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Letters by a modern St. Ferdinand III about cults

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Plenty of cults exist - every cult has its 'religious dogma', its idols, its 'prophets', its 'science', its 'proof' and its intolerant liturgy of demands.  Cults everywhere:  Corona, 'The Science' or Scientism, Islam, the State, the cult of Gender Fascism, Marxism, Darwin and Evolution, Globaloneywarming, Changing Climate, Abortion...

Tempus Fugit Memento Mori - Time Flies Remember Death 

Archive - June 2024

Paul K. Feyerabend and ‘The Tyranny of Science’

Science has morphed into a despotic tyranny of anti-reality irrationalism and corporate fascism.

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Heretics in science are still made to suffer from the most severe sanctions this relatively tolerant civilisation has to offer….Science has become rigid, it has ceased to be an instrument of change and liberation…Modern science…inhibits freedom of thought.”


“Science, it seems, is an irresistible force…but only if you believe in the promises….of the science mafia.  It is irresistible if you permit it to be so.” (Paul Feyerabend, ‘The Tyranny of Science’ p. 55)







Feyerabend died in 1994.  He was an Austrian-born ‘philosopher’ of science and an academic.  After World War II he fell in with the ‘logical-positivists’ of Vienna, a cult dedicated to rationality and the ‘positive view’ that only ‘science’, logic and reason mattered in life.  Metaphysics, immaterial reality, and non-scientific philosophies were to be completely rejected and rubbished.  Logical positivism informed various philosophers from Betrand Russell to Richard Dawkins and the new atheists, and it has long been discredited and revealed as a fraud.  It is a dry, desiccated and malformed theology of the mind, unable to even define ‘science’ or ‘reason’.  Former atheist Antony Flew, who famously converted to deism after spending 10 years studying microbiology and DNA, roundly demolishes logical positivism in his book, ‘There is a God’.  Feyerabend also believed in a higher power, dryly and irreverently characterising God as a ‘superior bastard somewhere’. 


A flexible approach





Such were the beginnings of the adaptable and changeable Feyerabend.  There is no single description of Feyerabend’s philosophy or beliefs.  He was subtle and supple critiquing the cult of science and rationality.  He admired the ancient Greeks with their vast corpus of innovative philosophical and scientific endeavours.  He was fond of recounting the antecedents of modern thought and ‘science’ within the ancient Greek world.  From naturalism, atomism, to sophistry and rhetoric, the Greeks had developed the basic ‘tools’ of what we now use.  Feyerabend also appeared to be largely ignorant of the medieval world’s contribution to the same, though he heretically eviscerated the Galileo myth, rightly concluding that the better science and methods lay with the Church (pp 49, 53, 111, The Tyranny of Science).  I would say Feyerabend was a ‘classical scholar’ marrying the insights of the ancient world to what he saw around him in the modern. 



In various positions of academic and professorial privilege, Feyerabend worked with Karl Popper, amongst many other intellectual luminaries.  Popper was an acolyte of the ‘logical positivists’ and Feyerabend became one of his most vocal criticasters.  In 1962 Feyerabend produced ‘Explanation, Reduction and Empiricism’, about the ‘incommensurability’ or the lack of standards and proofs of scientific papers, directly attacking the cult of the logical-positivists and declaiming that the objective reality of ‘Science’ was a myth, distorted and corrupted as it was by human motives and mendacity. 


This paper was deemed blasphemous and unique in 1962, the same year that Thomas Kuhn created his ’The Structure of Scientific Revolutions’, a thesis rejected by Feyerabend as too neat, tidy, and dogmatic in its phraseology, with its ‘natural progression’ of scientific ‘progress’.  For Feyerabend, ‘Science’ however defined, was an ‘anything goes’ forum, with no dialectical inevitability and very few if any ‘revolutions’ of ideas.  He was largely correct.  The myth of Galileo and the 17th century ‘explosion’ in science for example, has always been propaganda espoused by those opposed to the Church, earnestly vilifying all that came before their supposedly ‘enlightened’ age.  Galileo et al can trace all their theories and experimental methods back to the 12th century.  Shoulders of giants and all that.  Let’s not discuss the embarrassing fraud and made-up data of many of these luminaries.







In analysing the history of scientific development, which for Feyerabend meant the classical civilisations of the ancient world and the ‘modern’ eras; four general propositions were offered. 



Proposition 1: The progress of science depends on an openness of world views which conflicts with the totalitarian pronouncements of many of those defenders.

Proposition 2:  World views may take a long time, even centuries before they show results which ‘command attention’ or demonstrate value.

Proposition 3:  What demands ‘recognition’ in one community or culture has no impact or importance in another community or culture.

Proposition 4:  A world view that contradicts established dogma, for instance religious or metaphysical beliefs, does not clash with ‘rationalism’.  (p. 43, The Tyranny of Science)


If we accept these postulates at face value, we can see that ‘The Science’ is anything but scientific and rational.  As Feyerabend discusses, there is little ‘openness’ in modern science.  Much dogma, for example the incorrect theories of ‘relativity’ and Einstein’s ‘postulates’, may take centuries to be proven false and detrimental.  Further, real science should not offend rational common sense, a theme that Feyerabend invokes when discussing scientific theory versus factual evidence. 


