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Letters by a modern St. Ferdinand III about cults

Gab@StFerdinandIII -

Plenty of cults exist - every cult has its 'religious dogma', its idols, its 'prophets', its 'science', its 'proof' and its intolerant liturgy of demands.  Cults everywhere:  Corona, 'The Science' or Scientism, Islam, the State, the cult of Gender Fascism, Marxism, Darwin and Evolution, Globaloneywarming, Changing Climate, Abortion...

Tempus Fugit Memento Mori - Time Flies Remember Death 

Archive - August 2015

Benjamin Wiker: 'Moral Darwinism', the case against the cult of pond scum to people

Atheist theology is decidedly immoral.

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This is a book about philosophy. In the real world, there is nothing that can be called objective science. Data, 'evidence', reality, experimentation, hypotheses are all interpreted through your world view. Someone looking at soft tissue from Dinosaurs who is drenched in the theology of Darwin, will wonder how red blood cells could have survived 65 million years and begin to construct 'evidence' to support his pre-determined conclusion. Darwinism, as Wiker makes clear, is a project of faith and philosophy. It is an entire framework of how to view the world and everything in it. In this vein it is not science but a religious imperative, full of canons, liturgy, rites and rituals.


As Wiker proves, Darwin [who stole, borrowed, or poached almost all of his ideas from others] did not invent anything new. By his day evolution was 2000 years old. Epicurus in the 4th century BC and Lucretius in the 1rst had long anticipated Darwin. Their faith is remarkably similar to that of the 19th century secular theology. Indeed Wiker pulls out long passages of Lucretius which discuss mutations, selection and metamorphosis of species -which we know today is impossible. No evidence whatsoever exists that single cells through some magical process of selection or mutations [which kill genomic software], can add software code and become multi-cellular. None. What is the point of Epicurean-Darwinian materialism?


Wiker: “...essence of Epicurean theology was the subordination of the gods to nature so that they could not interfere with human affairs.”


Epicurean theology is based on natural relativity and random chance materialism. The purpose of life according to Epicurus and his devoted cult followers, was to avoid any disturbances. Gods, philosophies, ideals which disturbed your 'happiness' were to be avoided. This 'utilitarianism' did not necessarily mean hedonism. In fact as Wiker explains, Epicurus was monkish in habit and belief. He was no sexual or substance addicted profligate, but quite the opposite. However, his theory that no immaterial causations or interference exist, and that all of life was simply based on indestructible atoms [Democritus], would inevitably lead to hedonism. In other words, nature has no limits, no morality, no judgements. You are atoms, therefore you exist. Being free from disturbance, theological or immaterial, is the real purpose of your material existence.


Wiker: “Epicurus himself said, "ever- pleasure is a good thing." Since only the individual can affirm or deny whether something gives him a pleasing sensation, then no other individual can deny the "goodness" of what someone else finds pleasant.”


Empty_gifEpicurus was thus a moral relativist as well as a materialist and atomist. He was a philosopher, not a 'scientist'. He had no means of knowing if atoms even existed, and if they did, if they were indestructible, or have [as we now know they do], constituent parts [thereby demolishing his theory]. In his world view, nature was boundless, the universe had no beginning, humans were just collections of bouncing, randomly arranged atoms [which can never explain the complexity of 100 trillion cells and organs such as the brain]; and that humans were little different than simians.


Wiker: “Epicurean Adam is indistinguishable from an animal, stripped by Lucretius of anything that would make him distinctly human. He has no speech, no tools, no thought about the past or future, no arts, no music, no fear of death and no religion....if human beings (along with all other creatures) are an accident of blind physical forces, then human society and morality must likewise be explained in terms of their accidental rise and development.”


For Epicurus and his disciple Lucretius, evolution meant that morality did not and could not exist. It was just a human construct, and one used to control and shape human affairs [presaging Rousseau and Darwin]. If morality did 'evolve', it was a random process, one born of selection if not convenience. The main point for the Lucretian-Epicureans was to rid mankind of religion. If morality was an evolved artifact and if nature was 'god', what need then was there of man made and irrelevant religious observance?Empty_gif


Wiker: “....if human beings (along with all other creatures) are an accident of blind physical forces, then human society and morality must likewise be explained in terms of their accidental rise and development.


But Lucretian – Epicurean theology is itself, ironically, just a world view and philosophy based on faith. There is no scientific evidence which supports evolution, contrary to the endless state-funded and media induced propaganda to the contrary. In fact real science destroys evolution's claim that random chance and some pixie-dust process of 'selection' would take E coli and create Epicurus.


