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Letters by a modern St. Ferdinand III about cults

Gab@StFerdinandIII -

Plenty of cults exist - every cult has its 'religious dogma', its idols, its 'prophets', its 'science', its 'proof' and its intolerant liturgy of demands.  Cults everywhere:  Corona, 'The Science' or Scientism, Islam, the State, the cult of Gender Fascism, Marxism, Darwin and Evolution, Globaloneywarming, Changing Climate, Abortion...

Tempus Fugit Memento Mori - Time Flies Remember Death 

Archive - December 2015

Christian theology is the opposite of Mein Koran

And of Secularism.

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Moslems do not have within Mein Koran, anything approaching the grace, the glory or the truth of the New Testament. Humility, gratitude, love, forgiveness [7 times 70 times according to Christ]; these are the animating principles of Christ, the Mass of Christ and the celebration of his birth, Christ mas[s]. In Islam, or Submission the core ideas are Jihad, death to non Moslems, aggression, war, sex slaving and supremacism. These evils are emblematic of the life of the cult's founder Muhammad, and at one time, Christians rightly called Islam the cult of Muhammad, or Muhammadism. A term that is far more accurate than Islam, even though Submission [Islam] to Muhammad, is a main theme of Mein Koran.


For pagan Atheists, Christ has nothing to do with the pagan Roman worship of the Syrian Sun God or Sol Invictus.  The Romans only worshiped Sol Invictus [and not even on December 25], some 70 years or more after, Christians had proclaimed and venerated the same date as the birth of the Savior. The Romans did this to try to eclipse what cannot be hidden, to darken the light that cannot be shadowed, and to move truth into myth. They along with their empire, failed.


There is no expostulation within Islam or Atheism to match the following, inspired by the truth and the Godhead, expressed in many masses across the Christian world during December 24th and 25th:


No more let sin and sorrows grow, Nor thorns infest the ground, He comes to make his blessings flow....He rules the world with truth and grace, And makes the nations prove, The glories of his righteousness...The wonders, wonders of his love.” [Isaac Watts, 1674-1748, based on Psalm 48]


Yet with the woes of sin and strife the world has suffered long; beneath the angel-strain have rolled two thousands years of wrong; and man, at war with man, hears not the love-song which they bring; O hush the noise, ye men of strife, and hear the angels sing” [E. H. Sears, 1810-1876]


Silent Night, holy night, shepherds quake at the sight, glories stream from heaven afar, heavenly hosts sing 'Alleluia'!, Christ the Savior is born. Silent Night, holy night. Son of God, love's pure light radiant beams from thy holy face, with the dawn of redeeming grace, Jesus, Lord at they birth.” [Joseph Mahr, 1792-1848, written during the devastation of the Napoleonic wars upon Europe, another Atheist madman].


You have to be a hard man indeed, not to be moved by the grace of the Gospel, the beatific prose of John, Mark, Matthew, Paul, the early Church Fathers or great men such as Augustine and Loyola. Only a man without a conception of consciousness and the soul, can possibly reject the truth of the immaterial. What a sad life it must be, clinging to the belief that all is material, dialectical, clashing chemicals washing around 'evolving' by magic, no free will and indeed no purpose whatsoever to life. The Buddhist nightmare declaring that you are useless and destined to nothingness; pregnant in the Atheist hell of irrelevancy and hopelessness.


The virgin birth, life and death of Christ was prophesied by Isaiah, Micah, Daniel and other Old Testament prophets. The resurrection of Christ was confirmed not only by the Shroud of Turin, but by the 16 guards stationed at the tomb of Christ by the Romans and Sanhedrin, in order to stop the Christians from moving the body. The Jewish leaders well knew Christ's forecast, that his temple [meaning his body] would be destroyed but rebuilt in 3 days. The guards fled at the supernatural event, the Shroud of Turin confirms in a electro-magnetic 3D image the entire body and face of the crucified and risen Christ. Technology today cannot replicate such an image. Stained onto the linen vegetation of Israel in the 1rst century AD, is the perfect portrait of the mangled Christ. The guards attested to the risen.


