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Letters by a modern St. Ferdinand III about cults

Gab@StFerdinandIII -

Plenty of cults exist - every cult has its 'religious dogma', its idols, its 'prophets', its 'science', its 'proof' and its intolerant liturgy of demands.  Cults everywhere:  Corona, 'The Science' or Scientism, Islam, the State, the cult of Gender Fascism, Marxism, Darwin and Evolution, Globaloneywarming, Changing Climate, Abortion...

Tempus Fugit Memento Mori - Time Flies Remember Death 

Archive - February 2020

Religion of Evolution - ignorance about the Appendix and 'vestigial organs'

Philosophy is not science.

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With the religion of Evolution and its vacuous counterpart Atheism, fiction and story telling have replaced science.  Consider this religion’s claim that the appendix is a ‘vestigial organ’, useless, ‘devolving’ in size and function over millions-billions-trillions of Darwin-years.  It is just another example of ignorance parading as science. 


From Jerry Bergman’s ‘Useless Organs: The rise and fall of a central claim of evolution’.

The appendix is complicated, necessary, and a centre of white blood cell creation, ‘good’ bacteria storage and an important part of the lymphatic-immune system.

The human appendix is a small, narrow, worm-shaped tube that varies in length from 20 to almost 250 millimeters.1 Its average length is slightly over 76 mm, or about three inches long, and 0.5 to 1 cm wide.

new research has determined it has several major differences, including the “myenteric plexus in the human appendix consists of several distinct networks, and appears to be unique in comparison with other parts of the intestine.” Hanani concludes that the “special physiological and immunological roles of the appendix” requires “the specialized and more complex myenteric neurons it contains.”


Do these ‘vestigial organs’ like the appendix (or horns, wings, canine teeth etc), come or go?  Which direction is the ‘evolution’ heading?

Lull cited as an example of a rudimentary organ certain animal horns that he assumed are now more prominent than they were in fossil animals. This position is tantamount to an admission that, from the vantage of macro-evolutionism, it is difficult to tell whether organs are “coming or going.” This subjectivity illustrates the conclusion that macro-evolutionism is an origins model based on personal philosophy.


Is philosophical ignorance a science?

These organs are not vestigial in the classic sense: they have a purpose—and many of them, we now realize, have a more important role in the body than once believed.

The Lamarckian model concludes that organs deteriorate through successive generations solely because they are not used. Lamarckism has been proven to be without merit and, thus, is an unacceptable explanation today.


How is decay evidence of the wolf becoming the Blue Whale?

Some organs labeled “vestigial” may actually be the result of improper nutrition and arrested (or abortive) development.85 Poor diet and lack of cleanliness can contribute to phenotypic size and reduction of the functional capacity of some organs. If some “vestigial” organs did result from genetic changes, this would be primarily evidence of decay, not evolutionary development of organs into more complex (or more useful) structures.


Mutations kill they don’t add value

The genetic control of any one organ in humans is highly interrelated to other organs. For this reason, change in the genes governing one organ often causes adverse alterations in other, sometimes even unrelated, organs or structures. Conversely, mutations would likely only create more variability in the total gene pool, and would not totally eliminate a genotype. No known mechanism can that can cause a loss mutation for one structure and as a result directly cause the loss of other genes.


Designs and code are reused – see Computer science for more information

A recent paradigm called “Object-Oriented Programming” (OOP) involves a “reusable code.” Applying this information to vestigial organs, Pittman notes that the Designer may have used procedures similar to those used in OOP programming so that each item in a class (e.g. “mammal”) would be built by a basic code, parts which are overridden to produce the many different mammal variations.


Why the high availability and fail-over of complex systems?  Isn’t one eye (cyclops) good enough?

Humans can survive with only one good ear, eye, lung, or kidney, for example, even though these conditions may cause the affected individual to suffer some lifestyle limitations. The fact that one can do fairly well with one lung is not predicted by the “survival of the fittest” macroevolution model based on mutations and natural selection. Why have two eyes, ears, kidneys, and lungs when one will allow survival past childbearing years, beyond which selection does not operate?


No evidence of vestigial organs exist, including ones that were classified as such eg. the spleen

As the knowledge of physiology increased, it was found that most, if not all, organs and structures that were once believed to be vestigial clearly have functions (and some have vital functions) in the body.  Examples of important organs that were once labeled vestigial include the pituitary, adrenal, and lachrymal glands as well as the pancreas and the spleen.


Good bacteria

Most of these bacteria are beneficial and serve several functions such as to help digest food. Sometimes the intestinal bacteria are purged, such as by antibiotics or diseases such as cholera or amoebic dysentery.


Digestive function

One of the appendix’s jobs is to reboot the digestive system when this occures. Its location—just below the normal one-way flow of food and germs in the large intestine in a sort of gut cul-de-sac—supports the theory that it acts as a safe house for beneficial bacteria.


