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Letters by a modern St. Ferdinand III about cults

Gab@StFerdinandIII -

Plenty of cults exist - every cult has its 'religious dogma', its idols, its 'prophets', its 'science', its 'proof' and its intolerant liturgy of demands.  Cults everywhere:  Corona, 'The Science' or Scientism, Islam, the State, the cult of Gender Fascism, Marxism, Darwin and Evolution, Globaloneywarming, Changing Climate, Abortion...

Tempus Fugit Memento Mori - Time Flies Remember Death 

Archive - August 2023

‘The Big Bang’ and $cientism. Confusion, bafflegab, arcane maths, money. Part one: Radiation

A theory with so many issues would long ago have been shut down. But not the massive military-industrial complex of the Bang Religion and its $cientism.

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The Big Bang cult with its endless propaganda and story-telling demands that the hoi-polloi fall to their knees and pray to the golden calf idol of ‘the science’.  We are to be amazed at the complex equations, maths and superstar promoters called ‘scientists’ with their theories and voice overs on documentaries which ‘prove’ that nothing created everything and it is still expanding!  ‘Consensus science’, ‘experts’, ‘various observations’, ‘even Einstein agreed’, are all trotted out.  The Bangers in imitation of ancient paganisms have even carved out their own commandments and their deities in stone (quite literally in New York City’s Teddy Roosevelt Memorial Park which chisels Nobel Prize winners in Physics into a stone column, with worship, goat offerings, and prostration in front of this stone encouraged). 


It is a cult

If you object to the Banging religion using common sense, or even use normative and logical data analysis, or pose difficult questions about their assumptions, you are branded mentally unfit.  Further you are told you are ‘not a scientist’, you don’t have a PhD in Physics (nor did Copernicus, Galileo, Newton, Hubble, Einstein or many others), and you are not ‘an expert’ and therefore have no valid offering.  You might even be traditionally religious (only the pagan religion of $cience is acceptable) and therefore utterly idiotic. 


We can surmise that Aristarchus (310 BC to 230 BC) who first wrote about the elliptical orbit of the Earth around the Sun, and the Earth’s daily rotation on an axial tilt, was just another ‘conspiracy theorist’.  So too the 16th century Catholic Copernicus who resurrected Aristarchus’ theory and provided mathematical-algebraic formulations to support it.  Neither had a Pretty Happy Dude degree and both were religious albeit quite differently.  They are two of the rather endless list of the religious and the Christian, building the edifices of science and mathematics.


Money for Banging

The Big Bang religion is a massive industry.  It ‘irrupted from nothing’ and through magical forces endlessly driven by ‘dark energy’ has become a U$25 billion p.a. industry worldwide.  Such a huge industry has its own ‘gravitational pull’ and ‘attractions’.  Its ‘quantum fluctuations’ has resulted in yet another government-university mafia-complex, akin to the Climate fraud which can be found in U Penn, East Anglia and hundreds of other corrupted ‘universities’ and institutions. 


For Bangers the locus of money is Cambridge, Oxford, Sussex, the Carnegie Institution in Washington, Princeton, UPenn, Berkely, MIT amongst many others; along with sundry observatories (Mount Wilson is prominent amongst many).  In this regulated and extraordinarily well-funded market called ‘physics and cosmology’, the Big Bang rules as gospel.  No one will be funded, financed, hired, or tolerated if they offer dissent or dare to challenge Big Bang infallibility.  All the journals and scientific media are owned or funded by the Bangers.  Archbishop’s such as de Grasse or Cox will have you burnt at the stake or retired to a monastery if you challenge the orthodoxy, as they enjoy their tithes and plunder.  Big Bang infallibility is canonical law in the Church of $cientism.


Forked Tongues

The Big Bang theology is suffused with arcana, complex yet unsupported maths, promoted by supposed ‘geniuses’, who talk in a different tongue, with endless institutional and media support.  There is not a lot of difference in methods, quackery and fraud between the Big Bang, Vaccines and Scamdemics, and the Climate Bollocks.  Besides charlatanism, money and power, the overarching goals of these related religions are similar – the teleological conclusion that the human is nothing of importance and can be rendered powerless, mute, and helpless, making it easier to manipulate, corral and cull. 


Photons, Shrew and You

If the Universe is 13.7 billion years in age (some say 15 billion), and was created from nothing and you are just star dust; there is no need for religion, faith, spirituality or even morality.  The only possible religion would be ‘science’.  Further, only ‘rationalism’ and the need to fill in the gaps and find answers to outstanding questions about the universe and origins, is what separates modern man from the deluded and fanatical medieval and ancients.  With this rationalist view the human is simply an ‘evolved’ combination of elements and matter related to fish and shrews.  You and your brain, body, consciousness, complexity and perfect design are unimportant, venal, and in fact, a ridiculous accident. 


10 Easy Steps

The Bangers state that there are ’10 easy steps’ from nothing to you.  Easy steps they say.  Your 70 trillion cells are simple, easy to design, build, test and implement.  No issues.  Inevitable.  Just sprinkle in endless time and ‘dark energy’ and ‘dark matter’.  Presto.

