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Letters by a modern St. Ferdinand III about cults

Gab@StFerdinandIII -

Plenty of cults exist - every cult has its 'religious dogma', its idols, its 'prophets', its 'science', its 'proof' and its intolerant liturgy of demands.  Cults everywhere:  Corona, 'The Science' or Scientism, Islam, the State, the cult of Gender Fascism, Marxism, Darwin and Evolution, Globaloneywarming, Changing Climate, Abortion...

Tempus Fugit Memento Mori - Time Flies Remember Death 

Archive - April 2023

Scientism, Nominalism, Brzezinksi and the 'New World Order'

Plans are stated, written, agreed upon, obvious and being pursued.

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A scientist, my dear friends, is a man who foresees; it is because science provides the means to predict that it is useful, and the scientists are superior to all other men. —Henri de Saint-Simon1


Scientism is a useful word to describe the confluence of bastardised, corrupted and paid for processes defined as ‘scientific’ with authoritarianism, control and in the end, enslavement.  The Corona scamdemic, the greatest psychological operations in world history was a pilot project in the erection of trans-national, globalist, ‘scientism’ and the creation of a new ‘religious cult’, one dedicated to a few ends, including the rapid reduction of humans from 7 billion to 1 billion or fewer, the ending of sovereignty, eugenics and ‘transhumanism’ or the creation of androgynous-easily controlled automatons and avatars, the eradication of Christianity and ‘Whiteness’, and the construction of a ‘global consciousness and governance’ as espoused in 1970 by Zbigniew Brzezinski (Polish-born security adviser in the US to various Presidents), in his remarkably prescient book Between Two Ages: America’s Role in The Technetronic Era


Historian Richard G. Olson has defined scientism as “efforts to extend scientific ideas, methods, practices, and attitudes to matters of human social and political concern.”2 He is right.  It is a broad religion subject to much corruption.  Philosopher Tom Sorell offers a precise definition which is partially correct but misses the point: MIT physicist Ian Hutchinson offers a closely related version, but more extreme: “Science, modeled on the natural sciences, is the only source of real knowledge.”  Scientism is thus Darwinist-Materialist, but it is broader and more far reaching, and far more anti-humanist than Sorrell admits.  Scientism is a complete religion – much the cult of Muhammad or Submission – which seeks to control all aspects of existence including your personal life, your work, your hobbies, your clubs, your sports, your associations, your ‘news’, your education and certainly your politics.


Scientism is a logical outcome of the ending of Christianity in Europe and North America, a process which started with the ‘Enlightenment’ and picked up pace during the 19th century with the religious fervour found in the philosophical doctrines of Darwinism and Materialism including social Darwinism and eugenics; and the political religions of Marxism and Socialism.  None of these are ‘scientific’ or based on fact or reason.  The details of Darwinism or Socialism, are irrational and contradictory, not based on evidence but on ‘what should be’, or ‘what could have happened’.  They are thus both ahistorical and without merit as philosophies of prognostication or relevancy.  They are however, useful tools to use in the control of populations and associated narratives and especially to demise Christianity. 


The underlying philosophical premise of ‘Scientism’ and its platforms found in Darwinism or Socialism, is ‘nominalism’, also called positivism, relativism, or humanism.  This belief system, no matter its actual moniker, professes a disdain for the world of the 5 senses, believing that reality is pace Plato, perhaps unreal, and that there are no absolutes.


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BEYOND THE RESET - Animated Short Film

Technocratic dictatorship and $cientism, a dystopian view of the end days.

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“Beyond the Reset” envisions a life of imprisonment in a quarantine camp, one setup under the pretext of a killer virus (Corona). The main character a fictional Bruce Kowalsky, is imprisoned indefinitely as the virus allegedly ravages and eradicates humanity. Bruce has no contact with other humans, confined to small window-less apartment and small balcony, closed in by other Stalinist buildings housing their inmates. No leisure or outdoor time is offered. He does not work. His contact with the world is limited to propaganda films on a handheld screen, through which he also views propaganda news; and his diet, composed of noodles, soybeans, artificial veggies, imitation meat, insects, and cola, is rightly portrayed as unfit for normal consumption. The food is a form of torture.

