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Letters by a modern St. Ferdinand III about cults

Gab@StFerdinandIII -

Plenty of cults exist - every cult has its 'religious dogma', its idols, its 'prophets', its 'science', its 'proof' and its intolerant liturgy of demands.  Cults everywhere:  Corona, 'The Science' or Scientism, Islam, the State, the cult of Gender Fascism, Marxism, Darwin and Evolution, Globaloneywarming, Changing Climate, Abortion...

Tempus Fugit Memento Mori - Time Flies Remember Death 

Archive - March 2024

Einstein and his Ether. Refuting his own theories of Relativity and make-believe.

Not the 'greatest scientist ever' but a desperate mathematician trying to prove Copernicanism and the self-created Universe.


It was known 100 years ago that the 1905 Special Theory of Relativity or STR was wrong. Many contemporaries of Einstein eviscerated his make-believe world of flux and change, a universe with no fixed absolutes in which reality itself was optional, subject to endless unproven ‘dimensions’, untestable but necessary to support Copernicanism and the Big Bang. Einstein admits that his theory of Special Relativity is bunk by creating his General Theory of Relativity (1915-19), which included the ‘ether’, a ‘medium’ identifying absolute space, which he absolutely detested pre-1905.  The insertion of an ether in his GTR is more than enough to kill off STR.  If STR is bunk, then the Big Bang theory is also junk and invalidated. Copernicanism remains just a theory, still unproven regardless of confident expostulations and online apologia to the contrary.


As many other posts have detailed if there is an ether, or if the speed of light is inconstant or not confined to 186.000 miles per second velocity, or is impacted by the medium not the velocity of the ‘observer’, then STR is destroyed.  Indeed, all these suppositions are true.  Since STR is just a mathematical concept and lies at the heart of both heliocentricity and Big Bang theology, they too must be jettisoned or at the very least, be coerced to provide some real tangible evidence for their claims. 


Greatest Scientist evah….


In 1905, in his STR paper, ‘the greatest scientist in world history’ declared:


“The introduction of a ‘light ether’ will prove to be superfluous, because the view here to be developed will introduce neither a ‘space at absolute rest’ provided with special properties, nor assign a velocity vector to a point of empty space in which electro-magnetic processes take place.” (Einstein, 17, Sept. 26, 1905).


As this post and the next will outline, space is not empty. What Einstein was really attempting to do was refute the Fizeau (1851) and Michelson experiments (1881, 1887) which had inadvertently disproved heliocentricity and Earth mobility, as well as diurnal rotation.  To do this, he needed to remove all absolutes from ‘The Science’.  The absolutes of space and time were for Einstein, the core reasons why Earthly mobility was not measurable. 


As a diehard Copernican faithful, Einstein’s religious-philosophical outlook was paramount in his abstract mental experiments.  Only Relativity could explain why we can’t measure the Earth’s 108.000 km per hour trot around the Sun, or why we can’t mechanically prove the Earth’s rotation.  No absolutes were to be allowed including space and rest (an example being the Earth’s immobility).  All objects must be in relative motion in a ‘vacuum’ or ‘absolute’ nothingness.  A vacuum does not mean an absence of material reality.  It means the absolute nothingness of no material or physical reality. 


Relativity and its pseudo-make-believe world of maths and theories would therefore come to the Copernican rescue and save ‘The Science’.  But it was mandatory for Einstein that no absolute ether was to be allowed.  Ether or the medium of space, was however central to Maxwell, Lorentz and Poincare’s mathematics and theorems and an indispensable foundation for electromagnetic theory and physics. 


Einstein consumed and reused Maxwell and Lorentz’s maths almost in toto within his STR and GTR frameworks, without bothering to reference his debt to their theories or affirming his reuse of their hard work.  His disciples and cheerleaders praise this lack of referencing as ‘saving time’ because the annotations are ‘so obvious’.  Or maybe it simply denotes laziness, a capacity to mislead and hints of fraud.  Such attitudes and actions were typical of Einstein as they were with Galileo. 