1.     13.7 billion years ago (quite precise), a Cosmic egg with all the matter in the universe erupted in a virgin birth or from a ‘singularity of energy’

2.     Post egg-eruption, there was a massive acceleration for some period of time, and intense heat was emitted

3.     Hydrogen, Helium formed in this initial phase, and for 300.000 years (very precise) no light was present due to excessive heat

4.     After 380,000 years (very precise), all matter cooled, electrons combined with nuclei (how were these formed?) to create neutral atoms ("recombination", very sciency word), this ‘absorption of free electrons’ generated light

5.     400 million years later (less precise) ‘reionisation’ occurred (how, why), galaxies ‘clumped’ together and formed, emitting ultra-violet light which ‘cleared out’ the hydrogen gas

6.     Over the endless billions of years, more stars, more galaxies formed in their billions if not trillions

7.     Our solar system ‘formed’ from solar nebula and gravity, some 9 billion years ago, with our milky way galaxy positioned some 25.000 light years from the ‘galactic core’ (a light year is purportedly 5.9 Trillion miles…)

8.     In the 1920s Edwin Hubble discovered that the universe was expanding more slowly today than in the past (was he there 13 billion years ago?), which surprised the Bangers, so ‘Dark Energy’ was invented to explain outward expansion and declining acceleration

9.     In the 1970s Vera Rubin discovered ‘dark matter’ fixing Newton’s errors, and providing a constant to make Banger equations balance, the dark matter allows the velocities of stars to be similar in their rotation around the centre of the galaxy (a fact she observed which contravenes Newton’s laws)

10. Somehow the multi-layered atmosphere of the Earth with its water, elements, minerals, oxygen along with the complexity of life and functionality was created 4.6 billion years ago (Darwin picks up the story here, soupy pond, DNA, RNA, formations, panspermia, some lightning etc); Bangers are quiet about the origins of the Earth, life, flora and fauna

Ten simple steps for the Church of the Big Banging, though some niggling problems related to reality and common sense do persist.


(Dark Matter) This mysterious and invisible mass became known as dark matter. Dark matter is inferred because of the gravitational pull it exerts on regular matter. One hypothesis states the mysterious stuff could be formed by exotic particles that don't interact with light or regular matter, which is why it has been so difficult to detect.


Dark energy is thought to be the strange force that is pulling the cosmos apart at ever-increasing speeds, but it remains undetected and shrouded in mystery. The existence of this elusive energy, which is thought to make up 80% of the universe, is one of the most hotly debated topics in cosmology.


Well, there we have ‘the science’.  Strange matter, dark forces, shrouded mysteries, observations based on a light spectrum calculation (another article on that fraud coming), from nothing to everything, all declared as scientific from a small cadre of well paid ‘researchers’ who get compensated, feted, prized, and adored, with names chiselled into stone if they win a Nobel.  One cannot possibly imagine any deadly sins getting in the way of ‘the science’. 


CMB and Religion

You won’t find much if anything online which opposes the Banger religion.  They control the narrative and media.  But there is plenty wrong with the idea.  You don’t need to be ‘the science’ to go through ten ‘ten steps’ above and rip it apart.  There are some obvious objections, without delving into science jargon. 


The Bangers claim 2 observations which supports their theology.

1-Cosmic Background Radiation (termed Cosmic Microwave Background or CMB)

2-Redshift Spectrum (separate article as part 2 on this)

Both are wrong.  There is a 120-year history in the development of the Big Bang religion.  I will eschew the history, actors, and their various ‘discoveries’ to arrive at the nexus of their gospel.  As with the Bible, the Holy Books of the Big Bang need scrutiny and analysis, and in particular the two foundation stones of their belief system. 


Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB)

In steps 2 and 3 above, cosmic background radiation was generated.  How is radiation created from nothing?  First and foremost, for the Bangers, they must find in space, evidence of a signature blackbody radiation spectrum (the Planck radiation spectrum, a physical ‘law’ or in simple terms the spectrum of light emitted by a heated object eg. your radiator), which is the ‘relic’ radiation or umbilical cord from the virgin birth.  


The CMB radiation spectrum must be not only quantitatively proven, but also qualitatively confirmed, with a perfect curve in space (similar to waves in a pond arcing out from the shore) in order to satisfy the Bangers calculations. 


Second and of equal importance, the Bangers need to prove that cosmic background radiation illustrates the origins of the universe, or ‘the baby universe’ in Banger liturgy, especially galaxy-clumping (a sonogram for a baby), and proto-galaxies (or the birthing of galaxies).  When viewed spatially, the Bangers expect the Universe to appear as patchy cirrus clouds (due to isotropy, or the same properties being emitted in every direction), informed by the relic radiation. 


These are the 2 demands within cosmic background radiation or CMB, that need to be proven.  By the 1970s through efforts of just a handful of people (quite literally perhaps a dozen), and their observations, the Bangers had declared victory and there was a ‘consensus’ that both of the above fundaments were indeed explained and proven.  About 20 years ago they proffered more proof of their theories through the COBE 2 satellite and BICEP 2 programs.  Let’s put aside the actors and the details of their ‘discoveries’ for now, the problems with the instruments, antennas, satellites and data, all of which exist and impugn the ‘discoveries’; and focus on the bigger picture.  More here


The Science Delusion. Big Bang Theory as an example of $cientism

Einstein was wrong. Newton was wrong. Modern 'science' cannot explain the universe or the world of the 5 senses.

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Bottom line: 

In truth, we have no real understanding of the origins of the universe or life; of matter, light, magnetism, gravity, quantum behaviour, subatomic particles, stars, galaxies or even what is under our own feet if we look at materials, hydrogen energy, gold, silver and water abundance. 

Much of what Newton, Einstein and others positioned as ‘science’ is wrong. However, given the massive industries which have been erected around their principles, no dissenting opinion or research is allowed. $cientism.


Stuff Happens and ‘The Science’

The Religion of Evolution concludes that random processes, over endless billions of years resulted in a universe of perfect design, form, function and sentience.  From nothing to the shrew, and then to you, all arising from natural and material processes.  This religion espouses a dialectic of chance and the magical creation of matter, code and natural laws, not to mention the coincidental creation of complex cycles and the inter-dependencies of systems and creatures.  Only endless time, stability and chance are needed, along with electrical energy and random compounds.  In reality there is no proof whatsoever supporting the religion of Evolution. Just metaphysics, hand-waving and money.


