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Letters by a modern St. Ferdinand III about cults

Gab@StFerdinandIII -

Plenty of cults exist - every cult has its 'religious dogma', its idols, its 'prophets', its 'science', its 'proof' and its intolerant liturgy of demands.  Cults everywhere:  Corona, 'The Science' or Scientism, Islam, the State, the cult of Gender Fascism, Marxism, Darwin and Evolution, Globaloneywarming, Changing Climate, Abortion...

Tempus Fugit Memento Mori - Time Flies Remember Death 

Archive - July 2024

Scientism and the Queer-Tranny Fascism

The Paris Olympics and the Queer-Tranny religio-fascism and Satanism now supported by 'The Science', proving yet again how useless much of modern 'science' truly is.

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There are 3 general secular religions within Western Civilisation’s history which are going to destroy it. We see this destruction reflected in the opening ceremonies of the Paris Olympics in a Satanic display of perversion.

Religion of Reason:  There is the cult of ‘reason’ and ‘rationality’ which leads to the ‘only truth’.  This ‘monism’ of ‘reason’ is the only way to explain the universe, our existence and our lives.  This singular ‘truth’ emanates from the Enlightenment and the Philosophes and finds expression in Positivism, Progressivism and Scientism which demands that the cult of ‘reason’ and ‘science’ rule society.  In this process the immaterial and ‘unreasonable’, including all religions, are to be rejected.

Religion of Materialism:  Materialism and extreme naturalism inform our universe.  Materialism declares that mechanical processes, operating within ‘natural laws’ is all that matters.  Morality, culture, emotions and the immaterial are irrelevant. Evolution, Marxism, most ‘science’, even economics and sociology are materialist theologies.  They posit that the world at large, including society, yourself and nature, is impersonal, mechanical and dialectical.  The Materialist theology is closely aligned with the religion of ‘Reason’.

Religion of Nihilism (and Sexual Perversion): As a fork from both the ‘Enlightenment’ and Materialism and finding expression in the 1960s cultural destruction which still redounds today, is the extreme positivism of hedonism and self-truth, especially as it relates to sex and gender.  Homosexuals, Trans-genders, Nihilists, Benthamites, Fabians, Abortionists, cultural Marxists and others believe that there is no fixed, eternal truth or even ‘reason’ per se, especially about our biological and sexual reality and ‘rights’; and that the Church, and immanent patriarchal structures nullify our sexual and gender expression.  It is akin to biological anarchy and is a form of hyper-irrationalism and is extremely unscientific.  These irrational cults reject both reason and materiality.  It is basically ‘be what you want, do what you want’

The religions of Rationality and Materialism are close allies.  The hyper-irrational positivity of homosexuality-transgenderism, its hedonism and sexual dysfunction is a reaction against both ‘reason’ and materialism as well as institutions which demand sexual morality and boundaries.  Increasingly however as expected, ‘The Science’ along with governments and corporations, are mainstreaming the Satanic perverted cult of sexual degeneracy with a view to money and power.

Perverts and the unreasonable

This unreasonable and irrational cult disavows biological reality including chromosomes, DNA, mitochondria and bone structures and instead, builds its own distorted and quite perverted reality.  In essence this hedonism can be classified as a mental illness given how out of touch with reality its members and theologies are.  It also leads to paedophilia, child abuse and child castration. All of these are supposedly illegal and immoral but are increasingly supported by governments and ‘The Science’.

Much of the sexual perversion industry and monstrosity is now supported not only by immoral corporations looking at profits, but also by ‘Science’ with endless studies and propaganda supporting this immoral evil. This fact proves yet again just how useless much of modern ‘Science’ is.  The ‘uber rational’ defending the bottomless evil and irrationality of sexual degeneracy.

As with most revolutionary furores, sexual degeneracy neither accepts reality, responsibility, morality, nor boundaries or limits.  It was originally just ‘gay marriage’ and ‘love’. Now it is ‘we are coming for your children’. The fact that most of the population has little interest in its dogma, is for the sexual anarchist a call to violence and threats.  Coercion through laws, state protection, endless propaganda and imagery demand that its members be treated as an elect.  It is true to say that using state and corporate resources to elevate such mental illness to a religion is a form of fascism. 

We see one the above reflected in the Paris Olympics opening ceremony, directed by a Gay Jew who obviously is a Christophobe and hates the Christian history of France.  No stars of David in a jar of piss. No mocking Muslims for drinking camel piss or deflowering under-age girls. No mention of Muslim Jihad, rape gangs, or that Jews were all over the Pharma-fascism of Corona. No, just attack Christianity. How brave.

I would guess that not more than 10% of the French know who Clovis was; or can name the year of Charlemagne’s coronation as the Holy Roman Emperor.  Few will know anything about the school of physics at Chartres, the first school of science in Western Europe; nor why St Denis was built and when.  Few will care about Georges Bizet, Pierre Duhem, Descartes, or Saint Louis.  But all will be saturated in the vomit and bile of the perverted sex and gender cult and many will accept it.

The Great Implosion

The importance of medieval and early modern French culture is now forgotten and rubbished.  In the place of France’s long history, they shove sexual mental illness into your face and demand you kneel and obey as they tear down Christianity and the cross and erect a phallus in its place. The perverted queer Gestapo is uber alles.

The Paris Olympics is just another example of Western decline.  A group of mentally ill people, evangelising their church of degeneracy and evil, parading the Satanic in place of the civilised.  French history has nothing to do with such debauchery, promoted by the US empire and its allies as ‘reasonable’, ‘a right’ and ‘normal’.  It is a sickness of the mind and a grand perversion, a modern Sodom and Gomorrah with the same guaranteed result. 



And, it is all planned. It is part of the Cultural Marxist demolition of the West. Western Civilisation is imploding, the detonation set from within.  The Olympics is just another statement of that fact. 

