Gab@StFerdinandIII -
Plenty of cults exist - every cult has its 'religious dogma', its idols, its 'prophets', its 'science', its 'proof' and its intolerant liturgy of demands. Cults everywhere: Corona, 'The Science' or Scientism, Islam, the State, the cult of Gender Fascism, Marxism, Darwin and Evolution, Globaloneywarming, Changing Climate, Abortion...
Tempus Fugit Memento Mori - Time Flies Remember Death
Theology is not science. Metaphysics and theological eschatology and revelation, are divorced from true science and empirical evidence. They must be. Faith is informed by reason; and reason can lead to faith. But at some point the two do not interact. Faith should certainly be premised on rational ideas, thoughts, experiences and even physical evidence. This is what a true faith would present. However, when faith is blind, irrational, counter-factual, bizarre and offends common-sense, it should be discarded as a cult. This describes the cult of Warm perfectly. No reason, no rationality, no evidence, but plenty of money fueling a cult of blind faith and adherence.
A theory which purports to explain 'everything' such as Warming is not science, but a theology.
From the book, written by real scientists who look at reality, 'Climate Change the Facts' [yes apparently the climate does indeed change, from entirely natural phenomena and convection cycles]....
It is about the $50 billion in per annum funding available and power:
Global warming is about politics and power rather than science. In science, there is an attempt to clarify; in global warming, language is misused in order to confuse and mislead the public. The misuse of language extends to the use of climate models.
...armies of bureaucrats, politicians, scientists, and businesses living off the climate catastrophe scare. Furthermore, the education system has been captured by activists, and the young are inculcated with environmental, political, and economic ideology.
A trace chemical which is plant food causes weather? molecule of every 85,000 in the atmosphere is CO2 of human origin, and yet we are asked to believe that this one molecule drives hugely complex climate change systems.
...great ice ages were initiated when atmospheric CO2 was far higher than at present and, with the first two great ice ages, up to a thousand times higher than the current atmospheric CO2 content.
Climate models are not reality and are fraudulent, hence no public vetting allowed:
NOAA’s adjustments during the period 1979–2008 had exaggerated the extent of ‘global warming’ by 100 per cent. Or, to put it another way, half of the ‘global warming’ that supposedly happened in the US in the late twentieth century turns out – on closer scrutiny – to have been completely made up
Computers do not generate evidence: they analyse evidence that should have been repeated and validated. On the basis of the evidence and analysis of evidence, an explanation is given. This explanation is a scientific theory and must be in accord with other validated evidence from diverse sources (this is known as the coherence criterion in science).
After hundreds of failed doom and gloom forecasts, maybe the public might clue in to the fraud:
...graveyards of failed forecasts by climate doomers. These include the spectacular forecasts by Tim Flannery that Australian cities would run out of fresh water, by Professor Hoegh Guldberg that the Great Barrier Reef would die, by Professor Karoly that the Murray Darling would see increasing drought, by the UK Met Office that warming would resume, and by Ross Garnaut and Al Gore that hurricanes would increase.
Soon explodes the myth that 97 per cent of scientists regard human induced global warming as both likely and serious. He shows that it is the sun, which like all stars has different levels of radiative intensity, that is overwhelmingly the cause of Earth’s climatic variations.
As with Darwinism, there is no science in Globaloneywarming. Cant and dogma replace the process of scientific inquiry.
So what do we have ? A cult spewing forth lies, propaganda, myth, fraud, and endless innuendo about the end of the world, or why you need to take action now! Plant food has no more effect on climate than any other trace chemical. It speaks volumes about how pathetic our education and media systems have become, along with how corrupt government and political systems truly are; that 50% or more of the population believes or are coerced into believing, that a trace chemical necessary for life; which must by definition fall out of larger hydrological processes, causes weather.