Big Al recants

Eleven years later in 1916, the acclaimed ‘greatest scientist in history’ wrote:


in 1905 I was of the opinion that it was no longer allowed to speak about the ether in physics. This opinion, however, was too radical, as we will see later when we discuss the general theory of relativity. It does remain allowed, as always, to introduce a medium filling all space and to assume that the electromagnetic fields (and matter as well) are its states…once again “empty” space appears as endowed with physical propertiesi.e., no longer as physically empty, as seemed to be the case according to special relativity. One can thus say that the ether is resurrected in the general theory of relativity….Since in the new theory, metric facts can no longer be separated from “true” physical facts, the concepts of “space” and “ether” merge together. (Einstein, “cited in Kostro, p. 2). 


So, in 11 years, the ‘greatest scientist who ever existed’, the massive brain which overshadows all others, completely overturns his own personal theory and the attempt to save Copernicanism and embraces the ‘absolute’ reality that space is not a ‘vacuum’ and is not ‘nothing’.  And how many people know this?  The cheerleaders of ‘The Science’ praise this of course as ‘science correcting itself’.  No.  It has nothing to do with real science, but with trying to ‘save the phenomena’ of Copernicanism and its misanthropic ‘principle’.


The make-believe world of Special Relativity


As a committed Copernican Einstein was horrified by the litany of failed 19th century experiments which disproved the Earth’s orbit around the Sun, and its diurnal rotation (many posts on this substack outline these).  Such redounding failures led Einstein and ‘The Science’ to believe that perhaps the ether had no effect on objects because, as these experiments had apparently proved, a light beam traveling with the Earth’s velocity of 30 km/sec against the ether (the purported speed of our planet as it races around the Sun), experienced no reduction in its speed when compared to a light beam that was not traveling against the ether.

Given that light speed seemed independent of an ether, perhaps it was possible to jettison the concept altogether?  The underlying assumption for Einstein and ‘The Science’ was always that the Earth was mobile.  The possibility of immobility was dismissed.  This bias left only 2 suppositions for Einstein and ‘The Science’ when looking at the litany of failed 19th and 20th century experiments which could not prove the Earth’s mobility.


(a) that ether traveled with the Earth in its revolution around the Sun; or

(b) there is no ether, and light itself is an absolute


Einstein decided that the ‘ether train’ around the Earth, dragged by the Earth in its sprint around the Sun, could not exist.  It would be too close to Newton’s ‘absolute space’.  He therefore plumped for option b, that there is no ether, and the speed of light is an absolute. 


Einstein could now rewrite physics and history.  He could reference the failed heliocentric experiments from Arago and Fizeau, to Michelson and Sagnac, as supportive of his Relativity theory, based as it was on the constant speed of light and ignore that these experiments did not prove the constancy of light speed (Sagnac proved that light was inconstant) and ignore that they disproved Earth mobility. 


Very convenient.  More here

Heliocentricity and Theoretical Proofs (part six).

Star streaming, the Doppler effect and the geometric complexity of geocentrism objection


Previous posts have looked at the paucity of real evidence for heliocentricity.  Remarkably these failures in experimentation or evidence, are always turned into ‘proofs’ by ‘The Science’.  Other models which can explain the same phenomena are dismissed out of hand due to the philosophical-world or universe-view that heliocentricity ‘must be right’.  The reality is that there is not a single mechanical proof to support Copernicanism.  This post will look at 3 standard text-book proffered ‘proofs’ for heliocentricity, namely, star streaming, the Doppler effect and geocentric (and Tychonic) geometrical complexity. 