Kowalsky and all members of his district were instructed to bring only “necessary personal belongings” to the camp after an emergency alert notified them that their area was “contaminated” with the virus. Beyond necessities, Kowalsky seems to have brought only one other item: the book “COVID-19: The Great Reset,” cluing in the viewer to the fact that Kuznetsov has drawn inspiration from the real book by that name, co-written by World Economic Forum founder and chairman Klaus Schwab.


While Kowalsky’s circumstances are clearly inhumane, such a future is not only plausible, it is even likely, considering that it has already been the reality (minus the bugs and fake meat) of many during the COVID “pandemic” in places like Canada, Australia, and China, where people were locked up in apartments, hotels, or actual camps for weeks on end, usually without face-to-face human contact and sometimes unable to even open a window for fresh air.


In fact, Canada and Australia should be considered countries that reflect the WEF’s vision for pandemic response better than most, considering that the WEF suggested these countries had some of the very best responses to COVID-19 in the world.


Thus, the sense that the filmmaker, Oleg Kuznetsov, is depicting a real look into the future comes from the film’s homage to recent history. This is enhanced by cutting-edge animation — while Kowalsky himself is depicted in a cartoonish manner, the sophisticated rendering of light and shadow makes his camp setting appear lifelike at times.


What really hooks the viewer, though, is the disturbing realism of Kowalsky’s day-to-day routine, the news propaganda, and his reveries about his formerly free life. By drawing from already-lived realities during COVID as well the WEF’s predictions for life under the Great Reset, Kuznetsov blurs the line between dystopian fiction and reality.


For example, the news Kowalsky views on a handheld device proclaims how the world is “struggling to bend the curve” of the latest variant of a supposedly dangerous virus, echoing the refrain we all heard during the COVID-19 outbreak. Kowalsky is also informed one day that camp inmates must wear masks when they step outside onto their balconies, another reminder of COVID-era policies.


Just as during the COVID outbreak, the pretext for the edicts governing the inmates is ridiculously flimsy. The outdoor mask requirement comes after the news announces that 30 million have tested positive for the virus, and five have died from it — an infinitesimally small number that reminds one of the fatality numbers used to justify lockdowns during COVID. The virus was said by the CDC to have less than a half-percent fatality rate, but many pointed out even these numbers were greatly inflated due to failure to account for other causes.


Kuznetsov also makes a point of highlighting the gross food rations Kowalsky is forced to eat. Disturbingly, his vision here, too, is already being materialized in the real world. In the film, due to the ban on real beef (Kowalsly is informed one day that all the cows have been offed to help the climate!) inmates can only eat fake meat, something that is being ramped up in grocery stores today. In major health food stores’ frozen section, plant-based burgers now far outnumber meat-based ones. Is this driven by demand, or by the sway of ultra-influential investors like Bill Gates, who is pushing for a switch to 100% synthetic “beef” in rich countries for a more “sustainable” world? You be the judge.


Then, Kowalsky’s diet supplement of “crunchy locusts” would seem a stretch, except that the World Economic Forum is also extolling the environmental benefits of insect protein as an alternative to beef, and school children are already being fed insect-laced chips in Australia.


In these ways and more, “Beyond the Reset” seamlessly blends recent world history with public WEF visions in a way that impresses upon the viewer that this horrible dystopia is not only possible — the world already has one foot planted in it.


The film is also powerful insofar as it paints the picture of a life so empty, listless, and miserable that it could inspire more driven viewers to preemptively work to avoid it through legal action. The key here is “preemptive” — if this is implemented on a global scale, there may be no going back.


