Gab@StFerdinandIII -
Plenty of cults exist - every cult has its 'religious dogma', its idols, its 'prophets', its 'science', its 'proof' and its intolerant liturgy of demands. Cults everywhere: Corona, 'The Science' or Scientism, Islam, the State, the cult of Gender Fascism, Marxism, Darwin and Evolution, Globaloneywarming, Changing Climate, Abortion...
Tempus Fugit Memento Mori - Time Flies Remember Death
According to the cult and non-science of Evolution, information – syntactical, organized, specified and coded – happens by random chance via 'mutations'. There are 4-5.000 known diseases due to mutations. They kill genomic software, they don't add value. Not one single example of a natural process variation in genetic makeup due to 'natural selection' has been observed or replicated. None. Evolution of the pond scum to the 100 trillion cell information system called the human, is as inane and debauched as screaming that the abacus via mutational enhancements become the web-system named Amazon.
Werner Gitt's classic book on information just by itself destroys Darwin's cult. Why? Information and software do not, cannot, and never will arise by chance. Either you have the code in your genomic makeup or you don't. You can't wish and strive to fly as a human [Lamarck]; nor will the 'environment' add new code to your system [Lysenko]. Genetic code is either turned on or off, a process that humans still don't fully comprehend as evidenced by the dramatic and to Darwinian acolytes, catastrophic discovery of the epigenome which acts as a programmer, affecting which genetic functions can be used in response to internal and external stimuli. No new code is added. Only what is available can be used.
Consider the complexity of taking a zygote to a human. No new information is added after the gestation period begins. You are fully human from the first second the baby begins the gestation period.
“..heart of the fetus [a few weeks old] already pumps almost 8 gallons (30 liters) of blood per day, and at birth this volume will be 92 gallons (350 liters).”
by the “15th day, a dramatic new development occurs: the first blood vessels appear. A few days later another wonderful event takes place: Within the tiny breast of the 1.7 mm long embryo two blood vessels join to form the heart, which begins to pump blood...”
Evolution cannot explain human embryonic development. Either the entire cadre of software code to produce a human is there or it is not. You are not 'recapitulating your ancestors' and moving from fish to lemur in the womb. That fraud [Haeckel] is sheer lunacy.
I have yet to see software code write itself. Or change, edit, transform, or maintain itself. Gitt:
“DNA fiber is only about two millionths of a millimeter thick, so that it is barely visible with an electron microscope. The chemical letters A, G, T, and C are located on this information tape, and the amount of information is so immense in the case of human DNA that it would stretch from the North Pole to the equator if it was typed on paper, using standard letter sizes.”
DNA code is software code. Period. The 'letters' of DNA are coded syntax when arranged in specified functional units. There is no random chance associated with language. Consider the volume of complex information you process each day:
“...number of bits being processed daily in the human body is more than a million times the total amount of human knowledge stored in all the libraries of the world, which is about 1018 bits...”
10 to the power of 18 is more information, than is stored in all the books, in all the libraries in the world. Yet this vast system of processing, storage and acute interactive complexity is deemed to be the result of impersonal, chaotic processes by the cult of Darwin:
“....information-processing events occurring in the human body is 3 × 1024. This includes all deliberate as well as all involuntary activities, the former comprising the use of language and the information required for controlling voluntary movements, while the latter includes the control of the internal organs and the hormonal systems.”
How can the human process such information if the underlying complexities of managing and acting on that information were 'random' ? It is mathematically impossible that even one protein can be formed in nature, by random chance. Why for example would chaos produce insulin which can only exist if manufactured by DNA, RNA and ribosomes, and which needs a blood stream itself dependent on arteries and veins, not to mention a chamber pump for the blood?
“...about 50,000 different proteins in the human body, each of which performs important functions. Their structure as well as the relevant "chemical factories" in the cells have to be encoded in such a way that protein synthesis can proceed optimally, combining the correct quantities of the required substances.”
These 50.000 different proteins in aggregate form some 2-10 million total proteins in the body. We don't even know the actual number. Not one single smaller protein such as insulin [51 amino acids], has been formed by random chance chaos in nature, nor even within a lab. Yet we are to believe that millions of these formulations, in which the available choice to produce a specified chain of functionality from 20 amino acid bases runs into the thousands of trillions of possible combinations per protein [ie mathematically impossible by chance], were magically created by Darwinian chance. Stupid.
As Gitt explains the volume of information alone, and the structure of the informational systems by themselves, disprove Darwin's cult.