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Letters by a modern St. Ferdinand III about cults

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Plenty of cults exist - every cult has its 'religious dogma', its idols, its 'prophets', its 'science', its 'proof' and its intolerant liturgy of demands.  Cults everywhere:  Corona, 'The Science' or Scientism, Islam, the State, the cult of Gender Fascism, Marxism, Darwin and Evolution, Globaloneywarming, Changing Climate, Abortion...

Tempus Fugit Memento Mori - Time Flies Remember Death 

Archive - May 2023

Immanuel Velikovsky and 'In the Beginning'. An an age of stupid, question everything.

Exploding Darwin and Newton. No wonder he is hated by 'The Science'.

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In the Beginning by Immanuel Velikovsky Free Shipping! 9781906833107 | eBay 


Immanuel Velikovsky, a Russian scientist and polymath, wrote ‘Worlds in Collision’ in 1950.  It was a heretical book, challenging the dogma of Newtonian mechanics and the Darwinian stable-state theory of a world and universe within endless and unchanging ages.  Velikovsky spent some 30-40 years in total, aggregating a mass of data from the realms of theology, science, geology, astronomy, cosmology and various related disciplines to offer various hypotheses about the young age of the earth, the reality of cosmological and geological catastrophism, the changing paths, natures, and compositions of the 9 planets in our solar system, the interaction and ‘wars’ between planets, and their impact on earth, human life, our history and our collective memory.  In essence, Velikovsky using theological tracts from across the world, and situating Old Testament events against cosmological change and conflict, was able to construct a thesis that challenged all of the assumptions, vested interests, ‘laws’ and gospels, found in our modern world.  You can well imagine the reaction of ‘the science’ to such a bold assault.    


For some of the more sentient, the Corona Fascism and scamdemic should have forced a reappraisal of what we think we might know, and a reassessment of the world around us.  From ‘health’, to the moon-landing, to ‘evolution’, to ‘long ages’, to the endless wars stretching from 1950 to the current NATO generated war against Russia in the Ukraine, to government and ‘democracy’, to ‘green’ projects and the ‘green-ness’ of solar, bird choppers and electric vehicles, to ‘climate’ and the hottest-days-ever, to even 9-11, all ‘facts’ and ‘science’, all that we know is up for analysis, debate, and rejection.  In short, the world is not what it seems.


The fascism and evil of Corona should have been the clanging church bell, ringing emphatically and without cessation in the hour of great need, with the enemy at the gates and trying to scale the walls, waking up the citizens, demanding that the strong and capable man the walls, calling the loyal and intelligent to their duties to defend family and freedom.  If ‘the science’ around ‘Corona’ and ‘viruses’ is so corrupt, so beholden to criminal industries and organisations such as Pharmaceuticals and the privately funded WHO, what else in our world is ‘wrong’?  If like Neo, you feel that something just ‘isn’t right’, then reading Velikovsky is probably for you.


Velikovsky wrote an epic series which attempts to reconstruct our collective memory from the deep past and connect cultural, oral and religious traditions to what we can see and view around us in the physical and cosmological world.  These works include:  In the BeginningWorlds in Collision (his most famous opus), Ages in ChaosEarth in Upheaval, and Mankind in Amnesia.  The key insight from Velikovsky is that our ancestors and their oral, cultural, written and religious stories, myths and beliefs were based on fact.  These humans were rational as well as emotional and creative actors, and for Velikovsky it is clear that generations of humans experienced catastrophic events which transformed their view of life and the cosmos and these events were preserved in various traditions and handed down.  Importantly these stories and beliefs are quite similar the world over and they revolve around the planets which interacted with our own.  If they are true, they completely overturn much of what we think we know. 


Take In the Beginning’, which should be read as the first book of Velikovsky’s somewhat dense series of hypotheses, followed by ‘Worlds in Collision’.  Velikovsky asks a lot of good questions which ‘The Science’ and even ‘The History’ cannot or dare not address, including inter-alia:



1-Why did all ancient people worship as the celestial God the planets in our solar system, in a similar order and pattern:  the Moon, then Mercury, Saturn, Jupiter (Zeus, Odin), Mars, and lastly Venus?  More here

Read the book: 'Dissolving Illusions (Disease, Vaccines, and the Forgotten History)'.