Wiker: “Lucretius had no more evidence of the mechanism of evolution at work through the ages than he did of the existence of the eternal atom. The basis of his confidence in these things was (following Epicurus) the desire to rid the universe of divine influence, as is clear from his extended attack on religion at the beginning of Book Five, where his evolutionary account occurs.”



Darwinism is thus long pre-dated by ancient sources. There is precious little that is new in Darwin's work, we can read the same in the annals of ancient Greek and Roman philosophes. A derivative of this cult belief is of course materialism, moral relativism, and the atrocities associated with Atheist Evolutionist butchers such as Hitler, Stalin and Mao. Abortion, infanticide, euthanasia or killing the unneeded all flow from such a belief system. Modern atheists might want to reconsider their cult allegiance in the face of such facts.  

More than 10 years debunking the China myth.

It never will be a superpower.

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Keynesians and Marxists loved the Chinese 'miracle'. China's economic growth was impressive from the reforms of Deng Xiaoping in the 1980s until recently. China did open its pre-modern economy to capital and investment from the West. Some 300 million humans were taken out of grinding poverty into the real world. Copying technologies and processes from the West did create a thriving manufacturing sector premised on cheap labor. Finance and investments poured in. Lives became modernized.


Currently about 400 million Chinese have a Western middle class living standard or above. That was the easy part. The hard part is to keep such a rebirth alive within the confines and constraints of a totalitarian, one party state, in which government must micromanage all facets of the political-economy – mostly for their own pecuniary benefit of course.


The untold tale is that China has amassed some $30 Trillion in debts. It has $3.7 Trillion in reserves. Even New York Times editors can do the math. It is ugly. The state can leverage more debt and print more money – for a time. But at some point the ponzi scheme which is the nexus of China's Black Box comes crashing down. These facts offend Keynesians. It is clear that China is headed for contraction and perhaps even internal conflict. The great specter which haunts the Chinese elite is social unrest. They don't want to the return of yet another Mao. Chinese history however is replete with conflicts which seem to be generated every 100 years.


Some of us were not fooled, to wit, here are some postings dating back 10 years that I crafted on China:


August 2nd 2014, China's pending implosion is bad news for the world economy. Here


April 17th 2012, The myths around China and its growth. Here


November 12th 2011, China is going bankrupt with debt accumulation. Here.


May 11th 2008, We have seen this China before and it will collapse. Here


July 28th 2005, Why China's currency will eventually depreciate by a lot. Here


They Yuan was always over valued due to tight currency and investment flows [see April 12th 2012, here]. In order to 'save' its GDP growth the Chinese now need to loosen these restrictions and the result will be a huge depreciation in the Yuan which will destabilize trading and investment flows. This is always the case with a developing economy with a black-box set of statistics and controls. It was easy to predict.


The China myth was accepted in-toto by the Western world's elite, politicians and media. No one bothered to do any real analysis. Most financial and business 'experts', along with the political-media class, confidently asserted an endless rise of China's economic prowess, until it would displace the USA as the center of the world trade and its political-economy. These predictions now look entirely amatuerish and immature.


But we should not be surprised. When the 'consensus' is accepted as calibrated scientific fact, it is always, without exception, entirely wrong. The myth of China is just another example of that truism.




Cult of Abortion - murdering humans is now 'progressive' and a 'right'

Ripping apart living humans for 'tissue' - is anything more barbaric ?

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When your culture tells you in the vein of the ridiculous nostrums of Epicurus, Lucretius [On the Nature of Things, or rather, On the Nature of the Science Fiction of things]; or the racist-non scientist Darwin; that humans are apes, some form of lemur, or an evolved reptile related to grass, then of course abortion is fine. Any abortion. Any time, at any age. Even killing new borns is merely a form of nature's amoral reality, and murdering a new born baby is merely a choice if not a right. Who is to say it is wrong? There is no right and wrong. Epicurus and Darwin said so. The ancient pagans murdered their babies, and they were 'the height' of civilization. So the peasants are told.


According to the cult of Epicurus-Lucretius and Darwin, humans are evolved lemurs, related to pond scum. Killing them will please the earth Mother. She will smile. Blood propitiation cleanses our sins. The holy church of Darwin will be appeased. Sacrificing the defenseless, the sick, the old, the human baby is a matter of 'rights' and 'choices'. Women have a right to kill the infant human, just as society as a right to murder old, crippled, diseased 'eaters' [as the Nazis called those who life was terminated due to age or illness]. Killing old people who are defenseless or confused is now called Euthanasia. It must be scientific, the naming of the murder is so resplendently intellectual.