Trump, Brexit, Corona and ‘The Science’

The CIA-Deep State coup of 2020. Could it happen again? Will 'The Science' be used to manufacture uniparty or even globalist governance?

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Effect:  There was a coup in 2019 and 2020 to impose some form of Medical Nazism, Fascism or Totalitarianism across the G20 including Europe, North America and Oceania.  Why was such an evil unveiled then?  What were the ‘drivers’ or causes of the Corona coup? 

Cause:  The 2016 Brexit vote and the election of the hated Trump (or Drumpf) fomented a reaction from the US CIA Deep State and its globalist partners.  The 2020 re-election of Trump was anathema to the CIA-Deep State and had to be prevented.

The cover:  ‘Science’ and the imposition of a health fascism including lockdowns, based on unscientific claims and data fraud.


Culture and metaphysics




In the long view of history, it seems an inevitability that the poorly named ‘Enlightenment’ would lead to a Scientocracy, or a Church of Science, with many chapels and altars.  There are a few ways to usher in a Scientocratic Dictatorship and make ‘Science’ the reigning and unifying religion.  One is through ‘health fascism’.  ‘Health and Safety’ is an easy philosophical mantra to turn into a totalitarianism. 


The Corona plan-scam-demic was an episodic and hinge moment in history.  It was a deliberate pilot project and general intelligence test in which the people (sheeple) failed miserably.  Invoking ‘The Science’™ to enforce compliance, the Corona totalitarianism was a test run at the New World Order of Scientocratic management. 


In the Corona story-telling, the mechanistic ‘evolution’ of the ‘viral threat’ was from a bat and a pangolin to a human in Wuhan; from human to human in Wuhan and then to the rest of China; and somehow through the magic of water droplets and ‘fomites’ from China to the world.  As the ‘virus’ evolved its ‘defences’ it ‘mutated’ into terrifying scariants, contravening basic science to become worse than the original. 


Only in a culture saturated and dumbed down by endless materialist propaganda and anti-science education and media, could such a tale be taken seriously as ‘The Science’. 


Corona and the CIA




The Corona coup from 2020-2023 was planned, coordinated and implemented across the G20.  This ‘revolution’, based on ‘The Science’™ spawned various sub-revolutions from 2020-23 including BLM (burn, loot, murder), virulent anti-White racism, anti-Fa, Extinction Rebellion, Transgenderism, and the imposition of the Queer religion as a state-financed theology.  Out of nowhere these cults suddenly blossomed into violent and subversive activity, all of it funded by the state, NGOs and various billionaires. 


The Corona coup and its attendant sub-revolutions were unleashed in 2020 to achieve several objectives:

1:  Establish and groom the sheeple that ‘The Science’ is the key governing paradigm, which must be obeyed

2:  Engineer massive profits for government and their pharmaceutical allies, where the largesse, as it was done with ‘AIDS’, can be used to buy compliance for the next plandemic

3:  Accelerate Global and Trans-national governance to demise National governments and parliaments or congresses (New World, One World, Order)

4:  Within Western states, fund sub-cults to eradicate the nation state and its Euro-Christian-Romano-Greek heritage (BLM, anti-fa, ‘Climate’, open borders, gender fascism) to develop NWO globalist aims

5:  Further impose the cult of climate and net-zero, as evinced by the WEF, UN and Agenda 2030

6:  Punish the UK for Brexit and the US for the hated Drumpf’s 2016 election win by locking them down

7:  Make it easier for the CIA and DoD (department of defence) to steal the 2020 US election with a 40 million vote fraud

The last two points were the ‘triggers’ which initiated the planning and implementation of the Corona coup starting in 2016.  Only the CIA and its Deep State resources could have accomplished this.  All done in the name of ‘Science’. 


The USA of the CIA




In ‘The Devil’s Chessboard’, author David Talbot provides a detailed history of the CIA coup enacted during the late 1950s and 1960s, which resulted in a ‘parallel’ government within the US.  The CIA has been responsible for dozens of coups worldwide from the late 1950s to now.  The murders of JFK, RFK, MLK, and the attempted assassination of George Wallace in 1972, which echoes the failed attempt to kill Donald Trump on July 13th, 2024; were CIA operations. 

It is unlikely that the attempted assassination of Trump was by a ‘lone wolf’.  At least in the case of Matthew Crooks, the alleged shooter who missed Trump, the bullets flew straight, unlike those of Lee Harvey Oswald and Sirhan Sirhan whose bullets could defy gravity, twist, turn, circle and perform gymnastics.  In the case of Sirhan who was facing RFK, apparently the bullet was so agile and intelligent it flew around RFK and entered his head from behind. 


The CIA are experts of course in not being ‘caught’ or implicated.  The US wars in the Middle East which lasted some 30 years, can trace their lineage back to CIA coups in the region and forcing various Presidents ‘to act’ based on fraudulent data.  The CIA as built by Allen Dulles, and explained by Talbot, is a shadow government or ‘Deep State’. 


Over time the CIA and Department of Defence or DoD became aligned on most issues related to endless warring and invasions.  The same is true of the CIA and pharma.  The CIA is famous for its hallucinogenic programs (eg LSD) and its ‘brainwashing’ experiments.  Oswald for example, the marine and CIA agent, was enrolled in these programs.  Pharma has always been a longstanding business partner of the CIA and is treated as an ally and close relation of the state. 

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Scientism and the worship of the 'Enlightenment'.

Noce's 1977 prediction of 'scientific' totalitarianism.

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The Myth

The ‘Enlightenment’ supposedly dethroned the religious occult and ushered in an era of 'rationality' and 'progress'. All hail. Before the 17th century all was dark, misshapen, ugly, superstitious, base, if not debased. Dandies and men in periwigs ‘saved civilisation’. So the story is told.

Few if any of the attendant myths around the Enlightenment are really true of course.