The quackery of Saint Edward Jenner and a criminal industry.

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For those willing to think outside of the current reigning paradigms which control $cience, medicine, and ‘health’, Dissolving Illusions, is a must-read book along with ‘Turtles all the way down’.  The powers who control ‘health’, namely Pharmaceutical firms and their partners-for-profit the Government, along with the many agencies within the ‘health care’ industry, will pillory and savage both works, not on their details or facts, but simply because both books declaim against the paradigm of ‘safe and effective’, providing irrefutable proof that the vaccines are unsafe, ineffective and are made for profit not health.  The main defence from the ‘establishment’ is calumny, vitriol, censure, de-listing and very often, physical violence and even murder. 


Conspiracy Factists

(So where are the quackcines ‘benefits’? We all know the death rate from rona was 0.3%, is it really necessary to stab everyone 5 or 6 times and see a death and injury rate of 1-2%, which apparently is vastly greater than the IFR of 0.3% ?…..)


Given the recent evidence of the Corona $cientism and totalitarianism, drug injections of any variety can contain substances which may indeed alter one’s genes, DNA and RNA, a common claim since December 2020 by ‘conspiracy theorists’ who myself included, were about 6 months ahead of the painful truth.  In 1976 an American researcher Howard Temin was awarded a Nobel Prize for identifying that viruses can carry external genetic material into the body and change DNA through an enzyme called transcriptase.  DNA modification or knowledge of the process is thus not that new. 


The WEF and other globalist agencies are quite brazen in declaring the trans-humanist, or cyborg future of a greatly reduced, subservient and controlled post-human population.  The only way to achieve this dystopian agenda, is through forced injections into humans, in which the DNA in cells is altered, using the same process or something similar to that discovered by Temin.  Using the ‘quackcine’ is ‘safe and effective’ mantra and its 200-year-old marketing propaganda, is for Pharma and its controlled lackeys in government and ‘health care’, the ‘safest and most effective’ route to fulfil such a business objective of DNA transmutation, if that goal does indeed exist. 


At the very least the ‘mutation’ of Corona mRNA injections into 200 or more various drugs and cocktails will unleash a river of future profits for both Pharma and Government. It is business, not health, which drives the cabal of Pharma and government. Bribes, corruption, graft, pay offs, contracts to friends and family….just a cost of doing business.


Inconvenient Truths on Quackcines

In summary what is Doctor Humphries and Mr. Bystrianyk’s book about? In essence they eviscerate the myth of vaccine safety and effectiveness. They did very little to reduce disease mortality. But they are a huge profit making industry with many dependents within government and upstream and downstream industries, including media. The following are some key facts which are pertinent when discussing the ‘science’ of vaccines.

1-There is no evidence, anywhere, in the past 200 years, in any country, that any vaccine has reduced mortality.  Not a single study exists.  You can ask your doctor or a nurse.  They won’t have a single study on any of the stabbinations they are giving children, which ‘prove’, or which can demonstrate using a control group methodology and proper data analysis including long term data on the injection and its after-effects that the myriad of injections result in an improvement in health and fitness.  Ask them to show you one.

2-In the 19th century, the urban population in England exploded from 15% of the total in 1750, to 80% by 1880.  This trend was mirrored in every ‘developed’ nation. Health and sanitation infrastructure did not exist in any meaningful form until the 1860s, making rampant disease, epidemics and illness quite common.  Slums were the norm, with no running water, sewers, or toilets. 

3-The 19th century urban landscape was one of offal, sewage, polluted water, dung heaps in the streets, husbandry slaughtered within residential areas, squalid tenements, terrible living conditions, over-populated areas and air pollution.  In such an environ, akin to a third world slum today, disease would be rife.

4-Labour conditions were always described as excessively poor and dangerous.  White slavery is a better term for it.  Children as young as 6 worked in factories 14 hours a day, away from their parents, neglected, often exposed to toxic chemicals and air.  Few children went to school beyond the age of 12 or 13.  The average worker laboured 6 days a week for most of the year.  Working conditions were intolerably oppressive.  Little heating, cooling, or protection was offered.  Diets were poor and deficient in vitamins, vegetables, and fruit.  Water intake was dangerous, so many resorted to drinking gin, beer and other alcohol before and after work, which impacted bodily health and mental acuity.  Workplace injuries and deaths were common.  Disease was rank in many factories and surrounding areas.  The lifestyle of the average person in the 19th urban slums was perfectly suited for disease, illness and rampant epidemics. 