One could argue that Kuznetsov doesn’t go far enough in showing how unbearable such isolation really becomes. Solitary confinement enacted for longer than 15 days is considered a form of psychological torture under international guidelines. Remarkably, studies have shown that at that point, some of its harmful psychological effects become “irreversible.”


For all of its keen observations, the film fails to address the most sinister but little-discussed part of the Great Reset: the ban on the practice of religion. Gender dysphoria the erasing of biology, sexual perversion, the destruction of the family, the elimination of mores and morals, the eradication of faith and God - all of these are part of the Great Reset.


The not-so-new-religious cult of Scientism, replacing faith in a transcedent God, a belief in design, a knowledge of human uniqueness, and a certainty in the power of the immaterial. All annihilated as Scientism erects the material, the communal, the technocratic, the anti-human theology of the Avatar and the edicts of Transhumanism emanating from unlimited mRNA accretions and DNA experimentation, with the main goal of depopulation and the creation of robots and automatons controlled by wireless frequencies and drugs. 

'Dark Moon. Apollo and the Whistle-blowers'. Mary Bennett, David Percy. 1999. Aulis publishing.

$cientism and Red Pilling. Open your eyes Neo.

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The Dark Moon, is an excellent and enlightening read.  It comprehensively deals with the ‘science’ ($cience when you view the vast sums involved), behind rocket propelled inter-stellar flight, the various frauds used by the CIA-DoD led Apollo program, during the 1960s and 70s, and the impossibility of man travelling to the lunar surface.  The authors for some reason seem to believe in extra-terrestrial life, a monumental impossibility when one considers the literally millions if not billions of circumstances necessary for life, let alone inter-planetary travel.  Putting that aside, the book goes lays out how the ’science’ around space travel works and goes through each stage of the purported Apollo missions, from launch, to landing, to return, and proves that every stage was faked. 


You can read one chapter for example on ‘rockets’ and start there and the impossibility of using 1960s rocket technology to go to the moon and back is obvious.  It is still impossible today.  You can begin with any stage of the supposed moon-journey, the lift-off, the massive G force acceleration to exit Low Earth Orbit (LEO) and escape the gravitational pull, the penetration through 50.000 miles of the Van Allen radiation belt, the trajectory to the moon, the landing, the photos and images, the communications, the return journey, the re-entry, or just focus on the rocket propulsion systems, the module, the lunar landing craft, the computers and technology.  You can pick any area and analysing just that one area by itself will prove that the Apollo missions were a gigantic fraud. 


The authors break down the techno-jargon with the ‘science’ expostulated in easy to understand layman’s terms, buttressed by forensic and detailed research, original documents and most interestingly, interviews during the 1990s with well-known subject matter experts, including scientists and engineers who worked on the Apollo programs, and more than a few ‘whistle blowers’ who either directly or oftentimes indirectly would tell the authors during the interview, that the entire Apollo program was a fraud.  The authors conscientiously detail the many clues left by ‘whistle-blowers’ whose hints are found in written declamations and in the form of clues in images, photos, videos, and elliptical statements. 


An example is a Labatt’s beer-can posing as a rock on the ‘lunar surface’.  Or ‘rock C’ near the lunar module craft.  Or the pathetic size of the small Earth, shot from an impossible angle, facing up and past one of the Actor-Nauts (the cameras were chest mounted so this angle is impossible unless shot by a midget bending over backwards).  The Earth, at 4x the size of the moon, would hover on the horizon, imposing and large not a small dot.  Or the other whistle-blowing clues such as the obvious issues with shadows and lighting in all the missions’ photos.  Any one aspect, phase or time-bound analysis reveals the fraud.  When you add them together it is such an overwhelming set of proofs, that the debate and queries necessarily turn to why, what was the objective or goals, why the charade?  And why do people believe in it?  Many answers exist depending on the worldview of the inquirer. 


