Plenty of cults exist - every cult has its 'religious dogma', its idols, its 'prophets', its 'science', its 'proof' and its intolerant liturgy of demands. Cults everywhere: Corona, 'The Science' or Scientism, Islam, the State, the cult of Gender Fascism, Marxism, Darwin and Evolution, Globaloneywarming, Changing Climate, Abortion...
Tempus Fugit Memento Mori - Time Flies Remember Death
The Vatican states the obvious about Islam – and about time too
Finally the Church begins to wake up
by StFerdIII
So the infantiles in the Muslim world have raged and demonstrated against Pope Benedict’s obvious and rather muted truisms uttered in a speech in Germany, that Islam is an intolerant, warring, and anti-modern ideology. Quel surprise. The immaturity of Islam and its condescending intolerance is once again on full display. More importantly however we finally have the Vatican joining in on the war to save civilization. It is about bloody time. Hollywood airheads, marxists, tearful compassionate conservative’s and ignorant liberals have long been wailing that Islam is moderate and peaceful and poses no threat to our existence. For a while the Vatican bought this line fusing it with the ‘brother ideology’ spam that spun its website into a pro-Islamic discourse during the reign of John Paul II. Thankfully Benedict eschews this nonsense. Even for non-Christians it is vital that the church that helped build Western civilization face up to the monstrosity that is modern fascist Islam. Islam and Christianity have nothing in common. Benedict knows this and only expressed the obvious. That Muslims are outraged only demonstrates the validity of what he said.
Pope Benedict did the world a favor by outlining some fundamental differences between Christianity’s view that God is intrinsically linked to reason (the Greek concept of logos) and Islam´s view that “God is absolutely transcendent.” Benedict said that Islam teaches that God’s “will is not bound up with any of our categories, even that of rationality.” Islam thus promotes a concept of the divine justifying the irrationality of violence if someone believes it is God’s will. As Benedict states; “As far as understanding of God and thus the concrete practice of religion is concerned, we find ourselves faced with a dilemma which nowadays challenges us directly. Is the conviction that acting unreasonably contradicts God’s nature merely a Greek idea, or is it always and intrinsically true?” The question answers itself. To Benedict and Christians violence is never to be condoned [turn the other cheek], even perhaps in self-defense though a rational realist would deign to disagree. It is Islam’s addiction to war; pagan practices; slavery; the abomination of women; and its swaggering arrogant intolerance that highlights the unacceptability of the creed and juxtaposes its mediocrity in comparison with Christianity.
Commentators from the West have known since the 7th century AD that Islam was a warrior ideology and a paganism given to destruction not creation. Benedict went so far as to quote a 14th century Byzantine emperor´s hostile view of Islam’s founder. “The emperor comes to speak about the issue of jihad, holy war,” the Pope said. “He said, I quote, ‘Show me just what Muhammad brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached.’” Mohammed was a vagabond, a rapist, a killer, a genocidal lunatic, and a pagan warrior prince who united the Arabs under the banner of their existing moon cult and assorted anti-modern practices. He was about as holy as Hitler. Benedict knows this. By using Mohammed by name in his indirect criticism of Islam he gets to the root of the problem. Islam is a fascist tyranny founded by a irreligious and quite deranged madman.
As Churchill said the depth of a politician can sometimes be measured by the extent of the outrage to his policies. Benedict’s remarks have touched off the usual firestorm in the Islamic world. Most of the demonstrators have of course never read his remarks, whipped into fury by their Imam’s and Mullah’s many are screaming against the Vatican and the West because they are told to. Perhaps they should read some primary source material about their ‘prophet’. Robert Spencer’s new book on Mohammed’s life might be a good start. Tracing the origins of Islam to its 7th century pagan Arabian roots, Spencer uses Islamic sources to uncover the madness of the ‘prophet’. An illiterate man from a pagan tribe of Mecca, Mohammed took the existing moon cult, fashioned monotheism onto it, declared it holy and good and united through political intrigue and war the disparate Arab tribes. Jewish and Christian competitors and trading centers were destroyed and their inhabitants converted; enslaved; or forcibly exiled. Mohammed was no prophet but a pagan warrior intent on women; gold and power. Such is the sad, sordid beginnings of despotic Islam.
But don’t expect Benedict’s or Spencer’s analysis to filter into the mainstream world. For the elite and the politically correct multi-culturati Islam is a religion not an ideology. As a religion it is assumed that it is unassailable. But this is nonsense. Islam is no more a religion than was Bolshevism or Hitlerism. The pagan roots and practices still in existence today are undeniable. So is the gross intolerance of its ethos and the maniacal evil fanaticism of its founder. Like Lenin or Hitler, Mohammed was a depraved and raging fascist intent on establishing power through a death cult. The Vatican for most of the current modern period has ignored the fascism of Islam’s founder; and the intolerance of his ideology. Finally we have a Pope that sees reality. Not a moment too soon either.