5-Typhoid, typhus (different than typhoid derived from faeces and bacteria), cholera, dysentery, pneumonia, pertussis, scarlet fever, smallpox, diarrhoea (all of these are bacterium-based), measles and yellow fever (both are viral), were the chief diseases and killers.  These were generated by polluted water, no sewage systems, and horse manure in the streets.  Poor diets, little exercise, a lack of water intake, inadequate housing and shelter, along with the general filthiness of life, made diseases a common factor of existence. 

6-Cleaning up cities, implementing sewers, water management, clean water, zoning residential areas to be free of animal slaughtering, eliminating horse manure from the streets (especially after the hated car became common), resulted in immediate declines in all forms of disease and mortality. 

7-The largest single medical experiment in history, was run in Leicester England from 1885 to 1945 when the entire city forbade all vaccinations.  The death of young children after being vaccinated for smallpox, had over 70 years, provoked the population en-masse to become ‘anti-vaxxers’, protesting against national laws mandating that all children be stabbed (1853, 1867).  Once the smallpox vaccine was banished in Leicester, the death rate from smallpox plummeted towards zero.  Health, sanitation, clean water, slum renewal, zoning and other laws and regulations to improve health and quality of life, resulted in a massive decline in all diseases.  Quackcines had nothing to do with mortality reduction. 

8-The Leicester experiment was repeated in different ways worldwide.  There is no connection whatsoever between chemical injections and reduced mortality from the main 19th century diseases.  None.  Health and sanitation can take the credit for the massive decline and even eradication in large measure of once common killers such as cowpox, smallpox, polio and typhoid.  At best, one can say that maybe the vaccine concoctions had a minor efficacy and role in mortality reduction. At best.  More here

Charles Darwin was NOT a scientist

The $cientism and its unholy Church of Darwin is anti-science, absurd and insulting.

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Charles Darwin is a name that has been revered for years as the ‘father’ of the materialist non-science and philosophy called ‘evolution’, celebrated as one of the most prominent ‘scientists’ in history.  In actual fact, his theories can be found in pagan Greece long before Aristotle, with Lucretius and other Romans positing the same magical appearance of species, forms and metamorphoses, as they mused over the ‘nature of things’.  Darwin’s warmed-over theory of ‘natural selection’ (the magical selector-friend being indifferent-nature), was outlined in his philosophical book "On the Origin of Species," and has been taught to generations and widely accepted as scientific fact.  It is rather insane that 19th century Victoria ideas on breeding, are now considered ‘science’ when it comes to the creation of life, the earth and the universe.  But in an age of Corona, ‘moon landings’, and endless wars for ‘democracy’, nothing much surprises.  Darwin believed that a bear could turn into a whale. 

'I can see no difficulty in a race of bears being rendered, by natural selection, more and more aquatic in their habits, with larger and larger mouths, till a creature was produced as monstrous as a whale.' Here we have Darwin's central idea of evolution in a nutshell: bears can become whales, or whale-like, given enough time and enough natural selection. One species can turn into a completely different species by natural selection alone.’


Anyone with an IQ over a certain level reads the above and laughs out loud.  How ridiculous is the above fantasy posing as science?  But wait, wail the Darwinians, he retracted that, and we the Darwinian acolytes, now believe that the pakicetus wolf became the whale.  So much science.  Thank Darwin (not God), for the cult’s magic fairies and friends.  Darwin himself doubted his own theory (see a video about Darwin’s own doubt and public avowal that species in fact never did change).

Charles Darwin was not a scientist.  Like so many other ‘intellectuals’ of poor quality, he never worked.  He never held a job.  He bred pigeons.  He was never engaged as a real ‘scientist’.  He was part of a bubble, the Victorian-aristocratic world of materialist-philosophy and ‘realism’, part of a small cadre of wealthy hand-wavers, who were intent to elevate themselves, their ideas, their clubs, their beliefs and accrete power and influence.  When his daughter died, Darwin raged against God and Christianity.  Grief is understandable but I would ask, why does God have anything to do with the death of his child?  Is God ever credited with the good, and only to be blamed for the bad?  God is in life, present in death, but not the cause natural life cycles, or the afflictions of disease and all the rest that mar our fallen world. 