One excellent example of detailing the fraud is the chapter on ‘Rocket Rackets’.  Page 129 lists a long array of NASA Rocket failures starting in August 1958 with the Atlas ICBM program.  22 incidents are listed from 1958 to 1970, or almost 2 disasters every year.  Yet somehow, by the miracle of ‘stuff happens’ and the ‘genius’ of the ‘rocket scientists’ at NASA, America’s ‘best and brightest’, the 2 million moving parts of the Rocket systems, Command and Lunar modules, passed to the moon and back without incident, without a death, with no injuries nay, without even an illness. 


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US Federal Government, from the Moon Hoax to the Corona Caliphate

Randy Walsh’s book, ‘The Apollo Moon Missions, Hiding a Hoax in Plain Sight’.

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The Corona Scamdemic, has likely awoken maybe 30% of the population to the disinformation and anti-Science which pervades our existence.  Disinformation is now found in all ‘news’ outlets with the major propaganda (aka news) organisations owned by a select few corporations, with many inter-relationships and cross-ownerships between these corporations.  Anti-Science is now $cience, the manifestation of which was clearly seen during the Corona scamdemic, in which a real death rate of 0.3%, the same as the flu, was turned into the greatest plague in history, far worse than the Black Death, with the concomitant religious-cry of the Corona faithful, that the diapers, lockdowns, and Stabbinations which macht-frei (they didn’t, you were still locked down), were the only ‘scientific’ responses to this deadly plague.  The Black Death of 1347-1350 lasted barely 2.5 years.  The Corona four years later, still rolls forward.  It is a travesty that people are so stupid.  It certainly calls into question the religion of Evolution and Darwinism which proposes never-ending progress and magical mutations of improvement.  Look around you, do you see ‘the fittest’? 

It is obvious that most people are not deep thinkers nor indeed very smart about the world around them.  Everyone does need a religion however and the Corona-Caliphate filled that hole.  Regardless of money, job titles, status, letters after their name, or posturing, most people are not critical thinkers, with no more than 10-20% being categorised as such.  This leaves an awful mass of humanity to be ‘religiously’ indoctrinated, manipulated, stampeded, penned, ‘inoculated’ and potentially culled, or least ‘managed’ for their own best interests of course, including for ‘health and safety’ or to ‘save something or someone’.  Medical Nazism in the guise of ‘health and safety’, the surest path along with ‘climate’ or ‘save Gaia’, to install an Orwellian-Huxleyian future.


Once you recognise the role the US government has played in the Corona-scam, you begin to wonder about much of what it is you think you know.  The US government illegally, (against its own laws and international agreements) has set up 40 odd bio-labs in the Uketopia its 51rst state, and 300 or more world-wide.  They are not making aspirin.  They are engaged in biological products for war.  Yet nary a peep of analysis from the Fake News and Faker $cience.  Money laundering from the Uke-topia to the Biden crime family and other US political crime syndicates is well known.  The Uketopian 51rst state is one of the most corrupt and criminal on planet earth.  The war on Russia, on-going since the time of Yushchenko (2005-10), using Ukrainian men and women as the proxy army, an obvious fact.  Yet few dare to question the narrative on the Uketopian conflict, with the Russians, viscerally attacked by the never-ending expansion of the US (called NATO), as the villains of the theatre, with the increasingly totalitarian US Federal Government, an entity so corrupt and rotten it would embarrass a writer of fiction, the protagonists saving ‘democracy’, ‘values’ and especially queer-Tranny ‘rights’.  The hill in Keeeev is the last defence of ‘civilisation’ as defined by the criminal-cabal of the US and its globalist funded elite. 