The Big Bang Theory, originally developed by the Catholic Priest and quasi-scientist Lemaitre in the 1920s and 30s, theorised that the entire universe erupted from a singularity of power and material. This was for Lemaitre a conception of God’s creative power.  It was immediately appropriated by Atheists and ‘the science’ to postulate the origin of life and the universe which was a gaping hole in Darwin’s religion.  Lemaitre was an astrophysicist of some renown, but much of his work reads like a tract of philosophy. In his 1931 Nature paper, Lemaitre discusses the nature of time and space:

If the world has begun with a single quantum, the notions of space and time would altogether fail to have any meaning at the beginning; they would only begin to have a sensible meaning when the original quantum had been divided into a sufficient number of quanta.

The above is meaningless.


Lemaitre is largely forgotten, mostly because he was a Catholic priest and ‘the science’ of cosmology had moved on to ‘Redshifts’ and ‘Relativity’ and other disproven ‘science’.  Lemaitre had however gifted the religion of materialism a divine offering, a faith-based theology given that the Big Bang theory is not based on science, or observational evidence.


Big Bang theory summarised

According to Big Bang religious, the universe began 13.7 billion years ago as an inconceivably small volume of space (or a single point of vast energy, Lemaitre’s quantum dot) which exploded and has been expanding ever since.  Out of the chaos of this irruption the perfect order of the cosmos including its ‘natural laws’ formed. 


The Big Bang religiosity is based on two enormous assumptions.  First, gravity and gravity alone determines the structure and movement of stars and galaxies.  Second, the ‘Redshift’ of objects in space are a true reflection of their distance and that these objects are receding.  To achieve mathematical completion the BB religious have had to add Dark Matter and Dark Energy to their theory (more nonsense summarised below).


Does any of this make sense?

In the early 20th century polymath Tesla made an appropriate observation about ‘the science’:

Today’s scientists have substituted mathematics for experiments, and they wander off through equation after equation and eventually build a structure which has no relation to reality.”


Indeed.  Arcane maths, equations and conclusions littered with assumptions and hopes.  What created the quantum energy ‘egg’ in the first place?  Why would an explosion of a small energy source lead to structure and life?  How could all the elements in the universe be contained in a quantum egg and who put these illimitable number of elements there (1080 or 1 followed by 80 zeroes)?  No answers are forthcoming.


Ex Nihilo?

The religion of the Big Bang and Evolution hates Christians or anyone who believes in the ‘supernatural’, miracles or the unexplainable.  Yet here they are with their own theology and long list of miraculous births, revelations, resurrections and supernatural acts


The First Law of Thermodynamics states that matter cannot be created nor destroyed, it can only be changed from one form to another.  Matter cannot simply create itself and in the ‘real world’ matter cannot spontaneously arise from nothing, whether or not the instigating event is an explosion.  There is no observational evidence to disprove the First Law of Thermodynamics.  Further, the only ‘evidence’ for the Big Bang religious is the ‘Redshifting’ of light from expanding galaxies.  But again, what ‘force’ could propel a body outward and how would that force be manufactured?  It cannot arise out of nothing. 



Redshift (or the Doppler effect) is purportedly the phenomenon of the displacement of the spectrum of an astronomical object toward longer (red) wavelengths. It is a change in wavelength that occurs when a given source of waves (e.g., light, sound, or radio waves) and an observer are in rapid motion in opposite directions to each other. But the ‘Redshift’ theory is also wrong as there is no confirmed way in which a galaxy may increase its alleged acceleration through the cosmos.  This contradicts all of mainstream science’s beliefs (astronomer Halton Arp is a good resource on this fact).


Hubble and humility

One of the main objections Edwin Hubble had to the Big Bang theory derived from his study of the brightness of stars (or Redshifts and Blueshifts).  He maintained that if stars were receding at the rate indicated by their Redshift, their brightness would appear to be diminished.  Instead, he observed that there was no such diminishing of brightness.  NASA sees the same today. Yet online or in schools you will hear nothing about Hubble’s reservations about the Big Bang or the fallacy of Redshifting. He is simply acclaimed for discovering the ever-expanding universe.


If the galaxies were accelerating away from us and that this rate is also accelerating, in the long term, the sky will be totally dark at night as the stars will all have moved away, and the only visible galaxy will be Andromeda.  For this discovery, a US-born Australian citizen Brian Schmidt and his colleagues were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2011.  Yet the sky is not dark and there are billions of visible galaxies. 


Accelerate how? Mass attractions?

For the Big Bang theology to work, and for acceleration to occur, invisible Dark Matter of an unknown nature must be the dominant ingredient of the entire universe.  The Big Bang requires sprinkling galaxies, clusters, superclusters, and the universe with ever-increasing amounts of this invisible, as-yet-undetected, theoretical ‘Dark Matter’ to maintain the theory’s viability.  Overall, over 90% of the universe must be made of something never yet detected in any way.  There is no proof that Dark Matter exists.


We do know that objects with mass attract each other.  They produce a gravitational field that pulls them together, so they do not push away from each other. Expansion at an accelerating rate is impossible based on what we know about mass and attraction, negating ‘Redshift’ and the Big Bang.  More here

"The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health"

If this won't open up eyes and minds to the planned Korona Fascism, nothing will. An education in Corporate $cientism and Fascism and the Government-Drug Industry mafia cartel.