Modern science, innovation, technological application and political-economic improvements had already been on a long and extraordinarily interesting 1000-year journey before the 'Rational Enlightenment' declared itself. The main thrust of this so-called ‘Enlightenment’, purveyed by its self-interested, and self-declared 'geniuses', was to divorce religion and superstition from the pursuit of truth and liberty which was only found in ‘reason’. Reason is never defined. We can correctly state that much of what passes for reason is entirely unreasonable. So too is the worship of the ‘Enlightenment’.

The 'intellectuals' of the Enlightenment, many of whom were deists and in some cases atheists, had to declaim against the Christian medieval world, inventing the nonsense that it was a 'Dark Age'. As opposed to modern society where biological gender reality does not exist; endless war is freedom; reality is optional due to ‘relativity’; plant food controls ‘climate’; Biden won 81 million votes and 50% of all registered voters in 2020; Corona was a pandemic; and drugs convey health, amongst other shibboleths of the ‘age of science’.

Which age is philosophically darker?


‘Science’ and materialism

The bastard stepchildren of ‘The Enlightenment’, namely Socialism, Communism and the varous strains of Marxism (political, cultural, sexual), developed 'scientific' approaches to managing and understanding the political-economy. Hegelianism, Marxism, dialectical materialism, statism, stage theory, class warfare and declarations of how the world really worked, rallied around this supposedly 'scientific' theory of world affairs. All of this leads to statism.

At the other end of the spectrum, deposited like cow faeces onto the farmer’s field, we have the hyper-individualisation which emanates from the ‘Enlightenment’. This has lead to social atomisation, ‘woke-ism’ the destruction of the normative family, ‘my biological truth’, and the mental illness of queer, pan-gendered sexual perversion, itself a massive market and industry for the government-pharma mafia. In other words societal and individual collapse.

Few of these main philosophical outputs from the ‘Enlightenment’ was or is rational. Only the mentally unfit would declare transexuality a healthy ‘normal’ and ‘reasonable’ condition. By denying the long history of Christianity and the important role that faith plays in developing reason and science and in defining reasonable boundaries and limits, the Enlightenment opened up a vacuum into which any swaggering theory of power with clarity and 'science' attached to it would enter.



The effects have been shattering

Much of the derivative from Enlightenment thought was simply gibberish laced with virulent strains of anti-Semiticism and profoundly inane anti-Christian bigotry. None of the Enlightenment's ‘geniuses’ did any real research into the Medieval world of course, nor did they understand the thousands of inventions within the political-economic and social spheres which were developed over from 500 to 1500 AD and which made the 17th century so reasonably comfortable to live in, compared to previous epochs. When you research the ‘philosophes’ the most striking feature is the lack of originality and complete ignorance of past history.

The very concepts of ‘reason’ and natural law rights are found in medieval theology and Scholasticism of course, as are the ‘discoveries’ of ‘natural laws’, or those patterns in nature which seem to underlie physical observation and experimentation. Such attitudes were informed in part by ancient cultures, including the Roman, Greek, Jewish and Near Eastern.

Human society was thus well acquainted with ‘Enlightenment’ ideals more than 800 years ago. This was long before effeminate men in garish costumes plagiarised such ideas and claimed them as their own. Where did parliaments (reasoned debate) and universities (reasoned education), both 12th and 13th century constructs found in many states contemporaneously, emanate from? Did the physics emanating from the cathedral school at Chartres in the 12th century categorise itself as dark and superstitious?

The arrogance and hubris of the Enlighteners is an undeniable and outstanding characteristic of their cult.


Secularism and a Dark Age?

Are we as clever as we think?

Isn’t our modern philosophy of Scientism and love of all things ‘science’ and ‘secular’ a delusion? We rejoice in our ‘modernity’. The reality is that tooling, innovation and technology are not based on ‘science’ and never have been. A horse plough was not designed from abstract physics. A canal is not a derivative of algebraic theory. Watermills did not invoke Pythagoras. A steam engine has no correlation with research models. Electricity owes nothing to cosmology or physics. Buildings have always been constructed using evidential calculations and experience not abstract theories. Mathematical theory has no relationship to the chance discoveries of transistors which power modern devices.

What then ‘science’? Isn’t hands-on work and practicality the real driver of innovation?

The danger with 'Scientism' as elucidated by the Enlightenment was aptly stated in 1977 by the great Italian historian and philosopher, Augusto del Noce (1910-1989) who foretold that the scientific management of society would result in a totalitarianism. Noce presciently predicted, 'a war against all forms of knowing that are not deemed as scientific'. ‘Science and reason’ would thus become instruments of power, ideologies perverted by privileged elitists. Scientism would wage war on all other ideologies. With confidence we can say:

The irony is obvious. The Enlightenment, which supposedly was a revolt against the superstition and power of the church, is directly responsible for establishing what it was attacking, namely a cult managed by an elite who would enforce 'the right way of thinking and believing.'



The Enlightenment appropriated the Christian ideals of natural law rights, reason, rational debate and declared these to be ‘new inventions’. Most of us would call this theft. This appropriation came however, with an important caveat.

The age-old belief that the human was unique and thus had a singular responsibility to improve this world and live by normative moral constructs and objective reason was rejected. The Enlightenment went in the opposite direction. Natural law, natural rights, the immaterial, the emotional, even the rational which will differ based on the person, culture, history and context of a person’s life; would be perverted and twisted. Only approved ‘reason’, managed by the ‘reasonable’ and wise elite would rule.


Plato and friends

Various cults of Scientism and ‘reason’ have long been offered. Utopia’s based on ‘rationality’ include Plato’s ‘Republic’ which was managed by rational ‘guardians’. Plato tried to implement his utopia of reason in Syracuse Italy and was ejected by violence and threats. Saint-Simon and the French revolutionary Enlighteners established a ‘Church of Science’ which was a 19th century precursor to the Reich Church of the Nazis. Utilitarianism [Rousseau, Bentham], or personal pleasure with no restrictions based on your rational objectives became popular and has led to atomisation and the imposition of state-protected groups such as LBGTQ+. Many sub cults of reason have been offered, and all are just variations on Enlightener themes.