If common sense and natural observation do not support the dogma being pushed as ‘science’ it stands to ‘reason’ that some people, cultures and communities will reject the ‘science’ as observationally invalid.  The only way to impose the ‘new science’ is through force and violence.  Feyerabend rightly understood that cultural context, worldviews and proofs were both the enablers and inhibitors of science. ‘The Science’ cannot be trusted with interpretations of what is right, or what is incorrect.

“It is that the sciences are not the last authority on the use of their products, their interpretation included.  Questions of reality are too important to be left to scientists (just remember Aristotle’s reaction to Parmenides).” (p. 51, The Tyranny of Science).


‘Science’ and Freedom?





In his books, ‘Science in a Free Society’ and ‘The Tyranny of Science’, Feyerabend outlines his main objections to ‘The Science’.  Scientific rationality, he states, now acts as a form of suppression, often inhibiting and silencing any rivals to its narrowly dogmatic worldview.  No one can dispute this claim.  ‘The Science’ Gestapo and the use of censorship and violence is rife within any of the cults that reside in the Church of ‘Science’.  We saw this during the Corona scamdemic, and you see it every day in the fields of ‘climate’, ‘gender’, ‘vaccinations’, cosmology, biology and almost every domain fueled and funded what Feyerabend rightly terms, the ‘science mafia’, dedicated as they are to materialist-philosophies, logical-positivism or extreme rationalism (though almost all of their religious tenets are a-scientific), money and power.



Science is just one of the many ideologies that propel society and it should be treated as such... The competence...and the successes of science are vastly exaggerated... The progress of... good science depends on novel ideas and on intellectual freedom... Most scientists today are devoid of ideas, full of fear, intent on producing some paltry result so that they can add to the flood of inane papers that now constitutes “scientific progress” in many areas.’ (Feyerabend, Science in a Free Society).


As Feyerabend viewed it, ‘The Science’ imposes a set of doctrines and procedures administered and institutionalised by ‘experts’ that effectively stifles most if not all criticism, free speech and free investigation.  In essence, ‘The Science’ destroys truth and reality becoming authoritarian, with an out-of-control scientific rationalism which threatens our freedom through what Feyerabend calls ‘an unholy alliance of science, rationalism and capitalism’, creating an ‘intellectual fascism’ and crushing all opposition. 


Feyerabend was entirely correct in calling ‘The Science’ an intellectual fascism, or as I term it ‘Scientism’.  Within any form of fascism there is always a deeply ‘religious’ component meaning not traditional faith, but a faith in materialist theology be it Marxism, Socialism, Communism, or Statism. Fascism is therefore a blend of pagan cult doctrines or beliefs including naturalism and materialism, with corporate and governmental power. Depending on the era and context, fascism will take on different structures and forms, but the overwhelming power of the state and its corporate allies, to manage, mould and manipulate the mass to its materialist-statist objectives, is its defining feature. The ‘Church of Science’ to quote Saint-Simon, or the ‘Church of Reason’ if one prefers the French Revolution’s atavistic atheism.


When we consider Feyerabend’s comments on ‘corporate fascism’ we should admit that the ‘West’ does not have ‘capitalism’ whatever that word might mean.  Rather what has transpired is the creation of a corporate-fascism, based on a religion of ‘Science’ itself built on materialist-rationality. This reality is simply a plain fact demonstrated and proven by the Corona plandemic, a recognised verity apparent to anyone with eyes and an average IQ.  The ‘drugs-government mafia’ is simply one instantiation of many ‘corporate fascisms’ which dominate Western society.  There is never one ‘military-industrial complex’, but an endless array of such configurations across the width and breadth of all economic and social endeavor, a fact expostulated long ago by Eisenhower,.  As with all varieties of ‘fascism’, one key objective, witnessed during the Corona medical Nazism, is to eradicate all dissent and disagreement.








Where does the ‘tyranny of Science’ lead to?  The evisceration of homo sapiens or humanity.  Feyerabend termed this ‘de-anthropomorphisation’.  The cult of the logical positivists and the church of ‘Science’ leads to the view that nature, chance and materialism inform our reality and can only be explained by ‘The Science’ and ‘experts’ funded by patrons pushing their monotheistic view of ‘Science’. 


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'Virus Mania': a book which destroys the fake science around viruses, pathology and 'vaccines'

The Scientism of big government, big pharma and big media. The Church of Science promoting drugs as the only recourse for health; and to 'save you' from fantasy 'pandemics' and flying 'viruses'.

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Virus Mania


Virus Mania

From a global perspective, there is corruption at all levels of the public health service, from health ministries to patients – and there are almost no limits to criminal imagination” (p. 21, quoting a 2006 study)

How much worse is government-pharmaceutical criminality in 2024 versus 2006? Add in your own multiple. Money talks and real science walks.

Unplug yourself

‘Virus Mania’ is a must read if you want to unplug yourself from the matrix and detoxify your mind and body from the overwhelming ‘virus’ propaganda.  The authors and contributors are not only educated, literate, practical and intelligent doctors and professionals, but free from the modern matrix and unbeholden to the ferocious and tyrannical power of big government and big pharma. They are honest, brave, and truthful.  