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Everyone should read this book or RFK’s longer, original version, ‘The Real Anthony Fauci. Eye opening is hardly an apt description.  What Kennedy and Gildred show is the long history of pharma-government fraud, collusion, profit-mongering and the murder and maiming of literally millions of innocents across the globe, over a very long period of time.  The Korona scamdemic-plandemic was not an accident.  There is a long history of similar events and attempts to impose medical totalitarianism all based on ‘Science’ and $cientism.


This book reveals the sordid, debased, evil, criminality of Fauci and Gates and indeed the entire ‘health industry’ which has little interest in your health.  No profits are made from healthy people.  Out with diet, exercise, vitamins, healthy living.  In with the endless assortment of drugs.  Only drugs macht frei.  We heard this during the Korona fascism.  Only the quackcines would make you ‘safe’.  In fact, the drugs have killed 5 x more people than the bio-engineered flu did.  Historically this is not unique, given that previous drugs stretching back some 200 years, have killed in the same proportion against the illness they supposedly prevented.



This article will focus just on the Korona scamdemic.  Fauci’s and Gates’ long reign of historical bioterror will be dealt with separately.  From HIV and AIDS (some 300 K dead Blacks and Gays from the drug AZT); to fake SARS I, Swine Flus, Ebola, Zika, Dengue, Botulisms, and many more frauds, the government-pharma complex has created ‘epidemics’ to sell drugs. In so doing Fauci for 50 years and Gates for 20 years, along with their government-military and pharma allies, have killed and injured many millions of innocents.  


The Korona plandemic of 2020 was not an isolated or historically anomalous event.  It was the latest and most fascistically complete imposition of medical tyranny stretching back 200 years with the 1918 bacterial epidemic, caused by quackcines, its closest historical parallel.


Fauci the criminal Fraud


Fauci is not a doctor.  Recently ‘retired’ he was a 50-year career politician and an evil, devious, dishonest, corrupt bureaucrat.  No one can identify his ‘doctor credentials’, nor can anyone point to his medical practice, his patients, his medicinal work.  He was a drug salesman, who has just purchased a $19 million estate on the Potomac – with his ‘savings’ from his government salary. 


Fauci ran American ‘health’ policy (aka drug policy) for 50 years from his perch at the NIAID (National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases).  NIAID is a pharma company, not a health agency, controlling some $7 billion in funding which is sent worldwide to the ‘virology’ industry (‘virology science’ is on a par with ‘climate science’).  NIAID’s reach and power is massive.  It controls patents and revenue streams and has deep alliances stretching back to the 1970s with Pharma, research centres, universities and various labs worldwide. 


NIAID is not interested in healthy initiatives.  It is a drug pushing monstrosity.  There is a direct line from the quack Saint Jenner the Apostle of the stabs, and the ‘corporatism’ he and his friends set up in the early 19th century, which formed the first government-drug industry alliance and criminal cartel; and Saint Fauci, Apostle of Korona, and the mafia of NIAID, the CDC, government, pharma and huge drug investors such as Kill Gates.  

“HHS (Health and Human Services) is the named owner of at least 4,400 patents. NIH, an agency of HHS, has received, “up to $2 billion in royalty revenue since 1991, when FDA approved the first of these drugs.  Since Dr. Fauci arrived at NIH, the agency has spent approximately $856.90 billion. Between 2010 and 2016, every single drug that won approval from the FDA—210 different pharmaceuticals— originated, at least in part, from research funded by the NIH.”


The above is a spectacular insight.  Fauci has distributed over 50 years, not just his own NIAID budget, but given his control over the NIH (National Institute of Health), some $850 billion or almost $20 billion per annum.  The influence, power, and control such money will buy is almost limitless.


Pharma Corporatism

The Centres for Disease Control which is part of the endless panoply of health agencies, or the ‘military-health-industrial complex’, is not an independent ‘health agency’ interested in anyone’s health.  It is primarily a drug manufacturer and distributer, closely allied and tied to pharma as well as the US military - one of Pharma’s best, most supportive and most active of markets. 

The CDC, for example, owns 57 vaccine patents and spends $4.9 of its $12.0 billion-dollar annual budget (as of 2019) buying and distributing vaccinesNIH owns hundreds of vaccine patents and often profits from the sale of products it supposedly regulates. High level officials, including Dr. Fauci, receive yearly emoluments of up to $150,000 in royalty payments on products that they help develop and then usher through the approval process.  The FDA receives 45 percent of its budget from the pharmaceutical industry, through what are euphemistically called “user fees.” Fauci's $417,608 annual salary makes him the highest paid of all four million federal employees, including the President.”


The above is an example of the rampant criminality and self-interests of the CDC and NIAID.  They are paid by pharma to ‘regulate’ pharma products.  In effect Fauci et al simply guide pharma products through the process, often skipping testing and safety stages and ignoring safety signals and issues. 


Fauci and his former employer NIAID ‘captured’ the commanding heights of ‘health’ as RF Kennedy Jr writes:

From his perch at NIAID, Dr. Fauci has used his $6 billion annual budget to achieve dominance and control over a long list of agencies and governing bodies, including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Health and Human Services (HHS) agencies, the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the Pentagon, the White House, the World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations (UN) organizations, and into the deep pockets of the Clinton and Gates Foundations, and Britain’s The Wellcome Trust.  Pentagon funding brings the annual total of grants that Dr. Fauci dispenses to an astonishing $7.7 billion.”


The US’ military-drug-health cartel, which was controlled through the office of Fauci at the NIAID, is not unique.  It is replicated in every single G20 country.  Different acronyms and a slightly different emphasis exist depending on the state.  But essentially it is the same setup and same model.  The same scam.  The same profit and power mongering.  The same pill pushing. The same ‘military-health-industrial complex’.  More

Western Civ and its Civil War and Revolution. From the 19th century to today.