The standard textbook list of ‘proofs’ for heliocentricity usually include this list:

1.     Newton’s theory of gravitational attraction

2.     The Stellar Parallax

3.     Stellar aberration of the Sun

4.     The Foucault Pendulum

5.     The bulge at the Equator

6.     Geosynchronous satellites

7.     Space probe measurements

8.     Retrograde motion

9.     Star-streaming (this post)

10.  The Doppler effect (this post)

11.  Geometric complexity of geocentrism (this post)


#9 Star-streaming

Star-streaming is the optical phenomenon occurring when stars seem either to spread apart from each other or come closer together.  Streaming can include a clustering of stars, or the ‘shredding’ of stars within an area of a galaxy.  Astronomers have been uncovering the stellar remains of ripped clusters and galaxies, since the first streams were discovered in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (another interesting future topic which also upends Copernican theory).  Recently a star stream supposedly 10 times longer than the milky way, was discovered and named the ‘Giant Coma stream’. 

(CGI representation of streaming stars)


The concept of star-streaming is due at least in part to an optical illusion.  If you ride in a car that is moving parallel to a forest, you will notice as you move past, that some trees seem to spread out from each other, whilst others converge.  This is due to the relative motion between you ‘the observer’ and the trees as objects.  The effect is only optical, not real. 


The first astronomer to notice this effect in the heavens was William Herschel who in 1783, discovered that the Sun appears to move through the stars.  He isolated thirteen such stars and found that as the Sun moved through them, they were spreading apart from a point in the constellation Hercules.  He then isolated thirty-six stars and found similar results.  Friedrich Argelander, an assistant to Friedrich Bessel, found similar results with 390 stars in 1830.  In 1842 Otto Struve confirmed the results.  The Doppler effect is real and has been verified since 1842. 


As in the case of parallax discovered in 1838, these star-streaming results were invariably touted as proof of the heliocentric system.  Star-streaming, however, provides no proof of anything.  The reason is simple.  The optical illusion of the separation of the stars can be caused either by the Earth moving past the stars or the stars moving past a fixed Earth.  Both will produce the same phenomenon of star-streaming.  This is akin to the example above, with a car moving past the forest analogy and the observer’s optical impression of clustering and separating trees. 


If we look at the ‘Giant Coma stream’, which is an intergalactic cluster of stars, the identification of star-streaming has no relationship to heliocentricity.  No one knows why stars cluster or are torn apart, or are randomly clustered, with most in science ascribing the destruction or attraction to larger galaxies acting on smaller. 

(The intergalactic stellar stream (highlighted) was spotted in galaxy cluster 231 million light-years from Earth. (Image credit: William Herschel Telescope/Román et al.)


The Giant Coma stream, however, is apparently a very fragile structure, composed of mutually attracting and repelling galaxies.  Modern science would expect such a constellation to be torn apart by a larger galaxy, but this has not occurred.  Observing such a phenomenon stretching across galaxies does not prove that your platform (the Earth) is moving.  It simply means you are observing a phenomenon that modern science cannot explain and that your platform might well be immobile and the star stream, pace Mach and Einstein, in relative motion. 


#10 The Doppler Effect

The Doppler Effect (or Doppler Shift) was discovered by Christian Doppler in 1842.  This effect occurs when the source of wave emission moves closer or farther away from the observer.  The waves are compressed when the source moves closer and stretched when the source moves farther away.  This phenomenon does not occur, however, when the receiver moves closer or farther away from a stationary source since the waves coming to the receiver are the same in both cases.  


Light acts in a similar manner.  If the source of light is moving closer to the observer, the light waves are compressed or ‘blue-shifted’; while if the source of light is moving farther away from the observer, the light waves are stretched or ‘red-shifted’.  More

Heliocentricity and Theoretical Proofs (part five). The Earth's 'bulge', geosynchronous satellites,

All offerred as 'proof' for Copernicanism. None of them are valid.