The authors oppose the tyranny of Scientism, or the merger of big government and big industry into the Church of ‘Science’ with its divine right to rule.  In particular, as evinced curing the Corona fascism, they were and are prophets against the creation of a Medical-Nazi bio-security state, premised on the false theology of flying viruses, merged with governmental and pharmaceutical tyranny. Given the piles of dead which exist of those who oppose the ‘narrative’, murdered by the deep state and pharma, one prays for their continued good health and existence.

  The byline of the book says it all:

“How the Medical Industry Continually Invents Epidemics making Billion Dollar Profits at Our Expense.”

This post, using the information from ‘Virus Mania’, will focus on the irrationality of ‘virus’ propaganda and how it destroys the rational functioning of perfectly normal people.

The Sheeple

Normally intelligent people who self-identify as educated, rational, and who preen as gilded peacocks on their incomes, degrees and social status, are somehow blind to the massive industry that is the drugs-pharmaceutical-military-governmental complex, or more prosaically, mafia.  The Corona plandemic/scamdemic by itself increased the profits of the pharma industry by some U$50 billion.  Many of these firms are headquartered in New Jersey and the Eastern US or, in the UK. It is not a ‘conspiracy theory’ or a ‘coincidence’ that the locus of Corona planning, propaganda and deranged policy implementation emanated from the east coast of the US and the UK. The entire plandemic was coordinated, synchronised and meticulously pre-planned. Even the words, backdrops, videos and visuals across the G20 were copied and reused.

The wealth generated from this global medical Nazism was many times more than just pure profits if stock valuations are included. Cross investing is legion in the drugs industry and stock valuations are an important metric in recouping investements.  ModeRNA as a firm didn’t really exist in 2019, possessing revenues of some U$ 60 million (from investors and their firms) with no profits.  During the scamdemic the revenues reached U$ 22 billion with a stock price a hundred times its 2019 value.  Investors were delighted.

How many know or care about the pharma largesse accrued during the plandemic?  How many politicians, parliaments, and media platforms can you buy with billions in profits? Entire ‘congresses’, ‘health systems’, ‘agencies’, and ‘parliaments’ can be purchased and manipulated. Yet the ‘rationalist, humanist, citizen of the world’, sees not.

Normally intelligent people are blind to the obvious fraud and cannot connect the dots between the invention of ‘epidemics’ and profits, power, control and creating a system of feudal vassalage.  This is the theme of ‘Virus Mania’. AIDS, various bird flus, polio, the Spanish flu epidemic (not Spanish and not a flu), and the other ‘common infectious diseases’ are the invention and work of government and pharma with very lucrative drugs as the ‘only cure’.  The distracted sheeple, obese on entertainment, sports and sundry illusions, see not and bleat for protection from imaginary monsters as they poison themselves and innocent children with toxins. Autism anyone?

The outline of Virus Mania

This single volume illustrates in easy-to-understand language, that the entire theology of virology, its upstream scientific studies and claims; and the downstream mainstream media horror stories of various diseases, is an entirely false and perniciously evil paradigm.  The endless array of breathless media tales around the destruction to be visited on mankind by H5N1 flu, AIDS, BSE (botulism spongiform encephaly, sounds sciency), Hepatitis C, cervical cancer, various other cancers and ulcers (which are caused by toxins but often attributed to a ‘virus’), Corona, bird flus of different stripes, dengue, Ebola, West Nile and others ad nauseum, are wrong, misleading and often engineered to induce panic which can only be resolved through ‘remedies’ offered by socialised health systems and pharmaceuticals. 

Toxins create diseases.  Toxic materials suffuse all ‘vaccines’, which when administered can generate immune system destruction and disease creation.  Many of these diseases such as autism, ‘attention deficit disorder’, cancer, leukaemia and heart disease have increased on a massive scale since the 1960s, when mandatory childhood ‘vaccines’ were implemented.  The number of such interventions has increased from a few in the 1960s, to between 20 and 70 in most locales around the ‘modern world’.  We in the ‘enlightened modern era’, are drug addicts and fanatics.  We are mentally and psychologically ill. 

“As relevant studies reveal, drug toxicities are so severe that the American ‘health’ industry’s pill craze is responsible for about 800.000 deaths each year, more than any illness (including cancer and heart attacks).”  (p. 25)

Since the 1960s, childhood and adult diseases have risen astronomically.  Many toxins have been amplified in the past 50 years due to industrialisation, including massive amounts of micro-plastics in the atmosphere and the liberal spraying of our skies with chemical ‘trails’ to play God and control the weather.  These toxins are then cycled into our ground, food and water contributing to poor health and wrecked immune systems.  Along with industrial toxin pollution there can be little doubt that the direct seeding of heavy chemicals and adjuvants into our bodies, for no reason whatsoever, has mightily contributed to the health fiasco we see around us.  To deny this fact, based on the factual evidence presented since the 1960s, is to be a denier of reality and common sense. 