Metaphysics and culture inform everything. There is a straight line from the 19th century to the current implosion of Western Civilisation, punctuated by the March 2020 Revolution.

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A Revolution

The irruption of civil war within the ‘Western’ world was officially declared in March 2020. Unofficially it was in train since the Enlightenment. The March 2020 revolutionary cry was to impose the ‘Great Reset’ using a plandemic and fake global plague as the casus belli. The antecedents of this revolution date back to the Enlightenment and especially to the 19th century - the best and worst of centuries - which picked up its metaphyiscs from the 17th and 18th centuries. The 19th century was a wondrous time of technological innovation and sophistication: railways, the steam engine, combustion engine, electricity, electrical energy and lighting, appliances, sewers and sanitation, housing and urban reforms, the end of slums and through health and hygiene the eradication of many diseases.


The 19th century was also the worst of centuries politically and philosophically. Politically the 19th century built the base of ‘Statism’ and government control, including the nexus of corporatism, or the merger and self-interested alliances between the State and corporations. This relationship was and is bi-directional, an industry can capture government (Pharma, military for eg) or the State can manage and direct an industry for the benefit of both (health, energy, education). An example is the vaccination cartel, established during the quack’s Jenner’s reign as a ‘scientist’ and ‘inventor’ of ‘vaccination’. From Jenner to the Korona Pharma-Fascism is a straight line. Our modern corporatism is reflected in the ‘welfare state’ and the ‘military-industrial complex’, and it covers the ‘commanding heights’ of our society including energy, health, education, the media, research, banking and transportation.


19th Century Theology as ‘Science’

Philosophically the 19th century was an incontrovertible disaster. Darwinism, Materialism, Communism, ‘logical positivism’, ‘rationalism’, ‘romanticism’, rampant Atheism, the ‘science’ of medicine; all of these theories and philosophies conspired to either elevate mankind and his ‘reason’ (never defined) as God, or degrade mankind to a monkey, with everything in life a mechanical, naturalist dialectic of ‘progressive’ positive changes with man no different than a virus and probably not as important. The inherent confusion of 19th century dogma is obvious and this anarchy in metaphysics is a key aspect of the current implosion of civilisation. In effect we lost reality.


The teleological model of 19th century philosophy leads to nihilism and nothing. The 19th century’s philosophical regression points directly to confusion and destruction, including trans-genderism, climate insanity, a hatred of Whites (especially Males and Christians), and a breakdown of morality, virtue and standards across society’s entire spectrum. The 19th century’s philosophical rationale and its entire premise as evinced by Darwin’s and Wallace’s naturalist theology, Comte, Marx, Freud et al, was to annihilate the cultural foundation of Western Civilisation and impose the collective will of material dialecticism and elevate State-controlled ‘Science’ or Scientism to the fore as the new Church. The Atheist French Revolution of 1789 and the Church of Reason found numerous disciples, apostles and high priests throughout the Western world, who in different ways took up the same hysterical and demented cry to establish the Church of ‘Reason’, using the most irrational and unreasonably methods imaginable.


The State as Leviathan

The crux of 19th century belief system, building on Hobbe’s Leviathan concept, is that the State and only the State, along with its agencies of ‘Science’, should impose 'order’ and 'progress’ and develop positive vectors of social existence. Out with the old, in with the ‘science’ and Scientism. Technology was wrongly equated with ‘Science’ and man’s ‘rationalism’. Conflating a railway with technocratic management is an old canard used by the power hungry. Materialism, Socialism, Atheistic positivism, the hoary and misty ‘rationalism’, are philosophies of Statism and collectivism. Thus in less than 150 years, the ‘social reforms’ and ‘manners’ created by the great Christian Wilberforce and which was the basis of Victorian and Edwardian society, was successfully attacked and effaced by the mechanistic philosophies who hearkened back to the ‘Enlightenment’ propaganda as a source of their truths.


The central feature of 19th century and Enlightenment propaganda is that there can be only ‘one’ answer, that of ‘reason’, or ‘science’, or what the State has decreed through its endless list of agencies to be the ‘truth’. The UN’s and BBC’s ‘verify’ programs, the ‘fact checkers, the various Ministries of Truth, have a long pedigree. All of these were present in the 19th century, as government agencies and regulators censored, issued false data and propaganda and attacked and demeaned any opposition to the will of government. More here

Alfred Russel Wallace on the deaths, injuries and fraud around 19th century vaccination.

Wallace is another link to the past, with the same destruction, fraud, profiteering, propaganda, and censorship from the government-pharma cartel in the 19th century as we see today.

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(Alfred Wallace: Darwinist apologist and source for much of Darwin’s plagiarised metaphysics on ‘natural selection’ whatever that might mean)


Alfred Russel Wallace (1823-1913) was a noted English ‘anti-vaxxer’ unfortunately remembered for his unscientific theory of ‘natural selection’, long since discredited.  His real fame should rest on his outspoken and analytically premised objections to the Small-pox vaccination programs in the 19th century, which like today, killed and injured on a vast scale whilst providing no benefits whatsoever, unless you count profit-mongering and elite enrichment as benefices.  He is thus a link to the past which confirms that the criminal nature of modern medical $cientism has a very long pedigree ('Spanish flu', 1976 'swine flu' and other government-pharma created frauds).  


Who was Wallace?