The creation of the perfect utopian society, inhabited by the 'perfect man' is in many ways the end objective of the Enlightener obsession with ‘reason’ [pace Saint Simon, Robert Owen]. This has created a deranged focus on using state power to 'mould' children, people and the average citizen to do what 'was in the best interests of society'. The Corona plandemic was clearly an expression of such power and beliefs, itself an echo of Communism and Nazism totalitarian control. Education, the media, and governmental supremacy have been deployed to reform the individual so they can participate in a rational society of perfection.

The elite know best. Science is the only path. Follow and obey. Platonic ideals were plagiarised and repackaged during ‘The Enlightenment’.


Modern Satanic mills

Imagine if today some 'genius' declared that the era between 1500 and 1900 was a 'Dark Age', full of nothing but pain, superstition, occultism, illiteracy, dirt, darkness and ignorance. Such a ‘philosophe’ could justify this conclusion by pointing to:

  • colonialism, black enslavement, witch burnings;

  • destruction of the Ameri-Indians through plague and war;

  • abiogenesis and other unscientific gibberish;

  • ‘germ theory’ a monstrosity with no proof;

  • the establishment of the health-pharma-drugs mafia complex;

  • frauds which dominate the cults of ‘evolution’ and naturalist ‘science’;

  • Communism, Marxism, various bloody revolutions;

  • the lack of hygiene and sanitation;

  • grinding, absolute, soul destroying poverty for the masses;

  • indentured white slavery in the US and Australia (30-50% of the US population in 1700 were white slaves, called ‘indentured servants’ - what is a rose?);

  • the endless stories of war, imperialism, poverty, disease, early death and hopelessness;

  • the satanic industrial mills of the 18th and 19th centuries and what must be termed white-slavery;

  • creating the antecedents for the global wars of the 20th century


A declaration that 1500-1900 was a ‘Dark Age’ would not be entirely wrong. But this era is a part of a larger picture, which eventually bequeaths in spasms of progress, encased in an inimitable complexity that is difficult to comprehend, the ease of life we now enjoy in our modern, albeit bankrupt, world. Yet this is what occurred during the 17th century. All eras previous to this were simply branded 'backwards'. How occultist and how bigoted.

Augusto del Noce's 1977 declaration is thus prescient, but also quite obvious when viewing Western development in the 18th and 19th centuries. If an era dethrones man from his central place in the cosmos, and violently attacks faith as 'irrational', and scorns any expression of non-scientific belief, than surely a new cult is being thrust onto society to replace the old order. Cui bono?

Given Ferdinand Braudel’s ‘long view’ of history, why wouldn't 'science and rationality' be used for political totalitarianism and power-mongering ends?

Summary: the irony chorus sings ‘religion’

It is duly ironic that Enlighteners, and their various cults of ‘science’, technocratism, progressivism, positivism, rationalism, humanism, secularism and globalism, all premised on ‘reason’, use religious fervour and pre-modern techniques to silence their critics and propagandize their cult. Modern inquisitions abound, abetted by state and corporate power. Heretics are crushed and often killed. All of this is deemed ‘modern’.

Ironically, the self-loving modern secularist-Enlightener, promoting ‘The Science’, has become the intolerant, irrational, cult member that the Enlightenment tried to eradicate!

Further, we can ask pace the prescient insightful Noce, this simple question: ‘Isn't science and elevating reason above all else just a form of totalitarianism?’ Isn't the God of Science as much an act of faith as the God Yahweh or the Trinity of Christ ? Science, whatever that word might mean, riven with corruption, deceit, fraud and ignorance, cannot explain everything and has great trouble explaining anything.

How then can 'Scientism' be reasonable when the very foundations of that rationality have been removed? These are questions that the modern Enlightener, happily pickled in the myths of Enlightenment propagada, would never bother to contemplate, further confirming that Scientism is little more than a cult.

All hail the King.


==Del Noce

Augusto del Noce, The Problem of Atheism (Volume 84) (McGill-Queen's Studies in the History of Ideas). 2022

Augusto del Noce, Carlo Lancellotti, The Crisis of Modernity (Vol 64), 2014.

Augusto del Noce, Carlo Lancellotti, The Age of Secularization (Studies in the History of Ideas, #74), 2017

Isaiah Berlin and the 'Monism' 'of 'The Enlightenment' leading to 'The Science'.

There can be only One Ring to rule them all. Scientism.

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Isaiah Berlin was a 20th century Russian-Latvian-Jewish polymath, who resided in England, with skills spanning philosophy, naturalism and writing.  He was both a defender and critic of the Enlightenment.  He discussed ‘Monism’ or the idea that one answer existed for a question. 

According to Berlin, ‘Monism’ sat between Einstein’s ‘Relativity’ in which reality does not exist and which as a science and philosophy can be easily eviscerated (see here); and ‘positivism’ or extreme rationalism, the faith and cult that only ‘reason’ matters. His writings and critiques were prescient and are important as Western Civ is confronted by the ‘monism’ of ‘The Science’. Berlin wrote that ‘Monism’ possesses 3 components:

  • all questions have one answer,

  • there is a method to determine the answer and,

  • the answers are all compatible with each other (or make sense in a larger perspective or view). 

Berlin discusses individuals in the context of Monism, citing for example that Plato is a very good ‘Monist’ whilst Machiavelli is not.  This is a heuristic or ordering device for Berlin.  Authors and philosophers can be categorised using ‘Monism’ as a classifier.  Eras as well can be identified as patterns or trends for or against a ‘Monist standard’. We could classify for example the poorly named ‘Reformation’ as a rebellion against monistic Church power; or the current ‘climate rebellion’ against the monism of hydrocarbon-based civilisation and its power structures. 