Anti-biotic production

bacteria system to ‘reboot’ after bouts of disease such as cholera, or the use of antibiotics. Diarrhea is designed to flush out all bacteria from the colon, both good and bad. The bacteria in the appendix is not affected by diarrhea and can rapidly repopulate the colon.


Perfect positioning

the small worm-like shape of the appendix restricts access, thus protecting the bacteria inside of it, enabling it to function as a ‘safe haven’ for good bacteria to thrive. The appendix’s position in the intestines as a cul-de-sac at the beginning of the colon enables the bacteria cultivated in the appendix to rapidly repopulate the colon as a result of the natural flow of material through the colon.


Why does it get inflamed?

Researchers speculated that appendicitis may also be a result of an overly hygienic society, causing an immune system overreaction.


Basic science.  Cells form tissues.  Tissues form organs.  Organs form systems.  In one study 85% of people who had common forms of cancer, also did not have an appendix.  When you remove an organ from the system there will likely be consequences.  The religion of Evolution is not only ignorant but for many humans –  which it despises -- quite dangerous.






Drinking the Pagan Nature Worshipping Kool Aid of the Atheist-Darwin Religion

Atheism-Darwinisim; Virgin Births, Miracles, Holy Books, Holy Spirit (of Mutation)....

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Atheism, which is largely based in part on Darwinism, is a religion.  Within the Atheist-Darwin religious movement there are Prophets, Holy Books (all based on Evolution), Miracles, Virgin Births (abiogenesis, the Big Bang), the fiction of nothing-creates-everything; the Holy Spirit of Mutations (they kill, they don’t add value); and the Son of Time (this religion needs deep time to sort out its Evolutionary magic). 


When I grew up the age of the Earth was hundreds of millions of years old (in the Darwin religion), based on Kelvin’s work from the 19th century.  This changed in the past generation and a half.  Now it is apparently 4 to 4.54 billion based on ‘science’.  The current age will be extended to many billions more in the future, no question about it, with the ‘consensus’ current science of the Earth’s age, being ‘adjusted’ for new information.  The religion of Atheism-Evolution never did discuss how the Earth’s age increased in a few years by a factor of 10 x- except that Evolution needs longer times.  For example, the half of Carbon 14 is only 5.000 years, but apparently diamonds are billions of years old.  But this religion has never needed to explain its fiction.  Just issue more rhetoric and pretty pictures. 


Central to the Atheist-Darwinian religion is the magic and miracles of ‘Natural Selection’.  Apparently random processes, genes themselves, the environment or the Holy Spirit of Mutations, ‘naturally select’ functionality against a scorecard and ranking of ‘competitiveness’.  This is why when looking around me, I see so many unfit, rather dull, relatively untalented people.  They are ‘selected’ by the god of Natural Selection to pass on their genes; however, their ‘fitness’ is well-hidden and a remarkable secret to all but the god of Natural Selection.


Who or what does the ‘Selecting’?


A choice requires a chooser.  If I choose to select a green sweater to wear, I probably chose that against other colours and for a myriad of reasons, decided on the colour green.  So who is the personification of the ‘chooser’ in nature?  Is it Gaia?  Is she now God and how and why would she choose a certain functional trait in a species?  Why would she ‘propel’ the ‘evolutionary’ ascent of bacteria to banker?  Aren’t bacteria happy being bacteria?  Do they know anything about banking and if so how?  Why would they ‘naturally select’ traits that their software does not possess, magical adding them to their existing genome, to ‘evolve’ in the quest to be a banker?   Is this even a plausible story?


Animal breeders also select to build certain breeds with certain traits and use rational choice to achieve their ends.  There is no ‘magically’ DNA addition, or software programming changes to the genome.  Random chance by definition has no plan or goal.  If all is randomness as preached by the Atheist-Darwinian religion, how would design, structure, and all-or-nothing-complexity develop?  Would any creature really survive with half a heart, or need half an eye?  So in essence this religion is a pagan nature-worship cult, and by definition it has not ‘evolved’ from deep time or even the Bronze Age.


Darwin reintroduced veneration of nature back into science through the magic, random chance of some natural selection agency, which he never defined.  Who does the selecting and from what?  Random processes cannot select.  Random agencies cannot change DNA, genomic software code.  The environment cannot rewrite the software.  You may have the genetic makeup to ‘adapt’ to an environmental pressure, but you are still the same species, and still constrained by your genetic material.  The process of reproduction makes a nonsense of the idea that magically the DNA of a species can change during the creation of the zygote.  Humans will never have wings or fins.  They don’t mate with condors or fish. 


The religion of Atheism-Darwinism is a mixture of pagan Baal and nature worship, and science fiction.