Born in humble surroundings in England, Wallace was a 19th century self-taught philosopher, or scientist to some, who provided many of the proofs for Darwin’s ‘Origin of the Species’ philosophical tract, rebranded as ‘science’ by Atheists and naturalists.  Wallace was born into a poor family, went to school for a period until money ran out, left, apprenticed with a firm until it went bankrupt; became a teacher specialising in geography; and leaving that occupation he travelled as a ‘botanist’ to South America, and Asia during the 1840s and 1850s.  He was never trained in science, naturalism, botany, math or much of anything.  Yet he reached wide fame and still generates genuflection from adoring acolytes – mostly for the wrong reasons.


Magic selections

Based on his adventures overseas in the 1850s Wallace wrote about ‘natural selection’ an idea in the common zeitgeist and pursed by many.  He made the mistake of sending his notes to Darwin (in 1858), who pilfered them and sprinkled them into his own materialist-naturalist gospel without citation or sourcing.  Darwin was an expert in plagiarism (though his religious order today violently denies such allegations as any online search attests).  These ‘Darwinian proofs’ based on his botanical collection of some 120.000 specimens obtained from his extensive travels, made Wallace famous, though infamously no science supports his ideas.  His natural-selection apologia appeared in his large volume ‘Darwinism’ in 1889.  His work on ‘natural selection’ is slightly different in emphasis than Darwin’s but like the pigeon-breeder’s, it is riddled with errors and is simply junk science.  Wallace’s philosophies on natural selection were destroyed in the 1870s and 1880s though few know this. 



Wallace was also a well-known spiritualist who believed in life after death and the attainment of spiritual perfection.  Unlike many 19th century philosophers, he was not anti-Christian but might be classified as a spiritual-hermetic, someone with a teleological view of life, God and spirit.  Wallace differed from Darwin et al, in that he was not a devoted materialist and did not belong to the nascent church of ‘science’ or $cientism as it has now become.  


Why Wallace?

So, why waste time with Wallace?  Chiefly this:  Wallace’s main contribution to science and society as a self-taught man, was his strident critique based on government data, of the lack of vaccine efficacy and their mortal and injurious nature.  Yet few associate the pre-Darwinist Darwinian with this important role.  Wallace wrote about the quackcine industry in Vaccination a Delusion and in a letter to parliament in 1885, using 45 years of data both of which destroy the vaccine myth.  It is this historical link back to 1845 using real data and analysis, which makes Wallace important


No Efficacy

In fact, as Wallace illustrates, many of the claims used by government in the 19th century were the same as those used today.  The disavowal and denial of death and injury post stabbination during the 19th century, used the same techniques and verbiage we heard during the Korona plandemic.  Even the pattern of dead and injured post stabbination programs is remarkably akin to what has transpired in the 20th and 21rst centuries.


In his 1885 letter to Parliament, Wallace calls out the fraud of vaccination:

“…there is no evidence to show that the slight decrease of Small-pox mortality is due to vaccination.”

“That several inoculable diseases have increased to an alarming extent coincidently with enforced vaccination.” (eg cancer, syphillis)

No efficacy and lots of harm – the same we experienced with the mRNA fraud during the recent plandemic. 


As Wallace states in his letter to parliament (or pharma-ment as it should be called), the greatest smallpox epidemic in England’s history occurred in 1871, some 70 years after the mass stabbing began, and 18 years after compulsory injections were decreed by law, enforced by imprisonment and fines.  Other epidemics post jabbing also raged during Wallace’s life:

“..on three separate occasions a considerable increase in vaccinations was followed by an increase in of Small-pox….1863 there was a great deal of vaccinations, followed in 1864 by an increase in Small-pox mortality.  Again the number of vaccinations steadily rose from 1866 to 1869, yet in 1870-71 Small-pox mortality increased; and yet again, in 1876 an increase in vaccinations was followed by an increase of Small-pox deaths…”


18th vs 19th century death rates

Wallace further empathises the failure of the drugs-for-profit industry, by looking at 18th century data.  No improvement can be discerned.

“…(18th century death rates from small pox) varying from 16.5 to 25.3 as the percentage of mortality among Small-pox patients in hospitals; the average of the whole being 18.8 per cent….(in Small-pox hospitals) between 1870 and 1880, give numbers varying from 14.26 to 21.7 as the deaths per centage of Small-pox patients, the average being 18.5….”

Wallace looks at control groups in the Army and Navy who are the most re-vaccinated and the fittest and healthiest members of society.  However, the Small-pox infection and death rates within the military, with all the advantages of constant care, exercise, good food and sanitation, are similar to the civilian population who largely live in unhygienic, dirty, filthy slums, in ‘houses or one two rooms only…insufficient food, overworked, and bad air...’  No demonstrable benefit from the military’s incessant stabbination campaign can be offered.


The poisoned lancet did not confer ‘protection’ for the jab-recipient and in many cases killed them outright or gave them another disease.  Wallace presents to Parliament a table showing the increase in inoculated diseases from 1850 to 1880.  In deaths per million, cancer rises from 302/million to 510; syphilis from 37 to 84; and pyaemia or blood poisoning and other diseases doubling. 


The spread of disease through the needle and enforced vaccinations has been a common theme from 1800 until today.  More here

Forgotten History and Pharmaceutical Criminality: 1918 'Spanish Flu' epidemic; 1976 ‘Swine’ Flu

A ‘long history’ of Government-Pharma-Fraud and $cientism.

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“There is a vaccination ring in England, receiving millions of the public moneyIt is in their interest to favour the practice at all hazards and to falsify statistics in order to conceal its failure and its evils. There are also armies of public vaccinators in every large city all over Europe, who are supported from the public treasury, and every practitioner who does not oppose the practice, derives a considerable income from its continuance.” —Dr. Robert A. Gunn, MD, “Vaccination: Its Fallacies and Evils” (circa 1877)

“The vaccination myth is the most widespread superstition modern medicine has managed to impose, but being by the same token the most profitable, it will prove to be also one of the most enduring, though there was never the slightest of scientific evidence upholding it.”

