Gab@StFerdinandIII -
Plenty of cults exist - every cult has its 'religious dogma', its idols, its 'prophets', its 'science', its 'proof' and its intolerant liturgy of demands. Cults everywhere: Corona, 'The Science' or Scientism, Islam, the State, the cult of Gender Fascism, Marxism, Darwin and Evolution, Globaloneywarming, Changing Climate, Abortion...
Tempus Fugit Memento Mori - Time Flies Remember Death
Soon the Globaloney Warming cult will have the same poll ratings as the Great Black Jesus – that is to say ineffably and strongly negative. The Mother Earth Cult was long a fraud and only recently and incontrovertibly exposed as such. The largest scam in history in fact with Marxist designs at World Government. For any child not brain-washed by public school propaganda knows that the climactic norm on Mother Earth is an ice age. Far from being evil – Co2 emissions are a natural chemical necessary for life – and one which denotes progress not despoliation. Concepts that the Green Fascists are unfamiliar with.
Back in Februrary 2009 a real scientist one William Happer, the Cyrus Fogg Brackett Professor of Physics at Princeton University gave a statement to the Robespierrian titled U.S. Senate Environment and Public Works Committee. A bizarre name for an eclectic and largely useless oversight committee. This real scientist made it clear – as many have done over the past decades – that the mean climate on the Mother Earth ship is an ice age and that Co2 has no impact whatsoever on natural processes and climate change:
“...the current warming period began about 1800 at the end of the little ice age, long before there was an appreciable increase of CO2. There have been similar and even larger warmings several times in the 10,000 years since the end of the last ice age. These earlier warmings clearly had nothing to do with the combustion of fossil fuels. The current warming also seems to be due mostly to natural causes, not to increasing levels of carbon dioxide. Over the past ten years there has been no global warming, and in fact a slight cooling. This is not at all what was predicted by the IPCC models.
Many of us are aware that we are living in an ice age, where we have hundred-thousand-year intervals of big continental glaciers that cover much of the land area of the northern hemisphere, interspersed with relative short interglacial intervals like the one we are living in now. By looking at ice cores from the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets, one can estimate past temperatures and atmospheric concentrations of CO2. Al Gore likes to display graphs of temperature and CO2 concentrations over the past million years or so, showing that when CO2 rises, the temperature also rises. Doesn't this prove that the temperature is driven by CO2? Absolutely not! If you look carefully at these records, you find that first the temperature goes up, and then the CO2 concentration of the atmosphere goes up. There is a delay between a temperature increase and a CO2 increase of about 800 years.”
Reality, observations and data make it clear that there is no Co2 or anthropogenic warming. In fact the opposite is obvious
But Happer is just simply an Exxon paid dunce is he not ? Exxon et al have a lot to gain from Globaloney Warming and carbon trading have spent millions funding this research. But Happer is hardly an oil loving goon. As his introduction made clear he has spent his entire professional life studying the interactions of visible and infrared radiation with gases - “one of the main physical phenomena behind the greenhouse effect. I have published over 200 papers in peer reviewed scientific journals. I am a member of a number of professional organizations, including the American Physical Society and the National Academy of Sciences.”
And so on. A resume of a scientist – which never makes it into the media, L Ron Gore's presentations or the laughably hysterical UN declarations that the world will soon end. Just for the record the first UN pronouncement that Globaloney Warming would destroy Mother Earth was made in 1989 with the end of the world occurring circa 2000. Rather an inaccurate forecast one could say. But according the media-UN complex we must believe every moronic statement and forecast from the cult.
We should be happy that we are living in an interregnum period – it sure beats living in an age of ice with no modern world. As one geologist stated:
“The climate of the ice ages is documented in the ice layers of Greenland and Antarctica. We have cored these layers, extracted them, and studied them in the laboratory. Not only were ice ages colder than today, but the climates were considerably more variable. Compared to the norm of the last million years, our climate is remarkably warm, stable and benign. During the last ice age in Greenland abrupt climatic swings of 30 °F were common. Since the ice age ended, variations of 3 °F are uncommon.”
As I wrote previously in connection with the above comment and factual reality, “Today we have little minds squawking about a 1.2 C change in temperature. From 1945 to 1975, with a world-wide economy growing at more than 5%, and with industrial post-war production reaching historic highs, the earth's temperature fell by some 1 C. Hence in the 1970s and 80s, the hysterical calls about Globaloney Cooling. Than the temperature for about 10 years gradually increased about 1 C or to the mean level for the past 100 years. Hence the hysterical calls about Globaloney Warming. Do not the exaggerated calls and predictions of the end of the world, not appear to be rather insane?”
Insanity is after all a hallmark of a cult. Irrational paganism is not a sign of intelligence but of puerility, stupidity and in the case of the UN, L Ron Gore, the oil firms, and large corporations, an indication of greed and lust for power. Why would any cognitive person, complain about a natural chemical which is emitted mostly by nature and which is less than 1 % of all 'greenhouse' gases ? These are the same people one assumes who would have believed Nazi propaganda, Lenin's epistles, Stalin's writings predicting the inevitable victory of Russian-socialism over capitalism; or the madness encased in the lunacy of the Koran and the Moon cult of Arabia.
Why does anyone want morons running the world ?