Enlightenment as Faith

Berlin alleged that ‘Monism’ was the default cultural belief within Western civilisation, from Plato to modern philosophies.  The Enlightenment for instance, offers up ‘reason’ (never defined), to be the one true guiding principle in life.  The Enlightenment is a singular example of 'Monism’ and a very appropriate one. Berlin’s point about ‘Monistic’ faith or belief in ‘the one way’ is not as abstruse as it might sound.

The monistic faith of ‘The Enlightenment’ is rarely criticised. This ode to reason as an article of faith was in the main a contrived philosophy, leading to an era littered with propaganda and self-serving declamations. Newton’s medieval ‘giants’ were not only memory-holed but reduced to myth, fable and ignored. Culture and history were erased. Great works of art and architecture debased. Long eras of massive technological, intellectual and social progress foresworn and mocked.

According to ‘The Enlightenment’ hospitals, hospices, eye-glasses, mechanical clocks, blast furnaces, wind mills, steel, libraries, universities, ships, guilds, schools, writing scripts, books, extended trade, money, printing presses, steam engines and the like sprang out of mud or thin air (pace modern physics which believes in virtual positrons appearing and disappearing every second). Debauching the past and being ignorant is unenlightened.

If we take Berlin’s critique of ‘rationality’ at face value there is plenty in the ‘modern world’ which is far from ‘Enlightened’ when one looks at art, entertainment, academia, science, politics, morality or education. What is a woman? What ingredients comprise the mRNA shot? The addiction to ‘science’ or to ‘enlightened reason’ at the expense of everything else which makes life worth living, is simply a cult. It is a religious article of faith that the 17th-19th centuries were ‘Enlightened’. Given that few read or critically assess history or events, it is an easy lie for the great mass to ingest.

Berlin’s critique of ‘The’ ‘Enlightenment’

Berlin would probably agree with much of the above. He criticises the derivative philosophies of The Enlightenment, ‘positivism’ (hyper-rationality) and phenomenalism (physical objects are just things observed by sensory stimuli and are not necessarily real or existing), espoused by Hume, Kant et al, because both are reductive, or can be reduced to an essence and they equate meaning with ‘truth’.  Berlin objected that the Enlightenment was often irreducible and had little connection to physical or objective reality.  The same can be said of ‘science’.

The progenitors of the Enlightenment, namely, Platonism, Aristotelianism, Scholasticism, Cartesianism, Lockean and Humean forms of empiricism, Kantianism, and Hegelianism all reflect Monist tendency. These abstract and often useless intellectualisations end in the Enlightenment and its ‘positivist’ philosophy.  It is obvious to any human who is sentient and upright that much of life and existence has precious little to do with reason.

An average Enlightener

We know that reason is usually optional for many. Take your average white-collar, middle-class man. He will describe himself as a rationalist-humanist, who is against the imposition of religion and has no time for the immaterial. How happy he is in his ‘reason’. He follows ‘science’.

Let us observe the emotional energies invested by this adult man into what must be termed a silly sport like football or something similar. Here we see energy, emotion and dedication. A religious devotion. The man will know everything about ‘his team’. Compare this fanaticism against the limpid, sanguine and apathetic reaction by the same man when he loses his freedom, is locked down, forced to wear a face nappy and is injected with poisons against the unreasonable and non-scientific claim of a flying virus. No energy, no emotion, and no dedication or even interest in what really matters in life. Surveying this very common person and making such comparisons does not inspire much faith in ‘reason’ or critical thinking.

Reduced Freedom

Given human nature, Berlin was convinced that Monism led to a patriarchal political structure, with strictures on human freedom and expression.  These ideas are expressed in The Decline of Utopian Ideas in the West’.  In this work Berlin outlines his view that the Enlightenment Monist theology would lead to a decline in personal liberty, as one form of governance is exalted above all others.  This is basically, ‘what is right for me is right for you’, or in the modern newspeak, ‘what is right for everyone must be right for you’. 

In the modern world if the elite or experts simply ‘know’ what is best and you do not, they have the right to coerce your compliance, because it is in everyone’s ‘best interest’ to do so.  ‘No one is safe until we are all safe’ and other propaganda are simply expressions of this monistic rule. It is entirely a materialist-Darwinian concept, in which humans are not individuals, and do not have God-given rights, but are instead simply material to be shaped, formed, ordered about and regulated.

You obey, therefore you are.

Berlin writes, “In this way, the rationalist argument, with its assumption of the single true solution, has led by steps which, if not logically valid, are historically and psychologically intelligible from an ethical doctrine of individual responsibility and individual self-perfection to an authoritarian State obedient to the directives of an elite of Platonic guardians.”

This is a prescient point. It perfectly describes where Western Civ now finds itself. We are now hostages to the Platonic guardians called ‘The Science’ and its totalitarianism or as some of us call it, Scientism.

‘Science’ as Monistic Truth

We see ‘Monism’ all around us today. We now have ‘The Science’, a cult of abject worship of an undefined philosophy related to technological advancement which has nothing in actual fact to do with science. In reality engineering preceeds theory and is fundamentally at odds with, and unrelated to, abstract mathematics or arcane theories called ‘science’. This truism is utterly lost in today’s worship of technology. Science is now conflated with technology, the two are entirely detached.

In the modern world, ‘Science’ is now the elite guardian of all.  Only ‘The Science’ can be followed, and there is ‘One’ monistic answer.  This Monism is reflected in Corona and endless drugs and vaccines, ‘Climate Change’, Gender fluidity, White racism, and public policy run by ‘experts’, ‘scientists’, and ‘academics who are specialised in the subject area’ and in every imaginable domain.