—Hans Ruesch, "The Naked Empress: The Great Medical Fraud" (1982)

Follow the money, to find the $cience of ‘virology’ and curing diseases with drugs.


1918 Spanish Flu

Not Spanish and not a flu.  In the Spanish-American War (1899-1901) about 2600 US soldiers died of typhoid and related illnesses with diarrhoea, fever, dehydration and pneumatic symptoms as common expressions of the illness.  This war of aggression was fought in the tropics of Cuba where the heat and other unhealthful conditions were conducive to the development of typhoid as well as many other diseases. There was no refrigeration, so the food spoiled, except that which was loaded with poison preservatives including formaldehyde, nitrates, salt, saltpeter and other toxins.


Decomposed protein and other poisons are the main cause of ptomaine poisoning and other diseases of intestinal putrefaction, such as typhoid fever, typhus, yellow fever, malaria, and cholera. These diseases are not caused by ‘germs’ or magical flying viruses.


During the Spanish-American war there were no sewers, hygiene, or systems of sanitation.  The ‘flu’ or typhoid (which emanates from filth, waste and poor hygiene) was manufactured by the environment. 


But herein lies the origins of the moniker ‘Spanish flu’ and the US Army’s obsession with a typhoid-vaccine.  In reality there was no connection in World War I, between ‘Allied’ armies and Spain, or between soldiers and a typhoid or flu outbreak.  


Poisons and 1918

The ‘Spanish flu’ was an epidemic of poisons and they occurred in three phases and from separate sources. 

1-World War I released into the general environment tonnes of toxins, chemical gases, poisons, and anti-oxidising material (which destroys your cells).  This particulate pollution would have been swept across Europe through normal wind and weather patterns.  The environment was poisoned, and this always affects your body (cytokline conditions).

2-The US army has always forcibly injected and experimented on its members. Starting in 1917 they began a failed experimental typhoid-‘vaccine’ injection.  Young, healthy men were injured, decommissioned or even killed.  This typhoid experiment created a bacterium which could be passed and spread through contract or in contaminated water, food and faeces.  They named the disease ‘para-typhoid’ and tried more injections, which added to the injury and death totals.  Some 45.000 or more servicemen were killed by the shots, ascribed by the Army, fake news and ‘science’ as ‘flu’ deaths.

[It should be noted that US Army Influenza and Pneumonia death rates spiked between 1918-1920. World War I was the first war in which US service men were required to vaccinate.]

3-Every country engaged in a mass-injection of mandatory serums into the population at large to combat the ‘flu’.  In many countries, including the US and Europe there more than one forced injection against this ‘flu’ a disease which was never isolated, identified or proven to be ‘spreading’.  These poisons combined with the cytokline effects of 1 above, led to injury and death.  

Masks were also mandated, and they do nothing except restrict oxygen, force the wearer to eat bacteria and Co2 and inhale carcinogens.  Worn for prolonged periods masks can lead to death.  Does this sound familiar after the Corona scamdemic?



Rockefellers, Fort Riley, Fort Dix and Quackines

“The 1918 ‘Spanish Flu’ started in American military Camp Funston, Fort Riley, USA, amongst troops making ready for WWI—taking on board vaccinations, recruit training and all. It eventually killed about 40,000,000 people worldwide. That flu strain only appeared briefly once again, according to the US Atlanta CDC. This was in 1976 and again it struck at the US army camp Fort Dix, USA, amongst recently vaccinated troops (and no one else EVER); Fort Dix is known to have been a vaccine trial centre. Was the world’s greatest ‘influenza’ scourge another well-hidden vaccine disaster?” —John P. Heptonstall, Director of Morley Acupuncture Clinic and Complementary Therapy Centre, West Yorkshire

One study described soldiers “with active infections (who) were aerosolizing the bacteria that colonized their noses and throats, while others—often, in the same “breathing spaces”—were profoundly susceptible to invasion of and rapid spread through their lungs by their own or others’ colonizing bacteria.”  [See A Report on Anti-meningitis Vaccination and Observations on Agglutinins in the Blood of Chronic Meningococcus Carriers as Recorded by Frederick L Gates, MD in 1918 From the Base Hospital, Fort Riley, Kansas and The Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, New York. Received July 20, 1918]. 


According to Frederick Lamont Gates (who is not the same person as Fred T Gates though both worked for Rockefeller), the US Army also injected random dosages of an experimental bacterial meningitis vaccine into soldiers. Afterwards, some of the soldiers had symptoms which “simulated” meningitis, but Dr. Gates advanced the fantastical claim that it wasn’t actual meningitis but a ‘flu’.  If you search online, Dr Gates’ explanation is the only ‘scientifically’ accepted one. In the age of Corona, this should not come as a surprise.  It was clear that bacterium were the generators of the illnesses. 


The stabbinated soldiers developed flu-like symptoms.  Bacterial meningitis, then and now, is known to mimic flu-like symptoms.  Given the similarity of early symptoms of bacterial meningitis and bacterial pneumonia to symptoms of flu is perhaps why the vaccine experiments at Fort Riley escaped scrutiny as a potential cause of the ‘Spanish Flu’.  According to a 2008 National Institute of Health paper, bacterial pneumonia was the killer in a minimum of 92.7% of the autopsies of those who died of so-called “Spanish flu” between 1918 and 1919.