The standard textbook list of ‘proofs’ for heliocentricity usually include this list:

1.     Newton’s theory of gravitational attraction (this is false)

2.     The Stellar Parallax (is a false claim)

3.     Stellar aberration of the Sun (ibid)

4.     The Foucault Pendulum (proves nothing)

5.     The bulge at the Equator (this post)

6.     Geosynchronous satellites (this post)

7.     Space probe measurements (this post)

8.     Retrograde motion (this post)

9.     Star-streaming

10.  The Doppler effect

11.  Geometric complexity of geocentrism


Previous posts have looked at the paucity of real evidence for heliocentricity.  Remarkably these failures in experimentation or evidence, are always turned into ‘proofs’ by ‘The Science’.  Other models which can explain the same phenomena are dismissed out of hand due to the philosophical-world or universe-view that heliocentricity ‘must be right’.  The reality is that there is not a single mechanical proof to support Copernicanism.  This post will look at 4 textbook proffered ‘proofs’, namely, the bulge at the equator, geo-synchronous satellites, space probes, and retrograde motions. 


# 5 The Chubby Earth

Like your average middle-aged man, the Earth has a noticeable bulge around its waist.  Arthur Eddington, the English Quaker, who did more than anyone else to make Einstein a world-wide celebrity, discussed two possible causes for this phenomenon:


“The bulge of the Earth’s equator may be attributed indifferently to the Earth’s rotation or to the outward pull of the centrifugal force introduced when the Earth is regarded as non-rotating” (Eddington p. 24)


‘The Science’ has no quibble with Eddington’s explanation from a century ago


The above means that the Earth will be subjected to both centrifugal gravitational pulls, and centripetal Coriolis forces, when it is rotating in a fixed universe (Copernican); or if the universe is rotating around a fixed Earth. (Tychonic, geo-centric).  These two forces create the ‘oblation’ of the Earth, regardless of the model in question.  These forces are what induce a flattening at the poles, and the paunch around the stomach or equator.  It has nothing to do with either a spinning Earth, or a mobile Earth.


Such an explanation is similar to that of the Foucault pendulum, another non-proof of heliocentricity which ignores centripetal forces and the Coriolis force.  Given that other models can easily explain the Earth’s oblation and bulge at the equator, this cannot be considered proof of anything.  In fact, the Tychonic model with its emphasis on the Coriolis force and the Euler force, is likely a more elegant and reasonable explanation than that offered by Copernicans (source, Britannica 3). 



# 6 Geosynchronous Satellites

geosynchronous satellite is usually defined as:


“…an orbital period the same as the Earth’s rotation period. Such a satellite returns to the same position in the sky after each sidereal day, and over the course of a day traces out a path in the sky that is typically some form of analemma. A special case of geosynchronous satellite is the geostationary satellite, which has a geostationary orbit – a circular geosynchronous orbit directly above the Earth's equator. Another type of geosynchronous orbit used by satellites is the Tundra elliptical orbit.”


Does an object orbiting a complete cycle within a sidereal day (star time, 23 hours 56 minutes, 4 seconds), really prove heliocentricity?

Balancing act


At about 22,242 miles from our planet’s surface there is a balance of forces between gravity, the inertial forces of the Earth, the Sun, the Moon, and the stars. At this altitude the satellite will be in a geostationary orbit, remaining indefinitely in the same position in space. In the heliocentric view, the satellite needs enough speed to keep up with Earth’s rotation.


In the Copernican vision, given that the Earth rotates on its axis at 1054 mph at its equator, the geosynchronous satellite must be given a velocity of about 7000 mph in the west-to-east direction to keep up with Earthly rotation.  Since space is virtually frictionless, the 7000-mph speed will be maintained mainly by the satellite’s inertia, with additional thrusts interspersed as needed to account for anomalies.  If the satellite keeps the 7000 mph, it will remain at 22,242 miles above the planet and not be pulled down by the Earth’s gravity.  


This follows the Newtonian model in which the inertia of the geosynchronous satellite causes it to move in a straight line, or its inertial path, but the Earth’s gravity seeks to pull it toward Earth. The result is that the satellite will move with the Earth in a circular path.