With monistic Scientism, there is no possibility of dissent.  People are censored, pilloried, fired, bullied, threatened and impugned if they declare ideas or positions contrary to those of the Monist elite.  Freedom, individuality, God-given rights and common sense are now sacrificed to political theology and the Enlightenment credo that there is only ‘One’ answer.

Berlin was in some ways a prophet. He oscillated between supporting ‘Enlightenment’ ideals and being wary of their inevitable outcome in the ‘One theology to rule them all’. Unlike most ‘intellectuals’ Berlin saw the threat darkly, he could not commit himself to a Vico-esque critique of ‘reason’ but he saw well enough where it would end. Even given his equivalency, Berlin is worth a read given the state of our world and the Scientism which abounds.


Liberty, editor Henry Hardy, 2002. A single volume dedicated to Berlin’s views on ‘liberalism’ and freedom.

The Proper Study of Mankind, editor Henry Hardy 2002. A great overview of Vico, Herder and Enlightenment critics. Well worth a read to get ‘another side of the story’ qua the ‘Enlightenment’. Vico and Herder are largely unknown but had great influence as critics of rationalism and ‘positivism’.  

Dr Max Gerson, censored by 'The Science' for curing cancer.

An untold story where the real quacks and criminals slander someone who successfully cured thousands from terminal cancer. $cientism and protecting the AMA and the medical establishment's drug trade.

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I agree with you that Dr Gerson’s cancer therapy had great merits and know with which difficulties Dr Gerson had to struggle.  I would be grateful to you if you try to tell the people of America about Dr. Gerson’s merits and about the results he obtained with his therapy….I wish you the best with this difficult task.”  Dr. Albert Schweitzer

“In the hand of the physician, nutrition can be the highest and best remedy.” Dr Max Gerson





Dr Max Gerson cured Albert Schweitzer of his type II diabetes, his daughter’s chronic skin condition, and saved his wife’s life from tuberculosis which ‘modern medicine’ could not resolve.  Gerson and Schweitzer became life-long friends.  Such success for Max Gerson was not unusual.  Originally his therapy targeted tuberculosis and diabetes but he noticed it also arrested and often cured cancer. 



In the 1940s and beyond he began to focus on restoring health to those afflicted by various cancers.  According to his patients and notebooks Gerson’s success rate at stopping or remediating the spread of cancer in those deemed ‘terminal’ or beyond the help of ‘modern medicine’ was over 60%.  These successes were confirmed in US Senate hearings in the 1946. 


Few know of Gerson or his methods.  There is a reason for that.  It is called the American Medical Association, a creature of the Rockefeller Foundation which is the gatekeeper and curator of ‘medical science’.  If you don’t promote drugs, pills, opioids, vaccines or chemical therapies, you will be censored, de-registered, de-licensed and increasingly in the ‘modern world’ de-banked.  You might even end up murdered or ‘suicided’.  The censorship of any treatment that does include expensive chemical brews is rife and endemic in the ‘modern world’. 


Gerson’s approach is classified by the colossally ignorant Wikipedia as dangerous and ineffective.  Unlike say the Corona quackcinations, or chemotherapy.  This is typical of Scientism.


Who was Dr. Max Gerson?


Dr. Max Gerson was born in Wongrowitz, Germany, in 1881, attending the universities of Breslau, Wuerzburg, Berlin, and Freiburg, graduating in 1909 and becoming a licensed physician in Germany.  Gerson and his family fled the Nazi regime ending up in the US in 1936 and Gerson received a license to practice medicine in the state of New York in 1938.  He became a U.S. citizen in 1942.  In 1946, Dr. Gerson appeared before the Pepper-Neely Congressional Subcommittee, during hearings on a bill to fund cancer treatment research, providing evidence that naturopathy could cure cancer.  He astonished the entire hearing with his success stories.  

Case history of 10 cancer patients clinical observations theoretical considerations and summary


In 1958, after 30 years of clinical experimentation, Dr. Gerson published A Cancer Therapy: Results of 50 Cases to detail his theories, treatment, and results.  His research included soil issues, the electricity of cells, how cancer cells ferment glucose, oxidizing enzymes, sodium/potassium balance, connective tissue, and other technical issues related to cancer. His treatment and approach were holistic.  Cancer was (and is) a disease of the entire body.  More here

HIV-AIDS and creating new markets: the criminality of pharmaceuticals and ‘The Science’.

The HIV 'virus' does not exist. How then can AIDS exist? Or, what is AIDS except a U$ 1 Trillion market?

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If there is proof that HIV is the cause of AIDSthere should be scientific documents which either singly or collectively demonstrate that fact, at least with a high probability.  There is no such document.”  [K. Mullis, Dancing Naked in the Mind Field, 1998, pp 171-4]

Kary Mullis, Nobel Prize for Chemistry and co-inventor of the polymerase chain reaction technology (PCR)


The Corona scam-plan-demic used templates from the Spanish Flu and AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) as part of its implementation.  The AIDS scamdemic is mostly an untold story.  The population at large just assumes that a ‘virus’, emanating from monkeys, which miraculously showed itself in the early 1980s, has caused a ‘sexually transmitted’ contagion. A cogent explanation of the AIDS fraud can be found in ‘Virus Mania’ chapter 3.  This chapter lays out quite clearly why the AIDS fraud was fabricated; how it was carried out and why the Corona fraud possessed such a close resemblance. 



In the ‘modern world’, most people don’t read; the vast majority know little to nothing of history, even very recent history; and the mass defer, bow and collapse before authority, whimpering their abject humiliated compliance to whatever the authority figure or agency of truth demands.  Critical thinking within society has never been lower.  The fact that AIDS provided a ready-made runbook for the Corona fraud is largely an unknown truth.  But in the age of the sheeple, this is not a surprise. 