Corona was one of the greatest lies, scandals, and totalitarian impositions in history.  In my opinion, this fascism was a US Federal Government-CIA-DoD led initiative.  The use of media has many correlations with the moon hoax.  The CIA and DoD were all over NASA during the 1960s and 70s.  If the US government was able to use the 4 or 5 corporations who control the Fake News and the images on the idiot box worldwide, to establish the Corona-Caliphate, could they not have done the same to manipulate the masses on a moon ‘landing’?  Indeed, wouldn’t the moon landing hoax be a template for the Corona Caliphate?  How difficult would it be to fake the moon landings?  You have the launch, the rockets and capsules are jettisoned a few minutes later into the south Pacific after the ‘world’ has ‘seen’ the lift off.  You fake the communications on the travel to the lunar surface.  You skip over as quickly as possible the landing, take some 20-25 photos of the surface and some black and white grainy videos.  The return trip is largely ignored and you have the theatre of splash down, with a C-5 military plane dropping the 3 parachuted tin can away from view and miles from the waiting navy ships.  You hire the trusted voice of Cronkite to narrate the live movie.  How hard would it be to do this?



Randy Walsh is a pilot and former moon-landing-believer.  Like many he drank the kool-aid that a corrupt, decrepit, disorganised and wasteful NASA had the brains and the planning skills to build massive rockets and land men on a radiation-rich, inhospitable globe 240.000 miles away.  His 2018, two volume work ‘The Apollo Moon Missions’ make very interesting reading and compiles a lot of the observations from those who do not subscribe to the moon hoax narrative.  The US government, which killed JFK, Robert Kennedy, MLK, and has waged endless war since World War II, is quite capable of anything and everything.  It is a diseased and sick entity, evil, probably satanic and quite demented.  It is not what people want to believe it is. It is almost inevitable it faked the moon landings.

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Scientism, Hollywood, the Idiot box; and the Moon Landings. Red Pilling.

Do you really believe that using 1960s technology, the US landed on the moon (6 times)?

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For the ultimate Red Pilling experience, one needs to discuss if the moon landings were falsified and faked, a made in Hollywood movie, designed to turn people’s attention from yet another bloody American war, this time in Vietnam, divert focus away from civil protests, and disruptions, and to impress upon the Russians and its own allies, that the US was still superior, its technology absolute, its national will over-powering.  Did the Americans land 12 men on the moon? 


As with Rona, when you look for facts and proof, and question $cience or Scientism, you are labelled a conspiracy theorist, anti-science, a denier, phobic, a flat-earther, and probably a racist, fascist, and bordering on being Hitler (yet again).  The true-believers will overwhelm the sceptic with sites, studies, proofs, data and models, and point to the cleanly scrubbed Internet, largely devoid of dissenting opinions or they will usher in the corporate-government-vested interest-‘fact checkers’, who will hysterically wail that this-or-that-objection is ‘debunked’.  Facts are however stubborn things, as are good questions and demands for evidence.  To find $cience simply follow the money and the financial sources who issue and who protect the $cience.  The $cience is not interested in truth or evidence.


Did the US government, a bloated, fat, corrupt and larded entity, and its bastard Climate-crazy offspring NASA, actually send 6 missions and 12 men to the moon, during a 4-year period from 1969-1972, using 1960s technology?  Is the rather abstract and unimpressive dictum, ‘I saw it on TV’, a reasonable belief or assertion?  Does ‘TV’ provide ‘proof’ of a moon-landing or indeed, much proof of anything?  Does the dictum, ‘400.000 people worked on the program so obviously they could not all lie’ mean anything?  The larger the group the less any individual knows and most of the workforce on any large project work on small tasks, and most are contractors with a limited view of what is going on. 


After the Corona Fascism and scamdemic, why would anyone believe in the ‘TV emits truth or reality’ mantra?  Can we use our common sense and real science to understand the reality of sending any creature to the moon and the likelihood of that happening?  What about the myriad problems with what was shown on the little screen?  The literally dozens, if not hundreds of issues, large and small with what was displayed and averred?  Should these issues and questions not be answered forthrightly?  Or is the use of ad hominins the only defence?  Is the only recourse of the ‘moon believers’ to label those who question or probe, a conspiracy theorist, a whackjob, or a flat-earth nutbar?  Is that the best which can be offered?

Long article on the issues with the US Moon Landings at