The “Spanish Flu” attacked healthy people in their prime. Bacterial pneumonia attacks people in their prime.  Flu attacks the young, old and immunocompromised.  During WW1, the Rockefeller Institute also sent the anti-meningococcal serum to England, France, Belgium, Italy and other countries, helping spread the epidemic worldwide.  When WW1 ended on November 11, 1918, soldiers returned to their home countries and colonial outposts, spreading the killer bacterial pneumonia worldwide.  More here

The coming ‘Klimat’ Lockdowns based on $cientism.

Korona Fascism was a test pilot. The Sheeple complied and willingly died to serve their masters.

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There are two main foundations for a future $cientism and Totalitarianism. We just experienced one with the Korona Communism or Fascism premised on a bio-lab released weapon.


The second is the non-existing ‘Klimat Krisis’ and the necessity to save Gaia from the human emissions of plant-food, 5% of the total of the 4 parts per million found in the atmosphere, which is necessary to make oxygen and life. Klimat Lockdowns will be attempted, given the almost universal acquiescence by the mass to the Korona terror.


When would these future Klimat-Lockdowns occur the curious might ask? One would guess between 2025-2030 when the ‘terror’ of surviving a ‘pandemic’ is still reasonably fresh in the memories of the sheeple. Quite likely the next Lockdown will merge the Klimat and Health ‘Krises’ to form a new vector. GlobaloneyBoiling has created a scariant from ___insert here____ and you are all going to die, unless you follow our (the elite’s) policies and programs….


The Korona Fascism and its ancestor of 1918-1920

The Korona Fascism was a scamdemic of enormous proportions and evil.  Worldwide there were and are millions of deaths and injuries from lockdowns, the stabs and the general psychological terror unleashed on innocent populations.  The 1918-1920 ‘Spanish flu’ which was a bacterial epidemic spread by poisons and vaccinations and unrelated to Spain or a flu, is the closest historical parallel to the Korona Fascism.  The same methods were employed in 1918 to ‘stop the spread’, ‘flatten the curve’ ‘save grandma’, as they were deployed in 2020.  Enforced quackcinations, lockdowns and diapers were deemed ‘the science’ from 1918-1920. 


The 1918-1920 totalitarian program was lifted once it became known that the policies had failed, and with the reduction of poisoned injections and poisons in the enviroment from the ‘Great War’, a great decline of ‘flu deaths’ rapidly followed, ending the need for complete societal emasculation.  As with Rona, fabrication of death numbers unrelated but ascribed to the flu was common and those who remained unstabbed, remained stubbornly quite healthy. 


The sheeple in 1920 also noticed that the elites were not following the science-fiction of masks, lockdowns or distance.  Exactly the same occurred with Korona: fraud, made up death statistics, the non-science of diapers and lockdowns ignored by the elite, and the eventual exhaustion of society at large with the entire exercise of fear, lockdowns and contaminated injections against the spread of bacterium poison, all conspired to end the madness. 


Vlad the invader and Korona

What really ended the Korona fascism in 2022 was Vlad the Invader’s defensive war in the Ukraine, to recover Russian territory, to save native Russians from being murdered and to pre-empt a US-NATO attack to dismember Russia which is a centre of opposition to the US NWO.  Vlad should be given a Nobel peace prize for ending the Korona fascism.  Instead, he has the full weight of NATO on his porch intent on burning the entire house of Russia to the ground. 


Many sheeple in the ‘West’, perhaps a slim majority, fully support the US empire’s war against Russia and believe the fake news that any day now, the US 51rst rump state formerly known as the Ukraine, will be in Moscow, with Vlad usurped and the evil Eastern Hun conquered.  Few in the West know anything about Russian, Ukrainian or eastern European history, or that the Ukraine as a country never existed, it was simply an administrative area, artificially created after the Russian revolution.  It would be akin to saying California was ‘always’ its own country. 


The long 20 year NATO (US DoD) plan to destroy Russia is also mostly unknown in the ‘West’. NATO which is an extension of the US empire, has expended great energy over 20 years to fabricate an external enemy in Russia, and goad it into war by pushing itself relentlessly Eastwards. Using Russia as an external locus of ‘terror’ galvanises the NATO membership and its compliant citizens against an object of fear and hate. After attacking and partitioning the one-party, totalitarian corrupt, bio-lab, money laundering criminal state called the Ukraine, intone the NATO generals and fake news, the Russians may re-occupy Paris as they did in 1814.


In any event, Korona 2022 ended thanks to Vlad the Invader and Droner.


What did Korona confirm?



The Korona fascism confirmed a few things.  First most people are not critical thinkers and will not stand up to fascism if their jobs and families are threatened. To this end they will find it very convenient to dress up the totalitarianism as a ‘science’ to convince themselves they are moral and good people. After all they are saving someone or the Earth, along with their incomes and families. ‘The Science’ through coercive Statism and intolerant violence, affirms and convinces that this choice is rational and moral. Most Westerners are not critical thinkers, nor are they brave and the masses in general will believe anything told to them by ‘science’, ‘experts’, the government or fake news. 


Second, the population at large has no knowledge of history, past events, or Braudel’s ‘long durée’ of history and conflict.  The Corona fascism was simply an instantiation and end point of some 200 years of government-drug industry corporatism.  Viewed over this period of time, it seems inevitable that there would eventually be a global ‘Korona’ event.  Few in the ‘West’ appreciate this fact.


Fear, Panic

With the pharma-government drug-mafia cartel, we see the same creation of ‘fear’ and panic and the same remediation with ‘drugs’ and quackcines. The past 100 years is replete with the same program, repeated over and over again with government and pharma the root causes of the disasters and also endless fear propaganda. More here