Market size 



In the past 40 years since its creation, the ‘AIDS’ drug and remedy market has provided some U$ 500 billion in total revenues for the pharmaceutical industry. A similar amount has been invested by governments in ‘AIDS Research’. The ‘AIDS’ industry over the past 40 years is therefore a U$ 1 Trillion market.


‘AIDS’ currently provides about U$30 billion in per annum revenues for pharmaceutical firms.  Globally, at least U$ 30 billion a year is poured into AIDS ‘Research’ by governments. In 2024, just in the US alone, $28 billion will be invested by government into AIDS ‘Research’ and ‘solutions’. The total market size for ‘AIDS’ is therefore some U$60 billion per annum.


Within 10 years, the pharmaceutical industry will be earning over $ 50 billion per annum in drug revenues alone related to ‘HIV-AIDS’. No doubt ‘AIDS Research’ which has produced no value, no products, and no solutions, will likewise be worth U$ 50 billion by 2034. Follow that money to find ‘The $cience’.


AIDS is a market, not a disease 

AIDS is therefore a very lucrative market. There is no incentive whatsoever to find a ‘cure’ for ‘AIDS’. Given its amorphous character, there can never be a cure for ‘AIDS’. AIDS is everything and it is nothing. Like cancer, AIDS is the cash cow that pharmaceutical firms and their benefactors will milk forever. In fact, during the past 40 years 



AIDS ‘research funding’ and financing, has often been greater than that other great fraud – cancer ‘Research’.  From nothing, US ‘health’ agencies in the 1980s, have created an enormous market for themselves and their business partners the pharmaceutical firms, around the phantom they call ‘AIDS’. 


AIDS as a market, provides the pharmaceutical criminality posing as an industry, with such largesse that you can buy the entire coterie of congresses, parliaments, regulatory agencies and media across the G20 as a cost of business. ‘Emoluments’, graft and bribes, will ensure compliance and obeisance when the cabal decides on the timing and implementation of the next great scamdemic from non-existing flying viruses.  This was proven to be true with the Corona plandemic. 


AIDS is still one of the largest businesses in Africa.  Africans can ‘test’ ‘positive’ for AIDS at a very high rate, with many suffering from illnesses and symptoms now attributed to ‘AIDS’ including, malaria, tuberculosis, malnutrition, weight loss, diarrhoea, fevers and lethargy.  To ‘save’ Africans, retro-viral drugs are issued at enormous profit.  Tests, consultancies and other drugs to cure the after-effects of the AIDS ‘cure’ also comprise large market opportunities.  Make them sick with drugs, supply more drugs as ‘remedies’.


What is AIDS?  



AIDS is supposedly a sexually transmitted disease, yet there is no single, coherent definition of AIDS.  According to the WHO the HIV ‘virus’ attacks white blood cells causing ‘AIDS’ and renders the victim weak and prone to degradation and injury from disease including tuberculosis and cancer.  This virus is passed on during sexual contact, or through blood transfusion. There is no cure, though using condoms and refraining from anal sex with the ‘HIV’ infected are recommended, as are expensive drugs and therapies if one becomes infected with ‘HIV’.


As of 2024 some 40 million people globally are declared ‘HIV positive’, or at risk from contracting ‘AIDS’.  The symptoms of AIDS are similar to many other conditions and diseases.  It is a big tent.  According to World Health Organisation’s 1986 definition of AIDS, symptoms can include weight loss, malnutrition, diarrhoea, itching, lethargy, and complaints known to any abuser of drugs and alcohol.  In low income and impoverished countries these ‘symptoms’ would cover most of the population.  This is not ‘scientific’.  More here

'Science' and the post-Columbine depopulation of the Americas by ‘germs’ from Europeans: a rebuttal.

Does the ‘smallpox virus’ exist and is this a reasonable explanation for the depopulation of Ameri-Indians? Or is the combination of war, plague, bacteria and contamination more likely?

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The word “virus” is derived from the Latin word for poison. Viruses are associated with all forms of life (bacteria, archaea, and eukaryotes). Viruses are infectious, obligate intracellular parasites whose genomes consist of either DNA or RNA. Virus genomes direct their own replication and the synthesis of other viral components, using cellular systems in appropriate host cells. Virus particles (known as virions) are formed by assembly from newly synthesized components within the host cell. Virions are the vehicle for transmission of the genome to the next host cell or organism.” 

(Pellett et al, ‘Basics of Virology’2014, offering the standard description of a ‘virus’)

Note: Viruses are 250-400 nanometers in size. A nanometer is one billionth of a meter…a small fraction of a bacteria.  Not a single isolated and purified virus can be shown.  To satisfy your own curiosity you can send FOI requests to various health and governmental agencies and demand to see an example of a purified, isolated virus.  They will reply that they don’t have such examples to show you



One of the claims to support the worldview that ‘contagious diseases’ are spread by ‘germs’, is the ‘genocide’ of Ameri-Indians post-Columbus.  It has long been established that the evisceration of Ameri-Indian culture, society and people was perpetrated through a mixture of war, slavery, and disease.  Depending on your source, the weighting of war, slavery and disease in this catastrophe varies.  ‘Virus hunters’ routinely invoke the post-Columbine era of Ameri-Indian civilisational destruction as ‘proof’ of ‘contagious’ diseases, passed on by White humans and their livestock, to Ameri-Indian natives.  This theory is most certainly wrong and is entirely unproven and unsupported by facts or common sense.




Since the 1990s, it has become standard fare to vastly inflate the numbers of pre-Columbine (before 1492) Ameri-Indians in North and South America.  The more rancid and extreme population estimates now range between 80-100 million Ameri-Indians in the Western hemisphere pre-1492 A.D. with a general scholarly agreement that 60 million might be a correct estimate.  This number is however a conjecture and given the paucity of proofs, more likely a fiction, generated to impress and overawe the reader with the colossal scale of human genocidal destruction, initiated by Christian Europeans upon pagan Ameri-Indians. In this story some 50 million or more Ameri-Indians perished mostly through ‘germs’ over 3 centuries, or the same number who died in Europe from the Black Death in the 14th century, a plague caused by bacteria.