Planned Parenthood receives billions of dollars every year to murder some 300.000 babies. It is the crux and cause of their organization; with abortion the main impetus as to why Margaret Sanger the Atheist-Racist, set it up. Across the world, infanticide, murdering babies, disposing of old people, and even 'eliminating' the very sick, is now deemed 'scientific'. Sometimes the bodies of the babies or the old are used as energy [in the UK for eg.]. Modern Nazism. That is all it is.


Video 7 as show on LifeSiteNews: Baby with a beating heart having his brains pulled out. Welcome to 'survival of the fittest', little human. No need to worry about your rights is there?




 Articles which everyone needs to read on this Fascist cult named Abortion, which does not 'save female lives', but certainly ends the lives of the innocent and newly created. LifeSiteNews




Mendeleev the Russian Christian and his discovery of nature's pattern

The table of elements was a Christian discovery.

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The periodic table of elements, is an essential tool of science. Every student has suffered through memorizing vast parts of these building blocks of life. It is one of the great “patterns” in nature discovered by careful, painstaking work in chemistry by many scientists over many years.  The one who is most famous for putting the pieces together in a systematic way was of course the Russian Orthodox Christian Dmitri Mendeleev.


Dr. DeYoung, in 'Scientists who made a difference' p. 67 states:


One of 17 children, Mendeleev was told by his mother to “patiently search divine and scientific truth.”  He firmly believed in Scripture, especially Proverbs 25:2 which says, “It is the glory of God to conceal a thing, but the honor of kings to search out a matter.”  Mendeleev thus saw chemistry as a royal and godly pursuit.  He was led to seek out the underlying order to the atomic elements based on their weights and other properties.  In Mendeleev’s funeral procession in St. Petersburg, Russia, his appreciative students carried a large banner displaying the periodic table of the elements.


Coming from a Christian family, Mendeleev naturally viewed the world as an orderly system amenable to scientific investigation.  He claimed the inspiration for his work was prompted by a dream, and the next day began working out the pattern.  As he was building the table, his belief that the pattern he saw emerging would continue led him to take the intellectual leap of leaving spots blank in the table, in faith believing that elements would be discovered to fill the blank spots.  He predicted the existence of gallium, germanium and scandium, for instance, and even was able to predict some their properties by interpolating from other known elements in similar positions on the table.


The story of the discovery of the periodic table is told in detail in A Meaningful World by Benjamin Wiker and Jonathan Witt (IVP Academic, 2006).  They use it as one of many illustrations from history of how the arts and sciences reveal the underlying genius and meaning in nature.


After Dmitri’s death, element 101 was named Mendelevium in his honor.  A crater on the moon also bears his name.



But remember, according to Atheist theology, Christianity and science do not reconcile themselves, nor comport themselves to inquiry and stateth the ignorant.  



Darwin's cult is long dead. Time to move on.

Atheists and Naturalists need to do some real science and develop new theologies.

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 Darwin's cult has long been killed by real science. Consider some of the more recent events: link

    • The refutation of "junk" DNA (which creationists predicted was not junk at all, and were proved right)


    • The magnetic fields of several planets fit creationist predictions while evolutionary predictions were astronomically (heh!) wrong


    • Uninformed remarks by Richard Dawkins and others about "bad design" have been refuted


    • Carbon-14 where it "doesn't belong", such as coal, diamonds, and so forth


    • The amazing complexity of biology, down to the cellular level


    • Stars and galaxies observations have destroyed "deep time" cosmology


    • Various planets, their moons (as well as our own), and other things in the solar system are not acting "old", but instead evidence a young solar system


    • Neanderthals were fully human, even interbreeding with "modern" humans


    • "Lucy" is losing status as a transitional form to our supposed evolutionary past


    • Evidence that dinosaurs have not been extinct for alleged millions of years, and have lived with humans


Around the world we also have evidence for the following:


-Every single world culture has detailed stories about dinosaurs or Dragons as they were called, being hunted by humans, culled by humans, and used by humans as medicine [see China and Marco Polo for example].


-Soft tissue from Dragons which cannot last more than a few hundred years.


-Lucy exposed as the usual Darwinian fraud – a 3 foot high pygmy chimp whose bones were acquired over a 7 km radius [fraud ?].