Darwin’s theory was thus a reaction of bitterness laced with hatred.  He philosophised about life without performing any experiments at any time, to confirm the myriad statements, assumptions and guesses.  Darwin’s entire program was to erect materialism and naturalism, with rather crude Victorian ideas on breeding, and apply the same to nature, and displace Christianity, creation, design and the complexity of life with meaningless chance, and physical matter.  In Darwin’s world only the physical mattered, not the immaterial, the spiritual, the intuitive or the moral.  Viewed in the totality of life, and in the glare of lift, even at an abstract, first-year philosophy degree level, Darwin’s theorem on evolution is an absurdity based largely on his experience breeding pigeons.  Why would breeding pigeons be relevant when discussing life, how it began, or the perfect design of creatures and creation, or the 1 million meta-species and fauna now existent?  Breeding pigeons has little to do with anything.

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Richard Milton and a rational investigation into the Religion of Darwin and Evolution.

Evolution is a religion.

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Charles Darwin - never been an atheist | Earthly Fireflies

Richard Miltion: Shattering the Myths of Darwinism: A rational criticism of evolution theory


This is a very good book to read, especially for the religious devotees of Darwinism.  The author Richard Milton, is a British writer, journalist and broadcaster. He currently freelances for The Daily Telegraph and other newspapers.  He is not a Creationist (another ridiculous pejorative used by $cientism as a smear based on ignorance and fear of being challenged with facts), nor from what I gather a practicing Christian.  Like many in the world at large, Milton was a happy acolyte of the religion of Darwin, faithful, able to sing the requisite hymns and recite the standard gospel.  That changed when following a well-worn trail forged by countless others, he tried to find evidence and science, to support this religious litany.  The trail led to the inevitable destination of disappointment. 


Unable to find any real empirical or even common-sensical facts, Milton questions the religion of Darwin, following Antony Flew, Thomas Nagel and many other atheists.  Milton’s detailed research is simply an inquiry into the religious artifacts, relics and idols of Darwinism – its endlessly long ages (millions, billions, soon undoubtedly trillions), the regurgitated and unsupported claims of uniformitarianism and ‘slow build up’ of this and that, the endless ‘mutations’ and ‘evolving’ life forms which cannot be seen anywhere, the impossibility of code changing by itself, the design, structure and all-or-nothing-formation of all life and individuals, and the inability of random chance to produce much of anything except disorder and chaos (see the 2nd law of thermodynamics) among a very long list of objections. 


The Darwinian Religion is of course a massive industry, fully funded, primed, ready to attack any who may oppose it.  Its philosophy is anti-Christian, anti-deist and its objective is to demand obeisance to the Church of materialism, where everything is simply energy, material structure and chance.  It is a part of $cientism’s Holy Trinity along with Climate Worship and Corona or Health Fascism through Drugs or ‘vaccines’ (from a virus, health and safety, ‘no one is safe until everyone is safe’), with its apogee in the new WHO pandemic treaty, which is simply a treatise for World Government to be enforced slowly over time (fascists always slice the salami for you to eat, they never make you eat it whole).



One chapter in this very good book, extremely well researched, including interviews, first hand accounts and a massive amount of primary research, was the inquiry into ‘long ages’.  Milton states baldly that no-one has a clue how old the Earth might be. This is vital, if one views the religious pillars of Darwin’s cult.


The Religion of Darwin is based on 3 main suppositions, none of which have any empirical and scientific support:


1-Endless time will allow metamorphoses of species, with one species able to acquire the functionality to transform into another.  The ‘ancestor’ of all life on Earth for instance, is alleged to have ‘mutated’ into the 1 million or more forms of fauna we have today, and the millions which have gone extinct.


2-Geology and layers are uniform, laid down over endless time.  The key to the past is the present intoned the fathers of uniformitarianism, Charles Lyell et al.  Fossils are found in these layers and can be dated based on the layer.  The layers are subject to extremely long and subtle processes, there is no ‘catastrophic’ causation for the world’s geological features.  Endless time provides the only mechanism to explain geology, the fossilisation of fauna in the deep past, and our own current landscape.