In the 18th and 19th centuries the estimate of the pre-Columbine population in the Western Hemisphere was 8-12 million.  This is a more reasonable figure and less tainted by political motives and secular theology than post-modern estimates which provide no proof of numbers ranging from 60-100 million.  Ameri-Indian society was a stone-age culture, with settled agriculture existing only in parts of Central America and the Andes ranges.  There was no possibility that Central and South America, with a somewhat limited and primitive agricultural base, or North America, with a hunter-gatherer-foraging culture absent of urban centres, could have supported 60-100 million people.  Claiming such population figures is unreasonable and unproven. 



By contrast Europe in 1500 was a far wealthier, more advanced, civilised and agriculturally innovative culture and possessed maybe 60 million people.  The 14th century episode of the Black Death or bubonic plague had erased about half the population.  Even despite this catastrophe, it is unreasonable to posit that in 1492, the primal societies of the Western Hemisphere had a similar or even a greater population than a Europe which was littered with small-scale cities and complex agriculture and trade.  The less advanced, pre-modern societies of the Americas could never have supported such a mass of people. 


Common sense 

The best estimates are that maybe 1 million natives existed north of the Rio Grande pre-1492, some 3-5 million in Mexico and Central America and a further 4-5 million in South America.  No cities or advanced agriculture existed north of the Rio Grande.  The Aztec and Incan empires were slave-empires, with conurbations comprising the capitals of Tenochtitlan and Cuzco.  Advanced agriculture outside of the capital territories were sparse and would never have supported some 50-90 million people.  Contrary to historical rewriting there is no proof that massive farming or agriculture was endemic in the Western Hemisphere in the pre-Columbine period.



The Spanish conquered the Aztec and Inca empires with fewer than 1000 men.  The annihilation of the Aztecs for example, was accomplished by the Spanish leading a ‘native’ army who had tired of Aztec tyranny, slavery, human sacrifice and exploitation.  A few hundred men with guns cannot unseat an empire of some 5 million, or for the revisionist Marxist, the false claim of 30-40 million people.  The same was true of the Spanish destruction of the Inca’s, a much-hated elite-aristocratic group, famous for brutality and savagery.  It is simply not credible that a handful of Spaniards overthrew a region teeming with neo-Marxist figures of 30 millon or more people. The population of the Americas must have been in the 8-12 million range. ‘Native’ revolts as much as Spanish steel and guns overthrew the two principal empires of the Americas.


‘Germs’ and guns 

Guns and steel were important, but they can’t explain a population reduction of some 75-90% or 6-10 million, over a few centuries. The ‘consensus’ is that disease destroyed these societies far more completely than war and anarchy.  For the ‘virus’ hunters the Ameri-Indians were decimated by ‘contagious’ diseases and are thus a totem and proof for the virus faithful.  In this belief system, the Whites brought ‘new’ and novel ‘pathogens’ which the Ameri-Indians had no defence against, and they perished en-masse allowing the Spanish to seize power as the population was reduced and enfeebled through contagion. 



As colonisation progressed, the carnage by disease accelerated until by 1900 only 10-25% of the baseline pre-1492 Ameri-Indian population remained.  It is thus believed and promoted that ‘germs’ effaced 75-90% of the native populations.  In particular the smallpox ‘virus’, along with flu and measles explain why the Ameri-Indians were largely exterminated


False narratives 

Do any parts of these ‘agreed narratives’ make any sense?  Did the advent of Whites, with their horses, cows, pigs and ‘infectious’ diseases really initiate ‘smallpox’ and other ‘great killers’, or were other factors at work?  Have we got the entire history of ‘disease’ wrong?  Do smallpox ‘viruses’ even exist for example?  If not, what happened in the post-Columbine Americas?









According to ‘The Science’, the origination of the smallpox ‘virus’ is from bovines or cows, though the quack Jenner believed that ‘horse grease’ from the hoofs of horses, passed to cows from farm workers, was to blame.  We are told that ‘influenza’ (Corona viruses) jumped from pigs to humans.  Birds and fowl are also alleged to spread ‘influenza’, named ‘bird flu’.  It is agreed that horses generated the ‘tuberculosis virus’.  Livestock thus creates contagious diseases.  When these were introduced into the Americas, so the theory states, contagions were unleashed on the native populations. 


The theory around smallpox is:

·       Bovines including dairy cows, supposedly suffer from Cowpox

·       The ‘cowpox’ in the cow is a part of the genus orthopoxvirus

·       The cowpox virus is zoonotic, meaning that it is transferable between species

·       This ‘virus’ is supposedly related to the vaccinia virus causing ‘smallpox’ in humans

·       In humans the smallpox ‘virus’ is called the variola virus

·       Humans contract ‘variola virus’ from exposure cows in any form (milking, farming, slaughtering)


Smallpox has always been seized upon as a great killer of the Ameri-Indians.  Smallpox as a virulent disease was supposedly passed on from bovines to humans through the activity of farming, including milking. Close contact is believed to be sufficient for the ‘orthopox virus’ to ‘jump’ species. Ingesting meat, dairy, skin, urine, faeces, or any animal detritus can lead to ‘smallpox’ in humans. Signatures of the disease include pustules or poxes on the hands and face. 


For many with immature or compromised immune systems including young children, death can follow.  The infection-to-death rate in the 19th century in the slums of the UK from ‘smallpox’ was low at around 0.4-1%.  As many doctors commented in the 18th and 19th centuries, smallpox was not a particularly deadly disease if proper non-chemical treatment was given.  Why then would the Ameri-Indians die in such numbers? The answer is always ‘lack of immunity’ due to not spending thousands of years with cows. Is this theory validated?


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