reinserted the aether into his 1915 ‘General Theory’. Given the aforementioned light experiments and mechancial proofs, he had no choice.
This aether ‘resurrection’ (Einstein’s word) was an ‘imponderable’, largely mass-less, pseudo-gaseous entity, not of any great materiality or mobility (see quote above). He used it to explain ‘gravity’ within his 4th dimension of the unproven spacetime merger. This conjuring was of course a philosophical trick, it was not based on experimental evidence. More here
Fizeau’s water experiment found no movement of the Earth. Neither did the Michelson-Morley effort of 1887. For Einstein, Relativity became an imperative premised on the supposed anomaly he found between Maxwell’s electromagnetism and mechanical motion, namely the lack of the Earth’s mechanical motion.
To explain heliocentricity Einstein had to contend with the failures of the Fizeau, Michelson and Airy experiments on the one hand, and with the widely accepted aether and electromagnetic theories and equations of James Clerk Maxwell on the other. After 1887 he had to reinterpret these catastrophic failures to save the Copernican phenomena.
“It is no doubt that Michelson’s experiment was of considerable influence upon my work insofar as it strengthened my conviction concerning the validity of the principle of the Special Theory of Relativity.”2 (March 17, 1942)
The above statement is classic Einstein. He purposefully misinterprets what the Michelson-Morley (MM) experiment actually found and tautologically declares that as supporting proof for his mental gymnastics! More here
1887 was a year of disaster for ‘The Science’ and Copernicans. The most complex light-interference experiment ever tried in history had failed to detect the Earth’s motion through space. The MM experiment was not unique but replicated across more than 300.000 similar experiments.
Tell me again the list of experiments Einstein performed to ‘prove’ ‘Relativity’? Oh, there aren’t any? Other than tortured, tautological, complex maths, and incorrect claims of phenomena description, what mechanical proof is there for Relativity?
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In Relativity, space and time are merged. As given above it is false. Many posts have outlined why space-time is fiction, and why dozens of scientists and physicists do not agree with this postulate. Scientific objections to ‘spacetime’ date back to pre-World War I. This post addresses the incorrect technical aspects of Special Theory of Relativity (STR) and time and space.
Space and time were merged to allow Einstein and Relativists the opportunity to explain away the lack of evidence for the Earth’s mobility, and the reality that interferometer experiments had detected the aether. Space and time must be merged within Relativity to allow for the distribution of energy, the creation of inertia and gravitational fields in space. It is not that anything was proven. It was that the maths required a 4th dimension to impose Relativistic velocity and calculations. Any sentient human understands that we live in 3 dimensions.
Herbert Ives an American physicist and engineer, in the 1930s disproved, through hands-on experimentation, the key postulates of Relativity. Ives disproved the invariant speed of light, and proved the existence of the aether. Needless to say, ‘The Science’, so heavily invested in Einstotle’s magical world of make-believe, was uninterested. Turner and Callaghan’s volume preserves Ives’ papers, experiments and conclusions. They are incontrovertibly valid.
Ives was not alone in disproving Relativity in the 1930s. During the 1920s and 30s, the great and unknown American physicist Dayton Miller, over 20 years, eviscerated Einstein’s theories with some 200.000 inteferometer experiments, which validated the Michelson-Morley results of 1887. These men, along with Sagnac, Gale, Anderson, Dirac, Airy, Lodge amongst many others this substack has discussed, are rarely if ever taught. If they are mentioned, ‘The Science’ will mendaciously state that their efforts support Relativity! This is a lie. They disprove Einstotle’s philosophical maths.
Space merged with time and being ‘curved’ is one of the great mysticisms from the Church of ‘The Science’. It is nonsense of course. See the quote aboe. Einstein knew it was a fable. He even admitted that the universe is Euclidean, not a geometrically curved dimension.
