Gab@StFerdinandIII -
Plenty of cults exist - every cult has its 'religious dogma', its idols, its 'prophets', its 'science', its 'proof' and its intolerant liturgy of demands. Cults everywhere: Corona, 'The Science' or Scientism, Islam, the State, the cult of Gender Fascism, Marxism, Darwin and Evolution, Globaloneywarming, Changing Climate, Abortion...
Tempus Fugit Memento Mori - Time Flies Remember Death
“I can imagine nothing more boring than atheism...telling oneself: “The world is an empty room. I have no one, here or hereafter, because there is no hereafter. I am alone. I have no friend here and none in heaven, because there is no heaven.”
Wurmbrand a former Atheist and now a Christian spent 14 years in solitary confinement in Romania, a beaten man, subject to the utopian ideals of the 'brave new world' of communal Fascism, sometimes called Communism. He saw the ugly face of atheist-communal theology up close; the repelling sneer of the strutting fascist who is certain that the mouse became mozart, that faith is a fantasy; and that 'science' and the material world are all that existence of poverty mixed in with ignorance.
“Truth sits on a four-legged stool, of which science is only one leg. The others are reason, faith and intuition. Truth also draws on imagination and insight as sources.”
Wurmbrand identifies the negativity of Atheism, and the ruthless immorality of its components, namely state and cult power; and evolution. Since when did people become so stupid that they believe 2 million genes residing on a pair of chromosomes formed by chance; or that 48 feet of library book shelf space named DNA, was a product of mutations and time ? In an age of information are we truly that ignorant and diseased ?
“[according to] Darwinism, human speech is the result of chance mutations. But in order for a man to speak, great changes had to take place simultaneously in the brain, the neck, the jaws, the mouth, the tongue. What is the probability of such a fortuitous coincidence?”
The probability of a single gene arising by chance is 1 x 10 to the power of 247. 10 to the power of 50 is impossible.....
“...highly complex structures as the liver, heart, thyroid gland and eye, not to mention chromosomes, could not arise of themselves. Neither could the brain that serves even atheism with such great skill.”
Evolution has nothing to do with science and everything to do with a negative philosophy one that leads to the desecration of the sacred and the degradation of the profound.
“Both Newton and Einstein believed in God, though arriving in different ways. Neils Bohr, Piccard, Pasteur, Mendel, Filatov and innumerable other scientists and founders of scientific disciplines were believers. Theirs is a telling witness to the existence of God.”
Today 'science' disavows a divinity or the existence even of the immaterial. This makes modern day science nothing more than quackery. What is the end result of genuflecting to the cult of science ? Abortion, state power, state sanctioned murder; euthanasia, endless propaganda to support state-funded 'science'; and the removal of objective morality, thinking, and prudence from the public sphere.
“Dostoievsky had said it before in The Brothers Karamazov: “If there is no God, everything is permissible.”
How many people read Dostoevsky today ? Few indeed.
Under the aegis of 'science' and 'facts' atheist-Evolutionists such as Hitler, Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot, brandishing their dialectical 'truths' became acceptable as gods.
“Throughout history, governments have attempted to remove God from society to enforce on its people a set of values based on many gods (polytheism) or no God (atheism).”
“Nietzsche, who became the pet philosopher of Hitler and Mussolini, railed against hospitals and orphanages. German philosopher Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel said that men have the unquestioned right to put an end to all suffering by death. Today the subject of euthanasia is very much in the news.”
The worst tyrannies in history: Hitler, Stalin, Mao; were all formulated by atheist-evolutionists, who believed in a communal utopia. Contrary to the moronic claims of modern Leftists, Hitler's regime was not 'right wing' – whatever that means – but a communal construct in which the state through the Nazi cult controlled all aspects of social, economic and political life. No freedom, no free-will, no free-trade, no free-flow of capital, no freedom of association, no free exchange of ideas. Yet for modern idiots such a system is declared 'right wing'. So much for science.
“Stalin, an admirer of Darwin, drew the following logical conclusion from his book: Man is the result of a fierce battle for survival against other species. In this battle the most pitiless survived. So let me be pitiless.”
Evolution is a negative, anti-human theology.
Mendel the monk discovered modern genetics. Yet he was not 'qualified' enough to be a teacher.....
“..priest Gregor Mendel became the father of genetics some 100 years before the discovery of genes or even of chromosomes. But because his ideas were considered too revolutionary, he never succeeded in passing even a teacher’s examination. He was told: “One cannot expect exactness when dealing with living things. It is not like physics, where one measures length or force or velocity. Life is too complex and mysterious for a ruler or a watch. You cannot measure the fragrance of a flower.”
So much for the age of enlightenment.
Atheism negates the very idea of a god, or a divine essence. What an impoverished life that must lead to. A life of the negative, devoid of great art, architecture, music, science, reason and hope.
“St. Bonaventura said, “Quod de Deo scire possimus, quid not fit, non quid fit,” meaning “We can know about God only what He is not, not what He is.” Other thinkers have been led to the same conclusion. Nicholas of Cusa said, “The intellect knows that it is ignorant of Thee because it knoweth Thou canst not be known, unless the unknowable could be known, and the invisible beheld, and the inaccessible attained.”
The human mind is circumscribed and as Wurmbrand makes clear, quite limited in its capacity. This truth makes a mockery of the claim that 'science knows all'. Science through the prism of a weak human intellect is itself simply a by-product of a corrupt and contaminated process, imprisoned by our debilitated mental power.
“Every second, 1,000,000,000,000,000 neutrinos—elementary particles with no electric charge and little or no mass, radiated by the sun—pass through every human body. This startling bit of information was unknown until recently. Even so, not one in a thousand, or perhaps a million, is aware of it. Thus, entities can exist without our knowledge. Primroses grew on mountaintops long before humans discovered them.”
Atheists would make the claim circa 1980 that neutrinos did not exist because we had 'never observed them'. This specious claim, posited by illiteracy, would have been made a trillion times in human history dating back to the neolithic before the invention of fire. Abiogenesis, or life from dead matter a staple of evolutionary theory, was debunked in 1862 by Pasteur, yet in 1861 someone must have said that 'microbes don't exist because we have not seen them'.
So much for atheism and its 'science', more appropriately named, cult dogma.