The Jews and Romans, concerned with earthly, secular affairs, bribed them to keep quiet and ignored the evidence. The Jews then spent 30 years in a vicious persecution of Christians, killing many of the Apostles and early Church Deacons, along with laity, numbering in their thousands. In AD 64, Nero outlawed Christianity initiating 250 years of bloodshed and murder. Tens of thousands of innocents were murdered by the Roman state.


Yet those days are here again and have been present for 1400 years in the guise of Muhammadism, which seeks the obliteration of Christianity. The Moslem evisceration of Christians, their symbols, their women, their churches and their culture runs deep in blood, from one end of the globe to the other.



And the secular world yawns, turns away, and tunes in to their fantasy media-world, hugging their PC bibles, praying at their Atheist idols, suckling on their multi-culti baby rattles.  

Christmas is not based on the Pagan festival of Sol Invictus

Silly Atheist and Pagan.

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The Christian story, and the concomitant rise of reason, European civilization and the modern world, is the greatest story in human history. Even teeth-gnashing, hair-pulling Marxists, Obama Worshippers and pop-culture devotees who loathe Christians [but love Muslims]; owe their very existence to Christians and the medieval Europeans, who created all of the foundations for our modern world political-economy.


For many people who are chained and in bondage to various politically-correct totalitarianism's and multi-cult worship, this signal fact is lost and debauched. For these personalities nothing much good has ever come out of White culture, Europe, Christianity or the ridiculously named 'Dark Ages'. Apparently it wasn't until Voltaire and his friends, including their progeny Hegel, Marx and Lenin appeared that 'reason' rescued us from darkness. Or perhaps it was the Arabs and Muslims. Or maybe the Hindus. Or the Confucians. Or was it the Hittites and the Sky God Baal, named Hu'Baal the ilah of Mecca ?


In any event, even Christian haters can partake of Christmas and the celebration of the modern world, built by Christian and Judaic culture. But what is Christmas historically?


Western Christmas:

The modern Christmas story is premised on the birth of Christ as described in Matthew (see Matthew 1:18-2:12). Roman Catholics first celebrated Christmas, or what was known as the Feast of the Nativity, in the first century AD, well within living memory of the Christ. Writings from the Apostles and early Church Fathers confirm these rituals.


The word Christmas:

Christmas comes from the old English verbiage for the Mass of Christ or "Cristes maesse". Xmas as a short form came into use during the 4th century. The letter X is the Greek letter chi, an abbreviation of Khristos (Christ), and also represents the cross on which Jesus was crucified.


Paganism merged with Christmas:

It is a myth that pagan practices were the foundation blocks of Christian rites and rituals. No serious objective investigation into the early Church supports this. An example is the oft-quoted and rather inane assertion that the Roman pagan festival of Sol Invictus, or the invincible Sun, was the date 'chosen' by early Christians for Christ's birth. Besides ignoring overwhelming evidence to the contrary, this lie attempts to darken the image of Christianity – which was precisely the point the Romans set up this festival, long after the Christian dating for the birth of Christ, on December 25th was acknowledged.


The writings of Hippolytus, Theophilius and other Church Patriarchs in the 2nd century AD, circa 170, make it clear that December 25th was already understood by Christians to be the birth of Christ. Masses were not then utilized to formally celebrate this birth, because the Gospels – the first one written and completed by Matthew in 42 AD or just 12 years after the Crucifixon [contrary to another myth, that Mark in 60 AD was the first, it was not and Mark's gospel was completed long before then] – did not mention the birth of Christ as a celebratory date. For about 150 years the Church debated about whether to celebrate the 25th of December and Christ's birth, formally or informally. About 336 AD there is mention – though it must have occurred long before this – of a nativity celebration and Mass on December 25th. After this it became standard practice.


One reason for the 'late' incorporation of Christmas into the Catholic liturgy was the rather obvious problem of death. From Nero 64 AD, until Constantine's conversion in 313 AD, Christianity was outlawed in the Roman empire. Any formal mass, or gathering of Christians could and often times did, lead to murder and mass killings. Entire congregations were slaughtered including various Popes and Bishops. This rather obvious fact is left out by Secular- Multi- culti pagan loving 'historians'. In fact the entire and formal weekly Catholic mass was only organized once Christianity under Constantine became accepted and escaped the punishment of the secular state.


