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Letters by a modern St. Ferdinand III about cults

Gab@StFerdinandIII -

Plenty of cults exist - every cult has its 'religious dogma', its idols, its 'prophets', its 'science', its 'proof' and its intolerant liturgy of demands.  Cults everywhere:  Corona, 'The Science' or Scientism, Islam, the State, the cult of Gender Fascism, Marxism, Darwin and Evolution, Globaloneywarming, Changing Climate, Abortion...

Tempus Fugit Memento Mori - Time Flies Remember Death 

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Monday, May 21, 2007

Queen Victoria and all that

Cultural Marxist hypocrites unite [for a holiday].

by StFerdIII

The panjandrums of politically-correct control are nothing if not wonderful Janus-faced practitioners of bold ignorance. On the one hand spend all of your time and energy ripping apart the modern world and Britannic culture. On the other, take any and all opportunities for a holiday, vacuous ego-posturing, or self-congratulatory back-patting from the same. Inconsistent, nauseating and crude. One wonders if any of the cultural Marxist warring classes even know who Victoria was or what she represented?

For the clattering socialist who knows something of history Queen Victoria reigning from 1837 to 1901, was little more than some archaic English prude, ruling over an exploitative and evil empire. In this amoral version of historical rewriting, the apogee of the British empire meant little more than the exploitation of wonderful, serene, perfect pagan pre-moderns; the creation of vicious globalization; and the erection of domestic tyranny allowing industrialization and poverty to replace the Dickensian England of green fields, pretty flowers, running deer, all populated by fat, happy, pipe smoking peasants.

Reality was of course different. The Industrial Revolution in train since the agricultural ‘revolution’ of 1000 A.D. and the capital market ‘revolution’ of the 17th century, installed a division of labor in business and industry, which over time, magnificently improved the human condition. Wrenching change in the 19th century did create poverty, squatters, beggars and pollution, but it was still a better world than pre-Industrial England.

The formation of markets in all areas of life allowed innovations in technology, labor practices, transportation, shipping, and food production to take hold. Gradually the average life expectancy of 35 in 1700, reached 50, 100 years later. Market systems based on price points and supply and demand interaction were shown far superior to closed protectionist systems and peasant based agricultural tyrannies. Improvements in all areas of life flowered during the 19th century, culminating in the fantastic advances in the US during the later decades of that century, as literally almost everything we use today in our modern world, was discovered, improved upon, built or enhanced during that time.

This was the dynamic world of Queen Victoria. Early modern capitalism, trade, and extraordinary feats of engineering and creation dominated her era. Poor born beggars like Watt, Brindley, or Telford, some of them literally born in mud huts, created new industries. These inventions were carried across the globe, during the reign of Victoria. The energy, optimism, capital formation and sense of mission of the Victorian era has rarely been equaled in history.

Watt a Scotsman combined with Boulton a rich English financier to construct the first modern railway system. The impact on trade, military affairs and society was immense. It was the Victorian age that made the use of the railway, steam engine and its productive impact on industry, a milestone of development. Brindley came up with the modern canal system using engineering inventions and material improvements to transform entire regions of the globe. The Victorian world capitalised on his genius. Manchester went from a small sized trading town to the center of cotton manufacture, and product distribution in England. Telford, built on Brindley’s canals the modern ‘lock’ system allowing ships to perform the incredible feat of moving uphill or over land barriers, pushing still further trade, commerce, and social possibilities along the growing network of important canal routes. Towns sprang up where none before had prospered during the reign on Victoria.

As wealth transformed English and American society, so too were politics changed. Voting systems were slowly changed from the domain of property-owning males, to widespread male suffrage, and in the late 19th century even to female suffrage in places like New Zealand. Closed elitist rule was slowly unraveled in favor of more open, and transparent politicking. As society developed more wealth, and the division of labor impacted more people, whole new parties were formed, catering to almost every taste and class. Political change towards transparency in public governance, a division of powers, and uncorrupted elections, made a slow but steady progress.

Kipling’s white-man’s burden was not confined to domestic affairs. The civilizational mission of the Anglo-Saxons was a project forced upon them by the protection of trade routes; great power politics; resource access; and morality. The Victorians were sure of themselves and their superiority. While reprehensible events did occur it is hard to make an intelligent and coherent argument that the world is worse off from the British imperial experiment. Victorian Britain spread technology, sports, parliamentary-democracy, hospitals, engineering genius, and the idea of honest, sound government, all buttressed by a stable international currency of exchange and expanding markets.

As well, Queen Victoria and Britain did not interfere in the US Civil War assuring the destruction of the pre-modern, uneducated, sophomoric and immoral Southern white empire. A signal event unleashing in its aftermath, the astonishing array of inventions, advances, engineering marvels, and capital creation, which foreshadowed future US hegemonic supremacy. In short, life under the Victorians became a lot better – even for blacks as slave trading and the very institution itself were dismantled.

The positive aspects of Victoria and her long reign are rarely appreciated and never taught. Impressionable young minds are force fed the unreal gruel of Dickens until they can vomit up tired Marxist fantasies; all people in Victorian England were poor; all businessmen were hucksters and frauds; industrialization was a demonic process of destruction; and the English were in general a group of Jewish clones – just more obtuse and cruel. Even in the UK Victorian history and its import on world affairs is rarely taught with any intelligence.

For the chattering multi-cults Victoria just means another holiday with some extra time off to finish yet another helping of an anti-rational tome they are trying to digest. Or perhaps a family engagement in which anti-Zionism, anti-Americanism or cheap populist propaganda can be exchanged. Or maybe more time invested in their African commitment; earth-cult druidic activity, or contemplation as to why the modern world is so terribly twisted and deformed. Yes for the sniveling Janus’ of the world Victoria day is a nice day off, even as they plot yet more destruction against her legacy of brilliance and greatness.

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