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Letters by a modern St. Ferdinand III about cults

Gab@StFerdinandIII -

Plenty of cults exist - every cult has its 'religious dogma', its idols, its 'prophets', its 'science', its 'proof' and its intolerant liturgy of demands.  Cults everywhere:  Corona, 'The Science' or Scientism, Islam, the State, the cult of Gender Fascism, Marxism, Darwin and Evolution, Globaloneywarming, Changing Climate, Abortion...

Tempus Fugit Memento Mori - Time Flies Remember Death 

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Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Immanuel Velikovsky, 'Earth in Upheaval', 1955 reprinted 2009, 263 pages

Challenging the cult of Darwin. Another thought criminal.

by StFerdIII

 Velikovsky was a Russian scientist who dared to challenge the 100 year old theory of the cult of Darwin. According to the Church of the Holy Evolution, sanctified by 'scientists' as dogma-in-truth; the earth's climate was stable, and evolution took millions of years to take hold, premised on the never-proven, and never-seen theory of 'natural selection'. The Church of the Holy Evolution maintains that members of a species compete in their natural environment, with the fittest possessing some genetic traits that allow certain members of that species to survive whilst others die out. These 'superior' traits are genetically passed on and the species 'progresses' to the sunlit uplands of perfection [like say the ostrich or the sloth]. No proof whatsoever has ever been forwarded to support either of this cult's assumptions: namely that the earth's climate was always stable, and that natural selection is what develops existing life forms.

Darwin was flummoxed by many inconsistencies in his own cult dogma. In Chile he sat in front of a 1300 foot cliff and looked at recent marine fossils. Obviously in the past 1-2.000 years the sea level had dropped precipitously and quite suddenly. He admitted this and promptly ignored the evidence. He was distraught over the sudden appearance of angio-sperms or flowering plants and bushes in the geological record. He ignored that inconvenient fact. He could not explain why the mass graves of animals which had no business being together such as bears, wolves, mammoths, dear, camel and elephants, all shattered and smashed. So he ignored it. He also never bothered to show or prove his natural selection idea. Plenty of species have been extinguished. But what proof is there of a species 'evolving' from 'natural selection'? He gave none.

Despite the lack of evidence, the cult of Darwin and its dogma is taught to be 'science'. This is similar to the cult of warm which is broadcast by the media and the politicians to be 'science'. Activism is not science, and neither is unproven conjecture. Enter the Russian Velikovsky who after some 20 years of work, published, using an enormous corpus of proof, that the earth's climate was inherently and cyclically unstable; and that species died en masse in mass extinctions and new species appeared suddenly and fully formed. He was vilified, professionally pummelled, attacked, degraded, slandered, and expunged from scientific circles during the 1960s to 1980s. No one attacked his source material, his proof, his evidence, his logic or his reasoning. They attacked the man and by they we mean 'scientists', the media and sundry other worthies. The exact same cycle is present today. Deny the cult of human-induced warming, and you will be targeted as a 'denier', fit only for death, or at the very least, a public hanging. No grant money from the ever-generous state, which has a vested and quite evil interest in propagating the cult of warm. This activism is now branded 'objective science', deeply worried about the children's future.

Regarding the Church of the Holy Evolution and the cult of Darwin, Velikovsky brilliantly mocks the cults of stability and evolution in the following:

'The earth is no abode for peaceful evolution for eons uncounted, or counted in billions of years, with mountain building all finished by the Tertiary, with no greater event in millions of years than the fall of a large meteorite, with a prescribed orbit, unchanging calendar, unchanging latitudes, sediment accumulating slowly with the precision of an apothecary scale, with a few riddles unsolved but assured of solution in the very same frame of a solar system, with planets on their permanent orbits with satellites moving with a better-than-clock precision, with tides coming in time, and seasons in their order, a perfect stage for the competition of species; the spider and worm and fish and bird and mammal all evolved solely by means of competition among individuals and between species, from the common ancestor, a unicellular living creature.”

As Velikovsky points out, using proof that is widely known and available amongst geologists and 'scientists', climate catastrophes and genocidal destruction of species is the norm, not the exception in the earth's history:

-In Siberia millions of mammoths died suddenly and their remains are mixed with the bones of rhinoceri, camel, bear and other animals not native to present day Siberia. Some catastrophe wiped out millions of beasts in an instant.

-Cuvier and other geologists have proven that much mountain building in Europe [Alps, Norway] and in the Himalayas is quite recent – within the historical record of man or within the last 5.000 years. Marine fossils can be found at 20.000 feet in the Himalayas, and it is estimated that 1/3 of their height has occurred in the last 3-5.000 years.

-Mountain chains including the Alps and the Rockies, have 'moved' within the historical record of mankind [last 5000 years].

-Europe once had a very temperate climate with huge fauna such as massive elephants and hippopotami, and gigantic carnivora. This landscape was quite suddenly buried under an ice age.

-Plant remains including figs, magnolia and juicy subtropical plants have been found in Greenland.

-Antarctica was once covered with forests.

-In what is now Lake Michigan and the highlands of Quebec, whales roamed with bones found 440 feet and higher, above sea level.

-Near Beijing mass graves containing buffaloes, ostriches, mammoths and other species not native to China, have been unearthed. The bones are crushed, disfigured, smashed.

-A few thousand years ago, lava had covered Belgium and France.

-In paleolithic times, mankind in the Sahara region would have witnessed; the creation of the Straits of Gibraltar, the collapse of the Canary Islands from Africa; and the opening up of the Red Sea and the separation of Ethiopia from Arabia, as well as a radical change in Saharan climate which took what was a large inland sea, teeming with life, and created a desert.

-Bottoms of every ocean indicate that the earth has undergone massive extra-terrestrial attacks of comets, meteors and falling debris, which would have included radioactive material such as carbon 14, beryllium and strontium.

-It is well known that the poles have shifted, with the Arctic ending up in times past near present-day Ecuador.

-The earth's magnetic field has dropped in times past, and carbon has rained down on the earth's surface causing massive destruction, fires, and the extinction of species.

-The earth's orbit and speed of rotation has been greatly affected in times past, through the intercession of comets, and other large bodies in near space.

And on it goes with Velikovsky and his 'tiresome' proof. Why didn't he just join the Church of the Holy Evolution and its dogma ? Surely government funding would have made his life and career, more comfortable. And who of Co2 causing 'dirty weather' and 'climate change' ?

Of the atmospheric conditions that could effect a rise or drop in temperature, the varying quantity of carbon dioxide in the air and also of dust particles was called on to explain the changes in temperature in the past. With the dimunition of the carbon dioxide content in the air there would be a fall in temperature, but it was demonstrated by calculation that this could not have been sufficient to cause the Ice Age. If the earth were enveloped in clouds of dust that kept the rays of the sun from penetrating to the ground, there would be a fall in temperature. However, one would have to explain where such extensive and thick clouds of dust in the atmosphere could come from.”

It appears that the cult of warm, married to the Church of the Holy Evolution long predates the activism of Al Gore, the UN IPCC and the Sierra Club et al. Today Velikovsky would be branded a thought criminal and crucified upside down in a public square. No need to debate what he says. It is the 'feeling' and the mantra which counts. 

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