In any event, the date of December 25th was known and though not accepted by all Church Fathers, it was recognized far in advance of the pagan Roman Sun festival. The Christian practice of giving gifts, stems from St. Nicholas of Turkey, who in the early 4th century [circa 310 AD], initiated the practice of giving gifts to help the poor, on the day which celebrated the Christ's birth. It had nothing to do with pagan practices, debauched as they most certainly were.


This Saturnalian or Sol Invictus feast was dedicated to the 'birthday' of the unconquered Sun, a pagan 'God' of Syria. This occurred however, some 50-100 years AFTER, Christians had been writing and discussing Christ's birth on December 25th. In modern parlance 'saturnalian' means a riotous celebration.


Encyclopedia Britannica:

The height of Syrian influence was in the 3rd century ad when Sol, the Syrian sun god, was on the verge of becoming the chief god of the Roman Empire. He was introduced into Rome by the emperor Elagabalus (Heliogabalus) in about ad 220, and by about ad 240 Pythian Games (i.e., festivals of the sun god Apollo Helios) were instituted in many cities of the empire. The emperor Aurelian...”


Aurelian persecuted Christians in the mid 3rd century. Christians were forced, on pain of death, to worship state-pagan Gods. Sol Invictus festivals thus commenced some 50 years after the Christians had accepted the date of the birth of Jesus.  It was not even celebrated on December 25th contrary to Atheist-Secularist lies! 


From that time there is no mention of the celebration of Sol Invictus in Roman history until the rule of Aurelian (A.D. 270-275). Aurelian did try to re-introduce the worship of Sol Invictus by decree in the year 274. But there is no record of this festival being held on December 25th. “The traditional feast days of Sol, as recorded in the early imperial fasti, were August 8th and/or August 9th, possibly August 28th, and December 11th.”(Hijmans, p. 588 )


Aurelian did declare games to Sol every four years [these were the Pythian games]. But there is no record from the period or early historiographers that these games were associated with December 25th in any way. The best evidence suggest that the games were held October 19-22 of their calendar. Anyway, on another coincidence, a year after Aurelian declared these games in honor of Sol Invictus, he was assassinated by his own pagan Roman officers out of fear he would execute them based on false charges.”


The birth of Christ has nothing to do with Sol Invictus silly Atheist.


Real meaning of Christmas:

The paganization and commercialization of Christmas has overshadowed its cultural and theological purpose. Christmas should be not only about feasts, drinking, gift-giving and the joy of children, but also a sober reflection on what the Book of Matthew– the progenitor of the entire Christmas enterprise – has to say about ethics, rationality, faith, good works and character. Reading passages from the Book of Matthew would undoubtedly reinforce the Christmas and Western spirit and generate a cultural shift in reason, optimism, hope and morality.


Merry Christmas.



GlobaloneyClimateFascism: Climate Criminals and brain dead cults

To work in the MSM, you have to be stupid.

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Gods are they not ?


The morons in the MSM, like bloated pigs squealed with delight that the Gods of the world, reached a 'climate deal', to transfer $100 billion from bankrupt 'rich' countries, to bankrupt 'poor ones'. All to resolve a non-existent problem, and processes that they do not understand.  You can't model climate, it is a convection system of many:many complexity that we don't even comprehend.  It is largely premised on hydrological cycles - apparently water covers most of the planet....and solar influences.


But the green fascists persist in their lies. They spew endless non science using data fraud, corrupted urban temperature readings and rewriting the past. They insist on labeling Co2 as Carbon – Carbon is found in diamonds and graphite. It is also a trace element in particulate pollution, namely soot. None of these impact climate. Pollution is not changing the climate. Plant food is not carbon; it is not a pollutant; it is not a toxin; it is a trace chemical falling out of hydrology 4/100 of 1% of atmospheric gas by weight.....and Co2 is a cooling, not a warming agent.


Then we have ClimateGate and the endless data fraud of the Gaia cult – all in the name of 'science'. A main part of the corruption is to do a 1984 – rewrite the past. In 1976 NOAA/NASA showed the 1940s to 1970s temperature decline, hence the mania about the coming ice age, and GlobaloneyCooling.