‘Virus Mania’ deftly illustrates the merger of endless propaganda, with the sordid industrial profit-motive within a theology of ‘science’ and ‘one truth’ (Scientism).  The propaganda and brainwashing on ‘germs’ and ambulating, flying ‘viruses’ has been relentless for about 200 years when the drugs industry was formed with government investment (Jenner and the smallpox scam).  Normally intelligent people buy into this dogmatic myth, accepting in-toto the unscientific and unproven claims that strands of DNA and RNA are passed from animals to humans (zoonotic transfer); then from humans to humans via aerosols and fomites (germs on a surface).  The only solution to survive and demise a disease is through ‘vaccination’.

If you ask supposedly intelligent people, your GP, the local immune system specialist, the ‘virology’ expert, the ‘scientist’ of ‘viruses’, or Professor such and such, for a single proof, which can be replicated, demonstrating the entire process of ‘virus transfer’ end to end, you receive nothing.  The best that can be offered is to create ‘models’ of ‘cell cultures’ which are admixtures of material and toxins, and which tell us nothing about the process of animal-to human, and from human-to another human host-transfer. 

In place of ‘science’ word salads are used, as if ‘cell cultures’ means anything.  It is like saying ‘punctuated equilibrium’ to explain the lack of proofs for evolutionary meta-species mutation.  This is one reason why the Common Cold Research Unit in the UK, after 40 years of failure to isolate a single ‘cold’ and ‘corona’ ‘virus’ even using cell cultures, closed its doors in the mid-1980s after consuming well over a £100 million of taxpayer money.  Cui bono the peasant might wonder.  Where does all this money go?

One Microbe myth

“The dogma of a single cause for disease was decisively shaped by microbiology, which became predominant at the end of the 19th century, declaring specific microorganisms (viruses, bacteria, fungi) to be the causes of very definite diseases; including mass epidemics such as cholera and tuberculosis.  The founders of microbe theory, researchers Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch, ascended in their lifetimes to the heights of medicine’s Mount Olympus.” (p. 27)

Monomorphic disease causation is a myth.  Cholera, smallpox, typhoid, diptheria, cholera and other common 19th century diseases were spread by human filth, faeces, animal remains, contaminated water and horse manure.  Scurvy, yellow fever, beriberi, and pellagra were all thought to be the causation of monomorphic ‘germ’ transmission (p. 67).  None of them are. So much for the settled science.  More here

'Fraud and Deceit in the Halls of Science': ‘Science’ is an ideology, not an arbiter of truth

Scientism is the Church of Science, based on false propaganda and blind, ignorant mass acceptance of its divine right to rule.

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“We would expect that for every case of major fraud that comes to light, a hundred or so go undetected.  For each major fraud, perhaps a thousand minor fakeries are perpetrated.  The reader can supply his own multiplication factor; ours would indicate that every major case of fraud that becomes public is the representative of some 100.000 others, major and minor combine, that lie concealed in the marshy wastes of the scientific literature.”  (Broad & Wade, ‘Betrayers of Truth’, 1982, p. 87)



Newspaper reporters Broad and Wade decided to investigate scientific fraud in 1982.  Their exercise was to outline in the past few decades some of the more famous and disturbing instances of scientific mendacity.  They openly admitted that their investigation was the tip of a massive iceberg, the glittering scum on a pond with endless depths. 


“….ours would indicate that every major case of fraud that becomes public is the representative of some 100.000 others” (p. 87)


Chew on that tidbit. For every fake mRNA ‘safe and effective’ study, 100.000 other instantiations of fraud, small and great, exist. Scientific misconduct has only gotten much, much worse since 1982.  Does anyone believe that the massive increase in scientific ‘research’ budgets, ‘scientists’, ‘journals’, and ‘papers’ since 1982 has not led to an explosion of what this book unveils?  Does anyone believe that scientific fraud has receded since the 1980s?  If any such person exists it is best to view them as a leper and avoid contact.


Deceit and history

Scientific fraud is as old as humanity. In the modern world, the pace and acceleration of fraud is its most noticeable characteristic. Broad and Wade’s work can be seen in a historical context. Notable figures who have engaged in outright fraud including plagiarism, falsification of data, or providing no data to support their claims include inter alia:


Ptolemy:  the greatest astronomer of antiquity (2nd century) lifted many of his theories and observational data from Hipparchus of Rhodes (2nd century B.C.).


Galileo:  Performed few if any of the experiments associated with his name.  A post on the Galileo myth explodes the propaganda around this self-promoting philosopher who provided no proof for Copernicanism. 


Newton:  Employed a constant, which does not exist, to make his equations balance and fabricated large tracts of his data to support his theories.  Quite likely he borrowed concepts of calculus from Leibniz. His deceit is rarely discussed.


Jenner:  A 19th century unlicensed country quack, who concocted a potion including lacerated cow teat detritus, mercury, chloric and arsenic, which he injected into his gardener to ward off ‘smallpox’.  When his gardener did not succumb to smallpox (adults don’t contract smallpox in general), he marketed his solution as the saviour against the scourge.  He and his Royal Society friends went on to make £ 3 million.


John Dalton:  19th century discoverer of the laws of the chemical combinations which proved the existence of atoms; his elegant and perfect experiments and data cannot be replicated.


Darwin:  Plagiarised much of his material on ‘evolution’ and did not supply one single experimental proof of meta-mutations of species, instead relying on philosophy, descriptions and prose. 