3-Mutations, or changes to the genomic structure of cells, will lead to new functional forms. These beneficial mutations will provide ‘advantage’ or competitive prowess, leading to that creature being ‘selected’ by mates for reproduction, carrying these ‘winning traits’ to the next generation, where more mutations further elaborate the same process. More here

The Religion of $cientism

The rampant corruption of scientism restricts our knowledge, impairs our intelligence and degrades our future.

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Atheists: Are they unelectable? (Opinion) -

$cientism is the corruption of science, scientific processes and output and very importantly, the distortion and manipulation of all associated data, by technology and money, to further self-seeking objectives and goals.  The inimical plans by those who hold power, namely governments both national and trans-national, and their corporate allies, are hidden under the guise of paternalistic science, a process it is declaimed of objectivity and deep concern for truth.  The opposite is true.  The Nazis and Communists also based their fascism on ‘science’. 



In March 2020 many of us knew that Corona was a scam.  We knew it, could feel it, and could intuit the awful reality of what was being done.  We marched for free speech in Hyde Park London, we organised local park meets of the like-minded, we networked, we informed, we asked questions, we demanded proof, we wanted accountability and transparency.  We didn’t believe any of the ‘trusted sources’ or any of the institutions from the fake media, to pharma-ment (formerly parliament), to ‘science’, to health ‘professionals’, to the police.  They were all paid to obey. 


Many of us refused to participate in any of the anti-science dictums by the totalitarians, which ‘miraculously’ after years of meticulous planning, were enforced in lockstep across the G20.  We were all threatened, abused, scorned and debased.  For that we never forgive, and we never forget.  Why should we.  They will be back with something similar in the near future and the sheeple by then will have forgotten the terror of 2020-2022 and allow themselves to be rounded up and penned again.  By ‘they’ we can say the WEF-Davos-Bilderberger New World Order and its attendant capital, control of the fake news media, finance, medicine, universities, research, pharmaceuticals and the endless-war-industry. 


The Corona episode, in which a 0.3% death rate, average age of death at 84, fuelled by fake tests never proven to detect a virus strain from within the 300.000 Corona virus family (and disproved in 6 courts of law), resulting in lockdowns, midazolam and morphine used on old people behind closed doors, illegal stabs and face nappies, all propelled by a cascade of propaganda, fake data and false models.  The data corruption was simply astounding and few people understand either its extent or its purpose.  Data and ‘science’ were used to justify the imprisonment of the planet, endless rollouts of experimental drugs for some U$100 billion in total profits; and even the murder of the old and sick.  All for money, power and to enact the New World Order.  For the record the survival rate from Rona was 99.7% - the same as that of any other flu.


Climate Nonsense

The Climate fraud is another example of $cientism.  A U$ Trillion p.a. industry, based on non-science.  For the record fossils cannot make abiotic self-regenerating and clean hydrocarbon energy; plant food is 0.04% gas by weight and necessary for life; Gaia emits 95% of plant food; 96% of plant food is recycled and plant food falls out of climate processes much like hydrogen or nitrogen.  There is no climate crisis.  But it is a good philosophy to transact fascist governance and completely control the population. 


$cientism’s abstract hand-waving

$cientism has always been pushed by celebrity scientists who state the most inane things:

·       The Cosmos is all that is or ever was or ever will be. – Carl Sagan, Cosmos

·       The more the universe seems comprehensible, the more it also seems pointless. –Stephen Weinburg, The First Three Minutes

·       We can be proud as a species because, having discovered that we are alone, we owe the gods very little. –E.O. Wilson, Consilience

What do these people actually know?  Stephen Hawking was a celebrity in a wheelchair and an ardent atheist who became famous for his ‘law of entropy in black holes’.  Whoa, easy on the relevancy Steve.  You can almost prove that.  Or not.  His theory has no proof and has been thoroughly ‘debunked’. And further, what is the value of such a claim and theological position?  None. There is no benefit or relevancy, or output from Hawking’s (or whoever did the work for him) claim on such a fatuous and improvable concept. Further, how does someone in a wheelchair who cannot talk or communicate that well, possibly write books?  Was Hawking not simply a front man, the lead singer for a larger band on the stage? From blackhole-entropy, which is as much abstract mathematical theory as it is just philosophy, Hawking seamlessly rolls into multi-verses, claiming that a new universe-copy is being made on a regular basis – like a photocopy machine.  More here

A Brief history of $cientism

Philosophy. Money. Power.