That is gone. Now it is hockey stick time. All past temps are smoothed out, then increased rapidly upwards post 1980.



So data fraud is now science.


Phil Jones at CRU planned with other scientists to make the 1940’s warmth disappear. And that they did.

From: Tom Wigley <>
To: Phil Jones <>
Subject: 1940s
Date: Sun, 27 Sep 2009 23:25:38 -0600
Cc: Ben Santer <>
It would be good to remove at least part of the 1940s blip, but we are still left with “why the blip”.
Can you delete any emails you may have had with Keith re AR4? Keith will do likewise… Can you also email Gene [Wahl] and get him to do the same? I don’t have his new email address. We will be getting Caspar [Ammann] to do likewise.
Cheers, Phil


The brain dead cult of Gaia. All about money, control, transfers and self aggrandizement.




Eco Lunatics, Ecommunists, Eco Fascists, and the cult of plant food

No, plant food is not a toxin, not a pollutant, and does not control climate....

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DNA is software code and software code cannot self-create, repair, instruct, design.....

DNA by itself disproves the cult of Darwin

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DNA is code


DNA is software code and software code cannot write itself, amend itself, instantiate itself, or repair itself. Period. DNA is the most complex code in the universe, made up of 4 chemicals: Adenine, Thymine, Cytosine and Guanine. These 4 chemicals are the letters (A,T,C and G) of the DNA code language. Remarkably Human DNA code is 3 billion letters long. 3 billion of anything is a majestic number, that cannot self-assemble into any format other than useless chaos.

When Darwinists say that Humans are 70% related to Tulips [or frogs, or pond scum, or bonobo chimps]; they are addressing the base language within DNA. But it is the arrangement in the resulting structures which is important. Petals, pelvic arrangements, language, optics, thumbs, nectar, saliva, insulin, ATP – these details are what give each and every species its special design and signature – not random chaos, time or mutations which kill.

Although DNA code is vastly more complicated than anything the Human mind can envisage, it’s the information translation system, and the information intensity of DNA, connected to that code, which really annoys the cult of Evolution. As with any vernacular language or software code, letters and words mean nothing outside the understood convention being used to give letters a particular meaning. For example the blueprints to build the 2-10 million proteins inside your body are built into the DNA software code. The manufacturing process to produce proteins has to read the instructions but it can only do that if it understands the meaning of the instructions.

This inter-related dependency and complexity is impossible to happen by chance. It would be as if in reading your request to buy products, 'evolved' the magic to not only post products in a vernacular you understood and could read, but likewise could receive and understand your request, and translate it into action; all without design, purpose and engineering intelligence. It is simply insane to suggest that Amazon arose from nothing. The Human body is infinitely greater and more complicated.

DNA also possesses not just genetic software code but:

Elastic and massive storage capacity

The information storage capacity of DNA is unbelievable, namely a microgram (one millionth of a gram) of DNA can theoretically, store as much information as 1 million CDs. This storage is somehow housed in a cell nucleus which is only a few millionths of a cubic metre.

DNA Replication


For a cell to divide it must first replicate its own DNA. [Video] Every single cell must replicate for the organism to simply survive. How would this 'evolve' with time and chance ? How would the cells know how to unwind DNA software code ? How does this process know that one of the strands is backwards and that it must form a copy of it in loops ?

DNA repair


DNA in cells is always undergoing damage by UV light, radiation and mutations. Incredibly there are 130 identified repair mechanisms, to rebuild the DNA code. With over 3 billion DNA letters to check, this is a monumental job.

A quick check mechanism is to conduct electricity through the cells. When there is a DNA letter error, the electrical current is blocked. A pair of enzymes can then address the issue. One sends an electron to the strand containing the error. If the DNA is unbroken the electron reaches the other enzyme and detaches it. In other words the enzymes are using electric currents in the form of electrons to scan the strand. If it is clean, there is no need for a repair. If there is an error the electron does not reach the second enzyme, and the first enzyme will proceed down the strand to the error position and fix it. Since both DNA and its own self-repair are necessary for life, there is no way that this maintenance function 'evolved'.

