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Letters by a modern St. Ferdinand III about cults

Gab@StFerdinandIII -

Plenty of cults exist - every cult has its 'religious dogma', its idols, its 'prophets', its 'science', its 'proof' and its intolerant liturgy of demands.  Cults everywhere:  Corona, 'The Science' or Scientism, Islam, the State, the cult of Gender Fascism, Marxism, Darwin and Evolution, Globaloneywarming, Changing Climate, Abortion...

Tempus Fugit Memento Mori - Time Flies Remember Death 

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Wednesday, October 2, 2013

The Devil's Delusion, by David Berlinski

Atheism and its Scientific pretensions.

by StFerdIII


Berlinski is a mathematician and scientist based in Paris. He is a 'secular Jew' whatever that might truly mean [irreligious and humanist most likely]. He also enjoys mocking the inane cult of Darwin, in which protozoa via the gods of chance, time, luck, and 'mutations', turned into the 50-100 Trillion cell complexity of the human. Dumb. Berlinski is a witty, biting, sarcastic and very talented writer; who uses science to debunk the nonsensical dogma of Darwin's cult. There is no science, but much illiteracy, fraud, mendacity and paucity of logic within the cult of Darwin – all lavishly funded and supported by the state and its educational financing. What a surprise.

Evolution is not only irrational [did lizards really jump from trees and turn into birds ? Holy cow]; immoral [it leads to the destruction of human life via fittest will survive etc.]; unscientific [it offends the first two laws of thermodynamics]; and unsupported [the fossil record contradicts evolution]; it is also an endless spigot of money, relevancy in media control, and degradation of the status of the human, paving the way for anti-humanist theologies, state-control, and of course the abortion-euthanasia complex, itself tax-funded. Nice cult. Cults are now science?

Berlinski wittily denounces the amoral and non-scientific cult of Darwin, inter-alia presenting:

Tolerating the intolerant:

If rural atheism is familiar, it is also irrelevant Religious men and women, having long accommodated the village idiot, have long accommodated the village atheist.” [both are largely the same?]

This would not be the first time that an ideological system in conflict with the facts has found it prudent to defer to itself. And with predictably incoherent results.”

Note: The folly of abiogenesis [life from dead matter], the reality of bio-chemistry, the fossil record, the vast complexity of the cell, DNA, RNA, the 50 to 100 Trillion cells of the human...all militate against a breezy and simplistic mechanistic answer for life.

Dialectical Evolution?:

Wallace [who created along with Darwin the evolutionary theory]...published in 1869 [an essay] “Certain of our physical characteristics” he observed, “are not explicable on the theory of variation and survival of the fittest.” These included the human brain, the organs of speech and articulation, the human hand, and the external human form...”

A successful evolutionary theory of the human mind would, after all, annihilate any claim we might make on behalf of freedom. The physical sciences do not trifle with determinism..”

Note: Darwinism is simply another stage theory from the mid-19th century, an absurd Atheist induced application of phaseology applied to natural science, from the simple to the complex, abetted by time, the god of chance, and the goddess of mutations [mutations kill or neuter cells, they don't add genomic material....]

'Scientific Materialism' [again]

The advantage of materialism as a doctrine is that it sanctions an easy argument for atheism. Either the Deity is a material object or is it not. If he is, then he is just one of those things, and if he is not, then materialism could not be true.”

Individual scientists may make mistakes, but like the Communist Party under Lenin, science is infallible because its judgements are collective. Critics are unneeded, and since they are unneeded, they are not welcome.”

Note: Materialism is always tautological. 'We' are right, therefore everything supports our theory – even when it does not.

Einstein was wrong so too is Hawking:

[Einstein] believed that his cosmic blueprint would reveal a universe that had neither a beginning nor an end....In 1963, the physicists Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson observed what seemed to be the living remnants of the Big Bang.....persuaded physicists that the structure of the Big Bang cosmology was anchored into fact.”

Among philosophers concerned to promote Atheism, satisfaction in Hawking's conclusion has been considerable...Quantum cosmology is a branch of mathematical metaphysics.”

For scientific atheists, the question answers itself: Better logic than nothing, and better nothing than God. It is a response that serves moral as well as physical thought. “

Note: Used car salesmen make more sense than Hawking who posits an impossible beginning of time and states that there are millions of 'simple' universes running in parallel to ours.....Einstein's fixation was to prove that the universe has no beginning nor an end; yet much scientific evidence supports the opposite claim.


Berlinski's book is a delightful and well-written account of much that is wrong with Darwin's 150 year old fraud. If evolution was science I would support it. I have no problems with evolution as a theory. The issue is that not one single shred of scientific and geological fact supports Darwin's theology. 

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