In the Tychonic-geocentric version, the Earth and the satellite are stationary while the universe, at the altitude of 22,242 miles, is rotating at 7000 mph east-to-west.  Identical to the heliocentric version, the satellite must be given a velocity of 7000 mph (west-to-east) to move against the 7000-mph velocity of the rotating space (east-to-west).  The combination of the universe’s centripetal force (centrifugal plus Coriolis) against the satellite’s speed of 7000 mph, along with the Earth’s gravity on the satellite, will keep the satellite hovering above one spot on the fixed Earth (source Britannica 3).


The satellite’s altitude above the Earth will determine the velocity needed to keep the satellite at this chosen altitude. Due to the pull of gravity, the closer the satellite is to Earth the faster it must move to counteract gravity and maintain its altitude.  


The heliocentric system explains this phenomenon by viewing the Earth as rotating with a 24-hour period, while the geostationary satellite remains motionless in space. Newton’s law of gravitation provides a mathematical framework to explain the locus of the balance. In the Copernican model therefore, at a specific location on Earth right over the equator, one will see the satellite directly overhead at one specific time during the day.  


In the geocentric system, however, the Earth is not rotating; rather, the whole of space is rotating around the Earth, which carries the satellite with it (Wikipedia, geocentrism entry).  In this case we might call it a stellar-stationary satellite instead of a geostationary satellite.  For some, this is a puzzling phenomenon since it appears that the satellite should just fall to Earth, but this can be explained in both the heliocentric and geocentric systems.  More

Heliocentricity and Theoretical Proofs (part four). The Foucault Pendulum

Proves nothing about the Earth's rotation or Heliocentricity.

(The former medical student Foucault, at the Pantheon in Paris in 1851, with his 200 foot bobbing block)



The standard textbook list of ‘proofs’ for heliocentricity usually include this list:

1.     Newton’s theory of gravitational attraction (this is false, previous post deals with this)

2.     The Stellar Parallax (ibid)

3.     Stellar aberration of the Sun (ibid)

4.     The Foucault Pendulum (this post)

5.     The bulge at the Equator

6.     Geosynchronous satellites

7.     Space probe measurements

8.     Retrograde motion

9.     Star-streaming

10.  The Doppler effect

11.  Geometric complexity of geocentrism


This post will look at the mighty Foucault pendulum.  Across the world, there are probably thousands of shrines in secular buildings and desacralized churches, which show a replica of Foucault’s apparatus.  Museums, the UN, laboratories, university labs, and former churches offer a chapel to the ‘great man’ Foucault and his machine, which in the mid-19th century, ‘proved’ heliocentricity and made a mockery of those geocentric religious ignoramuses and their mystical dogma.  A fine story which sadly does not stand up to scrutiny. 


Foucault the college drop out


Foucault was a mid-19th century French Catholic medical school dropout and part-time photographer.  He has been historically repositioned as a ‘physics researcher’.  Maybe ‘opportunist’ is a better career description.


At the ripe age of 32 he performed a public experiment which delighted the Sun-worshippers.  In 1851 he suspended a 61-pound ball from a 200 foot wire at the pantheon in Paris and set it swinging.  He drew a line in the sand below the apparatus and predicated that the pendulum would move 11.25 degrees in 60 minutes, which it did.  Applause all around.  This apparently proved the Earth’s motion.  So, we are told.