Mendel:  The Austrian monk and founder of genetics invented much of his statistics on peas, which cannot be replicated, and which are far too perfect to be true.


Einstein:  Borrowed whole tracts of his theories from others including Lorentz, Minkowski, Fisher and others with referencing their work.  Like Newton he employed a fake constant to get his ‘steady state’ universe equations to balance (now termed ‘dark matter’ and ‘dark energy’). Did not perform any physical experiments to support relativity.  Instituted arcane maths which do not work when applied to mechanical experiments.


Various-Piltdown man:  An early 20th century fraud which for 40 years was taught as proof of ‘evolution’ and the missing link.  The skeleton scam was fabricated and dumped into a pit in Sussex not far from Darwin’s residence.  It was a farmer’s skeletal remains glued to the skull and jaw of a chimp.  It would have taken a real ‘scientist’ about 20 minutes to identify the fraud. 


Milliken:  20th century American Nobel winner in physics, for his work on electric charges of an electron, fabricated much of his data and misrepresented his work to beat ‘rivals’.


Freud:  Manufactured fraudulent data and conclusions on a large scale to build his theories, practice, and revenues.  Freudian psychology is an example of an entire industry saturated with fraud and pseudo-intellectualism.


Alfred Kinsey:  A charlatan passed off by the media as a ‘scientist’, Kinsey in the 1970s invented ‘research’, studies and data proving that the ‘gay lifestyle’ was more mainstream than believed and that most men are bi-sexual by nature and that chromosomes are not gender gatekeepers. 


Michael Mann:  The hockey stick curve of ‘climate’ temperatures which attempts to erase the medieval warming and little ice ages, and which flattens the 1940-70s reduction in temperatures is one of the great frauds in modern science.  Independent analysis of the segments of code which were released reveal that any set of variables and parameters will generate a hockey stick (eg U$-GBP exchange rates). 


The above are just a few examples.  As the quote at the top of the page states, much of what passes for ‘science’ is simply fiction, butchered by criminal deceit.  Medical and bio-medical research including pharmaceutical research, is of course an extreme example of ‘scientific’ criminality.  But the usurpation of honesty in the pursuit of money and power exists in every domain. 

(Tobacco ‘research’ emanating from academics and private institutions guaranteed that cigarettes were safe and effective.)


Why and how?

Broad and Wade analyse why scientific fraud occurs by detailing some 2 dozen extraordinary cases, some of them quite famous (eg the widespread research fraud at Yale).  Contrary to the public image of the scientist as a moral saint, wrapped in a white jacket with a pencil behind the ear, earnest, honest, transparent, self-correcting, applying their genius to enlighten the world, or to save it, Broad and Wide paint a far more realistic picture. 


‘Science’ at its core is not the golden image sold to the public but riven and saturated with deceit, worst practices, disorganisation, competition, vulgar procedures and simmering violence.  All distorted by money and the pressures to publish. The processes of criminality are legion and varied.  There are many ways to commit ‘fraud’ and a crime.  The means, the motive, the ability to do so abound within ‘science’. 


Refreshingly Broad and Wade dispense with the usual nostrum that ‘most scientists are honest’.  There is no proof of this.  Scientists are just as craven, corrupt, self-serving, hypocritical, criminal, and egotistical as anyone else in society.  They identify some reasons why rampant fraud rampages through the ‘Halls of Science’:

1.     Fame and recognition

2.     Publication and money

3.     Replication/Peer review – does not work

4.     Scientific methods – which don’t exist

5.     Philosophy

6.     Public ignorance

Flying Viruses don’t exist. Virus theology is one of the great examples of $cientism.

Quackery, deceit, lies, lack of proofs, no common sense, saturates the modern religion of flying viruses and viral transmission.

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Too many sceptics of the Corona fascism accept the ‘normative’ (normie) view that flying viruses exist.  This belief is from indoctrination.  You have been told your entire life by the ‘The Science’ that flying ‘germs’ relabelled ‘viruses’ have been ‘discovered’ and ‘confirmed’ to exist.  Further you have brainwashed that there is a monomorphic relationship between a single ‘virus’ and a single ‘disease’.  No evidence for monomorphism of a ‘virus’ exists.  This post will summarise why viruses do not exist.  Once you free your mind from this non-science, you are better able to defend yourself from medical totalitarianism, health fascism, from criminal quacks and from the state and its partners in the criminal industry of pharmaceuticals profiteering from ignorance and blind, stupid belief. 


What is a virus?

There are some 200 definitions of a ‘virus’.  No single definition is agreed upon, but a common interpretation is an ‘intracellular parasite’.  This word salad means nothing.  100 trillion bacteria inhabit each person’s body.  The ‘intracellular parasite’ would reference a bacterium which causes cell decay or tissue inflammation.  But no such bacteria exist in situ in our bodies. Bacteria are the ‘garbage collectors’ within our complex body and immune systems.  They arrive to clean up detritus and decayed cell matter and tissue.  They don’t cause the same. 