-No evidence or proof, on how apes or gorillas could 'mutate' by magic into humans. None. Apes et al are spectacularly stupid, the propaganda from the cult of evolution notwithstanding.


-No evidence whatsoever, that a single cell organism can 'mutate' by magic into multi-cellular organisms. None.


-Clear proof that the geological record is one of extraordinary, calamitous change and upheaval; or exactly the opposite of Darwinian theology.


No science in Evolution. Just truckloads of rhetoric and science fiction.


Jerry Bergman, Freud's atheism built upon the failed theology of Darwinism

Humans are animals, impelled by sexual selection....

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Born a Jew and influenced in his youth by Catholicism, Freud renounced both in 1874 and became an avowed atheist. Like many atheists he turned to Darwinian 'natural selection' and pond scum-to-human theology as the 'scientific' foundation for his new religion. Freud firmly believed that man was an animal, perhaps distinct but still deeply related to, other fauna, including fish. In fact Freud called humans 'trash' and wrote that he found very little good about humans or within humans. This animus against humankind is probably why so many adore and venerate this non-scientist, who made up his 'data', wrote fiction parading as fact, and was committed to proving that by analyzing the 'psyche' he could prove Darwinism.


Jerry Bergman in an article 'Freud and Darwinism', writes: “One reason why Freud actively opposed religion was because he concluded that is suppressed and inhibited freedom, especially sexual freedom. Freud postulated that basic drives, such as sex, were all programmed in humans by evolution.”


Freud believed that humans were 'hard wired', which is of course a gigantic myth. This idea that you have no free-will, and no control over what you do, or what happens to you, is one of the great philosophical tragedies and barbarisms of the last century. There are even court cases dating back to the late 19th century, in which a lawyer has argued that his client was innocent and was a victim of Darwinian-evolutionary programming, which impelled the actions to create the crime in question. The perpetrator was blameless.


Freud mapped the 'evolution' of personal sexual development to the fraudulent 'recapitulation' of the embryo as outlined by Haeckal [declared a fraud way back in 1874 but still taught today]. Freud firmly believed that the stages of human embryonic production were simple restatements of pond scum-to fish-to amphibian-to reptile and lower mammal development. The absurdity of this idea is hard to underestimate.


For example as Bergman states: “Freud's most famous and controversial idea was the Oedipus complex. In his book, Totem and Taboo, Freud argued that the Oedipus complex was the 'ontogenetic recapitulation of an actual occurrence in the development of civilization' at the period of Darwin's evolutionary stage that taught when humans lived as apes in small groups that often consisted of one powerful male and several females.”


So polygamy, misogyny and sexual slave trafficking, not to mention the morbid, primitive, savage world of the ape proves Darwin and Freud........


For Freud, the human was an animal, subject to a dialectical force named 'evolution' itself premised largely on sexual selection, aggression and domination. Indeed no 'Totems or Taboos' need exist in Freud's deranged universe. You are impelled to spread your genes. Sexual depravity, rape, polygamy, deviancy, or any action with a sexual context is to be accepted and even lauded. This religion of natural dialecticism leaves no room for spirituality, faith or even the abstract concept of human uniqueness, ingenuity, or morality.


Freudian metaphysics is a sad jumble mash of nonsense. Even in his own day Freud was ridiculed and attacked. He responded as his hero Darwin did – by publishing many extracts denouncing his opponents as anti-science, stupid, arrogant, Christian, bigoted, illogical and without a conscience.


Bergman: “Orthodox Freudian therapy is now widely considered moribund, or, at the least, far more time consuming and expensive than other equally or more equally effective therapies....psychology Professor Paul Vitz documents that psychology has become a substitute religion, one that stresses what he calls, 'self worship.'


As with Darwinism, Freudian theology is a failure.


Bergman: “Freud built his theory of the mind so completely on Darwinism that his biographer, Ernst Jones, 'bestowed on Freud the title...Darwin of the mind.' Of note is the fact that Freud was actually a Lamarckian (i.e. he accepted the inheritance of acquired characteristics theory of Lamarck), as was Darwin, and remained so.” [Lamarckian theology has been eviscerated more times than globaloneywarming]


There is no science to Freud. None. Not a scintilla of neurological-fact based science supports any of his ideas. He was a deceit, a snake oil salesman, a Darwinist of the most rabid devotion, a man who put his world-view and theology ahead of investigation and truth. A man from the cult of 'Scientism', using complex words and sentences to 'prove' Darwinian theology.