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The Religious Prophets Of Scientism

Today we are assaulted, bludgeoned, abused and debauched by the all-knowing, all-seeing, omnipotent ‘God’ of ‘Science’, interepreted by the priestly caste of self appointed apostles and little Gods of ‘science’, ‘reason’, and ‘the consensus’. The modern shamans, fakirs and druids. The egocentricitiy and corruption of modern systems of ‘science’ and inquiry is breathtaking. An ineluctable outcome of the ‘Enlightenment’. Corona and Climate totalitarianism is thus not a surprise but simply a logical endpoint to what started in the 17th century.

Early-Modern Scientism

The roots of scientism extend as far back as early 17th century Europe, an era that came to be known as the ‘Scientific Revolution’.  Prompted by the collapse of Byzantium (1453), stirred up by the age of discovery, new wealth, new materials, new trade routes and a burgeoning middle and merchant class, society was changed and quickened.  A cascade of inventions in the late middle ages, including that of the printing press, changed society and ushered in aspects of modernity.  The ancient pagan cults and their philosophies, including Plato and Aristotle had long been challenged but a new emphasis on proof and experimentation came to the fore.

The Musulman empire of the Ottomans forced a massive change in trade routes and new voyages of discovery initiated by the European Christians, ostensibly to acquire commodities and resources in the East.  With the incredible achievements from  the 15th to 17th centuries, there was now a surfeit of wealth, gold, silver, and trading profits, leading to an investment in money and time to study the ‘natural sciences’ in detail, a subject matter taught in the medieval University system as being mandatory to understand the God-created world. 

The ‘scientific method’, long in existence was codified in various ways by the Catholics such as Francis Bacon, Rene Descartes, dozens of Jesuit astronomers, Copernicus, the over-rated Galileo Galilei, and Protestants such as Kepler to name a few.  Over time ‘Scientific Societies’ and ‘Academies’, mimicking that of ancient-Athens, sprang up in every European country, funded by the munificence of empire, trade and wealth accretion.  The main import and output of these groups and individual men was the rather monumental change in attitudes and culture, namely, to replace annotations and arguments over ancient texts with real-world experimentation. 

Yet these men and the related institutions of inquiry, also created the platform for modern $cientism.  Descartes and Bacon for example employed strong rhetoric to create a cultish framework for their work, believing in essence that the human could become ‘God’.  They claimed that by learning how the physical world worked, we could become “masters and possessors of nature.”1  The God-created world was being remodelled along the lines of a rationalistic-hubristic philosophy, where humans replaced the divine.  The philosophical foundation of society and its worldview was altered. 

Through application and technical developments, Western civilisation did indeed produce societal innovations.  Beneficiaries of mechanisation included transportation, war, trade, agriculture, capital creation and deployment, city and village planning, welfare, health care and the elimination of many diseases through mostly sanitation and improved medical methods (though bleeding and cutting off of limbs can hardly be claimed as ‘scientific’).  Yet incorrectly, and even nefariously, these material and application improvements were all attributed to ‘science’, when in fact, it was the material wealth from discovery, trade and commerce, which generated the industrial revolution and the use of machines, or technology, which improved life.  Application and technological development may or may not be related to ‘science’.  It is related to productivity and profit creation, which flows back into society and various public and social improvements through various channels.

It was the great developments of the late medieval era and the early modern period which set the stage for the self-congratulatory, egocentric philosophy of $cientism.  As society changed there arose from the theories of Bacon and Descartes a rather perverted and extreme view of ‘reason and logic’ through the debasement of our other faculties such as social bonds, culture, heritage, creativity, memory, and imagination.  As if the ‘sewer’ as an invention sprang out of nothing.  The creativity, energy, curiosity, materials, and technological capability to build and deploy sewers are indeed based on mental acuity but a whole host of other attributes which are just as important, including culture. 

The ‘rationalists’ and ‘philosophes’ denigrated writing, poetry and emotions to second class status.  Religion was tolerated until the French Revolution but afterwards endlessly attacked.  Descartes’ rendering of the entire universe as a giant machine left little room for faith, the arts or other forms of human expression.   Read more