The logic is the following:

1.     Foucault’s first and primary assumption is that the Earth rotates itself once per 24 hours, moving west to east

2.     In one day based on this assumption, the pendulum should swing between 0, or not moving (which would be equivalent to the equator) and 360 degrees (the poles), meaning that at the poles the pendulum should rotate the full 360 degrees

3.     If we draw lines in the sand for this swinging pendulum, n would be the intersection angle between the first line witnessed after the swinging begins, and a line drawn 24 hours later (in reality the specific day time is 23 hours, 56 minutes and 4.1 seconds– this is a sidereal day or star time, slightly different than the solar time of 24 hours)

4.     Another assumption is that there is no relative motion.  This means that if we swing the pendulum north to south it won’t affect the plane it moves in, this is due to the underlying assumption that the Earth rotates west to east and cannot ‘twist’ itself underneath the pendulum

5.     Foucault’s equation predicts the Earth’s movement based on the object’s latitude, with n=360°sin(θ), where θ is the latitude


What does it all mean?


Long before Galileo, medieval naturalists and scientists had studied the pendulum and time keeping.  Mechanical clocks were first built in the 14th century and were complex instruments.  In these clocks the pendulum is anchored in one plane, it does not move, it is stationary.  Foucault’s contraption allowed the anchor to rotate, which allowed the pendulum to move and rotate over a given time


Using Foucault’s apparatus, we could start swinging it between the 12 and 6 o’clock position, rotate the anchor and within one hour the pendulum should move to swing between the 1 and 7 o'clock position.  Over 12 hours and 24 hours, the pendulum should again be swinging back at the 12 o’clock to 6 o’clock position. 


To be fair, if you have tried a Foucault pendulum replica, they often don’t work (personal experience), but let’s assume it can work.


What ‘convinced’ the heliocentrists was the rather obvious fact that at different latitudes, there should be different effects on the pendulum.  At the North Pole or 90 degrees, the plane of the pendulum will rotate a full 360 degrees each 24-hours, or about 15 degrees per hour.  As one moves farther from the North Pole in a southerly direction, the pendulum will slow down its rotation.  


In Paris, Foucault found that the plane of the pendulum rotated 11.25 degrees in the first hour – just as he predicted.  At the equator there would be no movement of the pendulum, given it is at ‘0 degrees’.  Below the equator the rotation begins anew but in the opposite direction to that observed in the northern hemisphere.


There are many models to explain these observations, by themselves they don’t prove anything. More here

Heliocentricity and Theoretical Proofs (part three)

Stellar parallax and Stellar aberration don't prove anything

“If, therefore, under all circumstances, and especially in the comparison of days when the sign of aberration has changed, the apparent value of the geographical latitude [i.e., column (B) - (A)] is sensibly constant, it proves that the True Aberration is the same as the Received Aberration, or at least that one is not a multiple of the other.” (George Airy, 1871, p. 37)

Simply put, Airy could not confirm Stellar aberration. And he is far from alone.

The dogma

There are 11 commandments which are deployed as proof of Copernicanism.  The observed phenomena used as proofs are however, cogently explained from another viewpoint and model.  If another explanation can be applied, than Copernicanism with its attendant scientific theology and observational support is just a theory, and cannot be accepted as proof.

The standard list, used in textbooks and by online gatekeeps of what constitutes ‘proofs’ for Copernicanism beyond the ‘law of gravitational attraction’ includes: 

1.     Newton’s theory of gravitational attraction (dealt with in 2 previous posts)

2.     The Stellar Parallax

3.     Stellar aberration of the Sun

4.     The Foucault Pendulum

5.     The bulge at the Equator

6.     Geosynchronous satellites (this post)

7.     Space probe measurements (this post)

8.     Retrograde motion (this post)

9.     Star-streaming

10.  The Doppler effect

11.  Geometric complexity of geocentrism

This post will cover points 1 and 2, namely the Stellar parallax and aberration.  Further posts will go through the rest of the standard list of supposed proofs for heliocentricity. 

To Airy is human

George Airy in 1871, could not prove Stellar aberration, a claim that had gone unchallenged by that time, for almost 150 years. Using a water-filled telescope, Airy proposed to confirm both Bradley’s 1725 claim of stellar aberration, and that of the German Klinkerfues in 1867. As with Arago’s attempt in 1810, along with many others who tried and failed, Airy could find no proof of stellar aberration or light aberration (Antonello, 2014) . Airy was a committed Copernican who was dismayed at his own findings.