Jerry Bergman and Freudian theology derived from Darwinism

Darwin's failed cult gave rise to another....

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Freudian psychology is not a science. It never was. Freudian theology lies discarded and broken. What intelligent person believes that his 'mind' is composed of the warring factions, ego, super ego and the Id? Biologically the brain is not a computer, it is not 'hard wired' it s and not a set of magical entities seeking control over your consciousness. Technology and SPECT scans prove that the brain is an organ, related to but different than the mind, and constantly changing. It is irreducibly complex and inter-related. You can't evolve half a brain or 1/3 of a mind [though one still has trouble identifying the penchant for socialist theology within the human breast]. What you feed your brain will determine whether [like your muscles], it is strong, agile, redoubtable, proficient; or sad, saggy, weak, confused or addicted.


Freudian pyscho – babble has been one of the great tragedies of the last century. It is however, entirely in keeping with Darwinism, materialism, the fact that you have no free-will and therefore no control over your actions and emotions. You are only bouncing molecules, at the mercy of deep psychological forces, driven forth by a desire to procreate and satiate your libido. Absurd infantile claims that you now murder because at age 5 you had trouble repressing your sexual desire for mommy; engender nothing but a depressing ignorance for society at large.


Jerry Bergman in 'Freud and Darwin' correctly links the two non-scientists. Freudian theology is suffused with Darwinian metaphysics. Bergman: “Freud wrote that 'the theories of Darwin...strongly attracted me, for they held out the hopes of extraordinary advance in our understanding of the world'. Freud made it clear that evolution, or the idea of proving Darwin right [which has failed in every science thus far]; was the genesis of his own theories of the evolving 'psyche'. Bergman: 'It was Darwin who pointed the way...and the excitement of Darwin's work was at its height in the [18] seventies....'


Freud was a child of his age, namely the mechanical age of impersonal Darwinism and dialectical materialism.


In college Freud spent most of his time in zoology, to better understand and thereby have to the tools to help 'prove' Darwinian theology. His Phd is in zoology and philosophy after all. These 2 'subjects' perfectly summarize the metaphysical project which is Darwinism [we could also that it is a theory dedicated to rhetoric and hyperbole].


Darwin's theory lent itself to the incredibly simpleton idea that sex drives all. Given that you are nothing but colliding molecules with no free will, your immediate goal is to survive, procreate as often as possible and kill as much as possible [survival of the 'fittest' whatever that means]. Freud picked up on this theme. Freudian metaphysics is nothing less than a psyche-premised explanation which endeavors to explain and prove Darwinian theology via sexual evolution.


Bergman: “The theory developed by Freud and his followers from Darwinism was based on the idea that all behavior is the result of a few basic animal drives produced by natural selection to facilitate survival.”


What a grim, sordid, anti-human outlook on life. The core of Freudian theology is the Darwinian belief that all animals – including humans – are driven by a libido [sexual drive] which is the core of self-preservation. The more 'successful' of the individual animals within a species would reproduce more, spreading their genes, pushing evolution to its 'next level', as 'nature' would naturally 'favor' those more prone to sexual prowess and who by [tautology] were 'selected' by nature, genes and traits to succeed. In other words, Darwinian-Freudian theology maintains that the more sexually aggressive you are, the more likely it is that your genetic material will be naturally selected [whatever that rhetoric may mean].


Bergman: “One of the ideas that Freud accepted was the now discredited inheritance of acquired characteristics, including the inheritance of mental traits, an idea that had a profound influence on psychology up the 1950s.”


Darwin himself accepted, then rejected, then accepted Larmarckian theory [striving for traits]. Freud accepted basically the same [acquired characteristics are passed on in your genes].


Freudianism is a mockery of science. Not one single truly scientific experiment has ever been undertaken to proven Freud's theories. None. You can scour the literature and there is not one serious scientific experiment, observation or set of data proof, to support any of Freud's work. Not a single one. All of his 'patients', his 'research', his 'data' have no basis in reality and have never been confirmed. Like many psycho-quacks such as Kinsey, Freud made up his 'scientific studies', and his research.


It is clear that Freud was a charlatan. Another quackademic with a degree making money, pronouncing theory, confusing fantasy with fact. Undoubtedly Freud was a liar, used long words with gravitas to denote scientific 'fact'; who was ignorant of the complexity of the brain, true neuro-science and who had many axes to grind – Darwinism, evolution, and the desire to make money from both.


But he is hailed as a pioneer. In what exactly ? Fraud ?