The merger of space with time is one of the great deceptions in ‘The Science’. The 2 concepts have nothing to do with each other. They are merged to correct errors in Relativity’s maths, and to compensate for the very weak force that is gravity, and to explain how planets over billions (soon trillions?) of Darwinian years, serenely glide around their ‘star’.
For some reason there is widespread acceptance, even amongst ‘sceptics’, of the anti-reality position that space-time are merged into a 4th dimension. Tesla one of the 20th century’s most prolific engineers, knew that Relativity, including the 4th dimension of ‘space-time’, was a fraud. He also propsed a sensible ‘dynamic gravity’ theorem that the relativists did not accept.
Tesla is mostly forgotten and rarely taught. Here we have a man who more than any other single person, helped form our modern world. The magic of electrical power - imagine a world without it! So here in magnificent mediocrity I sit surrounded by the Catholic Croatian Tesla’s brain.
It was Tesla who created the entire framework of AC power, including generation, motors, coils, capacitators, transformers and fluorescent lighting. Edison had promoted Direct Current which had a 21-mile distribution limitation, essentially building entire power plants to service small areas, flowing into incandescent lights. This was impracticable and uneconomic. He rejected working with Tesla, hiring and firing the workaholic Croation, with disputes over money and engineering. The Edison-Tesla conflict and saga fills an entire book and is not the focus on this short post. More here
In 1931 a 25-year-old Austrian mathematician, Kurt Gödel, developed the ‘Incompleteness Theorem’ as he analysed mathematical formulae and their relevancy. The theory is still valid today and has never been refuted, based as it is on simple common sense and demonstrable logic which parametrises the limits of provability in formal axiomatic and mathematical theories.
Principle 1: in a consistent and formal system named F, within which mathematical operations are carried out, there are statements of the language within F, which can be neither proven nor disproven (unless one uses an outside framework reference, or context, see the simple examples given above) and,
Principle 2: in this formal system named F, we cannot prove that the system itself is consistent, we must assume that it is intern
ally consistent. The internal consistency of the system has a great impact on the mathematical operations but cannot be verified without the use of an external frame of reference.
Relativity was ushered into being to explain the thousands of experiments that can find no motion of our planet. In the last post we looked at the error in the tensor calculus maths in Relativity. By itself this disproves the theory and all its many hydra-headed claims.
We also discussed the illogical nature of Relativity, both Special and General, given that neither theory can explain heliocentricity, or the thousands of experiments which failed to find the movement of the Earth. This short post has a look at Mercury’s perhelion and gravity and why Relativity is unnecessary in both cases as an explanatory model. More here
Einstein’s Relativity yields results which are in conflict with the postulates upon which it is based namely:
1. Space time curvature is the basis of General Relativity (a demonstrably false and unproven concept),
2. Physical laws are the same in all frames of reference (equivalency). This is also false (see below) (Bertschinger, 1999).
The above are tautological as summarised below. In order to produce his equivalency through mathematical models only, namely tensor calculus equations, Einstein had to invent the curvature of space time. Logically, this means that his postulates are circular and incorrect. You see this in the maths.
There is at least one significant error in Einsteinian maths which impact the derivations. This error must have been known by Einstotle and those within the discipleship of Relativity. Intelligent undergraduates in physics have no doubt uncovered the error and raised objections, only to be beaten down by dogmatic high priests who demand bended knees and subservience to Relativity.
In many posts we have discussed the Lorentz Transformation which is the basis of Relativity and was ushered into existence by the Dutchman Hendrik Lorentz after the failure of the 1887 Michelson-Morley interferometer experiment, to find the motion of the Earth. Of course Lorentz was awarded a Nobel Prize for saving the Copernican phenomena. His name and memory are now consumed by Einstotle, the holiest of the Saints within the Church of Scientism. Few have heard of the Dutchman.