Many experiments have since reconfirmed Airy’s findings as other posts here have outlined (Michelson, Sagnac, Miller etc). Unfortunately the flat-earthers enthusiastically refer to the Airy experiment, giving ‘The Science’ a convenient and easy target to disparage the reality of what he and others discovered. We should not conflate factual evidence from real experiments with the non-science that the Earth is a pancake surrounded by an ice wall.

Claim 1:  The Stellar Parallax Proves the Earth is Moving

This valid cosmological phenomenon has been consistently advocated as the vindicator of heliocentrism.  Science textbooks and online apologia will usually declare that Friedrich Bessel (1784–1846) discovered heliocentrism’s long-awaited proof when in 1838, he observed a very slight shift in the position of the nearby star Cygnus against the background of a more distant star. 

There are some who claim that Giovanni Pieroni, a friend of both Galileo and Kepler, may well have discovered the parallax in the early 17th century or 200 years earlier.  Copernican astronomers usually praise Bessel as the great proof-giver of heliocentricity ignoring Pieroni (he was a Catholic after all). However, the ugly reality is that parallax does not prove heliocentrism.

What is it precious?

standard definition of a stellar parallax is:

Parallax is the apparent displacement of an object because of a change in the observer's point of view.

This concept is of course central to the theory of Relativity which has been well savaged in other posts.  A parallax is used to measure the distance to a star.

From this image, using the heliocentric view of a parallax, we can describe how a parallax measurement would work (Ostlie and Carrol, pp. 57–59).

1.     In this model, the Earth is orbiting the Sun;

2.     In December, whilst on one side of the orbit, we pull out our telescope and observe 2 stars which are viewed at the same time;

3.     One star is near to the Earth, and the other appears further away;

4.     For simplicity let’s assume that both stars are aligned vertically in the same plane, that is, one star is at a higher position in our telescope lens than the other, but both are on the same vertical line;

5.     Six months later in June we take another look at these 2 stars;

6.     If the stars are not in a vertical alignment any longer, and have deviated from the y axis, than we have a ‘parallax’;

7.     The parallax motion means that the closer star appears to have shifted to the right off the vertical plane;

8.     The shifting of the nearer star is due to the mobile orbit of the Earth around the Sun, since we have viewed this star from 2 different orbital locations, one in December, one in June, now separated by 186 million miles (the diameter of the Earth’s orbit around the Sun);

9.     Since stellar parallax can now be detected among a select few stars, most astronomers have generalized this interpretation to include all Stars, and offer this as proof for the Earth’s movement around the Sun.

Sounds pretty good.  When analysing Copernicanism, I found this to be a somewhat convincing argument. 

Heliocentric Stellar aberration animation

Note that this evidence was proferred almost 300 years after Copernicus issued his theory, or in the case of Pieroni 80 years post-Copernicus, and was never referenced by Galileo in his dispute with the Church over evidence for heliocentricity. Stellar parallax is the second reported ‘observational proof’ in support of heliocentricity if we follow the standard narrative and credit Bessel in the mid-19th century.  Stellar aberration (below) was the first reported proof, some 200 years after Copernicus if we ignore Pieroni. When the Church asked Galileo for proof, this is what it meant.  The evidential proofs took hundreds of years to develop.

It proves…?

Yet when you look into the stellar parallax as with the Galilean phases of Venus, you will quickly uncover that the Tychonic geo-helio-centric system explains the same phenomenon quite nicely.  This information will never be given to you, nor is it discussed within ‘The Science’ and its ‘educational systems’.  This is called a bias.  More here

Heliocentricity and Theoretical Proofs (part two). Forces which Copernicanism cannot explain.

Neither can the Sun-worshippers explain why the Earth does not fall into the Sun.

400 Years Ago the Catholic Church Prohibited Copernicanism | Origins