Stating that ‘Corona 19’ ‘genomic’ material is found in your system, is as irrelevant and ignorant as apocryphally stating that your DNA is 98% similar to that of a banana.  Truncated ‘strands’ or ‘isolated material’ being ‘similar’ does not mean you are a banana (though many normies are indeed vegetables).  Genomic strand correspondence does not mean you are ill or will die. 


The etymology of the word virus is from Latin, meaning ‘poison’ or a toxic sap or substance.  For 2000 years until the ‘modern’ 20th century, this definition was accepted as factual, meaning that a virus was related to toxic materials and influences.  It was not created from abiogenesis (another non-science), nor manufactured from genomic material in our bodies.  A virus for 2000 years referenced poisons imbibed and ingested which changed our bodily tissues and cells, fomenting a reaction, labelled a disease.


Modern myths


The modern concept of a virus can be dated back to the 17th century.  Pasteur in the 19th century is usually credited with the ‘theory of germs’ forwarded in two phases in the 1860s and 1880s but there are many theories and ideas, akin to Pasteur’s germ theory which long pre-date the mid-19th century.  Koch the German competitor to Pasteur, is celebrated for his ‘postulates’ on disease creation which his own experiments on ‘germs’ failed to satisfy.  Between Pasteur and Koch, the state with its medical and scientific ‘societies’ declared that ‘germs’, renamed ‘viruses’ were the cause of disease.  Every disease was associated with a single ‘virus’.  The cure was a drug or vaccine.  Profits, power and control over populations was the real objective. 


As with Saint Jenner the criminal fraudPasteur was a quack and Koch created and issued a ‘vaccine’ for tuberculosis which killed thousands of Germans.  Their theories still remain unproven and experimentally unsupported.  They do generate billions in profits each year for the drug industry to ‘keep us safe’ from the flying viruses.  Obviously, your pet will die from the flying rabies unless you ‘inoculate’ it every year for £200 a shot.  You don’t want to be an evil and negligent pet owner and endanger your children by exposing them to rabies right?  Alternative theories including Pasteur’s contemporary Bechamp’s terrain theory, explain much better how disease forms in our bodies and those of our pets. 


The religion of Virology

Astrology is more useful and contains more science than modern virology.  The following recapitulates the arcane inanity of modern ‘medical science’ around how a ‘virus spreads’:

1.     A chicken has a ‘genomic’ sequence labelled a ‘virus’, which if transferred to humans is somehow toxic (humans and chickens have cohabited for millennia, so pace the religion of ‘evolution’ shouldn’t you be immune to chicken DNA material since you are the ‘fittest’?);

2.     The clucking creature is petted by your son, or eaten in a ‘wet market’ in Wuhan (the science is ‘certain’ that any contact can result in a transfer), this kicks off the catastrophe;

3.     The ‘virus’ leaves the tissue of the chicken through touching, or is present in the tissue through ingestion and enters the body of the new host;

4.     This ‘virus’ then finds its way into the respiratory tract and ‘attacks’ your respiratory system, cells, membranes and tissues, causing ‘bird flu’;

5.     The ‘bird flu’ and its toxic genomic material ‘spreads’ through ‘recombinant DNA copying’ (more word salads), issuing viral matter into your organs, destroying cells and functionality, it is carnage worthy of a war (imagine a sword wielding viral-DNA chain slaughtering the innocent cells of your body);

6.     ‘Influenza’ or cold symptoms include fever, shallow breathing, chest pain, sweating and debilitating muscular weakness;

7.     If old, frail, obese, or suffering from pre-conditions (or all the aforementioned) you die;

8.     Before you die, the ‘bird flu virus’ lodged into your mucous membranes and nasal cavities, is ejected in ‘water molecules’, which are airborne and float and fly (sometimes for miles, pace the ‘science’)

9.     The toxic viral-DNA protected by water sacs, with a distinct ‘genomic’ footprint, will float and fly into a recipient’s eyes, nose, mouth;

10.  The water-protected ‘viral DNA matter’ will also be transferred to surfaces and will await a person to touch the surface, collect the viral DNA onto their fingers, they will then rub their face and then somehow the viral matter now released from its water-sac, will ambulate into the nose, eyes, mouth or ears of the recipient host;

11.  The new host will then succumb to the toxic viral-DNA admixture which enters the respiratory tract and causes ‘flu symptoms’;

12.  The process then repeats until there is an epidemic and the entire globe needs to be shut down, locked down, diapered down and stabbed down.


The above nonsense and stupidity are declared to be ‘science’.  For Corona 19 the bat-pangolin ‘virus’ provenance was Wuhan China, and somehow by a series of miraculous transferences, was spread across most of the globe.  It is noteworthy that the death rate was the same as the ‘flu’, the symptoms the same as influenza or a bad cold, and that the death rates did not increase in ‘modern nations’ until the stabbinations appeared in December 2020.  In Africa and other locales that were ‘vaccine hesitant’ the death rates were a fraction of what they were in ‘modern states’ that happily stabbed 90% of the population, most of them gullible sheeple.


When you view the concept of a ‘viral’ pandemic, it is embarrassing how ridiculous, religious, puerile and fictitious the belief system is.  There is more magic and religiosity in this framework than anything seen at a Marian shrine.  Not a single experiment can prove any of the above as an end-to-end process, nor even mechanically prove its constituent parts or claims.   More here

Scientific Fraud. 'Retractions' are the tip of a massive Iceberg of corruption and criminality.

