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Letters by a modern St. Ferdinand III about cults

Gab@StFerdinandIII -

Plenty of cults exist - every cult has its 'religious dogma', its idols, its 'prophets', its 'science', its 'proof' and its intolerant liturgy of demands.  Cults everywhere:  Corona, 'The Science' or Scientism, Islam, the State, the cult of Gender Fascism, Marxism, Darwin and Evolution, Globaloneywarming, Changing Climate, Abortion...

Tempus Fugit Memento Mori - Time Flies Remember Death 

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Monday, June 21, 2021

From the Enlightenment to Communism, Nazism, Ronaism.

Atheism and the cults of death.

by StFerdIII



Darwin's “survival of the fittest” ideas powerfully shaped the belief systems of mass murderers like Hitler, Trotsky, and Stalin.


Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler (1889-1945) endorsed a program in Germany to breed a superior race. The scheme was based on a horrific evolutionary theory called “eugenics” that was founded by Charles Darwin's cousin, Francis Galton. The idea of eugenics was to improve humanity using principles promoted in the theory of evolution.


The idea was simple: partition the human race into two groups, the “fit” and the “unfit.” Eugenics seemed to be a way to make sure the “fit” had children and the “unfit” did not. In Germany, the leaders of the eugenics movement got monstrous laws enacted that allowed sterilization of people regarded as “unfit,” and restriction of immigrants who were supposedly “biologically inferior.” (The United States and other countries enacted similar laws, but the Nazis took it to the extreme when Jews, blacks, and others were ruthlessly murdered to prop up the theory.)


The German people were being seduced to accept that they could be the “master race” by exterminating the “unfit.” If evolution was right, they reasoned, and “survival of the fittest” was merely a positive, evolutionary process, then what could be wrong with hastening the deaths of the “unfit”?


Eugenics could only become popular because the theory of evolution seemed to have quashed the need for the sovereign Creator, God, who had given humankind absolute moral laws. When you do away with moral laws, outrageous racism and crimes like compulsory sterilization, Hitler's death camps, and mass murder on a maniacal scale can no longer be said to be evil.


Trotsky … another monster brainwashed by evolution

He confiscated food from peasants, brutalized the Ukrainian army of insurgent peasants, and killed its guerrilla leader, N. I. Makhno.


He inflicted torture and violence against Christians, mercilessly trashed churches, and led the Society of the Godless to get rid of religion.


Trotsky was mesmerized by Charles Darwin's Origin of Species. He said: “Darwin stood for me like a mighty doorkeeper at the entrance to the temple of the universe.” He said that Darwin's ideas “intoxicated” him. And he could not understand in the slightest how belief in God could find room in the same head as belief in Darwin's ideas.


Like Hitler, Trotsky was a tyrant who saw Darwin's theory of evolution as scientific justification for dismissing God's moral laws. He clearly saw that the two ideas, God and evolution, were totally incompatible. His atrocities were consistent with this belief, for when you do away with the idea of the God who created you and who has given instructions for the right way to live, there is no reason to avoid despicably violent crimes. Even if this means murdering everyone who disagrees with you.


World's worst mass-murderer was influenced by Darwin at 19

Russian dictator and revolutionist, Joseph Stalin (1879-1953), was studying at Tiflis Theological Seminary when he started to read the works of Charles Darwin. One of his friends later said in a book that when Stalin read Darwin, he became an atheist. The theological seminary expelled Stalin at the age of 19 because of his revolutionary connections.


What it all means

None of these ‘thinkers’, these mass-murdering, pathologically and psychologically diseased half-wits, ever worked.  None created or built.  None prayed.  None considered the immaterial, the moral, the emotional or the non-physical to be important.  Not one believed in humanity, human nature, or the complexity of human existence.  Not one cared about human life.  All were demonic. 


Nazism, Communism, Medical Fascism or ‘Ronaism’, is of course the inevitable output of ‘Enlightenment’-materialist theology.  The Enlighteners and their offspring, Lenin, Stalin, Trotsky, Hitler, the current corpus of medical Fascists, is reductionist.  They reduce human life to symbols and numbers, 20.000 genes, a trillion cells, a GDP output, a consumer of x litres per annum of carbon energy, a tax number contributing y dollars per annum in taxes, a potential virus host and spreader who could infect and kill z number of others and is thus a risk that must be neutralised if not eliminated, given that Gaia can only house a certain number of the animal named human. 


For the Enlighteners killing millions means nothing.  Thieving, murdering, plundering, debasing and humiliating humans is of no importance.  Since no higher order exists, since truth is optional, since life is simply random molecules and chance; no framework other than that power and might should exist, using ‘reason’ or ‘science’, or ‘dialecticism’, or ‘evolution’, or ‘phase theories’, or ‘a virus crisis’ as the theological principle and absolute.  Absolutism is the natural outcome of the Enlightenment.



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