Protein synthesis


Then we have the manufacturing process of proteins. Darwin's cult states that a determined and complex production process can happen by random chance, time, and mutations which kill software code [4000 diseases are proof of this, as is radiation]. Every cell needs a set of proteins to perform every function they do. [Simulation Video]

The video presents some obvious objections to Darwin's cult;

  • How did the instructions to make the required protein get into the DNA?

  • How does the ‘RNA polymerase’ know where in the DNA to find the instructions to make the required protein?

  • How does the ‘RNA polymerase’ know how to unwind the DNA?

  • How does the ‘RNA polymerase’ know to make a copy of the instructions?

  • How does the ‘RNA polymerase’ know what a ‘stop code’ means?

  • How does the ribosome understand the instructions on the ‘messenger RNA’?

  • If the accurate folding of the protein is essential then how did the Chaperonin know the right way to fold the protein?

  • DNA is required to make proteins, however proteins are required to build proteins from the DNA instructions. So, which came first?

Darwin's cult cannot answer any of the above. But they are 'scientists' remember, whose mythology, rhetoric and world-philosophical view is uber alles....



Climate Hooey and the mindless fascism of the Gaia cult - no science, lots of lies

Science is not metaphysics, mendacity, lust for money and power....

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Bret Stephens in the WSJ wrote a good piece on Liberalism's Imaginary Enemies.

Cultural Marxists are following the 'science' meaning lies and myths that were so productivlely employed by the National Socialists in Germany and the National Socialists or Communists in Russia. Socialism-Cultural Marxism is a theology based on mendacity, non-science, and gibberish. So why not codify it, elevate it, make it divinely scientific ?


As Stephens writes, plant food causing 'change' is the hobgoblin of little Liberal aka Cultural Marxist-Socialist 'minds' [also called Humanists, and Atheist-Humanism]; not the threat of the Moslem global Jihad; not feeding or bringing potable water to hundreds of millions of poor; not cleaning up polluted land and rivers – the great focus is on a trace chemical, necessary for life, 95% emitted by Gaia, which falls out of the main hydrological climatic cycles.



What is the central liberal project of the 21st century, if not to persuade people that climate change represents an infinitely greater threat to human civilization than the barbarians—sorry, violent extremists—of Mosul and Molenbeek? Why overreact to a few hundred deaths today when hundreds of thousands will be dead in a century or two if we fail to act now?

Here again the same dishonest pattern is at work. The semantic trick in the phrase “climate change”—allowing every climate anomaly to serve as further proof of the overall theory.


The fraud around climate 'science' is so astounding, that it makes even the Nazis and Communists look like bashful innocents. There is no science whatsoever, that human emitted Co2, which is 5% of the total, has any impact on 'climate'. It certainly does not cause rising sea levels [subsidence, sea floors moving]; nor does it cause hurricanes, earthquakes or record cold winters. The Arctic was supposed to be melted by 2014, instead it is at its average mass since measurements began in the late 1950s. Antarctica is growing. And what would plant food have to do with ice anyways ? Ice is part of hydrology, and it is water which drives climate, not trace chemicals which are 4/100 of 1 % of atmospheric gas by weight.


But in the mindless fascism of the Gaia cult plant food is now evil, whilst Islam which has generated 1400 years of slaughter, destruction, rape and slavery; has of course 'invented civilization'. Climatic events which are necessary for nature to keep its balance; and which are based in the main around hydrological processes; are now 'scientific proof', of the Gaia cult's fraud and stupidity, which they name the science of 'changing climate'. Likewise Koran quoting Moslem Jihadists are 'lone wolves', or mentally unfit, and Islamic State really means Utopian Love and has nothing to do with Islam.


The mental unfitness of the Liberal-cultural Marxist is breathtaking. The cult is corrupt, hypocritical, deluded, mendacious, irrational and psychologically sick.


As always we need to be aware of the label called 'science'.  The Atheist-Evolution spouting Nazis used 'science' to sell their fascism. It greatly impressed many with its claim to authority. Ditto the Atheist-Evolution-Lamarckian Communists.  Gaia Fascists are just another instantiation of this same mechanical theology - screaming about science, when the whole cult is based on fraud and mendacity.