$cientism. 'Follow the Science' or the fraud? The U$2.5 Trillion science and research market is as corrupt and debased as any single Pharma study on 'safe and effective' poisons.

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“Grant Steen (Citation2011a) analysed article retractions and suggested that it demonstrated that research fraud has indeed increased in recent years. In a subsequent paper, Steen (Citation2011b) suggested that apparent increase in incidence of research fraud in medicine is leading to increased harm to patients. Yudhijit Bhattacharjee (Citation2013), suggested that scientific fraud has a range of manifestations, some of which go unchallenged, ‘on a continuum of dishonest behaviours that extend from the cherry-picking of data to fit a chosen hypothesis … to outright fabrication’.” (Source‘Research fraud: a long-term problem exacerbated by the clamour for research grants’, 2020)



‘Science’ is full of fraud and quacks and always has been.  In this post we list some egregious examples of retracted ‘research’ fraud. It is a tithe of what could be posted. A good book needs to written on the extensive frauds permeating science since the beginning of recorded history. ‘Retractions’ are an insignificant category of the total fraud, but like a canary in the coal mine, a leading indicator of poisons, toxins and catastrophe.  In the ‘modern world’, the caveat is always, ‘the fraud and retractions are still a low percentage of publications’.  This is because not every submission is audited for fraud and because the definition of ‘fraud’ is vague and ambiguous. The fraud in ‘the science’ is more extensive and pervasive than fraudulent votes in a US election.


[Cambridge University Press, 2022]:  Scientific fraud still lacks a precise, universally accepted definition: the borders between unambiguously established fraud, errors, misconduct are uncertain: this frequently complicates decisions on whether or not cases of questionable behaviour can be classified as true fraud…..Also important is the fact that the assessment of the seriousness of suspected cases is incremental: it goes from simple misconduct cases that would border on negligence, to cases of evident fraud, e.g. the fabrication or falsification of data or results, and/or the appropriation (plagiarism) of another person’s ideas or data without giving appropriate credit.


If I use just the last sentence (plagiarism), I will say that Galileo, Newton, Pasteur, Darwin, Koch, Einstein, Hawking, Dawkins and many other ‘scientists’ are frauds.  Forget the fact that much of what they proposed was wrong and without basis.  Most ‘scientists’, including the aforementioned, were very good at ‘borrowing’ from others without attribution or reference. That is fraudulent.


Further, if every single published paper was fully audited, and we properly defined all the categories of misconduct, the fraud and retraction rate would probably be in the 80% range.  It is not just the vapid and breathless ‘research paper-mills’ churning out non-science for psychology, gender, evolution, climate change and the virus-pandemic complex and hundreds of other activist causes. Most scientific research is fraud on an industrial scale, encompassing every known domain, fuelled and mutilated by money, power and government interference.  It is largely intentional, not accidental, and is geared towards accruing profits, power, career advancement and state aggrandizement.


Climate, Corona as examples

The previous sentence is revealed as a fact when one looks at the apogee of outright scientific fraud for money and power in the climate cult.  Since the 19th century, this collection of fantasists and green totalitarians have spewn propaganda parading as science on a weekly basis, now premised on fraudulent models, readings, data sources, programming code, and contrived algorithms. Even the Fake News media admits that climate models are useless.  A long history of climate predictions and failures, with attendant issues in models which cannot possibly replicate the complex convection systems of long-term weather is collated here.  Yet few if any of the ‘climate papers’ are retracted.  We should never forget that this criminality was laid naked and exposed in the Climate Gate email scandals.  It is fair to say that there is amongst informed critical thinkers a 97% consensus that 97% of all ‘climate studies’ are junk science. 


The Corona plandemic followed the same runbook as the climatist religion, as will future ‘pandemics’ and ‘emergencies’.  The fraud within the Corona plandemic was outrageous and one of the greatest examples of $cientism.  Trillions spent worldwide on a scamdemic when the globe was shut down for almost 3 years.  Far more died from the lockdowns, the stabbinations and other policies including treatment protocols, than perished from the ‘virus’.  In every country the death from the ‘cure’ was 8-10 times greater than that from the disease (see here).  In the UK about 25.000 died from Corona and only from Corona.  Over 200.000 died from the stabbinations (‘excess deaths’) and some 20-30.000 from the March to May 2020 lockdown


There is not a single shred of evidence that ‘viruses’ exist, nor any experimentation showing end-to-end, how a ‘virus’ emitted by a human (sneezing, coughing, touching), is transmitted by air or surface to someone else, how the DNA and RNA of the virus survives outside the host, how this molecule infects a second host and causes the same illness (same DNA, RNA).  Yet endless research is published yearly on ‘viruses’ ‘proving’ a correlation with ‘diseases’.  They should all be retracted until there is proof that ‘germs’, or ‘viruses’ exist.  But they never are. 