Experiments with light and water have found no movement of this planet. The only way to explain this was to invoke ‘Relativity’, namely that an ‘observer’ on a moving body cannot calculate the movement or velocity of that body or object, in relationship to another moving body or object. This was the great saviour of Copernicanism. No Relativity, no Copernicanism, no Big noisy Banging. More here
The Doppler effect was discovered by Christian Doppler in 1842. This effect occurs when the source of wave emission moves closer or farther away from the observer. The waves are compressed when the source moves closer and stretched when the source moves farther away. This phenomenon does not occur, however, when the receiver moves closer or farther away from a stationary source since the waves coming to the receiver are the same in both cases.
Light acts in a similar manner. If the source of light is moving closer to the observer, the light waves are compressed or ‘blue-shifted’; while if the source of light is moving farther away from the observer, the light waves are stretched or ‘red-shifted’. This is the theory. Redshifting has little to do however with ‘age’, or even distance and recession. It is an emanation from the light spectrum at a frequency level. It does not confirm ‘time’ as explained below.
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One of the more popular, if apocryphal ‘proof’s of Copernicanism, is the ‘phases of Venus’ argument, first put forward by the irascible, self-promoting Galileo who disbelieved in the veracity of comets, and whose proof of Copernicanism rested on tidal flows. The myth of Galileo and his purported struggle for ‘science’ against an ignorant, unknowing and corrupt Church is dealt with here. Almost none of what is taught about the Galileo ‘travesty’ is valid.
A charge forwarded by the Copernicans was that that Ptolemy’s geo-centric model could not account for the phases of Venus. This is not true. It does not infer that Ptolemy’s model was correct, but it also does not mean that the Copernican model is valid.
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A long-standing problem, known to ancient astronomers, is that of planetary retrograde motions. Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn, appear as bright stars that move along paths inclined to the ecliptic by only a few degrees. Their observed periods of motion with respect to the Sun range from 116 days for Mercury, 584 for Venus and 780 days for Mars.
These planets move west to east through the stars like the Sun and moon do, but from time to time the planets halt their eastward motion and appear to move backward, east to west, before resuming their normal eastward motion. In principle, each of the planets, as viewed from Earth, will create a retrograde motion, although some, due to their proximity to Earth, will have more pronounced retrogrades. This is true of Venus and Mars, the latter’s path being the most eccentric.
Retrograde motion does not support heliocentricity and raises quite a few questions. After stellar parallax and stellar aberration, it is the most cited ‘proof’. None of them, however, ‘confirm’ heliocentricity.
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In 1995 the European Space Agency launched the SOHO or the Solar and Heliospheric Operations space probe. SOHO studies and photographs the relationship between the Sun and Earth.
SOHO was designed to help answer:
The structure and dynamics of the solar interior
Why does the solar corona exist and how is it heated to the extremely high temperature of about 1 000 000°C?
Where is the solar wind produced and how is it accelerated
The origins and trajectories of comets (some 5000 discovered)
SOHO moves around the Sun in step with the Earth, by slowly orbiting around the First Lagrangian Point (L1), where the combined gravity of the Earth and Sun keep SOHO in an orbit locked to the Earth-Sun line. The L1 point is approximately 1.5 million kilometres away from Earth (about four times the distance of the Moon), in the direction of the Sun.
SOHO has an uninterrupted view of the Sun.
SOHO transmits a continuous 200 kbit/s data stream of photographs and other measurements via the NASA Deep Space Network of ground stations. Probably the key objective of SOHO's utility is to predict coronal mass ejection (CME) arrival times at Earth. This is to protect electrical grids and satellites. CMEs directed toward the Earth may also produce geomagnetic storms, which in turn produce geomagnetically induced currents, in the most extreme cases creating black-outs or disruptions. More here
SOHO transmits a continuous 200 kbit/s data stream of
photographs and other measurements via the NASA Deep Space Network of ground stations. Probably the key objective of SOHO's utility is to predict coronal mass ejection (CME) arrival times at Earth. This is to protect electrical grids and satellites. CMEs directed toward the Earth may also produce geomagnetic storms, which in turn produce geomagnetically induced currents, in the most extreme cases creating black-outs or disruptions.