  • The ‘scientific’ claims and ‘studies’ issued during the Corona plandemic were ludicrous including inter-alia:
  • CV-19 was a ‘pandemic’ when a pandemic was redefined to be ‘cases’ from false PCR tests, not actual people who were sick or dying in real life (the death rates never changed during the plandemic);

  • mRNA stabs sold as ‘safe and effective’, preventing transmission, disease or even death;


  • mRNA ‘clinical trials’ proving they were safe and effective when the trials themselves were fraudulent (with the drugs cooked up in a matter of months and the ‘trials’ rushed and scientifically invalid);

  • Claims that face diapers/nappy rags would stop a 0.3 micron size particle, when diapers were proven in hundreds of studies to be useless;


  • That the unstabbed would die in legions because they were not ‘protected’ (the unstabbed death rate was far below the stabbed);

  • The fake PCR tests were ‘gold standards’ in SARS-II virus hunting and if the test was positive you were going to die; 

  • The scariants (mutations) were ‘worse’ than the original CV-19 genomic structure which is anti-science and biologically impossible (mutations don’t add functionality, they destroy);

  •  Models showing that lockdowns were necessary to flatten curves and sombreros;




Yet we hear that US government ‘scientists’ received U$700 million for their fraudulent research supporting the scamdemic narrative. Cui bono indeed? Below in this post are listed a small sample of fake mRNA studies later retracted or destroyed by real evidence. Yet the mass of that propaganda still persists. Most of that lurid junk science posing as ‘scientific studies’ informed policies and protocols and they still stand to be reused to support and calibrate a ‘response’ to future ‘emergencies’.


Much of what passed for ‘science’ during the Corona Medical Nazism was simply psychological brainwashing and acclimating the mass (the sheeple) to lockdowns, mRNA injectables and totalitarian control including digital IDs and passes, vaccination status and compliance.  We see the same brainwashing and anti-reality program with ‘climate’ and ‘boiling’, ‘changing’ or ‘weirding’. 


Fraud and Markets

Those of us who have been through a peer-review process and had papers or submissions approved for publication or issue, know that it is a deeply flawed approach.  It is the equivalent of forming a committee to create a sausage.  Some basic questions a farmer would ask about peer review would reveal just how broken and disjoined it is. 

1.     Is your purported ‘problem statement’ really a problem?  Or is it concocted to fulfil other non-scientific (social, political, activist) objectives? 

2.     Are you investigating an observed hypothesis, and then going through experimentation to try to shed light on why the observed phenomena behave in the way that they do?  Or is it really the reverse, where you are using data, measurements and maybe experimentation, to prove your pre-determined conclusion.  

3.     Is the research using inductive (bottom up from observations) or deductive (top down from generalisations) logic?  Both methods should be used to reach a valid conclusion

4.     Who within peer reviews fully understands the topic, or has time to investigate the claims and their attributed sources in detail? 

5.     Who in the peer review community understands the data, the code, the schemas, the sources, the logic, the links, the references and attributions?  Who can explain any of the backup detail to support the paper’s ‘conclusions’?

6.     Are the data sets, code and programming logic, including all documentation, ‘open science’ and accessible to anyone with an interest in the topic?  If not how is this ‘scientific’?  [If IP protection is used as an excuse, masked or obfuscated data and code can still be presented with documentation explaining how the system logic operates.] 

7.     Did IT experts verify the application code, data schemas, data sources and logic?

8.     Are biases, worldviews, philosophies, conflicts of interest and financing openly declared?  Cui bono from the ‘research’?

9.     Can I, the little peasant farmer, replicate your research and methods? 


The above questions highlight the issues that have always distorted ‘science’.  Peer-review as a process is more garbage in-garbage out, than some magical filter of honest appraisal and confirmation.  It means nothing to say your paper was ‘peer approved’.  You pass mine; I will pass yours.  Especially if money, prestige, a professorship, or publication is at stake.


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Summarising the failures of Newton and Einstein. $cientism, dogmas and Einstein’s hoax.

The make-believe fantasy world of Einsteinian physics has retarded real science and pushed mechanical proofs to the side.

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The Hoax

It turns out that such matter (the ether) exists. About the time relativity was becoming accepted, studies of radioactivity began showing that the empty vacuum of space had spectroscopic structure similar to that of ordinary quantum solids and fluids. Subsequent studies with large particle accelerators have now led us to understand that space is more like a piece of window glass than ideal Newtonian emptiness. It is filled with “stuff” that is normally transparent but can be made visible by hitting it sufficiently hard to knock out a part. The modern concept of the vacuum of space, confirmed every day by experiment, is a relativistic ether. But we do not call it this because it is taboo” (Robert Laughlin, 1993 Nobel prize winner; Laughlin, pp. 120-121)


The ether exists which by itself negates Relativity. It is entirely reasonable and scientifically justifiable to label Einsteinian Relativity as a hoax.  Einstein cooked up two theories to explain the mechanics of the universe.  The first was called ‘The Special Theory of Relativity’ written in 1905.  The second came a decade later in the form of the ‘General Theory of Relativity’.  Both are dogmatic gospel within ‘the Science’.  Both are wrong.  Both have pushed ‘The Science’ into anti-scientific propositions and suppositions, including using both to support the ‘Big Bang’ a paradigm long past its sell date.  This post summarises the issues with Relativity and why it is a nonsense and why it explains nothing.  More here